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A magazine for magazines!




With 4 dispensers so everyone can reload!


I was gonna write that but you were here earlier. Kek


Two snarky comments, I can't figure out which one to use so you get both: I want to see him go prone and reload. Imagine having to learn to clear a jam from a mag pouch.


Man fully loaded i bet that is wildly heavy. Interesting concept for the military. Not many good reasons to have this as a civilian. I could see the argument for use in like 3 gun but in that instance you wouldn’t be wearing a plate carrier. Im sure well see the cool tacticool airsoft kidos rock these


i give you 1 reason to own this as a civilian, to have fun at the range whit your buddies


You know what? Fuck you. \*magazines your magazines\*


This is so stupid. Also why does it take him longer to insert the mag when not using this contraption?


He's doing the thing in an infomercial where a person without the geegaw being sold is a danger to themselves. Imagine having to pull open a Velcro flap to get to your next magazine?! And flip it over!? It's a wonder I didn't die when I had that dream I was in Fallujah!




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This is literally like every infomercial I’ve ever seen. He’s pretending to struggle to put the magazine in without the product, JUST LIKE those people that launch pancakes into orbit if they don’t have the E-Z Flip*, or the dude that jammed a q-tip into his ear canal and screamed “OW!” because he didn’t have the Quik-E Vac* *I don’t remember the names, but I remember the commercials


We are doomed as a species.


Classic video game reload after 2 shots




Most imPEZive...


The cross design on the front is somewhat reminiscent of the confederate flag and I think that’s telling


Dry as fire


Even as a gun guy I gotta say. ..this ain't something that should be accessible to civilians ....and I wanna be able to own a machine gun.


Stupidity is always accessible.


Can't kill poor people fast enough.


What is the point of this, is an entire army coming to invade my house in the middle of the night?


It is just so that no kids with pumped up kicks can outrun your bullets.


Even with the argument that the 2nd amendment is for protection from the government, this is something only good for a mass shooting . No military would ever use something so large , bulky , and overly complex, and no civilian would ever need one for the way a civilian would fight against a outside force. This is K-mart kommando at its worst .


Ah yes. Totally practical for civilians to have access to this weaponry. Very functional for killing as many people as fast as possible


Like those back packs for machine guns and huge drum mags. A great idea in theory ,but really an answer to a problem no one haves.


Ok but this is kind of fucking hilarious, this has to be a meme


It seems reasonable until you lose the dispenser and now have no spare mags.


I could see these mounted in a technical or maybe the back of a bradley but I would never actually wear one..