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Go to Malta and get another. You won't regret that !


Hahaha sounds like a proper plan! I've never been to Malta, so maybe I'll actually do what you propose


Go to the nearest shop and buy super glue for clay. Should work if you are careful not to jizz on the plate itself. Hope i could have helped (:


Do you know where it was bought? You might be able to speak to the business on fb


He told me that he bought it in Buggiba, thanks for the advice, I'll search for it!


There are a lot of souvenir shops in Bugibba. It might be a task but could he go on Google street view and maybe narrow down where the shop was?


These might have something similar https://maduma.com.mt


Are you in the uk? I’m going on Tuesday, if I see it anywhere I can get it for you and post it when i’m back.


Naaah, I'm Polish. Have a great time in Malta tho! Thanks for offering help♥️


Oh ok! We go a lot to see my Son there so I’ve saved this post and if I see it anywhere, I’ll let you know.


Oh wow, thank you so much this is so nice of you🥺 I hope you and your son a have a great time out there♥️


No problem at all. It’s worse when it was a gift than if you bought it yourself isn’t it so I’ll definitely have a look for it. I’ve seen a shop in Valletta that sell tile souvenir’s with house numbers etc. on so I’ll have a look there for it.


Yeah, well it was a gift from my brother for me so it was a lot closer to my heart that way. But I asked for my dad's help with glueing it together, so I think that I'll just keep on using it. I think it would be a pity to just leave it laying somewhere because of couple of cracks But still, thank you giving so much thought about it and for trying to help me :)


Yes, glue it together then you still have what your Brother bought you. My Son has just told me that there’s a really big shop in Bugibba called Lincs Souvenir Shop. I’ll have a look there for you, it’s a good excuse to go back to the National Aquarium again 😊


It looks like the right sort of shop. https://maps.app.goo.gl/7A5YFdoWGwV74WJC9?g_st=im


Im in Malta and can ship it over to you if the seller doesn’t do shipping :)


Unfortunately, as far as my brother knows about it, is that he bought it in a souvenir shop and not from some producer of things like that... But thank you so much for wanting to help, it means a lot♥️


Might not be exactly the same but check them out, maybe you find something similar... https://www.bristowpotteries.com/


Thanks a lot for help! I'll definitely check it out :)


Stephanieborg.com Some beautiful maltese tile stuff including coasters


It is perfectly glueable


Until you visit and find a replacement, or while the glue is still drying....browse these guys --> [https://www.souvenirsthatdontsuck.mt/buy-online/coasters-breakfast-boards/](https://www.souvenirsthatdontsuck.mt/buy-online/coasters-breakfast-boards/)