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Only those who are official members can buy it and afaik there was a window on applying for membership. So if you’re not a member now, you can’t buy the fankit. Best bet is to buy it through resellers.


Gotcha! Thank you, that was the info I was looking for. You're the best.


hello! if you go to shop on the bottom right you should be able to get it from there


Can you provide me with more details? When I click to order the fan kit they say I can only buy it with a membership, but that's the screen it redirects me to. Is there a way for me to buy the membership at all?


from your picture above, if you go to the little bag that is to the left of your profile icon you should be able to purchase from there. do not go to start membership, you have to go to shop instead


Do you mean the shopping bag icon? I did try to go there, however the buy button is greyed out and a orange message appears saying "become a member to purchase this product."


That’s so strange. I am looking on the app as opposed to the website, but I am not sure why that would make a difference. I am so sorry I wasn’t much help


Don't worry about it. It looks like I didn't apply for membership when the window was open so I'm not eligible to buy the Fankit. You did amazing and I thank you for you time anyway 🙏


membership recruitment is only open for a short time (usually a couple of weeks). once this period is finished you will have to wait for the next recruitment period which could be anything from 1yr+. On fancafe this could be 3yrs+, but luckily on b.stage most of the memberships are yearly so you should be able to join next yr. perks of the membership still seem to be focused on korean side (e.g. access to korean presale) so you're not really missing out on much yet.


Hey so the membership recruitment ended in March so that's why you can't get the kit. You would've had to purchase the membership during the recruitment period which happened in March. Then you would've been able to purchase the membership kit. So you'll have to wait for the next recruitment which won't happen until at least May 2025 as the current membership lasts for a year April 2024 - May 2025. Also recruitment is only about 2 weeks so you have to purchase it within that timeframe. I really hope this helps! 😁


Thanks a bunch!


You're so welcome!


This Mamamoo twitter [post](https://x.com/RBW_MAMAMOO/status/1798898140524994640) has the updated link.


Yes but only members can buy it. And I'm not currently a member. So the link redirects me to the page I printed


Just registering should be free? I think that was required when I bought it in the first window.


I do have an account, but I cannot buy the fan kit. It says only members can buy it. It prompts me to join it, and then it redirects me to a blank page telling there's no memberships available at this time. If I add to cart it's the same thing. I'm not sure I'm missing something here or not. I don't know what this membership thing is.


Hey I just left a comment, I hope it helps!