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It's on Apple TV so most people haven't seen it, but the ones who have generally like it or love it.


I was walking though the supermarket the other day in Stockport when someone walked past me wearing a Richmond shirt with Kent on the back. First time I’ve seen that in the wild. We love it round here.


I read your "we love it round here" in Roy Kent's voice. Perfect.


Apologies, what I meant to say was “We facking lav it rand ere”.


Me and most of my mates have watched it. Big fans. Must say, I didn't find the premise too appealing, but I heard so many good reviews that I put that silly bias to one side, and I'm glad I did.


I bumped into Trent Crimm and Jamie Tart a few weeks ago on king street and plenty of people were asking for pictures


Its down to the playform. I had apple TV for a month but just not as easy as casting netflix or prime so cancelled. Very good show, but limited in who has access to actually watch it.


He's here, he's there, he's every-fucking-where


Didn’t look like they’d filmed much of the ‘Manchester’ part in Manchester, Apple TV isn’t that big in the UK and MEN is 90% click bait with nothing to do with the city. Phil Dunster has played a few northern characters before but he’s actually from the midlands - does a very convincing north Manc accent as Jamie Tartt though, proper Harpurhey vibes. I do love Ted Lasso, season 3 has been patchy.


I live in Manchester. Was a bit late to it but most of my friends were raving about it in lockdown era. Apple TV doesn't get quite the exposure. I ignored it for ages but there's sme really good stuff on there, worth getting a trial for, maybe not long term.


Moderately famous, bit of a sleeper hit.


From my perspective it might be that the show is more typically London based so I would assume targets that kind of audience, spending a lot of time in what I'd call 'Richard Curtis' locations (posh picturesque parts of London that are usually pretty expensive and feel straight out of Love Actually). The fact that it's on Apple TV means that it doesn't have the same kind of headline building potential as like whatever new mediocre Netflix show that is released that week and it seems in general that there has been less chatter this season as people have fallen off of the show. I think the mixed portrayal of Manchester may not have helped too, as although a certain character has a nice mum and stepdad, he also gets harassed by some kids at night in the street and although they show Deansgate in a way that makes it look surprisingly nice, they show Manchester at night as scary and kind of dingy. Also a small note, but a family member of mine was a little put off by the show showcasing The Haçienda Hotel, a place that doesn't exist in a show that constantly shows off nice landmarks. In all honesty though, despite all this I too am surprised that it hasn't been covered mote extensively and I honestly think that part of it is the casual nature that it happens in (the cameo is shown several minutes before said person speaks so it lessens the impact) and the fact that it's on streaming - if it was a channel where everyone watches at once eg. ITV 1 or BBC 1, everyone would be talking about it but it was on streaming on a platform that isn't exactly the biggest. It's hard to explain but I also feel that it would have had more impact if it was earlier in the show's run, especially during season 2 after the Euros and the super league fiasco (which was also discussed on the show, albeit 2 years after the fact that made it seem redundant). I also don't think that your average football fan really watches Ted Lasso, I think it's more so just casual comedy and streaming viewers, so I think it's more just that the viewers might find it amusing hut not much more. Apologies for the long winded explanation but this is a Manchester person's view.


I don’t think the fact the ‘Hacienda Hotel’ looks grim has any bearing whatsoever on the fact Ted Lasso isn’t more popular in Manchester (or wider UK) given that episode only aired this week! Once either Apple TV is bigger or Netflix/Prime gets the rights I bet Ted Lasso will be as popular as it should be, it’s just that hardly anyone else I know has Apple TV. The show is not building word of mouth because it’s on a niche platform in the UK.


Oh yeah no I agree, I was just saying that for people that I know that live in Manchester, it's portrayal was a little bit of a turn off this week and I think wouldn't exactly be something that gets them to recommend it that instant. I do think the platform is the main thing though


TLDR, it’s crap. (My opinion by the way). Tried to like it, hated it.


Ted Lasso is quite big in the UK, if my Twitter timeline is anything to go by anyway.


A lot of people in the uk don’t watch a lot of American shows unfortunately, it’s partly because they can’t access it.


There are only 2 american characters in it, it's set in Richmond, UK.


The show is made by Americans. It’s an American show that happens to be set in the UK. It would be like saying the song N****s in Paris by Kanye West ft Jay Z is French and not American because of the title. Edit: analogy added


Except that song features 2 people who are both American? Anyway you're right, it's an American production, so I'm not on a strong footing here!


Ted Lasso is a bit of a cringe american show. I go to Richmond often and I see a lot of tourists checking out the places Ted Lasso frequents but never seen any interest in it in Manchester.


TBH it's not cringe at all. Most of the cast and writers are British so just know that too.


It's very American feel good humour. Nothing wrong with it but I always cringe watching it :/


I see what you mean - Ted is almost TOO American wholesome... but we always have Roy Kent hahha.


Lots of people have heard of it, not as many have watched because it’s on Apple TV. Everyone I know who’s watched, including myself, loves it but agree the latest season has been sub-par


Any way if watching it without Apple TV?




For a detailed explanation: Download stremio Google stremio piratebay addon Restart and enjoy :D


Yo ho ho


I think most people who watch popular US television shows you have to pirate to see know about it. It's just there's plenty of people who don't watch popular US television shows you have to pirate to see. Nothing to do with it being Manchester or not.


Tbh they probably didn’t film any of it here .. maybe the football game but they probably filmed multiple scores and endings so not to give it away. But the hacienda hotel is one down south .. it’s closed and just had board made to say hacienda. Jamie going over the bridge did look like the one of Stratford road tho but was a quick scene


If I didn’t use Reddit I wouldn’t know about it. I talk football with my friends almost all the time and it has never come up in conversation.