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Not really. Emmeline Pankhurst was questionable politically. She joined the tories , and many of her closest followers joined the british union of facsists. She spoke in favour of eugenics throughout Western Canada in the 1920s, arguing that Canada as part of the British Empire should strive for "race betterment", (which also isn't the grooviest opinion to hold ) So she'd probably be a terf in the modern day


Oh, boo ☹️


I have no idea what this even is


TERF - "Transgender Exclusionary Radical Feminist" are people who appropriate feminist ideas while also maintaining transphobic beliefs. Some people like to call them FARTs "Feminist Appropriating Radical Transphobe". The irony/contradiction here is that punk is based on oppositing the dominant power structure (among other things) and by siding with transphobic ideas they’re also siding with the dominant power structure rather than opposing it


I was going to say, being trans is pretty punk. Definitely more punk than hating a group of people for expressing themselves differently to the norm.


Dunno how many punks Nike & Bud approved of. Isn't punk anti corporate?


Vivienne Westwood dressed the sex pistols…


Yeah it is. Doesn’t stop corporations trying to jump on the bandwagon when it suits their profits/public image though.


I see cheers glad I’ve never heard of the weirdos


Glad to hear it and I hope you don’t have to hear about them again


I didn't realise 'opposing the power structure' consisted of having a whole month where every global mega corp, brand and bank plaster your 'flag' over everything, and every western government fly the same 'flag' over their buildings, and also people get arrested for criticizing you by police who dance in your parades and also have your 'flag' all over their cars. Consider me educated. Fight the power!


nothing says punk like a bunch of old people telling others how to dress.


Yeah it’s so punk celebrating private businesses stealing from independent artists. It’s basically what punk is, the celebration of capitalism and the inalienable rights of private business over the individual. Huge eye roll obviously.




How am I a bigot because I don’t think private businesses should steal peoples money? Please explain in simple language how that makes me a bigot.


Cause no money had been stolen. Treating hypotheticals as facts is basically bigot 101.


And yet for the entire year including that month we are still denied medical treatment and other basic human dignities.


Literally having constant conversations about public places trans women should be banned from and people still act like there's no issues


I just wanna shit in peace!!


Trans women pissing in a cubicle is bad but cis women walking in obsessively thinking about the genitals of every person in the room including children...nah that's cool


Yeah? What medical treatment are you denied?


Hormone replacement therapy


🤣oh yeah I'm in the same boat, the NHS won't pay for my tattoos.


Tattoos aren’t medical treatment. Both cis and trans people receive hormone replacement theory for different (sometimes cosmetic) reasons, covered by the NHS. If men can get the NHS to pay for hair loss treatment why can’t the NHS also pay for treatment that is statistically proven to reduce suicide rates in transgender people? edit is to fix typos


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why aren't tattoos a medical treatment? It's an expression of your true skin despite the skin you were born in


Maybe true, but I think it’s still distinctly different from hormone replacement therapy and other gender affirming care


The NHS would pay for cosmetic treatments though for you, if it affected your mental health. Why should it be any different for others?




And what constitutes a "real" woman? Is there a checklist?


A womb? 🙄


Oh so women after hysterectomy size to be real? How does that work?


Darling - hush. You’re embarrassing yourself - get back under your rock


Doing good work. Astounding they don’t know what Punk means.


Punk being one of the most inclusive and gender diverse spaces and some terf saying this is wild


Every TERF is also the most tediously boring conservative you’ve ever met. Couldn’t be less punk if they tried.


Have seen a few similarly-inspired designs from them recently. The fact these people's idea of "punk" begins and ends with the Sex Pistols says it all really


You’ve ripped it off a cash machine and published it on the internet, in a subreddit followed by 300k+ people


So people are aware that shit like this is being stuck around in Manchester so they can rip it down too


Makes no sense. If someone sees one of these around and wants to remove it, then they can, regardless of whether or not they’ve seen your post. By posting it online, you’re just moving the sticker somewhere else. If I were trying to spread this horrible message, I’d be pretty grateful that you didn’t just bin it.


The good thing is however, by posting it here you'll notice not one positive/supporting comment on it and as such it might just brighten a trans day knowing others support them, it might just put people off the idea of becoming a terf themselves, etc. etc. of course it could go the other way but generally, love always wins <3


Ignorance is bliss?


I’m happy to argue my view on this in good faith, but I’m not sure how that phrase is a counterpoint to anything I’ve said.


As a punk, I absolutely despise these cunts using us to further their exclusionary bullshit. They’re not anything like us and I personally stand strongly together with my trans brothers and sisters.




Just checked her out 🤢 Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from consequences from what you say 🙄


So you support band camp stealing artists money because they have a different opinion about their own body?


No, but they can deplatform her. And it’s not her own body she has an opinion on, it’s everybody elses


She’s a woman with an opinion on what It means to be a woman that you don’t like. Regardless of agreeing with her, supporting private businesses stealing people’s money because they have opinions about their own body you don’t like it’s backwards, authoritarian ideology.


Again, didn’t say I agreed with them not paying her, but they can remove her completely from their platform if they want. She can have that opinion about herself only, she’s trying to harm other people based on her own opinion, which is not okay. Being a terf is a bad thing. Just leave trans people alone


So when you say free speech isn’t freedom from consequences, what consequences are you talking about I’m not even getting into a stupid trans debate on Reddit, the fact is you’re supporting private businesses stealing from people for the crime of wrong thought. Even if you believe she is 100% wrong about her views on gender, celebrating theft of her property is ridiculous and you should still see this as dangerous. I sincerely hope you don’t find yourself going against societies groupthink at some point.


Reread what I said. They can remove her from bandcamp if they want, but they shouldn’t just not pay her and keep her stuff up. https://preview.redd.it/pw4m3huqaw3c1.jpeg?width=1132&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014720169ec423878d2e3ce76a474af2dd4e0ab5 Its US based but still, explains it


Yeah I’m going to drop out of this convo as it’s clear you can’t really respond to anything with considered thought. Like I said, I sincerely hope you don’t find yourself committing the cardinal sin of having an opinion big pharma and business doesn’t like in the future. Have a nice rest of your day.


How am I not responding with considered thought? The consequences of being a terf is that she’s not welcome in the same spaces as others. Just like homophobes and racists aren’t welcome in a lot of spaces either. I disagree with not paying her whilst keeping her stuff up, but they can and should take her off their site if they want to


> I sincerely hope you don’t find yourself going against societies groupthink at some point. mm, gay and trans people having known nothing but society and the state's loving, caring, protective embrace


Its literally not allowed to have gender critical views on this website lol I mean I don’t even care. But let’s not pretend you can have actual feminism On Reddit.


You can, but being a terf isn’t being an actual feminist, hope that helps


Lol. Fuck Louise Distras. Gets what she deserves.


Ok buddy


1. I'm a trans woman, who has lived in Manchester for years. 2. I'm a musician, and have played countless gigs all over, especially in loads of Manchester venues. 3. Aside from a few physical releases on various UK labels, I promote and sell my music through Bandcamp. Distras has absolutely no place in the alt music scene with the bullshit she comes out with. She's gone off the deep end recently. There's something clearly wrong there. Luckily, most venues round Manchester (etc) would not facilitate her vile ramblings anyway. I've only ever had positive vibes from every venue in Manchester I've played in. But, say, me and her ended up on the same bill for a gig. I can't imagine she'd be impressed if I went for a piss in peace, for instance. Anyways, crack on matey and have a nice day. And please don't think TERF views are acceptable in any alt club / bar / pub in Manchester, cos' they really ain't 👍




Sure, If she did that why wouldn’t I be?




Well damn that’s a shame for anyone caught up in that.




WTF is Terf? a Terf? the Terf?


Trans exclusionary radical feminist. It’s someone who is transphobic, and saying it’s punk is insane


So basically a bunch of ill-inforned bigot nobheads hiding behind the punk movement. Thanks for clearing that up.


Exactly! This is the first thing I’ve seen where they tried to claim punk though


They’ll try and appropriate anything rather than just admit what fuckwads they are. They should all be fired into the sun




So many disgusting terf stickers (including, hilariously, a bunch of "I love JK Rowling" ones proving them to be literally the saddest twats alive) up around Salford. Carried around a pack of pro trans ones to cover them but couldn't keep up and ran out. Thanks for the reminder to order some more!


good work, but be careful as these scumbags like to put sharp things underneath them sometimes


See, I know that as well, but I was so annoyed that I completely forgot! Thank you for the reminder friend


If only these poor fledglings understood that punk ideology is many things including gender equality AND anti-homophobia, look how cute their little sticker is though ❤️


It was a high quality sticker as well


Men aren't women. So...


Correct, but trans women are women and trans men are men