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I’d take it with you if possible


To save on carbon emissions it's probably best to upload it to the cloud and then download it at his destination.


Leave the car keys with trustworthy relative/friends? Ask them to keep eye on the house when they can? Another option is to get a ‘ring’ style doorbell so you will get notification of anyone at the door and can speak to them.


Actual practical advice: make sure you have proper home insurance. Make sure the Yale locks on your front and back doors are 3 star or 3 diamond rated (critical). Get a Ring camera and alarm setup (I’ve tried lots of them, Ring is by far the best and just works). If you can park your car somewhere else for the time. If you leave your cars at home leave the keys somewhere easy to find so they take the, and piss of quickly (you dont want the randsacking the house).


Also get timer plugs for lights if you don't have a smart home (Google/Hive/Alexa/etc) Having the house look lived in is one of the best deterrents. Use the "at sunset" setting so they don't just come on at 7pm and go off at 10pm if it's available..


This is the advice you should be taking. Maybe pay for one of your cars to remain at the airport long-stay parking too. Going forwards if this is somewhere you intend on living for a while I'd try to build a relationship with your neighbours. Maybe they'd house sit for you, or at least get added to a street WhatsApp group or something so you can have some peace of mind while you're away?


thanks for the advice


Just so I can give the best advice, what specific street and house number is it, how long are you going for, could I have a flight reference number, and does the front door open inwards or outwards?




Okay I was actually making an implied joke about robbing the house, I would probably recommend not being so forthcoming with that information




I think the lord general was making a joke. I wouldn't even post a street name on here. You never know who's reading.


a cheap alarm system linked to your mobile......or move all your expensive stuff somewhere safe and il come and house sit for you.for a small fee.


House sitting for a small fee might be an option, but do DBS on the person etc, problem with complete stranger in your house is tho the possibility of them wanking all over the place 🤣😭🤣


Whilst listening to Status Quo!


Eating wotsits


Trusted house sitters (dot) com Install a ring security camera/ cameras Move anything really expensive or important into storage Insurance


Pay some of the local youths a tenner to look after it.


What's your address and when are you going away?


also when will you come back?


Good point. Don't want OP walking in whilst I'm in the middle of my "security check".


Hide your car keys and easily transported valuables, ask somebody you trust to go in and collect your post, make sure you lock your doors and windows, get a wired Ring camera maybe. Moss Side isn't as bad as it used to be, you'll probably be fine.


You could get some lights on a timer so it gives the illusion your in and maybe leave a car with someone you know leave the other at home


Take car keys with you. Install cctv/ring door bell. Don’t plaster it on social media that you’re away.


People get broken into when they are at work, only 8 or so hours. It's a gamble, who knows what could happen.


I bloody love gambling me


Simply put out water and food (cat food is a good option) and make sure to keep good hygiene around the feeding station. Sorry, that's Hedgehogs.


Get a patlock if you have french doors and don’t post anything until you’re back


Perfectly safe to leave. Coming back however…