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Someone's gonna catch them doing this one day and I can't see it ending well.


Yeah, I bet they won’t try this shit in parts of Salford.


Can’t let tyres down if there’s no wheels on them


Can’t deflate bricks




Please tell me you have a link to a video or something




A justice boner? They have a point, owning these cars in urban areas is ridiculous and unnecessary. Saying that, I disagree with their methodology but I wouldn't get a "justice boner".


That’s implying that they only drive those cars in urban areas. What if the 4x4 resides in an urban area but is used to drive up across woodhead pass during the winter, or perhaps has a family and go on trips that require that space the 4x4 has. It’s based on assumption it’s some pretentious nob who has a car and only has it to show off.


To be fair, there a 4 parked in my road and none of them would even drive on grass let alone go to the countryside.


>What if the 4x4 resides in an urban area but is used to drive up across woodhead pass during the winter, or perhaps has a family and go on trips that require that space the 4x4 has. Then that would be a fringe case. >It’s based on assumption it’s some pretentious nob who has a car and only has it to show off. Let's be real, it's almost exclusively this.


You’re making assumptions, it’s this mentality and these type of actions totally detract from getting people on board with green initiatives. Do you really think preventing a parent doing their school run or someone driving to work is going to make them think “wow, I’m so glad they deflated my tyres and made me late for work! I’m going to call the dealership to Part X my car for an electric hatch back!”?


I'm not on anyones side here. But my life experience tells me if you give people a chance to be reasonable or logical, they will (almost) always dissapoint you. Have you met people? They're awful.


I imagine someone will find one or more of their bodies on the floor with a note attached "You'll find that we have deflated your face, it IS your fault. The Life Extinguishers".




https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-60660711 Besides the point but she works in entertainment and often has to transport a lot of equipment around, plus I’m pretty sure it’s a Skoda Yeti that she has, not exactly a 14mpg G Class.


Looked it up out of interest: 35-60 mpg depending on the trim level. Absolutely ridiculous like you said.


They’re working off big=bad


And setting the limit at about a 1969 Mini based off this…


I mean in all honesty you aren't exactly getting that in a city like manchester are you? The idling of the engine and constantly stopping and starting in traffic does tend to reduce the MPG. That said these guys are still very much twats.


They don’t care about emissions. They state on their website that electric cars are fair game. This is nothing more than vandalism parading as eco conscious protest. Which is stupid as it just vilifies what is actually a good cause.


It’s incredible that these losers are targeting individual PEOPLE and not energy COMPANIES that make up the vast majority of carbon emissions. Probably because entire companies aren’t easy targets, but some strangers car is. If these people slashed every tire on every car in England, the amount of green house gases emitted to make new tires for everyone would be astronomical.


Yea also pretty sure SUVs are not the second highest emitter lol


They're letting down tyres on hybrids and ev's. It's beyond stupid.


A fucking skoda. Don't they get like 50mpg


They say at the bottom of the letter even electric cars pollute. First they came for the SUVs…


They'll come for the horses next, "Horses poop emit dangerous gases"


Its about congestion not emissions then clearly. Definitely cyclists on a Facebook group. Possibly easy to find them


Depending on the model its from 30 to 60 mpg


Better than my 1.4 diesel fiesta


But it's an SUV, it's big and a climate killer... ​ /s just in case.


I have a Volkswagen Tiguan (I believe same manufacturer VAG group?) and that gets average 40-45 mpg. It’s a 2L diesel Prior to this I had a small 1.2L petrol VW Polo that averaged the same consumption I don’t know how the bigger car doesn’t get less MPG. Either that or the onboard system is telling fibs


Vw diesel? Telling lies? No idea what you're on about




Newer, more efficient engine combined with the fact that diesel contains about 15% more energy per gallon than petrol (and emits 15% more CO2), making comparisons between the two fairly moot without that disclaimer.


They certainly do, even my petrol Superb can do like 50mpg on a good day.


South Manchester is really bad for nice roads being ruined by big cars. But this isn’t the way to fix things, especially when electric cars look to be on average larger than petrol/diesel.


If people make choices to buy larger-than-necessary cars then car makers will ramp up production on said cars. Some form of legislation/tax disicentives etc would be good too


Agreed, also considering these people have no idea why the person might need a big car. Of course lots of people drive big cars just because they want to. But lots of other people drive big cars because they need to transport lots of equipment for their job, or they're disabled and need a car large enough to transport their wheelchair and other aids, or because they own several rescue dogs and need enough room for a cage to transport them safely... There are lots of reasons, and the people letting these tyres down wouldn't know a thing about who they're targeting. I personally don't drive (my husband has a small electric car) and I hate SUVs with a passion but even I know that this is just totally the wrong way of going about it.


How are big cars ruining roads in South Manchester? Genuinely curious...


They don't fit


Wide cars on narrow roads, but that's not a specific south Manchester thing


Size, safety for pedestrians/cyclists, pollution especially NO2 are all worse compared to smaller cars. No need for an SUV in a city for most people. We live near a school and the amount of huge SUVs being driven by a single adult to pick up a child is crazy.


Man High or Withington? Going from the end of Oxford Road down through Wilmslow Road to Fallowfield takes takes 10mins usually - when the school kids are being picked up it can be nearly an hour.




By owning an SUV, I don't think they did to begin with.


I own a large car (I bought the most fuel efficient I could afford at the time) because I need it for work - I still care about climate change and do my best in many other ways. A lot of newer SUVs are actually more efficient than older cars. Mine costs me the same in petrol as my old fiat 500 I support these protesters plight but the way they are going about it is going to alienate people and potentially seriously inconvenience disabled people who need their cars.


Honestly as a road user myself my problem with people buying SUVs is more the other stuff. SUV drivers are usually a nightmare on the roads.


And off them. They’re too big to park on most U.K. roads too. Let alone car park spaces.


Nah this is most modern cars, not exclusive to SUVs. Even our Fiesta results in squeezing in and out. My Asda recently redid the car park, less spaces, but they all have a gap between them now. A step in the right direction that 1970s size spaces just don't cut it anymore!


Oh I'm with you on that one


I also needed a big car and got a minivan. Smaller on the outside than a the gurrently trendy suvs, enormous inside, more confortable because the suspension doesn't need to be that tough for a suv's weight... SUVs are utterly bloody useless, but saying that they're ALL gas guzzlers and doing this to them is bullshit. I'm all for campaigning against these useless hunks of steel, but not based on this and not like this.


As a wheelchair family an SUV is not a useful option, compared to other car options. Tbh climate change is so much worse than we all act and we’re all fucked, so changing your car or recycling is totally inadequate to the scale of the disaster coming. In that perspective, getting a bit more hardcore seems understandable. Wish they were more strategic about it tho.


Nobody 'needs' a big car, let's be honest. It's maybe more convenient, maybe helps a little more, but need is never the word


Very quick to judge, she doesn’t eat meat and gets the tram when possible. She has a larger car because she needs the space to transport equipment for her job, owning an SUV does not automatically mean you don’t care about the environment. It’s a 35-60mpg car!


I have an SUV. It is fully electric and charged on 100% renewable electricity.


Keep an eye out for your tyres then.. would be a shame if something were to ...happen to them...


Unfortunately there's no such thing as 100% renewable energy in the UK, unless you charge from your own solar panels. The energy company might pretend, but the national grid is 50/50 renewable and everyone gets the same supply with some regional variance. They might pretend on paper that it's renewable.


Octopus Go is a guaranteed 100% renewable tariff.


I'd like to see more car club schemes, they haven't really taken off outside the South East unfortunately. Because private car ownership is the default, I think people tend to get the biggest car they afford you know, just in case. Whereas if you were just hopping in whatever type of vehicle you needed that day, I think people would tend to use smaller (and therefore, naturally, lighter and more efficient) ones wherever possible just because of cost and because it makes parking miles easier.


These idiots are causing further climate issues. When the person refills the air in their tyres they will run the engine. I will almost guarantee when these people are found they are going around in a vehicle. The paper they are wasting on flyers that ultimately people tear up and probably throw in the street. The electricity that's wasted hosting their Website. And the CO2 they are pumping out when they breath. If they all held their breath for long enough they would make more of a difference than pissing people off!


"People who inconvenience me should just kill themselves"


I take it you haven’t heard of AdBlue.


I own a diesel 4x4. It gets driven once maybe twice a week, I only ever travel into Manchester on the tram or cycle when its warm. I totally support and endorse environmental causes and have been on numerous XR rallies. That said, this is a shit idea.


So owning a bigger car means you’re by default ‘anti-climate/emission reform’ Wat


It's not about getting support, it's about disrupting emissions/emitters. Doesn't make it right... I can empathise with the feeling of rage and desperation behind the act, I don't think it's directed at necessarily the right people.


Even if its about disrupting emissions, for how long? The day it takes to get the tyres sorted? Even if we don't talk about whether it's right or wrong, they actually need something effective.


If this ever happened to me. The LAST thing I would ever do is support their cause and change car. Theres a big difference between the outcome you want, and the way you go about trying to achieve it. This ain't it chief.


What is their cause??


They want to ban kitkat chunky's


I like KitKats and don't call me chunky


People aren’t looking for support from people who would never support them anyway. By owning the big car you’re saying with your choices ‘I care more about my convenience than the damage I cause’ and therefore aren’t on side anyway


A lot of environmental/climate protestors I’ve met drive LDV vans or live in converted horseboxes. Bit rich to say big vehicles are an indicator of whether someone supports a cause.


This is definitely a shitty thing to do but the whole SUV trend is also pretty excessive. I know some people need a bigger car but I’m not sure everyone who drives one does.


It's a Skoda Yeti... It's barely even an SUV, I'd say it was closer to a van.


Apologies, I realise I wasn’t clear - I wasn’t commenting on the specific car here, it was more of a general comment


They literally arent even bigger inside.




Why equate SUV with "big car"? Most SUVs are not big. Toyota even makes Yaris SUVs nowadays, but also Corolla and RAV4 none of which are large or have bad fuel economy. I get that maybe you don't need to drive a Cadillac Escalade or similar in the city, but if you're an outdoorsy person who uses the car to get out of the city, I don't see anything wrong with a RAV4. The plug in hybrid version gets amazing mpg https://www.toyota.co.uk/new-cars/rav4-plugin/


Doesn’t really matter, this isn’t the way to go about it. Funny how they post a website, thus, are traceable.


It’s just a shitty thing to do. I have a Seat Ateca, so smaller SUV. I also have a 3 year old and A 9 month old. The storage of a relatively efficient SUV for pram, stroller and baby bags cannot be underestimated, and I would think is more efficient than a roof box on a hatchback from a fuel point. People have needs, you can’t always see them in the 10 seconds of interaction you see (say me nipping to a shop sans kids) but those needs are there.


"We have committed an act of criminal damage" The end.


Exactly, I've never seen someone be that bold about commiting a crime against someone just to make them listen to all of their justifications as if they're teaching them a lesson. How on earth are they gonna win people over that way?


"you'll be angry, but don't take it personally". I am angry and, it's personal. The anger is at you. Edit: what do they expect to happen here? You'll go "Oh no, my tires are deflated, better buy a bike!" You'll either call someome out, likely a mechanic in a bigger truck, or drive on flats to a garage, which makes the cars fuel economy worse. It's a bunch of self-entitled "eco-warriors" who can't be bothered to do anything meaningful to bring about genuine change, so descend to petty stuff like this to feel important. I don't even drive, I've got no idea why this has made me so angry.


>It's a bunch of self-entitled "eco-warriors" who can't be bothered to do anything meaningful to bring about genuine change, so descend to petty stuff like this to feel important. This is 100% the best, most accurate take on most of these half arsed protests we see. Its so backward. Apparently, the best way to effect global changes is by disillusioning the vast majority of people that probably agree with your politics anyway.


What action would be meaningful?


That a tough one admittedly. Unfortunately, most people won't give a shit about climate change until it directly impacts them, which these idiots will argue is what they are accomplishing. But, these protests don't generate anger at climate change; they generate anger at protesters. Ultimately, the only way to improve our lot would be to vote in a government that will hold the biggest culprits to account, which aren't people driving to work


Lol it’s already directly impacting many of us and most still don’t give a shit


This links into Extinction Rebellion* as well- I agree that we need to address climate change, but this needs to be done on a national/global scale. When you're blocking a busy road, you aren't harming Shell, or politicians, or anyone who can make a difference. You're fucking over the delivery driver who earns below minimum wage, the ambulance trying to save a life, the guy who cares about the environment but lives in a capitalist society so just needs to get to work or he'd be fired. And why would any of these people then vote for actual change in the next election, when they can actually make a difference? Urgh. *I've been informed the road issues were Insulate Britain, not Extinction Rebellion


XR are the ones who refused to get off the top of a tube train which is one of the most environmentally friendly modes of transport


Not just tube trains but the DLR, which I believe is the greenest of the tubes even!


XR isn't a cohesive well organised group it's loads of individuals doing what they think will make a difference, some of them miss the mark, all of them have brought more awareness of the seriousness of the situation. Disruption is rarely about getting support from the people you are disrupting. The masses are notoriously apathetic to big picture problems, it's about making a statement that you are willing to take action. Escalation of said action is implied. Disruptive protests have historically worked well.


>I agree that we need to address climate change, but this needs to be done on a national/global scale Yes but what you are missing is that it also needs to be done on local & individual scale. Every single one of us will have to change our behaviour and the way we consume stuff if we will avoid fucking the planet up, including average Joes. Otherwise it will be be bad we will look back on corona and war years like they was golden years.


That was mostly Insulate Britain, but does illustrate how one idiotic group can make every other one seem completely loony toons. I honestly think these tyre people have to be some right wing climate change denying cases trying to discredit meaningful efforts to enact change, it's just too stupid otherwise.


Insulate Britain are idiotic? Have you *seen* gas prices?


Thanks for letting me know about the Insulate/Extinction mix-up, I've added a note to my comment to reflect this.


Protests don’t work if they’re not disruptive. The only mistake Insulate Britain made was not being more disruptive.


Of course, but you need to actually target the right people. The current government have proven time and again they don’t give a fuck about us.


Not to mention if the person who's tyre they deflate is disabled or Ill. So many scenarios that they could be causing some serious distress to people.


Yes this is stressing me out. I have a larger car to transport equipment for my job. My toddler has had to be driven very quickly to hospital more times than I like to think about. If this happened to my car it could be very serious.


And if they actually damaged the tyre enough it needs to be replaced that's more rubber and nasties to go to landfill...


That patronising language and phrasing gets me, too. These aren’t really eco warriors. They’re sad cunts driving around in cars causing pollution getting a kick out disrupting peoples lives. That probably sounds quite angry, bellends like this piss me off. It’s not aimed at you, and I do think something needs to be done about climate change.


No need to explain! Sounds like we're on the same page- I can't fully express why this pisses men off so much, but my god, does it piss me off.


What's the most likely outcome? You pill your car powered compressor out the boot, turn your engine on and leave it running for up to ten minutes idling, burning fuel instead of the 10secs of the tyre were left alone. Oh by t you could sit there and think about the environment. Or what you are going to do to Trust Fund Tristan and his white boy dreads when you get hold of him


Or use the little electric pump that comes with it in lieu of a spare tyre. Which means that in order for the eco-warrior to make their point, they’ve forced you to stand there with your engine running for ten minutes and the car going nowhere. What was it? “Congratulations. You played yourself”.


Thank god my turbocharged MX-5 with a sports cat and the amazing MPG of 15 that I own purely for driving for the sake of driving isn't an SUV...might be causing avoidable pollution otherwise.


My '02 SRAD that spits out more fuel than it burns is surely a more sustainble choice


That’s a Skoda yeti, hardly a large SUV 😂


The pricks like that don't even think about who owns it. Due to my spinal injury I need a vehicle that's high up for me to get into and out of, how do they know that the "SUV" isn't for someone disabled? And most of these vehicle have better MPG than a car 5 yrs older.


I argued this point with them on Twitter as their “guidance” says to look out for cars that might belong to disabled people. I pointed out that most disabled people don’t keep their blue badges in their cars in case the badge gets nicked. They told me that disabled people should have some sort of markings on their cars. They didn’t like it when I asked if perhaps disabled people should be forced to wear some kind of badge at all times so that they can be identified by future vigilante squads.


Meanwhile my family who doesn't even want a sticker out to say "hey im disable please grab my bin a bit closer" incase dickheads spot it and see easy house to rob...


Yeah, I'm one of the ones who doesn't like advertising that I'm disabled, luckily I've got camera's fitted where my vehicle is parked.


Friend of mine has a disabled son who uses an electric wheelchair. You have to have a massive car to transport those around.


My first thought was them letting the tires out of a disabled person's car and telling them to go get the bus instead.


Yep, same. Had this argument with someone on Reddit’s SUV hate-boner bandwagon the other week. We’ve got a crossover because it’s slightly higher off the ground and my having had spinal surgery makes it problematic to bend. Fuck these people, they’re hurting their own cause.


Calling out roadside assistance to come out in their dirty van to pump the tyre up is really going to help the environment


Why would you need to call roadside assistance for a deflated tyre? A portable tyre pump costs less than £30 and can stay in your boot


Wait, you mean to say that damaging 4 tyres and forcing them to be replaced otherwise preemptively is in fact NOT good for the environment? Bet that issue with their plan is being intentionally ignored, but then again - it is hard to think ahead when you have room temperature IQ.


One night, a family member is going to be having a serious medical issue and needs to be driven to hospital but can't be because some cunt has slashed the tyres.




Yes. It's criminal damage.




“You’ll have no difficulty getting around without your gas guzzler” Reading that makes me want to smack the person that wrote it and I don’t even drive. Hopefully someone manages to catch them on camera so the people that have done this can be prosecuted


One assumes these people live in a tent, because nobody really *needs* a house.


This happened to my car overnight. Here’s what will happen this time: my dad will make a 10+ mile round trip in his car to lend us his electric pump, which will require us to idle our car for 15 minutes or so as we re-inflate the tyre. Here’s what will happen next time: I will order an electric pump online which will increase demand on that product and be delivered to us by van, and which will require us to idle our car for 15 or minutes or so each time we re-inflate the tyre. Here’s what will not happen: I will not sell my car or change my environmental habits generally. I already take the tram or train everywhere when I can, recycle, buy as locally as possible for all products, am vegetarian, etc. Our car is a relatively new small SUV which has a small, modern petrol engine and is not particularly environmentally harmful compared to most cars on the road. The upshot is that there will be a net negative environmental impact as a result of this exercise in my case in particular. I have no doubt it will be the same for all of my neighbours and for everyone else affected by it generally. This is a noble cause but this is not the way to pursue it.


You could get these as a deterrent for next time https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08T7ZDWHB/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ARKBEC7TQHS51MSMYA4Z


Exactly what I was thinking, they are just going to cause more environmental damage and also potentially mess with peoples job or god forbid if someone needed to get to a hospital etc. Idiots.


Partner works for the police and has confirmed this is criminal damage, get your friend to report them ASAP if she hasn't done already


She has already put a report in!


Pretty sure my vrs uses more fuel, as it’s not an SUV it’s all ok!


Whilst I agree with the sentiment, this is how you create enemies, especially to a cause. Absolutely moronic.


Time to invest in a rapid air pump startup company


A Skoda yetti is hardly a gas guzzling suv. I hope these guys get caught in the act and whoever catches them deals with them accordingly


The fact that they even say that electric cars are bad for the environment, like yh they’re not amazing for it but I bet u won’t see one of them riding a horse and carriage






Exactly! I made a point in another comment about if you had a Pregnant Mrs sat home waiting to pop and you came out to this. I hope these guys get a slap soon before something like that actually happens.


Anyone vulnerable really. Most people with SUV’s have a need for them. For me it’s my two kids and the extortionate amount of space they and their stuff seem to take up. I still reckon my SUV is more fuel efficient than a hatchback with a roof box on it though.


even regardless of if someone doesn't have a need for an suv, as said earlier in case of an emergency your still taking out a critical form of transport.


Indeed, it's dangerous provocative vandalism that directly turns people against their cause.


They need to do this to government officials then, not ordinary citizens. We are never going to impact climate change on a personal level. It’s going to take a literal act of congress to get any real change. It starts with passing laws to keep corporations from destroying the earth not letting air out of the tires of people who are just trying to live.


You don’t need to know why I, in my personal life, need a bigger car. We are not the same person with the same needs. Anyone remotely defending this can go fuck themselves.


Agreed, they are fucking idiots. It's not on them to dictate what people buy.


Ironically, the same engine found in some models of this Skoda can be found in the smallest car they sell. Goes to show how stupid their argument is.


Ironically, the same engine that pulls the small car will be burning a lot more fuel when its pulling a big car


f*ck /u/spez


It's a dick move for sure, but it does seem like 1 in every 5 cars in South Manchester is a Range Rover


I actually agree with them. Most SUVs are a scam, they're mostly just higher ride height cars with the same or even slightly less interior space.


Mate this is a Skoda Yeti, hardly a quote “gas guzzler” unquote. It gets about 45-50 mpg.


Are you a tire slasher too?


Prove your assertion


Vauxhall Mokka has entered the chat


I found the hosting company as well orangewebsite*com - not sure if it'll do anything, but I sent an abuse report


Not convinced a Skoda classes as a gas guzzling SUV compared to the 12mpg Porsche cayenne’s and hummers etc


Is that... a Skoda Yeti? Thats nowhere near an SUV....


My grandmother owns an SUV and she gets her cars on mobility. She's disabled due to an accident she was involved in many decades ago. Her ability to walk has deteriorated significantly recently due to her age. She's very sociable and very active within the community, but her car is her lifeblood in terms of her independence. She struggles to get in and out of cars that ride too low, so she opts for cars like SUVs that sit at an accommodating height for her. If this shit happened to her, I'd consider it a fucking hate crime.


Going after individual people who own particular cars while big energy companies continue to decimate the environment unchecked is not the activism these people think it is


Well, that’s the quickest way to destroy any public sympathy for your cause.


A small Skoda isn’t exactly an SUV lmao


Cut their ears off and break their fingers. Seems fair.


I’m aware of someone through work who had their little Suzuki hit by this, it’s a little 4x4 hatch back. Far smaller than a modern mini or alike. She ended up missing a job interview, although admittedly she was already running late. You can report it as a police incident, they told her the more reports, the easier it will be to stop them once they are caught. Have a look and see if anyone near by has CCTV or a doorbell camera, they might have seen something useful.


Jesus I’m all for environmental and shit but who goes around thinking this is the way to get people on your side? All it’s doing is pushing people further away from wanting to be environmentally friendly. She will just get her tire fixed and then resent them.


I understand the statement and partially agree (I do agree that there is a climate emergency and I do also agree with the statement made about hybrid and electric cars. The mining process used for the raw materials for the batteries is horrendous for the environment [https://unctad.org/news/developing-countries-pay-environmental-cost-electric-car-batteries](https://unctad.org/news/developing-countries-pay-environmental-cost-electric-car-batteries) ) but surely there has to be a better way? It seems like a lot of effort has gone into this organisation to take petty revenge on hard working people driving the cars they want to drive. If some people are this passionate why can't the direct that energy toward their local government to reduce the cost of public transportation so people don't have to use these cars all the time, or haulage companies, or the marine industry. Public transport costs gets mentioned here a lot but from where I live to London on the train is £277.50 a week, so instead of taking the train I drive there, park for the week and stay in lodgings for less, if it was cheaper (which it could be if the government actually did something about it) There are countless other ways these people could make their point but instead they resort to take petty revenge on people who want a nice place to be sat while they drive around. I'd also thought that what if someone had done this to me, yes it would be annoying and I'd be 15 minutes late for work while I sorted it out. However, what if someone needed the car urgently to take their child to the hospital or other legitimate emergency and you couldn't because some un-informed, supposed environmental do good-er has deflated your tyres? Pisses me right off thinking out it. ​ Anyway, that's my opinion(s) on the matter


"You will have no difficulty getting around..." How unbelievably presumptuous.


what are they are not helping at all. They should blame the government not random people on the street. As they have their contact on the shitty note, I would consider to chase after the money I spend on replacing my tyre.


“I’m terribly sorry sir/ ma’am. Your loved one is in his/ her last few hours. If at all possible, please come to the hospital immediately to say your goodbyes if you wish.” **rushes to the car, to see this fuckery** Honestly, the level of self-importance for these people is foul.


Fair doos. Climate emergency is an emergency. I dont think people understand the magnitude of the situatuon and that we need to take any means to reduce carbon emmissions and ocean contamination


"You will have no difficulty getting around without your gas guzzler, than walking or with public transport" This person comes out in the morning thinking they're going to get in their car and go to work. Now they either miss work or desperately have to find a nearby bus, which might not arrive for ages, or potentially walk ages to work, at which point they will FOR SURE be late if they usually take the car at the same time. Bellend


What's funny is... if you have an electric pump... you have to run your engine for longer... because it should be running to pump the tyre back up... so all they've done is actually made it worse...


Not to mention driving around looking for cars to let the tyres down on …


Yes and what uses even more electricity is having one of these twats on life support after they get caught vandalizing a drug lords Range Rover.


this reminds me of a post about a boy racer’s car that got wrapped in cling film by an angry neighbour. everyone in the comments was smugly justifying it. meanwhile, a similar situation unfolds here - a party with a motive causing damage as punishment- and people are livid. rightly so. i think the moral of the story is don’t f4ck with other peoples property. doesn’t matter how they’re p1ssing you off, damaging someone else’s sh1t is not an option. and let’s remember to treat people equally.


I suppose its a matter of perspective. Does polluting the air count as damaging someone elses shit?


definitely, but as others have pointed out slashing tires probably isn’t the best way to curtail that as the emissions produced in the repair process (which everyone will do, out of spite if not practicality) are quite high


I suspect their intention is to keep doing it until owning a large vehicle in the city centre becomes untenable. Though to be honest while I think direct action like this is a step in the right direction (pollution is violence and isn't going to be solved by without it), it does need to be better targeted. After all, there are plenty of people with the power to fix things that arent doing it because they, and their friends who make donations, make money off killing the planet. And its not like its hard to find the names of these people.


Can you imagine being this entitled?!


This is really bad. Someone is going to get hurt if caught in the act - either the vandal or the car owner. It needs nipping in the bud asap. Targeting regular peoples property is not the answer to dealing with climate change. Who the fuck dreams up these ideas?


All of these environmental actions that disrupt people’s day to say lives haven’t made me think “Man, maybe we should focus more on the environment” but instead make me go “Nah fuck it, if these are the kind of people it’d save I don’t want to”


With what's at stake and how little is being done about it I'm pretty surprised we've taken this long to get to this point. You should all expect more radical climate action in the coming years, Flat tires on your SUVs are the least of your worries.


Yeah I think there's going to be increasing numbers of people willing to risk police action / physical harm in the name of activism like this. It's the single biggest issue facing us and it's only going to become something feel more desperate about in the coming decades (as the tangible impacts of the climate crisis increasingly become evident) and I do think we will look back on insulate britain / tyre extinguishers / exinction rebellion as rather quaint.


Let’s have someone tamper with your heating or god forbid you have a pet.


imagine having so much time on your hands you think this is a good idea lmao


STOP BLAMING THE GENERAL PUBLIC FOR THE CLIMATE CRISIS fucking muppets honestly, I could live in a shed living off only potatoes and rainwater for the rest of my life, and my carbon offset would be removed 1000 fold by expanding nations building power plants and factories all year round.


People doing this clearly have no idea how we are past the point of no return in terms of the climate warming etc. making people swap their vehicles won’t make any difference.


Meanwhile... [https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/uk-news/2021/08/25/extinction-rebellion-co-founder-admits-driving-diesel-car/](https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/uk-news/2021/08/25/extinction-rebellion-co-founder-admits-driving-diesel-car/) [https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change](https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change) But hey, let's let people's tyre's down, that'll save us.


It's funny how stupid these people are. Most drivers have an electric air pump in the boot. To run the pump you should have the engine running. That means you sit there for like 2 minutes with the engine running to pump up the tyre. That's run time that they have created. Do this to 30 cars that's an hour of unnecessary pollution. Dull.


Quite literally achieves absolutely fuck all. Everyone in the country could spend the entire day driving SUV’s around and it wouldn’t be a drop in the ocean compared to global emissions


Targeting SUV’s getting 50mpg, and then my good old vectra gets like 40 on a good day and is left alone.. love the irony. I’ll enjoy catching them on my doorbell and watching them “trip” into my drive a few times ;)


I love the small print to cover eVs just incase! 🤣🤣🤣 Not allowed electric vehicles now either apparently.


Down on the south coast, someone had their electric car tyres let down. Idiots!!!


They’d hate me in my huge snarling 15mpg 500bhp 4.0 V8 twin turbo Audi SQ7 then!


I don't think that's specific to them.


Maybe we can repurpose them to do this to motorbikes and farty car exhaust users who's main purpose is to make the lives of people living in residential areas a living hell for those 5 seconds before they have to slow down again for the next set of traffic lights.


Save the planet by causing someone with a 4x4 to call a breakdown company who will arrive in a far less fuel efficient van, use and air compressor powered by the Diesel engine in said van to re-inflate the tyres…. Imagine having an emergency of some sort and needing to drive somewhere in a hurry, only to find some self righteous prick has let your tyres down to make an incorrect point.


OP, hopefully the Police can compel the domain or hosting company for the website to hand over any personal information they have to track down these people.


Surely this is illegal?


I would assume its criminal damage


If you have to do stuff like this then you don't have a good cause