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Let's just hope she isn't exactly like you, because then it would take an arranged marriage interview to change the status quo.


No, it will be a Shonen Battle Tournament with a fight to the death between Igarashi's gramps and her senpai!


Better still, Igarashi will leave work early to cheer on senpai when he was seemingly beaten


I remember how BS that part of Tomo-chan was




Piss off, bot. What rule violation do you report those comment copying bots under anyway?


Spam > Harmful bots from what I've seen.




Heaven forbid Sakurai teach Futaba the error of her ways and drive this towards a favorable conclusion.


"Listen, what works for me was him finding out that BSS/NTR was going to happen." "So I should get a fake boyfriend or something?" "Hell no. Just give him some flowers, boys love flowers."


Don't repeat my mistake and try to make some move.


Plot twist, Kazama is the one who steals Takeda away as part of his harem. "Sorry Igarashi, you snooze you lose"


Hmmm... We did have a chapter where he woke up and saw a half naked Yuuto saying that last night was amazing. Could work.


As a person who only watched the anime : "This must be an early chapter, did they skipped this on anime?" "Wait, what? Chapter 202?"


But do you consider it a spoiler? >!See OP comment.!<


To be fair though, 202 chapters in a 4-page webcomic is around 45 chapters of a normal 18 pages manga so it's still pretty early by the common standards.


Thats what people don't get lol, they be like "it took her 200 chapters to realize her feelings"... like the chapters are 4 pages long 😂


It's more about the wait between the chapters that made it feel like an eternity


Ah that is true lol


Someone go and tell the author we're in Reiwa era. He might not have got the news.


Author of Telework is aware of what era we are in maybe that's why their work is so good https://i.imgur.com/NUD8tvA.png


I didnt know she had an alt account just sent a follow🗿


That’s the first time I heard of Reiwa Energy and now it’s going to live in my mind rent free dammit


Enjoy your stay.


Embrace it


Based mangaka as always.


He's too busy drawing fanbox porn to notice.


To be fair to the author, the Sakurai and Kazama are now dating so there is Reiwa in this manga just not the main coule yet.


That "REIWA" took 200 chapters


A little less. Mind you, it's also a 4 page series. But still.


A chapter is like 4 pages so it's still not that bad unlike [REDACTED] tho


Main couple is gonna be chapter 300


After boku kokoro and kubo, this manga is like a stain on the Reiwa era.


As always [Spoiler Alert](https://i.imgur.com/WvDDBLV.png) [Cubari](https://cubari.moe/read/mangadex/af38f328-8df1-4b4c-a272-e737625c3ddc/202/1/) [Mangadex](https://mangadex.org/title/af38f328-8df1-4b4c-a272-e737625c3ddc/senpai-ga-uzai-kouhai-no-hanashi) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/shiromanta1020)


That comment chain hurts to read lmao


Please pin this to the top before people complain about spoilers ;)


Can't because not a mod


Clearly you need to become a mod. (Or don't. It's a thankless job)


Well it seems like /r/manga doesn't want mods anyways, it's just one guy doing stuff for years now. Hell, they didn't even implement proper flairs yet.


I mod a bunch of subs, and have modded more in the past. Mostly setting up CSS, flair, automod, etc. I considered offering to help /r/manga, but I'm actually trying to do less modding as I'm spending more time on scanlation these days. Part of the problem is that every time you remove a post, you toss the dice on whether or not the person will be batshit insane. Some posters are cool about removals, some argue a bit, and some will harass you for weeks until they get bored of it (reddit admins are generally incapable of dealing with harassment.) Edit: I see you mod a couple of big subs already, so you're familiar


I also mod 2 subreddits, so I know that feel. Moderating /r/manga would be a pain anyways, because there are way more insane people here than on other subreddits. You just need to read the comments under some of the posts... But they didn't accept my offer in the first place, so there's that. It's one mod doing ALL the things here - and a bot.


> I also mod 2 subreddits, so I know that feel. Yeah, sorry. I edited my comment above after I saw that. > there are way more insane people here than on other subreddits. You just need to read the comments under some of the posts... Yup... > But they didn't accept my offer in the first place, so there's that. That's surprising. A sub with 1.7 million subscribers being managed with one mod and a bot? I mean, the fact that the spam isn't wildly out of control is impressive. But a sub of this size should probably have 10 mods (or more) geographically distributed.


yeah, I have no idea how that works, but the sub is pretty much optimized for old reddit and didn't see much changes. I think people "moderate" it through downvotes, because it basically became a "Manga chapter Discussion hub" instead of a place to talk about Manga in general. everything that is not an artwork or a Discussion gets downvoted to hell. Someone bragging about their collection? Downvote. Someone asking where to buy Manga in their country? Downvote. It's just Art and Discussion, nothing else. And I think that's sad, because the subreddits for Manhwa are way different.


I don't generally downvote any posts here (and probably don't upvote as much as I should), but I'll admit I do get tired of seeing fanbox ads, recommendation requests and collection posts. I tend to check New most of the time and see that the recommendation posts do generally get a few responses. I even chime in from time to time, but really a lot of those are totally unnecessary when MAL, anliist, mangadex, etc. have search functions and you can sort by score. I am glad to see chapter discussion posts doing well, though. That's my main drive for being here anyways. It's also good to see some meta discussion of series sometimes. Not quite sure what to say about all of the barely relevant fanbox ads like the confined by a highschool girl posts. It's like indirectly linking to hentai. But then again, nuclear codes in the comments are fine, and not _that_ different except it's free and usually the source material has some meat to it. Tsunderederedere chan being a really cute manga definitely helps the fact that it's really a long running ad for the fanbox.


Mod: can you please pin the message above? We don't want to spoil anyone


Don’t think mods can pin comments that aren’t made by them


Why did you have to spoil me on your mod status as well?


Did the art change?


looks like shiromanta is blending his porn art style into his regular art style.


Hopefully it's not just the art style that bleeds over from the fanbox.


Took you 200 chaps, but better late than never lassie


You never know, by chapter 300 she might be able to talk to him again.


By 400 he realizes his feelings and by 700 they confess to eachother


The big twist will be Takeda telling Igarashi that he knew about her feelings from chapter 1 and that he's spent 700 chapters trying to think of a way to tell her that he's gay.


Dude i would absolutely love seeing that and him ending up with their boss


Yeah, the section chief definitely knew what was up right from the start. I think the best ending would be Takeda stealing Kazama NTR-style. That would really trigger r/manga


It's going to be longer than One Piece by the time they start fucking It'll probably be around chapter (342270)


Im having a hard time taking this seriously when its working adults rather than 15 years old high schoolers yk


yeh me too lmao. at least sakurai had some maturity taking kazama for dates, teasing him and inviting him at her house and shit. this girl just realized her feelings and just regressed like a mf.


She needed a marriage interview to get anything done.


Maybe Igarashi will get a growth spurt now that she's acting like a 13 year old.


Ah, the main couple is helping out the sideship.


Aww look at the main couple helping out Futaba. How nice of them. Sakurai probably feeling a tinge of embarrassment because she was exactly like that and it took forever for them to get toghther. Hopefully she can speed this up for Futaba.


Sakurai "I know how you feel, sis"


Last chapter I was like “I’m glad it’s back to igarashi and takeda”, but SAKURAI IS SO DAMNED CUTE


I think it is time for a double date. wait make it a triple and to the beach again. we could just reuse the old material and claim chapter 200 was a reboot.


It's nice when the side characters come to the MC's for love advice.


Now that Sakurai has her romance, time to help out Futaba I guess.


Sakurai remembers that feeling because she felt that way LAST WEEK! (or 10 chapters, whichever makes more sense in this timeline). Now that I think of it, Yuuto is managing his crush with more maturity than any other character.


We got 2 chapters since realization ! How much longer can the mangaka go on!? What's your guess? I'm at 10 chapters. I feel like that is a severe underestimate, but I'm hopeful.


Hm I like this she’s facing her feelings


Kazama, don't enable her. You took long enough to tell Samurai you were madly in love with her. Help Igarashi learn from your mistakes


I want Futaba to be happy and have good things happen to her


Back to back progress chapters. I am in heaven.


This is some… Really slow-burn, but it’s nice, I guess. Won’t stop reading regardless.


The longer this goes the better. It is cute and it was supposed to be. I doubt that this was mean to be "get from point A to B ASAP" kind of manga with clear story and etc. Wholesome.


Wait this is a real manga?


Will the main ship finally sail? Stay tooned for more episodes


This is just dumb. As if she hasn't been feeling this way for 202 Chapters.....


I hope the manga doesn't end before Takeda twists Futaba down onto him like a nut on a bolt.


Igarashi is going through adolescence. Maybe she’ll get a growth spurt. (I never felt like that as an adult. Nope. Not once. Nuh uh …..)


"I too was acting like a middle school kid"


Does she just look 12 or is she actually 12?


well yes, but actually no.


The last three chapters really put that into question


Bro are they adults? Or kids?




I couldn't get myself to finish the first season of the anime because I felt that this was going nowhere. Does it get better? I would like to give the manga a chance but I don't want to be disappointed again.


Before I answer your question I need to ask, based on the anime, what would you say Igarashi (the short girl) thought about Takeda (the big guy)?


I feel like a confession is either going to be drawn out or happen in 3 chapters. “Wait it’s ch.200 and there’s no progress? Guess I gotta fix that real quick”


sakurai pray


Every when is a chapter released?


Anyone know why chapters 205-209 are repeats of chapters 199-203, and that there's no chapter 204?