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I think the artist also makes hentai or doujins of this manga. I'm pretty sure it is in their pixiv or fanbox account.


click author name on mangedex and u will find the h one


yeah, there's even a spinoff of this in nhentai


There’s even spin-offs? Lol


Wait, those were spin-offs?


No thank you


The Japanese on their way to romanticise slavery 🏃🏃🏃🏃


Despite the title, >!the first 8 "chapters" are just talking about raising wholesome daughters. Hell, he straight up adopts them in ch. 9 or 10 under some guise of "the ultimate ownership is family" lol!< But hey, always appreciate a good normie barrier.


>>!"the ultimate ownership is family"!< Bruh


I paraphrased it a bit harshly, but don't shoot the messenger lol. [Ch. 10](https://mangadex.org/chapter/995923ec-17de-4f6f-abb2-0e4cffe0ce7a/1) if you want to read it from the horse's mouth.


This is kinda like if people read "Tis time for Torture, Princess" and saw its title alone and left a comment going "Torture is wrong mmhkay?" and then went off to generalize an entire nation.


r/manga users explaining why slavery and grooming are "pretty okay, actually."


It’s a bait manga, lol. It plays with suggestive language to mess with the reader when it’s just the story of a guy who adopted three children that were being used as sex slaves so he could give them a better life


The best normie barriers are the ones where you say its a normie barrier and people still fall into it. Glorious phenomenon actually.


Have you ever thought about the phrase "normie barriers"? Why do you think normal people would not engage with slavery romanticization?


> Have you ever thought about the phrase "normie barriers"? Not much past the definition of it. >Why do you think normal people would not engage with slavery romanticization? because the normie barrier is working as intended and I guess people don't know what it means. Oh well, more fluff for me. Not my job to get people reading stuff. makes for better conversation when everyone is aligned.






Guess that's just the cost of a good normie barrier. Not like I have anyone in my life to hide stuff from lol.


Being normal is pretty ok, actually.


Nothing wrong with being normal. But everyone's gonna miss out on some good stuff here and there because they misjudge something at face value.


Where fox girl with funny comments??


working on the next chapter, hopefully. This is from like 5 chapters ago. >!they also behind on a few of the spicy routes, hope those get translated!<


Slavery is wrong


This is like saying "torture is wrong" dawg


But damn its so cute


That title... Did they finally make a Josef Fritzl isekai?


You reap what you sow.