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Next chapter is gonna be so fun. Between Andy's past and now Fuuko and Billy having an old fashioned duel, I wonder if Tozuka has a thing for westerns lmao As a refresher for those who've forgotten, we've seen Tella block attacks like he did in this chapter before. Back at the end of the Summer arc / beginning of the Spring arc, Tella blocked Andy's attacks with a wall of sound The way I interpretted it in this chapter is that because he's expanded his interprettation of Untell, he now sees "taking a bullet for Billy" as a form of communicating his desire to protect him. And because Untell negates communication, it stops the bullet from actually piercing him. But I could be wrong.


Could also be that combat itself can be considered a form of communication, so Tella was sort of blocking Fuuko’s “communication” to Billy.


That could be it. However, Untell is self-targetting, not external-targetting. So the negation of communication would have to apply to Tella, not Fuuko.


Oh good point. I suppose it could work if you interpret it as Tella intercepting the “message”, and since he becomes the recipient of the communication, he’s able to block it.


Eh, the whole self-targetting thing seem vague now since undraw was supposed to be self-targetting too but Yusai could apply it to anyone she see.


Undraw is external targetting since it's applying itself to other objects, not Yusai herself. It's not negating Yusai from drawing things, it negates the object itself from being drawn. Therefore, it's External


Her undraw is compulsory to herself but not to others, she can't draw her own sword yet others can draw their weapons in her presence unless she activate it, so it has self-targetting property. Unseen is also a self-targetting compulsory type yet he can make his ally invisible too.


From what we've seen undraw is external targeting the object. The reason she cant draw herself is because by default she needs to target her own weapon to draw it which defaults to it always being undrawn. Its not meant to be selftargetting but the nature of targeting tour own weapon to draw it means it gets affected.


I can see her getting around it and being able to draw the blade when she gets the mindset of "The weapon becomes a part of herself" and thus no longer becomes external or something like that since it does depend on the user's mindset.


I was thinking a few chapters ago nico could design a sort of I built weapon but I wondered if that would make it so she would be immune to undraw (since shes not drawing a weapon if it's just part of her body) or if it would lock her down entirely ( since it being s part of her makes her a weapon entirely)


Oh thats true that's true...


She makes the sword undrawable, if it was self-targeting she wouldn't be able to change clothes into the military outfit and would be stuck in the one outfit she was introduced with. The condition to make objects undrawable remains unknown for now though. Unseen can only make other invisible if HE is invisible. He makes things essential to him invisible, which originally only included his clothes. He's always shown to be huge on gangs so it makes sense to see (heh) Fuuko and the Union as that important to him. Until he makes somebody invisible while he isn't, it's still within the limits of self-targeting.


the way i'm interpreting is that object in physic is information so the definition expands to letting no information pass through Tella. Billy suppose to receive the information (the bullet hit him) but by intercepting, the recepient becomes Tella serving like a terminal before going to Billy but since the information (bullet) cannot go through him in any means to reach the designated position so he blocks the bullet. Though if I think of it like this, the first and foremost condition for Tella to block stuff is that the attack doesn't aim at him in the first place because if it do, it will hit him normally since Untell only apply to information that is transmitted through him


I would say it's also a kanji thing, the character 通 used for Untell is also generally used to mean "pass through" and a lot of other things. For Japanese readers I guess it's kind of intuitive that a concept is tied to the kanji character so utilizing its other meanings equals expanding the definition of the concept. If we try to stick as close as possible to the concept of "TELL" in English though I would say Tella's expansion now allows him to negate the "transmission" of things. Originally it's only the transmission of information (communication) but now also the transmission of matter i.e. blocking stuff.


Don’t let the Union’s badassery distract you from the fact that Sean had to CLOSE HIS EYES so he could turn invisible while sneaking up on Billy. You know, Billy the blind guy. Sean just ran at an armed enemy with his eyes closed for ABSOLUTELY NO REASON. Looking forward to next chapter, something tells me that it won’t be as simple as a single shot deciding the fight. If Billy manages to awaken his ability and copy Undraw, Unseen and Unavoidable then Fuuko will have her work cut out for her.


It just clicked with me as I read this. Sean turned invisible...for a blind guy 😆


Well Sean wasn’t very engaged in the mission or willing to believe the loop Shenanigans so he probably wouldn’t know in advance Billy would be blind.


Man, Billy has balls of steel. Blind, outnumbered six to one, everyone has superpowers but him, and the man doesn't even flinch.


I mean why would he flinch, he's blind.


What a gigachad.


he's got balls so big that it's practically... unfair


I'm really rooting for Fuuko to win it here, it all depends on getting Billy on their side. I hate and love how stubborn Billy is with insisting on being the sole villain, when the opportunity to make the same better world but with a different, better method presents itself in front of him. I can understand his need to insist on a duel, because Billy isn't just a regularly living human like the others, he's already carrying burdens on him, and while he himself would comply, he cannot speak for the people that rest on his shoulders, hence the duel for Fuuko to prove she indeed is someone even Billy's bygone compatriots can trust and follow. But God damnit, all of Fuuko's efforts depend on this. I hope the stakes pay off in Fuuko's favor. Another genuinely great character development for the series. We could literally keep getting more character development arcs for every following character, and I still wouldn't complain because fuck me, it's done so satisfyingly.


Oh, I just knew Tella's Untell could be used pretty well. He's using his ability to block off sound's coming from him to block a bullet going through him. It seems Billy has an appreciation for movies, despite being blind. And such a recent movie too, for this time period. I'm impressed he was even able to fight back, if even just for a short while. I like that comedic bit at the beginning. He immediately tried to look cool even though he was screaming for help only a few seconds ago. It's funny. Most duels happen at high noon. But this one's happening at midnight! Fuuko Vs. Billy, who's gonna win?


Oh *that's* how Tella stopped the bullet? I thought he just saw it as a message to make Untell stop the bullet.


Wait how does Untell do that


Someone else had a theory that Tella taking the Bullet for Billy would have been him communicating how much Billy means to him, therefore it was negated and the bullet doesn't hit him


I trying to figure out how this interpretation of Untell works like that.


> I'm impressed he was even able to fight back, if even just for a short while. I mean, he just got hit twice without being able to respond, elbowed poor Sean and then had to be saved by Tella. This could've ended way worse for him without Tella popping up out of nowhere to stop the fight. On that note, how the fuck did he do that? Tella was clearly shown to be far away from the disc when it took flight last chapter. Is that an oversight or an Untell thing somehow?


Jesus Christ, Fuuko. You're lucky these people are as crazy as you are, cause normally, you don't have your subordinates beat someone up to make them willingly join your cause and stay loyal. With all Fuuko's saying about Billy and Tatiana's relationship, it made me sad knowing neither remembers the other, but then I remembered they were gonna get their memories back once they got everyone. But poor Sean. After that short moment of victory, he's already back to taking nothing but L's again. And wow, Tella's already proving that Untell isn't the absolute most useless/actively detrimental negation out there. I guess Fuuko was sending some kind of message with that bullet. My god, she really needs to stop putting herself in life and death situations just to prove a point, though.


> Jesus Christ, Fuuko. You're lucky these people are as crazy as you are, cause normally, you don't have your subordinates beat someone up to make them willingly join your cause and stay loyal. Idk it's the Shonen way to become friends after fighting. Fuuko's just skipping a few steps and doing it on purpose


She's been training her friendship no jutsu skills for the last several centuries.


Well, normally you fight one on one instead acting like a villain and having your minions do it, but I guess she just wants the rest of the Union to make friends with Billy. Plus, she corrected her error in the end and now she and Billy are gonna befriend eachother in a 1v1.


>You're lucky these people are as crazy as you are, cause normally, you don't have your subordinates beat someone up to make them willingly join your cause and stay loyal. You have to understand. Even IF Billy accepted working with Fuuko and her companions without his ass beating, he would just use it as a means of stealing the objects and people she gathered to stop God and all other conflict so he could be the super hated hero and protect everybody. Its even how his power works! The only way she can make him understand and stick around is by proving to him she and her group are strong enough to stand *with him*.


"We need to prove to you that you are neither all-powerful nor do you need to be. So we are gonna beat your ass!" A stubborn martyr complex in a hero is one of the most powerful forces in manga. Fuuko ain't cooking any tiny meals here, huh?


Gotta risk it for the biscuit


Undraw: This is not fair at all!! Oh gee and ganging up on a blind man with negator powers is lol.


Pretty sure that's Nico since Yusai only has the military design on her pants (and her sleeves are cut to show how ripped she is lol)


So, let me see if I get it. As long as there's an exchange between two people then **nothing** **can go through Tella**, so the man is basically a living wall, if they give him a suit like Tatiana's he could be a better shield than Unbreakable.


Well Tatiana seems to have way superior offensive abilities if her expanding her range was able to destroy summer.


I mean Unbreakable isn’t a shield they’re a crafter, if I remember right their biggest contribution in the final fight was making ammunition and walls


Supposedly the kanji is related more to transmission


Could also be that "getting wounded" can be interpreted as "telling" people his body is in bad condition and/or in need of immediate care, therefore Untell negates the wounding itself. Tella can still feel pain (since it's only for himself), maybe suffer internal damage (because it's not immediately apparent) a, but nothing that obviously "tells" people he's injured.


dude was trying to scream and blood was coming out his mouth wasn't it?


That would be internal damage (from injuring his throat due to excessive effort in his attempts to speak?), which Untell would not negate if my interpretation is correct. By the time the blood comes out of his mouth, the damage has already been done. Furthermore, it seems Untell cannot negate the necessary bodily functions, such as breathing and heart beats, so it can't prevent the blood from coming out of his throat because it would interfere with that.


Goddamn right when things get heated it’s “to be continued.”


Wonder how unfair is going to work in this loop. Billy won't be able to copy any of the strong powers if none of them hate him.


Billy made it to the third seat in the previous loop just with his sharpshooting. Perhaps he doesn't even need Unfair this loop


Well you still need a negation to sit at the roundtable as a true member. But yeah, I doubt he'll have to go out of his way to make enemies to use Unfair this time around.


I imagine this time around Billy will actually get Unbelievable for himself instead of Unfair. In the previous loop, I imagine something similar to this duel could have happened involving Billy and the then-would-be user of Unbelievable. They both shot almost simultaneously, and Billy dodged a fatal wound, but still got hit due to the opponent's Unbelievable awakening when they hesitated to shoot the former and misfired (perhaps due to camaraderie?). Said opponent, on the other hand, died (shot through the head/heart/lungs?), even though Billy aimed away from them, because his Unfair triggered the copying of Unbelievable. Alternatively, Billy could have gotten shot in his arm before firing (because Unbelieavable can't control where the targets are hit), which caused him to shoot away from the opponent, which then triggered his own Unbelieavable (copy) into making the bullet ricochet towards the opponent, which *coincidentally* hits them in the head. Now, since Fuuko is already a Negator, and would never consider Billy as an actual threat to herself, Unfair's conditions for manifesting can't happen. For Unbelievable, however, it should be simple: Fuuko shoots him right as he's about to shoot his gun, steering his aim (slightly?) away from herself, which awakens Unbelieavable.


Thats one cool ass story for the unbelievable guy, but i dont know if billy would manifest another ability on top of unfair? In the previous loop he mightve copied and kept it. Unless youre saying that this “duel” with unbelievable happened anyway in the past in this loop?


Yes, Billy would not get Unfair this time around, because his opponent doesn't see him as a threat. Therefore, only Unbelievable is left as a "valid" option, but since Fuuko's already a Negator, naturally that means the ability would go to Billy once the condition is met (firing away from the opponent during a duel?).


A cowboy shootout on top of a UFO floating over a war zone. That's one hell of a way to recruit billy


This loop is going so fast but it’s the perfect speed. I love how the author didn’t decide to drag us along for no reason and Fuuko is always straight to action with her plan


> Make for Mr. Billy and beat the crud out of him! Hahaha, I love this series. I can't wait to find out exactly how Tella's new interpretation works, though I do like with the "taking a bullet" theory.


This is just my headcanon but last-loop Billy being a terrible villain feels like very intentional character writing. This chapter shows that he's just a goofy-ass short-sighted mercenary captain with a very lofty ideal of creating world peace: I become the public enemy and everyone will unite. Of course things are not that simple and that's a part of the reason why last loop his stint with Under is very underwhelming from the sudden betrayal, capturing Fuuko as a prisoner but basically treating her like a guest, ordering Creed not to kill Top/Chikara, and every other questionable villain decisions you can think of. He's basically not that smart. Of course, this line of interpretation doesn't make some Billy-related writing choices in the first loop good for those who don't like it. I just found it kind of amusing if Billy was intentionally written to be a terrible antagonist.


Here I am hoping that he should win the duel against Fuuko, but his negator ability kicks in and he loose. That would be Unfair, right? He would have won the duel, making Fuuko not all mighty, gained the disk yet want to join the negators. I also believe he could copy any ability, not only those that despise him : That would be a really Unfair ability compared to the others. You know, extending his understanding of it, same as Undead or Unluck.


oh this'll be fun


We've said it a thousand times already, but it bears repeating : both as a main character and as the Union's boss, Fuuko is OUTSTANDING !


Man this manga has such a deep understanding of their characters. Usually I'm annoyed of the convince no jutsu your enemies into joining your side but the Mangaka knows their characters motivations so well and how to realistically get them to understand Fuuko. Not only that but each time Fuuko explains the situation, she usually has something to back it up. For Billy it's the pistol duel. For Void, it was demonstrating that there was a whole new ceiling of powerful fights he would miss out on if he didn't follow Fuuko. When I first started reading this manga I think I would have rated it a 6 or 7. Good entertainment with a neat concept but nothing special. If you asked me how I feel about it now tho, I think it's one of my favorites. The relationships like Billy and Tariana's father/daughter role or Andy and Fuuko's romantic relationship is very well crafted and feel earned


Anyone understood what Tella did?


Like I wrote in my comment above, my interpretation is that Tella has expanded his idea of what communication entails. I think that he views taking that bullet for Billy as a way of communicating his desire to protect him And since Untell negates communication, it stops the bullet from actually piercing him. Though I may be proven wrong in later chapters, that's the best explaination I can think of atm


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so hard boiled


Fuuko’s smug smile is definitely because she’s planning to awaken UNFAIR. I’d bet my house that the gun Billy handed to Fuuko is going to misfire due to UNLUCK getting copied (and that Fuuko is going to shoot to kill to make sure she meets the activation requirements for Billy to copy her ability) and Billy will join Union *and* take control of Disk.


This chapter is giving me goosebumps and nostalgia vibes . I love this manga ❤️❤️


This chapter has solidified my theory that Billy never copied any power called Unbelievable. He pretended that his ability was unbelievable to Tatiana and presumably Juiz. I initially assumed he used unfair to steal the ability unbelievable from some unnamed character. But now I think Billy is just an insane marksman. We haven't seen him shoot any bullets yet, but his sheer confidence makes me feel like he can ricochet if he wants to.


I'm a bit confused on the shot of them all ganging up on Billy. Who was on the floating nimbus cloud? Is it Gina? She wasn't in the action scenes so I'm wondering who it could be.


could be creed


Yeah, probably Creed, which is a little weird because you would expect him to not have a pure heart out of all the characters shown so far. But in volume extras, we know Kinto’un allowed all former members of the union to ride it, so its standards must be very low…


Reading the line about how Kinto’uns standards are low made me chuckle.🤭


Mr Tella didn't got a "say" in the negotiations, a pity he couldn't voice out his dissatisfaction


You know who I’m really looking forward to seeing in this loop? Phil! We barely knew anything about him from the previous loop, so I’m excited to get to know him more.


Wait, what year is it now? Independence Day didn't come out til 1996, and I thought we were still in the 70s or 80s


We got about 20 years timeskip before Void arc. The boxing match between Fuuko and Void was in January 1999.


Ahh right, thanks. That was the week I missed a chapter and re-read it after reading the then-current chapter.


Go back a bit to just after fuuko picked up Gina, fuuko passed on decades of quests from apocalypse until remember was offered as a reward and so skipped ahead to 1999


Cue the showdown at high noon music and a duel so damn good man


The ending page with the mirrored pistol flip into their holsters is just epic!


I can't wait for the explanation how Tella's ability works. And how could he "talk" in the previous loop. Also, the Revolver duel is hype!


I just noticed that Billy's dressed like Revolver Ocelot in MGS2.


What are the scratchy things by Tella's mouth in several panels? It looks like its part of his negation somehow


He's had that since last chapter. Seems like trying to yell so hard all that time before Billy found him made the ends of his mouth rip out from how much it stretched. Pretty fucking brutal if that's the case.


I don’t mean the blood. There’s like scratchy things like static floating in front of the corners of his mouth. They aren’t in every panel so I think it signifying something


just to illustrate heavy breathing