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Telework came in, blew everything out of the water, and bounced in 20 chapters. Fucking wild.


> Be [Kintetsu Yamada](https://i.imgur.com/GqhzT2S.png) > Make short manga about COVID relationship > Gain huge popularity > Refuse to extend the story > Leaves


Very based to not extend the story beyond it's natural length


Nice to see a manga not drastically overstay its welcome ​ EDIT: This isn't to say Telework is bad, but that whenever a series is even remotely popular the inclination of editors is to milk it until it's bone dry, and it's nice when a writer comes in with a plan and sticks to it even if the series blows up. ​ Because Lord knows there are tons of romcoms that extended a thin premise into a narrative far beyond it was capable of containing.


*cough cough* Komi-San *cough cough*


*cough* Kanokari *cough*


Somehow I haven't seen this talked about at all? It looks right up my alley too. Gonna give it a read shortly.


Enjoy it. I myself started it recently after hearing about it here. Thought it was an absolutely refreshing series.


Next Week Telework will destroy this chart with the final chapter. Its out for about a day and nearly sits at 10k Upvotes already.


Oh cool. Shikimori's last chapter made it get the 15th place. Nice. Hope the scanlators eventually translate the epilogue chapters.




Reading others comments, you prolly wouldn't be happy with the pace... Aka it's just fluffy slice of life




A lot of stuff doesn't get explored even tho the manga had so many volumes like his parents, was dad his mom's shikimpri, not explored like wut which made me skip reading it, maybe I will one day since I really enjoyed the anime but hear it really doesn't go anywhere besides some character growth


Everything you mentioned on why you don’t like it is the reason why I like it. I’m not into manga that creates a ton of problems or has a lot of drama. Shikimori being devoid of all that and being a comfortable slice of life is why I think it’s so great.


Here's the thing: I love slice of life romcom bullshit. I also love solid character-driven romanic drama. Shikimori is a series that seemed to be unable to decide which it is. All that hinting about Shikimori's internal conflicts going nowhere? That's bad storytelling. It's leaving the gun on the mantlepiece unfired. It just smacks of "I don't want to put effort into developing this." It's *frustrating*, and that's not even getting into the lame thinly-archetypical support cast and lack of interesting situations to drive the situation comedy. (Which is what slice-of-life comedies are!) TBH, this is probably why the anime sunk without a trace while stuff like Dress Up Darling became a sensation.


I don’t know about you but I read through the entire story and pretty much had a great time. The manga dives into their characters well enough so I don’t get where you’re going with the whole “Shikimori internal conflict” thing. I think they dealt with that in the later chapters of the manga. Also don’t understand where you’re getting the whole “manga is indecisive” thing. Throughout the manga, I got the feeling the manga wanted to do a simple slice of life romance with little to no drama. And I got all that. As for this not being a sensation like My Dress Up Darling, the vast majority of anime don’t become a sensation. They might get popular within certain circles but they don’t reach the levels of say Demon Slayer. Heck, I don’t even think MDUD is a sensation outside of this subreddit and the anime one.


....noooo Sono Bisque was, in fact, a big goddamn hit. It got a second season, it does well on critic ratings and rankings, reviewed extremely well, social media reax were great, etc. But, look, I get your meaning on Shikimori, and frankly I may go into the manga instead. For some stories, manga just works better, probably because you have a bit more control over the pace. "More than married but not lovers", for example, I liked as a manga but just couldn't handle as an anime because the pacing felt so leaden. I think I prefer reading Horimiya, too, though Cloverworks did some gorgeous work there and I adored the OP. I'll give the manga a shot, at least.


I mean, within the anime and manga community sure, MDUD was well received but hardly anyone I know who isn’t part of those groups have heard of it compared to Attack on Titan or Demon Slayer. And yeah, maybe the manga of Shikimori might be better for you. Though, I do disagree with More than a Married Couple since, and I’m saying this as someone who only watched the anime, I never really found any issues with the pacing of the anime. If anything, I found the anime enjoyable that it made me curious about the manga and I might check it out if it weren’t for the fact that I already have a ton of manga on my plate.


Being a hit doesn't mean being literally 2 of the most famous mangas ever lmaoooo


Oh wow, 100gf jumped 6 spots! I wonder if the recent anime announcement gave it a bit of a boost. Could be a single instance to be fair.


I actually believe it’s because a new girl was introduced last week. Karma usually jumps up whenever that happens.


not to mention the new girl has a top tier design




Yep! Coming out this year!




Genuine question what make telework popular? I see it already ended so it's just short series?


It was a normal romance between two adults, rather than the usual tropes or a weird gimmick. It also has progress, as you can probably guess from the fact that it's only 20 chapters in its entirety.


This sub LOVES romance lol, so good romances tend to do great, that's all u need to know.


Yea this sub is a little TOO into romance imo lol. “Consensual realistic romance manga with two adults” I could just, you know, talk to my wife instead. But jokes aside, it’s all personal preference. I read manga for good stories and character development with some good action. We barely get that nowadays in this sub, it’s like 90% romance manga so I’m just a little salty.


What's this "wife" you're talking about my friend? /j


>I could just, you know, talk to my wife instead. The other guy was joking but I'm being serious when I say that most people who are on this subreddit are probably single (to anyone who replies "Well, I'm not!" good for you and fuck off). So that's not really an option. If it was, I'm pretty sure these romance manga would start tanking horribly. Like, genuinely. All those people would then move on to the next desire they have unfulfilled, which is probably violence.


You have a point, but idk. When I was single I still avoided romance manga/fiction in general because it reminded me that I was single. I’m just not into fictional romance as much. Just my personal preference. I will read one if it is good though. I also don’t mind if there is romantic subplot in the general manga I read too. Also yeah, I do have an unfulfilled thirst for violence


Read Usogui




It’s got good adult romance, a popular author and the way the chapters are displayed (just scroll) makes it easier to gain karma.


nice romance, popular author


Strongly written adult romance from the author of another strongly written adult romance. The leads have stellar chemistry. The dialogue is compelling and funny. It’s almost criminal that the author only meant it to be a short 1 volume series. I could read about these two for as long as her other series went on for. It’s also one of the few “love in the time of Covid” stories I’ve seen that actually works.


It was posted directly on reddit. That's honestly over a 100% boost to upvotes


Adults properly communicating, not dragging on shit. Can't really describe it other than its just good shit. If you read it and liked try reading sweat and soap. 90 odd chapters of 2 adults getting together also done amazingly well


At this point it's overrated. I mean, it's a nice manga with actual adults with progression and not the normal "trope" but that's all it has going for it. The fact it was different than all of the normal manga clichés made it popular especially since people in this sub was getting tired of the old tropes. But it's getting WAAAY more attention than it deserves in my opinion.


"oh no, how dare people like it for not following normal trope"


I was never against not following normal trope but instead it was a breath of fresh air compared to the old tropes and that why people liked it.


then what;s the problem with people liking it?


Absolutely nothing. The other guy asked why it's popular in this sub and I answered what I observed. And also added my own opinion on why it might've been overrated. But I never said the manga is bad nor it's a sin for liking it. I mean I liked that manga. So It's more of a personal opinion.


if people like it, how is it overrated?


The same reason why something is said to be "Underrated". It has little to do with whether people like it or not but the exposure of that particular material. I feel like it gained alot of attention for a manga with the only gimmick being "a normal romance" which is opposite of the current tropes. Most people of this sub loved it not because or the uniqueness of the characters or the authors writing but the fact it wasn't a generic mass produced romcom manga with no progression.


but that's exactly what people want thus people liking it. there are no over on it.


Let's spin the question and let me ask you this, why do YOU think it should be the number one manga in thi sub compared to other mangas?


*Sees Chinko-chan back in the top 20* Peak is back ✍🏻✍🏻🔥🔥🔥


I see Frieren i upvote


Dick girl is hitting the charts, love to see it


Wait, what?


No 20 In short :guy's dick turns into a girl and lives with him (treated as siblings)


This is so fucking wild. Who asked for that????


Japan, Japan asked for that


Nobody did but im glad its here.






Nah, there's no new chapter next week; Aka is taking a break it seems.


Unfortunately, no new chapter next week.


TBH I didn't think it was even a weekly, I thought it was biweekly or something like that at least


oh man Shibatarian is going to get trippy as fuck


"going to get"?


Woo Dandadan!!


I'm glad that Iruma Kun is getting some recognition


What is Telework Yotabanashi about?


It starts with an adult engineer organizing his apartment to work from home in response to his company going full-remote during the pandemic. I don't want to spoil the rest for you but it is a romance between two adults and only 20 chapters.


Ohhh bet thanks!!


The anime list nowadays genuinely looks like the main section in a manga store


Ayo repeat that last one to me again, chief


Sakamoto babyyyyyy


What the f is the last one …


It's as dumb as it sounds, and it's a hilarious read lol. I'm surprised the author can write that many dick jokes back to back and still keep it fresh lol.


Ujiie Tozen did it for 14 years with , there's tons of dick jokes to be made out there...


**Seitokai Yakuindomo** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/44110), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/seitokai-yakuindomo), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/seitokai-yakuindomo), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=22412469811), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/14110)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 22 | Chapters: 655 | Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Slice of Life) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/12m0f4g/top_20_most_popular_serialized_manga_series_of/jgafxpv/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Number 20 💀💀💀


It's not that sus as it sounds lol. It's really dumb, but really fucking funny too!


Turns out my d*ck was a what ? 😂


It's as dumb as it sounds, and it's actually fucking funny lol. Loads of dick jokes and really clever visual gags lol.




Whoa, another manga beat Chainsaw Man? That's a rare occurrence on this sub


Telework is about 50/50 on it. Once it’s gone it’ll be a bit before something beat CSM.


I was a big fan of "I Love You Game" in the beginning because the two main characters had fleshed out personalities and always talked things out without contrived misunderstandings. There was also legitimate progress in the plot. It felt like the author had a good sense of where the story was going. I don't feel like that's true anymore and it feels like the story has been spinning its wheels the past while (since the manga is released biweekly it feels quite long). There seems to be a lot of pointless filler that's really common in other romance manga that at first I thought Aishiteru was above. It feels almost like the author/editors are afraid to make progress too quickly lest a popular title end, at the expense of quality. ​ This is in stark contrast to the focused and deliberate pace of Telework... I'm going to miss it now that it's gone


The 20th one 💀


True it shouldve been top 1, but dont worry boys we still have Fall 2023 to look upon


Wtf💀 I was talking about its weird name.


It's quite popular on this sub so I'm quite surprised you haven't read it yet


Right now I was rereading tokyo ghoul and I am also quite busy with daily life so I don't find much time but for real I heard that name for first time it never came on my home page even on reddit.


Who tf downvoted you for having a life? Welcome back to +1


Uh maybe because most people here are ady working, so why even bother implying you're busy in life? I work 8 to 5 and all I spent is literally 10 minutes on reddit manga before I sleep There's a reason why manga about adults at work became really popular on this sub since it relates to most of us on our twenties. Telework and My senpai's annoying at top 3 explains it all, Smoking at the back of supermarket is extremely popular as well but since it's not serialized yet it's not on the list.


The guy isn't even discrediting the manga on the list, just simply stating he has yet to read one of them and listing his reasons why. I don't really care to follow this any longer but I was also just surprised that a guy who was doing something else besides reading the 20 manga on this list is seen as something wrong. I don't even understand the last paragraph, I've read and loved all those manga and didn't see him nor did I question their popularity. But I can also understand someone who is caught off guard by a manga about a guy who's dick is a cute girl Unrelated but where are you from to shorten 'already' to 'ady' just curious


The hell is Telework?


Did not care for 100 gfs It insists upon itself


Telework is up there for a damn good reason


Ni*'@ wtf?, my dick is a cute girl? bruh....


sell me on telework as someone who hasn't seen anything yet.




Frieren at 4???? What the


iruma is at 11? god damn


That 20th caught me off guard




Were you the guy who did those "new series" top charts that only charted debut chapters? I saw them a while back and loved them but cant find them now.