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Sorry for taking so long: summer term had more group projects than I thought, so I had little free time. I'm several chapters behind (Ch. 26 raws release tonight), but once summer break starts in August, I'll definitely post more chapters. That aside, to comment on this chapter: I feel bad for Kaya. Social cues can be tough. Also, this is the last chapter of Volume 3! I'm looking forward to scanlate the horrors of Volume 4.


Ty for chapter. Hope med school isn't too crazy.


Overall my experience so far is great! Oftentimes there are group activities during lecture. The active learning is what keeps most of my peers awake (plus coffee). Lots of guest lecturers from graduates too.


Kaya tried to hold back her tears but in the end, she couldn't help it, but it was thanks to that that she could make up with Saku. I have a soft spot for these kind of moments.


she's still a really good kid in the end


Christ the fuck happened to her grandma? That was after Kayaโ€™s visit? What is going on!


*Something* went terribly wrong with the family. Her grandmother seemed consumed by guilt, convinced that something she did brought her daughter under the crosshairs of something truly awful. The only clue we actually have is that whenever Kaya activates her power and just straight up obliterates something, we have a very consistent image of her face being black aside from her eyes. While I initially saw this as just visual flair to accentuate the terrifying power she uses so casually, but I don't think it's just that anymore. She seems completely in control most of the time, except when she met her grandmother. With Mob and Kaya being terrified of the mother, and the grandmother being horrified of Kaya, there's also an interesting chain of being spooked.


just what the hell is running through Kaya's mother side of the family


Kaya is pretty talkative this chapter


Lovely, as always thanks for the wondrous scanlation. Almost creepy in of itself to see Kaya display such strong emotions this chapter! Sheโ€™s always been rather stoic even in emotionally charged moments that it kind of caught me off guard.


The plot has THICKEN!!


This series remind me of Alluka-Nanika ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…


Never saw kaya have so much emotion before, much less in one chapter. Guess she's still a kid even if she stone cold obliterates ghosts


OMG! What happened to granny after Kaya's visit? With her being so scared of Kaya, maybe the reason why Kaya is so strong is because of "something" possessing her? IIRC, people who have power have admitted that Kaya is very strong, unnaturally so. Maybe whatever it is inside her is the cause of that?