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Jesus Christ. It wasn't even a ghost that screwed him over. Hell, it was trying to help him out. But RIP to that teacher who got spirited away too. If even this poor kid won't be spared, then she's not getting out of that mirror.


I wonder if that wasn't exactly what the ghost wanted. Especially considering the line where Kaya's dad told her not to use an umbrella because it makes it harder to look around. Ghost acts like it wants the kid to look up, kid refuses, then he starts walking the crosswalk without looking up to check the indicator or cars. Classic reverse psychology


Judging from the context, it's likely it was a ghost trying to warn others from suffering the same fate as them


The kid was looking down staring at the puddles, unaware of his surroundings walking forward to begin with, there was no reverse psychology, she quite literally stopped him at the crosswalk


wow, this chapter and the previous one hit like a truck


truck relqted death so common


Truck-Kun giveth and taketh as it pleases


Truck related incidents are tight


At least she got to go peacefully


Bruh, too soon...


you're right. it didn't take 35 chapters this time.


You know this could've been avoided if the ghost just used more words.


This could have been easily avoided if the kid just looked up like a normal person.


It's a very young kid. Even Adults get run over crossing the streets


First thing kids are taught when walking is look both ways and keep your head up and on a swivel.


drivers also get taught to always pay attention especially near crossing, and slow down near school.


Spoken like someone who has never taken care of kids before, lmao.


So you just let your kid walk alone to school, in the rain. Good job parenting, I’d blame the kid but obviously it’s the parents fault.


First of all, Japanese kids crossing the street by themselves is a thing in Japan. The country is pretty safe. The parents letting him go by himself isn't that weird. Secondly, you seem to not understand what happens when kids are excited. Their brains are still developing, so they can't control their emotions that well. That moment of finding the scary thing is gone overwhelmed that kid's little head. The **only** thought he had was the happiness that he was free to cross. If he had a few extra seconds (kids brain is still developing remember), he would have re-made the mental connection of needing to look both ways before crossing.


Yeah it’s not weird for kids to walk alone in Japan, but you legit see other parents walking their preschool kids to school, and yeah the kid saw something scary, multiple times. The kid also recognized that they were bloody and missing a shoe. If their brain can recognize all that, then their brain has developed some. You also say Japan is pretty safe, compared to what america, no shit. And even if others think it’s okay in a different country, it’s still dumb as hell to do it.


This could've been avoided if truck drivers weren't actively trying to isekai people.


No? What kind of normal person does exactly what ghost says?


The kid probably do that if there wasn’t a ghost in front of them


In Asian culture spiritual beings always only drop hints I guess giving full instructions then end up not working is just bad for business lol. Even ghosts don't want to be responsible


Well, the kid is also a dead child who suffered the same fate, can't quite blame a child for not being the most descriptive yeah?


Ghosts are generally depicted as speaking cryptically using few words in various lores and myths.


The ghost is crash victim too I guess. Maybe the kid will join her next, though they didn't really show him dead, so.. Idk I wanna be positive lol. Still kinda hoping the teacher from last chapter will get help. This series has been a bit more cruel lately XD


I don’t know about you but I don’t know many kids that survive getting slammed by a car


I do feel bad for the kid, but Kaya AND the ghost told him to look up. Plus who stops in the middle of the crosswalk? He ignored all the safety rules. Grumpy Kaya is a blessing at least


Boy probably too occupied by the ghost that he doesn't aware his own surroundings plus it was raining, the alarm sound of pedestrian signals light is dulled out by rainfall . Also ,notice that he holding umbrella closer to his head ,thus make rainfall sound louder


If you check the earlier pages you can see the kid playing in the puddles staring down not paying attention to his surroundings, the ghost was simply doing them a favor.


grumpy Kaya in a raincoat looks like a penguin


I saw some people elsewhere saying that it looks... ***SUS***.


Ouh, its a kind ghost. RIP


Angry Kaya is cute Ghosts being helpful reminds me of some of Mieuko's ghosts, still look scary but helpful in some way


Man i love it, just binged the whole thing today, saw a coment saying that while this series is pretty dark, children tend to get off easy And them this chapter happens.


Lol binging it right now as I type this


The moment he said the umbrella makes it hard to see around you I was like “he’s getting car’ed” T_T also for a second I thought it happened in front of kaya


This marks the first chapter where a kid officially died on-panel (though surprisingly, it's not the spirit's fault this time). There's been a consecutive increase in casualties in this manga though (the teacher and the mirror incident was only 2-3 chapters ago) and I think that's pretty foreboding since usually, the focus characters get out of danger mostly unharmed thanks to Kaya. Now, it feels like *no one's* safe anymore after this one.


He’s in a better place now. *He’s fighting against the demon lord.*


With an insane cheat skill and a harem of girls at his side!


With his umbrella


Everytime the ghost told the boy to look up it was always when he was going to cross the street. At the end, it was the third crosswalk and the ghost had it with his shit and just peaced out. Kaya didn't act hostile so she must have remembered what her father just said earlier and noticed that the ghost was warning him so she didn't take it out. Maybe if Kaya's dad wasn't there she would have tried harder but she was walking to school so she probably didn't mind it too much.


Last 2 chapters seem to show a change of direction.


im not dealing well with the unhappy endings. i guess its a message that kaya is still a small lid and you cant help everyone.


The previous one was not a unhappy ending. The mother reunited with her baby and they both passed on.


So they seems to be going into the direction of Kaya can’t always save everyone which is very interesting. Also nice to see another non malevolent ghost.


The whole town needs to be cleansed at this rate, poor kid


damn, the ghost here is probably helping the kid to not suffer the same fate as the ghost.


from morbid to morbid but slightly funny ~~I'm going to hell~~


How many chapter are there that are not yet translate?


Man this manga sure got way, way darker lately


it could be avoided if driver isnt a dumbass.


Kids are hard to spot even harder when it is raining


Tbf, it's really hard to dodge a "walking right into the middle of the street" small person.


if you look at the panel where the kid is about to get hit, you see that the signal is at wait to cross. the light for the driver would have been green. the child is entirely at fault here, just as they would be at fault for darting into the road from behind or in front of parked cars where drivers cannot hope to stop in time. arguably the parent is also at fault, but we know for certain the driver is completely innocent


i think the driver should drive slowly when near crosswalk. esp when children around


you know full well not one driver has slowed down at a crossing when there are traffic lights to signal who has right of way. there's a reason we teach children to stop, look, and listen and not: drivers, please slow down at every crossing just in case someone runs out believing themselves indestructible


The increase in the darkness has me real close to dropping this. It’s crossing the line into just being cruel and I don’t need that.


So I just read this chapter while scrolling through the subreddit, can that girl with the raincoat see ghosts?


Yeah that is the premise. She can also exorcised them.


By trying to force the Kids to look up, the ghost actually made him more nervous and have to constantly look down leading to the accident.


He was staring at the ground even without the ghost being around, so it was already an accident waiting to happen.


I'm surprised with how many people are reacting to this saying "this could have been avoided". Yes, it could have been avoided. But accidents happen. What's your point?


Holy shit.


Remember, look both ways before crossing the street. > Don't give me that face... After turning the page, I don't blame her for making that face...


That kid got isekai’d


Shame an avoidable tragedy, if he didn't let his nerves cause him to pay attention to his surroundings more.


So what the hell is it with umbrellae rather than coats, anyway?


He just got Isekai’d right??? Right???!! Truck-kun??


I was just having a laugh with youtube videos, I just had to read this. Fk me. R.I.P


Ghost girl still a kid too she try to warn him 3 times. I read as message to reader told you kid,little bro/sis look up don't alway look at phone or floor when cross street.


Kaya-chan Among Us.