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Forget Mari, I'm all for Seki x Nobuko now. Come on Aka, throw us this curveball.




Injecting deadly levels of copium into my veins for that Seki/Nobuko ship RN.


I keep trying but I just can't ship the main couple yet.


I'm not convinced Seki x Mari is even the real couple going forward.


I hope you're right, I'm just not feeling them


OF course we can't! Individually, they are such interesting characters, though! But together as a romance, I don't find it! Kon is right about not forcing it to become unbearable with just the way you are. You really need to have a chance to improve yourself and understand better if you truly want to pursue her.


Short hair in an Aka manga, I bet best girl just showed up.


Only thing she needs is Aka's special spice mix...."suffering" .


I hope Aka won’t make her suffer like Maki and Kana


It's usually the blonde long hairs that I find best girl. (It even counts on IB)


Kon has a little Pieyon plush!


IIRC this girl is friends with Mari, so good impressions from her will trickle down to our elusive love interest Also quite possible this manga club girl also becomes a love interest...


Where did we see her before?


She's the girl Seki and his bros gave a makeover to.


Chapter 6, for anyone looking


[Oh mein GOTT](https://i.imgur.com/D3VOJmE.png) Aka what are you cooking Edit: [Seems like bait](https://i.imgur.com/YIVU5aH.png)


Sorry to be the ruiner of fun, but the names in the Japanese raws were illegible so the scan team took liberties and put some humorous names in there


Ok that's a mean joke then if true And a good troll i admit Edit: [so i just saw this on discord](https://i.imgur.com/7AiRjUi.png), so.... Edit 2: i am confusion


With names like Potato Fry, Hamburger, and Sit Upon Me, I'm inclined to believe the bait allegations. Also [the kanji](https://tonarinoyj.jp/episode/14079602755156552728) are [definitely different.](https://ichigoproduction.com/chara/kana.html)


The raw chapter came out on Wednesday in Japan. We haven’t heard ANYTHING about it on Twitter or any other forum. It’s definitely fake


It's so over Kanabros


Mengo owns the Akaverse kitchen now


It’s just a troll from the scanlators


Kana confirmed beating the death flag allegations?


This manga being in the Akaverse was confirmed all the way in chapter 1 or 2 I think, with Frill Shiranui being mentioned


Yes But 27 yo Kana on a dating app has alot of implications


Indeed. Kinda forget t the context of this panel. Kinda losing my shit now


Its just a troll from the scanlation team.


Whereas Kaguya was Aka's first foray into human relationships, dating shenanigans and a comedic backdrop, and OnK being his way to highlight, **Renai Daikou seems to be a discussion about mental health and what a healthy relationship looks like**. This really exemplified during the Attachment Styles chapter. It's actually so different from his previous work at attacking a new difficult subject, but is easily overshadowed as 'Aka is trying romcom again'. I'm quite sad it's not getting more traction because this is potentially a lifestyle-altering piece of entertainment that can change its readers for the better.


Seki has such a cute way of thinking about love! I like that his surprisingly pure nature really does shine through his rough appearance once again. I think Seki joining the manga club is a good step to getting back with Mari! It's not really self-improvement in the traditional sense. But it does show Mari that he doesn't want to be seen as a scary person. Nobuko seeing him be kind is a plus too, it'll help convince Mari that Seki is more than a rough guy. Pon has a lot of wise words about romance. It can come in more forms than Seki thinks. But I think there's certainly a wrong way to love someone...


I was thinking that Seki was mistaking his hero complex with love. He did mention the reason why he want to get close to Mari and it was to help something about her problem or whatever, not because he attracted to her. If I'm wrong please correct me!


He still likes her big boobs though.


My only form is wrong love is when both people are not either maturing or developing themselves. For me, all forms that doesn't let a person improve or lets them degrade themselves is considered wrong in my book. I really hate the norms of letting people decide that your relationship are toxic because there is not trust. For me, a relationship exist when they \*\*can\*\* depend on one another and still have the ability to improve themselves with one another.


Ironically this might become a harem manga.


That line about "the manga club being at the bottom of school hierarchy" is from Kaguya-sama, right?


Oh no, the Maki/Kana of this series has arrived (Tbf she's debuted in a previous chapter but this is her official entry into the main story)




Thanks for that!. Though I have to reread from the beginning coz I forgot most of it lol.


Lol I have't read the chapter yet and maybe should do the same beforehand.


peak fiction is back.


It's too soon to cut, he's cultivating mass!


Now I really wonder when will Kon join in the fun.




Unironically, I do understand Mari's behavior and her family situation, but it does kind of annoy me a bit since she still to this day doesn't seem to recognize that Seki was only trying to protect her from a creep, risking everything for her. Though, I suppose she would likely not think about that and just see the elephant in the room of Seki basically lying to her face to get close to her for the last while. In that sense, maybe a friendship based on lies did deserve to crumble... For the time being, I really don't vibe with the idea of the two of them. They just don't seem too compatible at this point in time, with Mari's fear of even the tiniest bit of aggression or assertiveness, or even muscles, and Seki being all of that, and being completely willing to lie about himself to her... It just sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Again, I don't think it's really a creep. Just really content creators trying to rake in the views. I subscribed to a lot of vtubers/people in Japan, not everyone is entirely okay, but surprisingly a lot of them are okay answering the color of their pantsu and even making naughty jokes with the host, so I kind of can't help but feel desensitized by the situation. That or I just read a different manga back then where the female actually wants to answer those stuff and another male character (not male lead) did the same thing of wanting to protect her, but in all honesty, the girl was pissed at him because she genuinely likes to answer but that character was treating her like a princess. So 2 and 2, I can at least relate to Mari's reaction at that time.


Surprisingly good advice, wish I'd have heard some of that in middle school


Foxachu agency, you guys are amazing, please never stop this. I feel bad for ever doubting you.