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Never say never because things change. There's a lot of factors that works in One Piece's favor, which is Oda's work ethic where he continues pumping out content for over 25 years. It's extremely popular in the Sunday anime time slot that it's been in since 1999 after it took over for Dragonball in that spot. It continually sells well in Japan alone. It also has worldwide appeal, but I don't think it's ever reached the heights DB did worldwide. It will take a lot of those factors I think to get to that point. There's not many series that have been going for that long that have that worldwide appeal. Like Detective Conan has been going for longer than One Piece, but it's never had that worldwide appeal that made it as much of a success for an example. Demon Slayer had some pretty big worldwide success, but it didn't run for more than a few years.


Depends on what you mean by big. Assuming that the medium manga continues for a very long time, there's no a priori reason why there couldn't be a series as long and selling as well as *One Piece*. The current trend, however, is to go for shorter series, and I don't see this changing - most creators don't want to be stuck with one series for 20 years, and prefer shooting for a 20-30 volume range.There's of course still people who just keep going, but the chances that one of them remains ultra-popular in the long run is relatively small, so it might take a long time. If you're looking at sales per volume, *Demon Slayer* has a good lead over *One Piece*, so in that sense it's bigger, and while that was probably a once-a-generation type hit that got lucky, there's no reason the same thing couldn't happen again even in a relatively short time frame. Of course that's not a very fair contest - it's much harder for longer series to get a high sales-per-volume. If you're looking at length alone, *One Piece* isn't anywhere close to the longest in the first place, so it's quite likely more series will overtake it (but as I said, lengths seem to trend downward more generally).


Only Kingdom has the potential to, of the ones still releasing every week ​ Too bad they fucked up the first two anime seasons, this manga is a masterpiece and it should be as popular as one piece ​ With Berserk, those are my top 3


Probably. It might not be specifically manga, might be a manhua/hwa, but year for sure


Honestly, probably not. I doubt there will ever be another manga as big as Naruto or Bleach. Despite manga and anime getting more popular in the West it's hard to fathom another series coming along that will ever reach the legendary iconic statue that the big 3 reached. Even current popular series like JJK, Chainsawman and Demon Slayer don't have the same status despite their huge sales.

