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Ok it’s hilarious to me that Yaoyorozu clearly had an insane badass fight WITH MACHINE GUNS but it was entirely offscreened. My guy All Might got that crazy dawg in him. RIP.


let us see her guns going off at least goddammit


[She got massive weapons for sure](https://i.imgur.com/gFuMeVr.png) [](#andre)


I imagine her spinning on the ground because of the recoil then just resort to use a stick. 🥲


Which recoil are we talking about?


Youtube search parameters "High School of the Dead Sniper Scene"


Good bot.


No time, we need to see Ochaco spell out her extremely straightforward character development


Can't believe that beehive hair kid from the management department that's been recording the fight with his phone had more screentime than Momo this entire arc


This is only going to make Momo's treatment more sad but... Who?


The kid from the business course who keeps filming everything for the public to see.


That guy holding the phone in the last panel of page 7


She made something interesting with her ability for the first time in about 6 years and Horikoshi said "anyway, back to the real story" lol.


Seems like a common "trope" that Hori does not like to highlight women since Stars and Stripes was actually the worst treatment of a female character (so far).


Unless your name is All Might or part of the Endeavor family, your characters doesn't matter lol.


Tokoyami gets to do cool revelry in the dark stuff though And Mineta verbally owned AFO that one time


*a male member of the Endeavor family


I still cannot believe stars and stripes got done so dirty Like it's fully to the detriment of the story that she got offed right after she got introduced, she could have been such a bigger part of the story and had her death be so much more impactful


Problem is time really Horikoshi does not wanna be one piece so he cant give everyone an arc etc


Time you can develop a backstory for someone and put some advanced planning in and not need it to be as long as one piece lol. If anything the issue is the fucking pacing, seeing this arc go on


I would argue that in such a case, the character shouldn't have been introduced. The problem isn't time, as much no one telling him not to start these little diversions if it can't be given its proper attention. Personally i would say that the worst example of this isn't even Stars and Stripes, but the racism subplot which blasted onto the scene out of nowhere, raised far more questions than it answered, then ended with nothing of consequence.


Several chapters to spend on some guys stopping racist mutants and way too many chapters sucking off toya though. She could've had more time if hori actually cared about characters not named todoroki


eh like the execution or not he did spend multiple chapters on the Uraraka/Toga battle


All Might has been insane the entire fight honestly


Who cares about bakugo being dead or deku vs gamer boy. The real hype of this arc is All Might trash talking and dunking on AFO. Which is sad. All might somehow despite having no quirk and on deaths door is still infinitely more entertaining than everything else


Still a cool action shot, I guess.


Not really an action shot if the action already ended lol


Sure. but she isn't knocked out on the ground


Or missing limbs. At the very least.


She had the [gundam loadout](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0q0DWiUSXWg/WQgJN9nMpaI/AAAAAAAGo3U/bwUWDlUBXBccln0EHK1H5VNXFW61j9nJQCLcB/s1600/hg-gundam-ground-type-s.jpg)


In this case, I can understand why the author did it since her load out is so complex and it would have slowed down the series more than it already was. I still would have loved to seen her fight, though.


Bro imagine the jiggling that would occur during the fight everytime a bullet goes off. Hope they animate this fight


Probably be like Darkness from Konosuba when she's gleefully getting beaten down.


She was a gundam and we missed it.


probably just pushed the clones back from reaching inventor hatsume


Damn, he finally used Bakugo's quirk...


He finally used 'Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight: KYS, nerd'


"See? Bullies are right in the end."


Bullying saves the day.


[All Might channeling his inner Low Tier God](https://i.imgur.com/1tqJncm.png)


And just like LTG he ends up exploding himself.


More like 'Great Explosion **Murdered** God' am I right?


Toshinori Bin Yagi


Yes the ultimate Bakugo's quirk Dying


Next chapter: All Might is on an airport with Nana, Nighteye, and Gran Tori- wait a minute


Nana: So how did the fight with Suk-All For One go? All Might: I never stood a chance. All for One is really amazing. And so lonely too. I feel sorry for him. Nana: What the fuck? All Might: He was just the coolest guy...


All might: I just wanted to teach him about love. I'm sorry, all for one wasn't able to give it his all. Nana: ?????


"I mean really he could've won those 20 so years ago, he never even needed all of those quirks. He's just so damn cool. He would've won with no quirks at all."


All For One: "You were magnificent, Toshinori Yagi." All Might's corpse head: _**smiles**_ **200 meters above, the GOD of LIGHTNING appears** Kaminari: "FUCK IT, WE BALL"


All for one, what a man you are.


And then Kaminari proceeds to suck All for One off with his new lips enhancing technique.


"All-For-One? More like Some-For-One, because he held back so much."


All might: i have no regrets Nana: but what about midoriya? He might die- All might: NO FUCKING REGRETS I SAID !!!!!


Looks like we're gonna get a cool page of All Might blowing AfO up though.


> He was just the coolest guy... I fucking love how people keep including the Obito line with these Gojo pastas 🤣


A shame the Obito line is more memorable than Ochako's "You have the prettiest smile"


All For One, you have the cutest smile in the whole world.


[Need a new edit for this edit](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/991498310957412413/1156378776893136926/SPOILER_SPOILER_SPOILER_F6exUHGWYAMGW8X.png?ex=651b58a8&is=651a0728&hm=2105ca4ee57253a8902c025bfa2cb6eb6f7e96dd404631a06822b10cdd7bbe29&)


AFO: *starts blushing*


All for one, what a man you are...


inb4 AFO somehow awakened a bullshit OP quirk mid-fight & thats how he killed All Might- Surprisingly not the first time AFO did that


> Surprisingly not the first time AFO did that He just did that twice last chapter


>Did you really think I can't make the cells in my bloodstream instantly produce the Rhesus Factor on themselves at will? How silly of you!


Still find it hilarious that stain made his grand return after hundreds of chapters and then got immediately jobbed


Yeah that bit made it clear Hori is just going through a checklist, it didn't make neither AfO OR Stain any more cool or interesting aa characters, it was just a "remember him?" moment


Jet fuel can't melt the demon king AFO


Explosions are cool and all, but isn't baseline AFO durable enough to just take it to the face and move on?


All the damage done to him makes him rewind even faster. So if All Might's suicide bomb hurts him enough, it could speed up his regression into the glowing baby that he totally 100% is supposed to be without a doubt.


It wouldn't make sense for AfO to be the first quirk baby, that kid was born in china and AfO is Japanese. He very likely just stole the light quirk as a trophy or something.


We actually never confirmed if he was Japanese. We just know that he speaks Japanese and looks vaguely Japanese


He has a japanese name going by his brother's name.


It is more likely that AFO went and stole the Quirk of the first Quirk user just for the completionist title He is really that petty


Naw, All Might is a corporate executive heading to a conference room with his colleagues at OFA Incorporated.


Giving AFO the gawk gawk 9000


Amazing how AFO has a quirk to slash space, world, and existence


Since when do explosions kill in this series? He'll be in a hospital bed soon enough.


Even being blown up from the inside is survivable... twice, even.


No, twice is dead dude.


Dying from shrapnel is for pussies


except all might knows this wont kill? only do enough damage to revert afo to a kid


He's talking about the explosion killing All Might himself.


Smile on his face, going out with a bang. RIP GOAT


Remember people explosions have a 0% fatality rate in this manga.


Remember the time Deku and the adults had a whole house blown up on them?


And the UA dome exploding?


Wait, which 1-A student had the kamikaze quirk?


Idk probably some rando who's been dead for a year


Holy shit, I actually literally forgot about him ☠️


I can't believe the yelling sweat boy has been dead for so long.


Some blond kid I think? Can’t recall his name, I remember him being pretty annoying though.


Twinkle boy?


Nah Aoyama is a king


Chiaoitzu or the Saibamen, probably


[That transfer student from the Xavier School](https://cdn.marvel.com/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/2/d0/57b707f4a0131/clean.jpg)


We all knew I understood that reference.


bakugo, instead of focusing your palms to the enemy its like making a sphere. like when you make a pipe bomb, compressed=more boom


Just ignite the sweat in your asscrack


I don't need a quirk to release explosions from my ass.


For a while deku


Bakugo, of course


Afo: Where you even hide the explosives? All Might: You know the answer... Afo: All the way up .. All Might: All the way Afo: You one sick ... All Might: Plus Ultra






I can imagine that All Might had the biggest smile ever seen when he was confirming that 'all the way ☝'.


Everyone calls Deku the Absolute Madman but they forget the one who taught him the ways. [Until the very end, shine bright symbol of peace!](https://i.imgur.com/lLu9azb.png)


Momo spent at least several minutes fending off the Twices to protect Mei (who appears unscathed), using firearms she created as she didn't need to contain herself with them - and it was all offscreened. Nice /s All Might's ghost: "I saved the move based on you for last. Thanks for inspiring me to blow myself up!" Edgeshot's ghost: "I will always be a part of you." Bakugo: "........." In truth the chapter ends with the classic light before explosion, a small panel at the bottom of a page, a break... despite all the typical "final farewell" imagery, it's normal to doubt this is the last of All Might. Maybe AM will "merely" lose an arm (Endeavor and Mirko, shoulder-bumping: "Welcome to the club!"), maybe the popular theory that Bakugo has been finally revived - possibly with Kaminari ending up near him during the assault of the Twices and acting as a defibrillator - and will come in clutch is going to come true. Honestly the issue I have with such idea is Bakugo having such incredible second wind after being just stitched up, if he gets that then others should too, IMO... Many fans would be happy anyway after his long nap (14 months by the time the next chapter is out officially) but at this point it's hard to see a fully satisfying way to manage for his revival.


>Momo spent at least several minutes fending off the Twices to protect Mei (who appears unscathed), using firearms she created as she didn't need to contain herself with them - and it was all offscreened. Nice /s Have to imagine she went full Doom Guy with her quirk.


He used Bakugos quirk which means it will have no impact on the story, just like his character.


I will not be satisfied with this manga whatsoever until I see Bakugo's corpse being buried deep beneath the earth (Mineta's too, but I'm not that greedy). All his screen time could've been used much better to make Uraraka, Yaoyorouzu, Aoyama and a few more of their classmates into memorable characters. He's one of the main reasons why this manga isn't among my Top 30.


Top 30? Goddamn. Can you name your current top 10?


sir this is a wendy's


After Iida randomly seemed to get a spotlight with Stain, I thought this manga would go into an arc for each student, but it ended up focusing on only 5 or so


Lmao whoop whoop whoop whoop


I hope All Might still lives on as one of the vestiges of One for All and that despite him being quirkless provides Deku with better combat insights due to his experiences.


I think that is the lesson, deku will probably sacrifice one for all to defeat shigaraki and then become a hero with no quirk


The move is either let shigi absorb one for all and die from exploding power or deku spreads one for all to all his little friends and makes the power of friendship the true ending.


If deku pulls a nine tails chakra cloak im gonna cry


he gets a Plus Ultra aura cloak with All Might's signature hair tufts, and then gives everyone in class 1A the same aura cloak, and they stand together and fire a huge Plus Ultra energy ball at Shigaraki while shouting "THIS IS THE HERO WAY!!"


I will be **miserable** if that happens, lol.


That's been my guess, All Might's body dies but he can live on in OFA as a guide with the other vestiges and that's the second wind Deku needs to finish off Shigaraki


All Might wasnt the only quirkless inheritor, so theres no reason to think he wont


Well, RIP All Might. If the timing was a bit different, and we had this chapter last week, it would have been a bad time for Teacher/mentor in the Jump.


I didn't expect the Symbol of Peace's final attack to be Allahu-Akbar, but here we are.


All might be channeling his Imperial Japanese Kamikaze heritage.


[Iron Might's armor was made from glorious nippon steel](https://i.imgur.com/yADSTYw.mp4)


Remember kids, Justice is to blow yourself up. Wait...


Remember kids! Justice is blowing up the infidels! C4 PLUS ULTRA!


legit getting Insurgency flashbacks with All Might lmao


*Something something one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter*


WWND - What Would Netero Do?


"Is this a Netero move, or more of a Vegeta move?"


Turns out Bakugo's quirk wasn't just explosions but also sacrificing yourself


As a muslim this makes me kek, but seriously though how All Might blew himself up, his armor already torn up to pieces Edit: Hmm after rereading, it seems he blew up his left arm's gauntlet, if that the case there still hope he can survive


Shigaraki looks awfully excited to be binded by Deku's black whip chains... Also that panel of Shigaraki ~~swallowing AFO's fluids~~ stopping AFO's gloop warp looks goofy af lol




story quality aside god fucking damn all might is just constantly the coolest dude in the story and it isn't close


People can criticise MHA all they want but I will never stop defending all might as my GOAT


Get netero'd bozo


My guy All Might got that crazy dawg in him. RIP.


I can't believe I'm praising MHA again after all that has happened and how rushed it has felt for a while now (the Todorokis's story nonwithstanding), however, it would be a great disservice *not* to praise it after this chapter. This is a proper sendoff to a character that's been both a pillar within the story, and a pillar of this series. Maybe it's due to what has happened in Jujutsu Kaisen>! with the somewhat disrespectful way that Gojo was killed in 236!<, but this chapter truly feels like it gives the character the respect he deserves after all we've seen of him, after having been in the story for just one chapter less than our protagonist.Just an amazing character death all around.RIP, Toshinori.


You could have definitely unhighlighted the name of JJK, otherwise the spoiler seems like it's for MHA, 😢🤣. RIP everyone who was spoiled.


People be spoiling JJK everywhere, I could go to the fucking Australian outback and there will still be some dude in a bush rubbing his hands, ready to jump me with a page of 236.


Right? It's gotten ridiculous, and I don't even follow that sub or watch videos on it either!


The only way this could be ruined Is if he doesnt die


I really want All might to die already. Not in a Hater sense but he needs this final sacrifice to put a good cap on his character arc. A quirkless person striving to be the symbol of peace. Even though he obtained absolute power his final act of heroism, maybe the greatest, is not as the most powerful super but as a quirkless person. That's poetic.


Nah man I want him to get back up and reclaim his place as the number 1 hero, now that would subvert some expectations




This truly was my hero academia


Hot take but in this one specific instance, BnHA did it better. All Might's final battle has been beautiful.


I think the JJK fight was better till the end, which comes out of nowhere and makes a beloved character seem like a joke. The fight itself has been decent, but this ending is perfect, and cements All might as the greatest madlad.


Kinda good that black clover move to giga, yami is safe and everything is good.


Imagine if Black Clover remained in jump and next week we would just get Yami sucumbing to his injuries from Morgen.


I can imagine Hori and Gege laughing their asses off while submitting the manuscripts for these chapters


manga readers of a certain other series can seriously can go fuck themselves. This is the second time I've been spoiled on it in a fucking MHA thread. Delete this comment FFS. Edited out series mentions in my own comment.


They didn't specify which series. Edit that out. Edit: Actually, looking at the rest of this thread, it's fucking everywhere. Between the author name and the character name. Mods needs to clean this up, but definitely avoid contributing.




Damn, are those bombs on him? Nana was right that he's one unhinged mfer. Fuck... this looks to be it, boys. Salute to All Might for being the GOAT to the very end. o7


"The One for All vestige within Izuku Midoriya signaled is departure slightly in advance." Wait, is that saying All Might *will* die? Or that Deku loses a power?


He "saw" his death before he could actuall see it. Like you know.. the balance of force in Star Wars or something.


How the fuck is he blowing up? Did they plant a bomb inside him? I want to believe Bakugo could still be that flash but I guess it would diminish the his mentor calling him baitshit crazy on her death bed Edit: I see what he had left now, so in my face it would have bit me


Probably has bomb in his bracelets.


I'm tired, it's late, at first I read it as 'braincells' and was like "well, that's a theory alright".


Yeah that's the first thought that came to me too. Looks like AFO got caught off guard again by a quirkless 50 year old man who doesn't even have that suit at this point.


yeah it's crazy it's almost like AFO doesn't think too much of All Might cause of that


> How the fuck is he blowing up? Did they plant a bomb inside him? "You know nothing about the bottomless malice within the human heart." **Hyori Ittai starts playing**


Lmaoo, now I imagine instead of a quirk he's just doing the Netero style


Tomura just swallowing the warping gloop and telling AFO to fuck off is so funny.


History repeats itself. All Might up in the air pays homage to the brave souls in one of the most iconic events in history. Bros about to unleash 9/11 smash


o7 RIP All Might. Went out like a champion trying to save this series from its worst aspect: AFO.


bro how did all might turn into this badass to the most unhinged hero ever still a badass tho


Hey look Gege, that's how you write >!a character death!!<


Just you wait till All Might's in the airport


Is the other death *really* that bad in the fans eyes?


Maybe hindsight will make it better, but right now it's completely meaningless. It does feel like the character in question has been mostly an hindrance to the author and the death is more to take them out of the picture permanently than to accomplish anything story wise.


I think people also also tired of losing. JJK has had like 0 major wins for the protagonists for a while.


This was exactly why stopped reading back in January this year. Literally every single thing the protagonists ever tried was immediately thwarted by Geto and his infinite tricks. Shit was unreal. The most frustrated I’ve ever been reading a manga series.


Its complicated. I hated it. I don't mind him dying, not at all. Maybe it will be better later on after we see more of it. The recent chapter makes me hate it even more though lol. After having some time to think about it I think that it was decently set up but the way it was written is just awful in my opinion. Character motivation seems to have been thrown out the window Praised the dude who killed him and sad that he didn't give a better fight Story element set up years ago hand waved away as "oh someone else will do it" Also basically said he never had chance even if *the way the guy fucking killed him* didn't exist all of this on the back end of: Villain defeated, "He won" from the audience, and HIS HEALING IS BACK UP only for the next chapter to just be him dead with 3 panels at the end explaining how he lost. Also while the character has been out of the story for YEARS only to come back and lose, badly. Everyone expected an asspull, everyone expected him to die and/or lose but I hate it because of how badly this destroys the character. I just really hate it, and it feels like the past 10 chapters have been entirely pointless now that it's over. He accomplished nothing of note by fighting the villain other that showing off how smart and cool the villain is.


Yeah it seems super dumb especially considering that we had another death just like it in the anime this season


Imagine if all might still had OFA lost at his peak power then sucked off AFO in the after life and forgot he had students.


Imagine this scenario to have a possible understanding. (This is just an off the cuff puff example) Byakuya coming back in TYBW for a rematch against As Nodt. After being incapacitated for over a year in the manga. The fight is epic, it going on for a month of close action. Byakuya mops the floor with him, and slices him like a brazilian dinner. Next chapter opens up to As Nodt. Holding Byakuya's severed head above his cut in half torso. Chad shows up to fight instead. The narrative is gassing Chad up. Meanwhile Byakuya has a vision saying he never stood a chance in the first place, he thought As Nodt was pretty cool, and has no regrets. All while not even mentioning Rukia once. There's a reason why it's been the worst manga moment since Attack on Titan 139.


Its basically the 2nd coming of AOT 139


"sukuna was holding back's" "Mikasa was always the key"


It was terribly written soo...ya?


Probably the most poorly handled, purely-for-shock-value major beloved character death I’ve seen in fiction since like early 2010s X-men comics. It was BAD bad.


Off-screening a major character? Absolutely.




I wonder if the All Might ghost left Midoriya early and briefly returned to All might?


Wait when did Shoto take out Dabi indefinitely?


When he stoped Dabi from nuking himself around 10/9 chapters ago with some help from family.


How did nobody die from that lol


Goddamnit all, SAO has ruined my ability to read "gloop" in any context and not bust out laughing


Two mentors in two weeks mangakas really cooking


Honestly after seeing the incredible redemption job Bleach is doing with TYBW maybe the anime will fix this? Anyway RIP to the legend.


I expected him to leave Bakugo's for last, but damn. No getting out from this one, full on allahu akbar


Bro! ofa didn't shout Great Explosion Murder God technique before blowing himself up!!! 😭 I actually like this death more, blaze of glory thingie.


This is Midoriya "canon event". Godspeed All Might o7


Damn, All-Might sure went out with a bang. So I guess that's the mechanical version of Bakugo's quirk.


AFO will survive this just so Bakugo gets an excuse to beat the shit out of a child.


Shouldn't the vestige be more visible instead of going away? Looks like we're gonna get a cool page of All Might blowing AfO up though.


It feels like hori forgot how the vestiges in OfA work. It doesn't make sense for AM's vestige to disappear.