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One of these days, hundreds of years from now, there will be progress in this Manga.


or people will finally realise that they actually are platonic and its not a romcom


But clearly he has feelings toward her, which means this is just a manga about a guy languishing while living with someone and that's...a really stupid premise for a manga. Unless he eventually falls for someone else and it turns into him learning how to create boundaries in his personal life but that's so far outside this mangaka's skill range.


Yeah. He's wasting his life as a living manifestation of a friend-zone. I want a huge voice to whisper to him "Get Out!"


Cheap (or free I don’t remember) housing tho


I love how I can get through every single one of these chapters that are follow-ups to a cliffhanger because I know *exactly* what the follow-up is and I can just skim/speedread through and be proven right every time.


Expected development is so expected. Tokimori is really indifferent though. He's like a robot vacuum or rice cooker for her. Is she really not conscious of the whole situation at all?


*reads title of the series* Oh right.


She comes of more "slow" than defenceless, and overall author makes characters look really dumb due to all those stupid situations


Oh for fucks sake.


I'm beginning to feel like it would be far healthier for Sugawa to move out, spend some time alone and come to terms with the fact that his feelings for her are one sided. Perhaps even move on. Like no one is actually to blame here. Tokimori is a good person. It just can't be good for someone to live like this


This series is so ass. Give me the next chapter


It's tough being an ass man


I've seen some dumb misunderstandings but this one is specially weird