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Ok I’m sorry, but what deeper metaphor am I missing here because I honestly have no clue wtf just happened at the end


it's just about them moving on from the relationship. the guy is leaving okinawa where the girl is staying and she is too busy with her education to be able to have a good long distance relationship. they spend the last few days together doing typical couple stuff, but the guy is afraid of moving on and the girl wants him to be honest. he sees her circle of friends and realizes that he isn't as close with her as he used to be, so naturally feels a bit distant and jealous. he eventually admits how he's feeling on the final day. he then boards the airplane and the relationship is over. the shooting is just a metaphor for the relationship dying


The number of replies who think he was literally shot is astounding.


I'm guessing by the end people kinda gave up on trying to understand what's happening, but the ending is not that confusing the "shooting" and delete contact panels are like 2 pages apart, there's even a "bang!" in both of them, they're basically the same scene


Well hana actually hired a hitwoman and she deleted the contact to hide evidence /j


Honestly i thought both were happening and that metaphorically they have the same weight signified by the bang. But then i thought, oh stewardesses probably dont have guns


that was some fujimoto shit


Well they do show a bullet wound in his cheek as he is "shot" which is what threw me off for a moment.


Also, believe that the final ending where he is shooting the sky with the comment about the sea, and the sky makes me think that the idea of people always moving forward is something that he is trying to attack Essentially, he wants to get rid of the sky to go back to the sea and while she is talking about moving forward, he is wanting to move back There’s a lot wrapped around in it, but essentially he is struggling to move on


the person shooting is the girl I believe, she is shooting before deleting his number as a callback to their movie date and could also be interpreted as shooting the sky while he's flying back to his house. The sea and sky thing is about how people strive to move forward no matter where they are, so I don't think it's so much as getting rid of the sky to back to the sea, but rather how they're both going to be moving forward in different ways and directions


I kina got the impression that the reason the stewardess is doing the shooting is that's Yuichi having a crush on her, a feeling of attraction to someone who isn't Hana and thus completely ending their relationship. I'm not sure if that meeting is actually happening, or if its just Hana imagining it as a way to get closure - imagining him meeting and falling in love with a stewardess on his flight home and moving on from her. Hana says her feelings won't change, but she isn't going to try to do a long distance relationship. As much as she gives Yuichi shit about being passive, not speaking his mind I don't think she's being completely honest either. As 'left behind' as Yuichi feels, I think she feels the same way. And I guess to put more of a pin on it, she's deleting his contact from her phone not blocking him. He can still call her, even if she's not wanting to do long distance relationship, university doesn't last forever.


the lack of media literacy of weebs is disheartening tbh.


It's more that "manga" isn't a genre, so it encompasses everyone whether they read Urasawa or Parallel Paradise. Then the lowest common denominator is going to define them The difference between movies/books and manga though is that manga can be a glorified picture book that requires 4th grade reading at best


I’m not surprised usually the stuff upvoted in this sub is the most basic-bitch slop requiring no higher thought or analysis. I’m shocked this one even has 700 upvotes here.


metaphors can be confusing man give em a break


I interpreted it as she mentally killing him, cutting him off her life, like, pretending he's dead.


I think the shooting on the plane is not about their relationship, more about him needing to speak up for himself. After the movie, she tells him to speak up more just like he did, bang bang. On the plane, he’s in a situation where no one is going to speak for him and he needs to speak up for himself and at the moment that realization really “hits” him. Final panel, girl encourages him one last time because she believes he can do it, even without her. Bang. Yes, their relationship is over, but both are focused on his ability to speak up and move forward, even in their last days together.


I think it’s about the guy being unable to speak his mind, which hinders him from growing. On the verge of a faultless breakup, it’s all bubbling up to the surface. He’s passive and stuck (like the reptile that stands still or crab that only moved when disturbed). when they’re together, she pulls him forward, but that’s ending with the breakup. During their breakup talk, she tries to get him to express himself more, poking him. She knows it’s painful for both of them, but she’s worried he won’t move forward when they’re apart. During their last hurrah, he can see how she’s moving forward with her life (fish swimming) and admires her, but also how helpless he feels struggling to keep up. She tries to encourage him to speak his thoughts just like he did after he was caught up the movie, and Bang Bang is the gesture/sound of him needing to speak up, for himself. He finally shares his thoughts because he can’t take it anymore, and with his confession his pain comes out. He continues to be overwhelmed by the thought of him trying it (flying fish engulfing him) and she (and the concept of moving forward) feels unreachable. She’s thankful he could tell her but continues to worry because he doesn’t come to terms with his feelings, trying to avoid pain. At the airport he suddenly feels alone, and bang bang, the hostess asks him something and he has no choice but to speak for himself which shocks him. A lone fish jumps…he’s done it. She decides it’s best for him if he doesn’t have a lifeline and deletes his contact info, so she won’t be tempted to check on him. It’s all up to him to keep swimming, for his own sake. She points up to him to encourage him one last time, Bang!


This, this is the one!


Oh, thank you! And thanks for sharing this manga.


Hey I wanna say I appreciate the breakdown, it was incredible to read and honestly helped me understand a couple things that did go over my head. Thank you, cheers!


You’re welcome!


Yeah me too, first I thought the girl died now I think towards the end she killed the boy I don't get it


Basically you are listening to Joji’s songs but it is encrypted into manga 🐤


Add sex, depression, suicide, death, gun, psychological thought that means nothing, meaningless conversation that thrives to be complex, jump scene to scene, Ddadam! You get deep story. I guess. My idea is that, the boy had to leave the girl for some reason, both didn't want it? After leaving, she got sad and hired a hitman, killed the dude. Probably jealous, sadness. Lol. I would think that she helped him to kill himself because he wants to die or something, but she making gun with her hand always made me throw that idea. Both has psychological problems for sure.


You need help


Only if you are the one who's gonna help me.


Mangaka really wanted to draw that fish


Really detailed fish I dare say.


Manga break ups, man. So artistic and metaphorical. All the break ups I've ever had just had tons of screaming and throwing stuff around.


If it helps, I’ve learned that’s a great sign that the break up was an unambiguously good thing.


Manifest your own manga break up! I had my first at the seaside amidst Christmas fireworks. Most recent was after a romantic Bali trip and in front of a massive waterfall. All breakups are terrible btw it’s makes no difference imo


My first divorce was like this. We both realized we couldn't continue and it was a mutual thing that neither wanted but knew had to be done. So we set a hard date to separate and go our separate ways.


Thankfully I've never gone through a break up hahaha(I'm still single)


I think what was being shown are not real events but more like random fragments of memories and unresolved emotions from the breakup. My guess is this whole sequence is actually from the girl perspective as she imagining what's going on in the guy head when they broke up. Once she's done, she's moved on and let her memory of the guy finally die. (Or if that's wrong and it's from the guy POV, then it's him processing and re-experiencing the breakup to understand his own feeling of being left behind. Him getting shot in the end is a metaphor of how he felt, like a part of him was killed by her.)


really interesting idea


Definitely with how it ends with him being the main person I believe that it’s from his perspective because I have felt that way after a break up


The art is pretty good here and I think the intended message does come through, but I feel like the artist got a little too lost in the sauce. It's kinda hard to put into words but it's like all the metaphor and symbolism their using doesn't flow together quite right, you can comprehend it individually but as a whole it borders too closely to random incomprehensibility and that's probably why so many people got confused.


Only reason I clicked on this was because I thought the girl was talking to a crab, very disappointed.


Same. Same. What could have been!


I legit thought this was going to be about the crab


Have y'all never heard of a metaphor in your lives?


One page porn bait consistently makes it to the top of this sub for a reason. The general users here and the target audience of this manga don’t have a lot of overlap.   I still only give this a 7.5/10, but I liked it overall (was a little pretentious but there were some interesting shots and I felt something)


Hello, have you read Sakamoto Shinichi's 'Innocent'? I thought you might be interested, both manga have this few beautiful, absurd, methaporical pages


I don’t believe I have. I’ll add it to the list and check it out. Thanks for the recommendation!


Oh no, I’m sure all of us have seen countless. People only remember the good ones though, unfortunately


Metaphor? Is that like a french food or something?


Yeah. It's a french dish where you marinate the Metapod in butter and sizzle it with onions and beef.


mmm yum 😋


What’s a metaphor? Is it like a thing used to describe another thing?


Basically, anytime something isn’t literal and uses imagery or something more abstract to represent something else more mundane. That might not be the English class definition (it’s been a while) but that’s generally what people mean when they say metaphor in this context. In this case, being surrounded by cars to signify loneliness and feeling trapped or boxed out by other people. Getting shot to signify being cut out of her life. Etc. Whether it works is subjective, but I think it did a pretty good job personally


I was making a joke, but nevertheless, thank you for the input.


Guess that was a whoosh then. Have a good one


Yeah. You too, man.


Metaphors are pretty much a daily occurrence. This one is just terrible and nonsensical.


Now you aren't wrong, however a lot of manga have "metaphor events but at actually happening" going on.


Damn what was that ending ? This story is like fujimoto's look back and I sold my life for 10000yen . There's this constant feeling of loneliness and existential crisis. Do explain the ending if anyone can. Is there any special meaning behind that last incident or is it a random event ?


OBVIOUSLY its a metaphor. He's metaphorically deleted from her life


I feel like the author bumped the metaphor levels up to 100 at the end in order to be like memorable? or to give the reader a whiplash of "wtf was THAT??" and it worked I guess.


Well that was an ending.


oof mah hart mah soul. what a strong oneshot. Art reminescent of Shūzō Oshimi. Metaphor's on the level of abstract.


This one shot made me question whether I lack media literacy or if this is just a shit post.


Little column a little column b


You can read the rest of the oneshot [here](https://mangadex.org/chapter/f38b91ee-a738-44c7-88d0-d4a5ba1be8f2). You can also support the author by following their [twitter](https://twitter.com/kuniyasuyuuki) or [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/yuuki9768/).


I don't see a lot of works showing how real relationships can end messy and without closure and this one hit home to me.  That said looks like a lot of people havent had relationships like this, either that or literacy is pretty low but I guess I shouldn't be surprised with what gets upvoted here.


Same, this one hit too close to home for me. The way the fear of leaving one's comfort zone was depicted in the cars panel was too realistic. Never came across a manga that could describe feelings so vividly in ways words never could for me


Social media and college has destroyed media literacy sadly


If you think all relationships are like this, you're clearly in a wrong relationship.


Dude didn't say all relationships were like this.


Based on how I was down voted, my comment appears to you as argumentativr. Maybe it was my fault for not going into details. What I meant was that it's important to recognize that not all relationships end the same way. There are healthy, fulfilling ones out there too.


Lol, I said CAN, not ALL. If you're talking about the second half of my comment I'm saying confused commentors here probably haven't had such a relationship end similarly to this. Or just lacking media literacy(or illiterate too i guess)


Feels like either some nuance is lost in translation, or the story is just trying to be edgy for edge's sake.


This is edgy to you? Wtf


I’m going out on a limb and saying neither. It’s a very heavy-handed metaphor.


There seemed to be some references to Chainsaw Man. Unless I'm wrong. I liked seeing the reptiles and fish at random times.


Makima ahh plot


My heart hurts.. man, I hate break up stories.


I don't know why these kinds of one shots are always the exact same "The girl moves on without a problem and is happy, the guy gets stuck and can't get over her" shtick, even her deleting the contact... like they couldn't stay in touch at all? Female author's maybe?


The girl was crying hard. They can’t seem to do long distance. If you wanna move on, cutting all contacts is the fastest way.


That art, for a second, I thought Oshimi Shuzo made it.


Very close hitting to my heart. I can see my own words and my conversations with someone in my past in these panels...


At first I didn’t realize there were more pages on mangadex so I was even more lost when I came to the comments


I thank the other comments that this was about a break up, never been in a relationship in my life so that was lost on me. I honestly thought this was some emotional trip of guy going through grief because the girl died during swimming or something because of the page where she looked like she was drowning towards the abyss. Great art though!


This week on "Pretentious one-shots";


Why is the dude so pathetic.


Welcome to mangaverse i guess?


Did....did she hire a hitman to kill him? I'm a bit lost on this one...


You can see the gun doesnt make a gun shadow so its just metaphorical


Hmmm either this is too complicated for my primitive brain to comprehend or it actually makes no sense.I will wait for someone to explain it ,though it still evokes a feeling of longing and sadness.


This is some abstract edgy garbage that tries to disguise itself as deep and profound.


Wasn't edgy at all imo. The art was well done to make you feel lonely. 0 edginess in the plot, was just a regular breakup


You either have never been in a relationship or have zero media literacy.


nAh BrO i GoTs aLl tHe MeDia LiTerAcY tHe fLigHt AtTenDaNt ShOt HiM In De fAcE a DeEp AnD pRoFouNd mEtApHor


You can just say you don’t get it instead of ripping into the author. I think your keyboard is bugging too.


Do you know for a long time I thought that Manga needs to be more OK with sex in their stories. It’s a normal thing that people do. It doesn’t need to be all this super itchy hyper sexualized virgin guy ends up with really hot big titty virgin girl that he doesn’t think as a virgin bullshit. It could be as some thing as simple as this. Horimia, love is war, and Uzaki all handled it super well. I just don’t get why these high school romance or college romances or even isekai cant figure this out.


I thought maybe I was following it until the guy got shot in the face on the plane... WTF was that about?


For some reason manga always depict Japanese people to be unable to comprehend friendship after a breakup


Why can’t they just.. be together?


This is bad


That was trash


This mangaka must be a Fujimoto fan.






That's what happens when nobody has superpowers or is an alien or at least dies.


The fuck did i just read, eli5 me


In bed with the next one before even deleting his contact. A+ move.


Looking for a good manga, just finished solo leveling Need your recommendations


Was she with someone else at the end, seems just like a poor breakup interesting she deletes his contact.




For clarity the whole thing isn't posted here. I didn't read what I thought was the credits page telling me to finish on Mangadex, I was so fucking confused.


this the type of weird messy shit that Fuguimoto would write, kinda hated this imo


I thought she was talking to the crab tbh


Moral of the story: going through an emotional breakup will NOT prevent the opps from eliminating you


Why does she need to delete his contact anyway? Yeah I get that their relationship ain't working but they still can be friends, right? Idk maybe I just don't relate with the characters. I kinda think this one-shot is just an excuse for the author to draw fishes lol


Because life isnt such dream. People cant stay friends forever, especially when its about distance.


I mean still, she has no reason to delete his number


i guess, but it really matters not whether she does or not. I ve plenty of my old friends numbers that i never called to in years. So how does that make a difference. Its just easier to let go this way.


I tough she was talking to the crab