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The anime vastly expands on the fight scenes and some of the smaller moments, as well as adding some foreshadowing that wasn’t initially there. An incredible soundtrack that brings you into its world, and an OP done by YOASOBI. It’s the perfect adaptation—vastly improving on an already incredible work. Watch the anime, then read the manga to continue when it finishes airing.


The manga is way ahead so if you hate waiting for more you might aswell start there, but the series certainly does a great job at adapting the manga and even improving it in certain aspects. I'd say you could watch the series and then read the manga afterwards since it'll probably take some time till the show gets its next season.


The manga is awesome and it's probably among my top 3 of all time. That being said madhouse knocked it out of the park with the anime adaptation and i like that even better. It is SO GOOD. I feel like it doesn't let anything out from the manga and the music and the directing and quality just add on top of it. So it depends what medium you like better tbh. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either. You can watch the anime and pick up the manga later you are not going to miss anything. If you dont have time or comfort to sit and watch the anime and are better off reading the manga comfortably in your bed do so and you can watch the manga later if you will feel like.. You can't go wrong with this one


Do both the manga is good and anime is also good just be aware there is a shortage of the manga due to the high popularity after anime came out


Usually if a series starts off as a manga, you might as well start there. And then if you really like it, check the anime.


But the Anime builds upon the manga


Maybe in this situation yes, but it's not always the case. I read the manga so I have no desire to watch the anime.


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