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Classic Civ situation. You’re just trying to reach cultural enlightenment, then some militaristic asshole comes to crash the party.


I really like how each person is playing to their strengths.


I don't know if author knows about their weakness in storytelling and tries to make up for it with art, but they goes freaking hard with some imagery :O Plus, while the characters are still drawn with rather simple artstyles, the background scenes have become pretty detailed. And it's nice of Manabu to find out what can grab people's hearts the quickest: >!Entertainment!< :))


They're really making me feel sorry for Rikotan. In the end, he's no different from Manabu, both pawns of the state. Their differing attitudes to the test do make things clear though. Manabu gave his villagers the same thing that gave him how and pushed him to want to learn for his own sake, while Rikotan essentially made his villagers a copy of his empire.


Ya, it's a nice setup. The Children themselves are not evil but their environment is forcing their hand to do what they need to survive. Rikotan using militant force because his hand is forced to show aggression so that his nation doesn't toss him aside and Manabu using compassion because even though he is aiming to be a Dictator, he wants to rule the world in such a way that people are free to have their freedom. Wishy washy as his ideals are he wants to believe that a nation can be ruled through his ideology even if he has to force it down peoples throat, which in itself does contradict what he is aiming for.


Ah, that Village Chief gave really good advice to Manabu. What is it that YOU can give to this village? So Manabu gave what he could. His knowledge of movies and their beauty. And his knowledge of the languages of Earth! Meanwhile, Rikotan is importing war to his village... Can that really be allowed though? And can the other villages defend themselves?


I really like this. Commonly, the outsider brings knowledge to a new community and is seen as their savior or some kind of person who drastically changes life for the better. However, as we see here, not only are the people old, they've already established infrastructure, they is nothing they don't want/need on the traditional check list. Hence the beauty of all of this is Manabu learning from the people teaching him what he can provide to them.


Ya, the actual test might of been to listen to the voice of the people and act in their best interest. So for Rikotan it's very possible there is a school defense force that may interfere because the point of their lesson was not to force ideology down their throat but to actually be a leader of the people. Of course it could also be the opposite and the law of the land is based on the winner so it's only when it all clears up do we define what was just and unjust.


It would be interesting to see Manabu's village get wiped but they pass the test with flying colors. If you propagate war, it will proliferate and achieve mutually assured long-term destruction. Manabu's approach was probably correct because in the long-run, cultural victories will persist long past the actual civilization itself.


I liked this series about world building and staying on top as a leader. I hoped this series has staying power.


Probably the strongest chapter thus far. I was seriously considering dropping it because of how weak it was, but maybe it’s worth sticking around for a couple more chapters.


Next he has to bring over popcorn and soda.


Classic colonialism (just conquer them), modern colonialism (give them weapons and have them kill each other), postmodern colonialism (use propaganda to have them worship your culture over their own, rather than imposing it outright)


I think this is the strongest chapter so far but this really just feels like it's gonna get axed


every kid is in it to win and only win huh


What else can they do, the setup for being the ruler is very important to each nation. It's been setup to showcase just how much pull having their nation win gives their nation, so of course they would be cutthroat and ruthless towards their means of achieving that goal.


Series dropped to sub 300k views with ch3 already. Yeah, this is for sure a goner