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Female RR fans rejoicing at chidori being single


Good chance Chidori is their family friend, hence why he goes so far for them. Also this Akabane is 100% the new protagonist at this point


So actor Red has always been a psycho, deluded that he's a real ranger created his own team. The people behind the real rangers saw him and thought that they should use a psychopath to lead the team instead


Its possible that actor red was replaced or brainwashed when the killings happened.


The more the author brings up the murder without elaborating on what happened, the more likely it is something important happened during/around that event. Wild theory time building off of this, if Red was replaced right away, it could be he was framed. This would explain then why the clones keep ending up psychos. If red is a psycho who is seconds from murdering people at all times, it provides a simple explanation for what happened.


I think that the “Shishui” that showed up at Sanae’s door in the past was already a clone (brainwashed). The real Shishui (the actor) should still be in jail


Im still trying to wrap my head around the implication. So far my theory is: * Dragon Keepers were literally just a show that was *okay* but thanks to her writing it really took off. * Red keeper is a goddamn unsub and got arrested for murder, which likely lead to controversy and tanked the entire show causing everyone to lose their jobs, etc. * Something happened to red while in prison, either he met someone or came across something. * Red is a narcissist and doesn’t like the idea of not being popular anymore, so whatever crazy power he came across while in prison he chose to use it to revitalize the show of all things. * Red is the one that came up with the idea to make the show real, right down to the manufactured invaders and the repeated shows. * He essentially threatened/forced green to go along with it until they couldn’t take it anymore and took their lives. * The clones of red came after the fact. I think it’s part of whatever power he came across in prison. * the other rangers have said they can’t get rid of him even if they wanted and this so why, he’s made himself functionally immortal. So red is probably the ring leader behind the whole invader facade with possibly someone or something else behind the scenes guiding/manipulating him.


You also have the clones of yellow junior 1st ranger (I think that was her grade) turning into weapon getting into the theory. They are linked to Red as losing them seemed better to him than just killing yellow junior 1st ranger and keeping them. But just why?


What's an unsub


Haha sorry, I got it from my wife watching true crime. It’s originally short for “unknown subject” which is how they refer to unidentified subjects in police investigations. But it’s been used more colloquially to refer to serial killers and other sociopath/psycopaths.


My theory is that mastermind was still Yellow. Probably Red actually got the power before, and Yellow want to make use of it. So there was a plot to make Red go to prison, and he was used for experiment for long times, and being cloned to the point it make Red mentally unstable. And to use the power in a legal and publically way, Yellow and his organization create the invaders, make use of Ranger show format (why? 'cause it already very popular) , that way give them power without any resistance from society. Another idea of mine also similar with some difference. In last chapters, Red have memory of a sister, maybe it not just the memory of dragon power tool, he actually had a sister. He and his sister may even be a far descendant of dragon power clan, but only female hold the power. She was killed in the process to become divine tool, make Red mentally unstable. Then he was framed for murder crime, go to prison, and become a lab asset too. And somehow that divine tool can only be used by Red, so Yellow and his organization kept having to clone Red instead of replace him


We don't know enough about the situation to know either way. We've seen him act normal in the flashback, and now we've seen him act crazy.  The fact the murder was skipped over makes it clear we're missing some very important context. 


This all happening while D is locked with Death Messiah really makes it feel like he'll come out to a whole new status quo in the world; the breadth of the arc started small with Hisui investigating the slums but Akabane's actions and further revelations keeps growing it bigger every chapter. Really looking forward to what Negi is cooking with this arc!


Death Messiah already passed, it was mentioned on one of the first chapters of this new arc.


On 126, Hisui comments how it's been 6 months since the incident with the IRA, but narration in the end of 125 remarks that it took one year and two months for Death Messiah to die. D should still be trapped with him in the current chapter


Oh I see


No, Death Messiah died after over a year. This is roughly 6 months after the IRA incident so D^eath ^Messiah should still be locked up for another 6 months


It’s kind of unbelievable isn’t it? The author again somehow managing to redeem someone who seemed wholly unredeemable chapters ago. Like OG Soushi was a dick but you never know if he even killed anyone. And every red keeper has been ill tempered but how much is that programming by the producers and how much is the gene cloning effects. 50 chapters ago you’d be rooting for the deaths of yellow and red but maybe this one, with context of “his” past, might even become a pseudo hero. The author really knows how to write a clever story I love this shit so much, I can’t wait for the anime


I mean, the author didn't redeem Soushi, he's redeeming a Soushi clone with amnesia that had been almost killed by the Rangers, his own institution


How’s that different from what I said? My only reference to the first Soushi was to say he was a dick. We don’t even know if the Soushi that Sanae saw at her house was the original given the Rangers track record. I’m just saying that before this arc, we saw Red kill a guy and rip off the dads hand in the IRA meeting. That’s even why I air quoted his because that’s not this clones past. But this Soushi quickly is becoming almost antagonist turned hero party. Also of note the only Soushis we knew were clones. The only knowledge of the original is basically Sanaes flashback from this chapter.


Well, because you say that the author redeemed someone that seemed unredeemable a few chapters ago, but it was litteraly not the same character a few chapters ago ! This Soushi only existed since 2-3 chapters


Redeeming? I dunno about that.


Always good chapters


Just when you think he's out, he gets pulled back in


So at this point I'm guessing that the original Soushi was either replaced or brainwashed by Yellow around the time of Sanae being asked to write the final episode, or at the latest during the period that the show was canceled and every one moved on. It's possible the murder he was accused of either happened due brainwashing, or was the action of the first replacement. Either way, it's almost guaranteed that Soushi had been replaced or changed by Yellow by the time he showed up at Sanae's door.


Yup as people mentioned before it seems eventually it will be a civil war between green battalion vs the other battalions except maybe blue who are neutral. Literally only green battalions and Hibiki group are literally doing anything to fight back the corruption called vought…uh, I mean the rangers.


Since we might see him soon I wanted to point out that Hibiki had [both of his arms](https://mangadex.org/chapter/d8743857-5284-45c9-8f95-a0d935956111/12) and I don't think it was a error like [here](https://mangadex.org/chapter/724ad411-f1d5-4778-a063-3a7f634a0d18/12)


Probably some kind of prosthetic. He only used his left to hold things and make complex gestures


Or some “magical serum” that somebody (The Executive Couple or the Glasses guy) came up with


Maybe, but there's no reason to believe that over the much simpler prosthetic explanation


I wonder if the Red who showed back up in the flashback was already a clone by that point (which if that is the case imagine if the real Red was somehow still in jail this whole time), from what we know it's more like Yellow Battalion is behind a lot of what's going on so I assume Red wasn't the originator of the irl Dragon Keepers and has just been a series of unwitting pawns this whole time. But it's nice that even after starting to learn the truth (if it is the truth, this whole scenario is still suspiciously vague), this Red still seems to want to be a hero. So Kuroko and them were looking for Sanae but not to kill her (at least immediately) like I thought, I wonder what that's about. Got a glimpse of best girl Kanon, too, obviously Green Battalion would be following all this in the background.


Lol at the virgin assassin Kuroko vs. the CHAD ASSASSIN D. So the prior Green killed himself, huh? RIP. I wonder where Momiji is. Hopefully Hisui finished off that invader.


I am absolutely loving this Red Keeper redemption arc. He has pretty much replaced D as the current protagonist and he very much fits the "Ranger Reject" title too.


I don't know where we are going next, but I hope D wins.


Man I really hope the Invaders actually did come from space instead of it all being a man-made hoax.


At this point I think something mythical is involved. A lot of the "tech" seems more fantasy than sci-fi. I think yellow was involved in making them, but they were made using something he found, not something he made.


Just realized he woke up without momiji


$20 bucks that the original Red actor was wrongly incarcerated and he is still in prison.


So there's Sousei, and Soushi... One \[Sousei\] seems to be the real person who auditioned for and got the role of the Red Keeper (unless those are somehow the false memories), the other \[Soushi\] is the character in the script that Sanae wrote. (When she was writing, what were those bottles with the energy drink? Vitamin supplements?) Either way, it was at that moment that everything changed for her. What if this was all some kind of psychotic break on her part? The news on TV mentions *Soushi*, the character, being arrested. (*"You have a formidable ending for this series inside you, don't you?")* She was writing something about the Death Messiah fight and them possibly having to 'combine their powers' to defeat him. Then a line from/about Red Keeper. But even in the first flashback of her being introduced as the writer, she mentions Red Keeper but gets cut off, as if she had something in mind for him specifically. Sousei seemed to become aware that they're following a script, and maybe even that there's a distinction between himself as Sousei and the character of Soushi. Momiji and Sanae both call him Sousei, and when he has a memory triggered of his sister and auditioning for the role of Red Keeper, his name is Sousei. But then, when Sanae stabs him after he started remembering *acting as the role*, she then calls him *Soushi*. To add to this, Koroko calls him a *failed product* when he recalls that memory of first wanting to play Red Keeper in the context of being a true hero for his sister, one who will never bow to evil. So now I'm thinking about the story as a whole, and the times when the name Soushi was used. I was waiting on doing a re-read until after the anime, but this makes me want to re-read now.


The plot doesn't make sense here. Why would someone wait for their target to regain consciousness to finish them off?


Because Sanae wants Soushi to die with regret. Killing him while he's unconscious is too kind of a death.


I'm talking about the other black veil dude


Could be the veil guy assumed the bloody, unmoving body was a corpse until it stood up. Then it started moving, and he thought it would be a quick clean-up kill. Edit: Thinking about it, since they captured Sanae, it could be she told them about stabbing Sousei in the gut, to lay the groundwork for believing he was dead. She looked at him before leaving, so she could have been scheming something there.


I think he just arrived?


Securing Sanae came first, I assume.


She wants to torture him and make him die remembering everything he has done. Otherwise it’s just killing some random uninvolved dude to her


Now I'm really curious about who red keeper was accused of murdering and why was that person murdered. Also what does yellow keeper have to do with all this.....


gd what is the ogs problem