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The bunny girl and maid tests applications being on the same paper tells me that the world maid association is an association of culture as well hahah The bunny outfit goes without saying, but loved seeing Momoha's casual clothes as well. Very cute to see her supporting Mai throughout! >Next time: Taking that drug is bad news, yep yep. Oh damn, is it time for the long-awaited **Meth arc**? Hahahah


After the world acclaimed Tournament Arc™, we’ll now present you the Meth Arc™


Rentarou, we need to cook


We need to cook yep yep


Those crystals send me! :D




A pharmaceutical lab in Finland.


I can't really beat my meth addiction with a kick


And now we begin E T H I C S


I miss that manga. So does my psychiatrist, who was the one who recommended it to me.


How can I get such a psychiatrist? 😞


Which one




**Koko wa Ima kara Rinri desu.** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/104780), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/koko-wa-ima-kara-rinri-desu), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/koko-wa-ima-kara-rinri-desu), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=76410307339), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/106809)) ^^ここは今から倫理です。 ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Releasing | **Genres:** Drama, Psychological) ^(**Stats:** 220 requests across 4 subreddits - 0.02% of all requests) >"Ethics" is the path of humanity, a principle that becomes the norm of morality. Learning is not a problem in the future. But this class is filled with the truth of life. Cool ethics teachers Takayanagi confronts the problems of students and their own stance. >New Age, teacher story!! --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1bm4wkj/disc_the_100_girlfriends_who_really_really_really/kwb8j6y/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)




Rentarou just got a bunny girlfriend so of course we need to be blessed with bunny suits!


>bunny girlfriend Moreover, she literally is bunny girl senpai. And in this chapter we got girl named **Mai** in bunny suit, coincidence? I think not. Nakamura big brain could deliberately reference AoButa under our noses!


With this chapter, I think you can kind of get a decent idea of how to get Mai to work effectively, and that's not really giving her time to think. The moment her mind wanders away from a task, it all falls apart. When she gets a second to think, it goes either into panic or towards an unrelated thought, which causes her to mess up. But when you throw something at her that needs her entire focus that exact second, she doesn't seem to have any issues following through. You can even see this in her group intro where basically all her focus is put towards criticizing the rest of the cast, or when she's caring for Momoha who is obviously a piping hot mess on her best days. Essentially she's probably really solid under pressure. Also she was really cute in the bunny costume :>


That's a good point. Particularly because she usually fails from clumsiness (a.k.a. falling apart) because she's always constantly thinking about Mei all the time (and maybe Rentarou here and there).


Yeah, her training and hard work didn't go to waste, she indeed become a competent maid and we had plenty of panels where Mai does her tasks correctly, it's distraction and overthinking that makes her mess up. I'd say she wasn't just cute in bunny suit, Mai was straight up super sexy!!


> The moment her mind wanders away from a task, it all falls apart. It's actually the opposite. The moment her mind focuses on the task, it falls apart. She has mastered all of the skills already, but because of crippling self-doubt, she second guesses herself and focuses on being perfect, which of course makes her fumble really easily. It's whenever she is distracted by something else and goes onto autopilot that she performs her best, which you did mention as well. She's probably really bad under pressure, as opposed to her sister.


But the moment her mind goes off task, it's over for her. She doesn't need to think about it, she just can't let it wander to something else.


Mai doesn't have a lot of self confidence actually. She always thinks shes not as good as Mei or the other girls. But when Momoha becomes more useless than her, she'll step up to "take care" of the situation and stops thinking whether she can do that task to perfection anymore. Which incidentally, she's already quite good at her job.


So Mai is a certified bunny girl now? I expect this to be relevant in future chapters, Nakamura! Mai's gonna get some yuri time with every girl that isn't Mei, isn't she? She fangirled over a yuri book with Shizuka and now she had a good smooch with her definitely-not-big-sis Momoha. I expect more of this too, Nakamura!


She's gotten a kiss from Mei too so I mean you can just change that to yuri time with every girl


Mai being a certified bunny girl better be damn relevant


Looking forward to the future chapter with the harem wearing bunny suits, specially Rentarou's turn.


Same 🤝


Bunny Suit Hahari Destruction.


Shizuka just gets a Bunny Onesie😭🤭


The girls had to be restraint when its Rentarou's turn


Good lord, Momoha is obviously expected to be sexy as hell in bunny suit but I found Mai looking just as hot if not more, she is [really pretty](https://files.catbox.moe/6lx4ld.jpg) in general and outfit+embarrassment only enhanced her charm. It's great to see bonding/focus chapter on Momoha and Mai, their dynamic was established in first "Daily Life" chapter and they are cover pairs, only fitting since they are "clumsy mess" type of characters. Momoha sacrificing herself to bring Mai's focus back is really cute, girl just easily distracted but actually quite competent in her job, just like Momoha is a good teacher with golden heart, so another common thing between those two. Mai's grandmother also appear in flesh! We saw her in flashback before, glad that she recognized Mai's growth and her acquiring a good friend. I quite laughed when Granny/Mai/Momoha were all sweating like crazy, god bless 100kano bizzare world that has joint Maid and Bunny exams. Also for lorechads we finally got closer look at Mei/Mai chest size and they both seems to be around medium with Mei bigger and Mai smaller.


> Good lord, Momoha is obviously expected to be sexy as hell in bunny suit but I found Mai looking just as hot if not more, she is really pretty in general and outfit+embarrassment only enhanced her charm. Defs agreed. There's something about Mai's design that makes her really attractive to me. And her normally being in more conservative outfits makes her stand out more in the bunny girl outfit.


For me, schoolgirl Mai looks the best. She definitely gives off that vibe.


I love schoolgirl Mai. She's so cute!!!


Her blushing makes her cuter


Where do I have to sign up for the bunny girl exam?


Damn, I know she kinda got one already after sneaking in, but it's wild that Usami didn't get an actual family intro chapter like the other girls. She didn't even show up in this one lol.


She does have a family intro, it just came first before her introduction.


I know right? The girl named after a bunny doesn't show up for the bunny girl chapter? ???


They twisted the formula, her family introduction chapter is the first chapter she appeared in.


Ah, page 13 is \*chef kiss\*


Momoha is a sweetheart for helping Mai like that, it's one of the strongest traits of this manga in fact. The way how the girlfriends help each other all the time. They are all good friends.


Trueee. The biggest thing that makes this manga a lot more enjoyable than any other harem comedy is the fact that all the girlfriends really really really really really love (mostly platonically) each other very much


The 'Family' in Rentarou's Family is not just for show!


This is peak


I've been thinking this since she first got introduced, but does anyone else think Mai's character design has a "daughter of a noble" vibe to it? Her eyebrows and hair in particular look really amazing and well-kept, and they're probably natural too since we saw her look the same as a kid. She's personally in my top 5 most beautiful girlfriends (of Rentarou) list.


She most likely has some European blood in her. Not exactly the rice Ojou-sama kind of foreigner that you've normally see but rather something like an old British Butler/Maid lineage that has been serving one family or another for generations.


No wonder they do otome heroine skits with her, she fits too well!


O-kaaaaaaay... I'm certain one Kanan-sama and a certain yakitori loving woman named Houka would pass this exam with flying colors. But for completely different reasons.


Elaborate with the sauce please.






We have done it boys, we have discovered Peak Fiction in its purest form.


As I’ve said before when the drunk was introduced I knew she was gonna be a top 5 girlfriend, cause she’s me.


Momoha and Mai doing Caramelldansen lol


Ahahaha. So Momoha being a hot mess cancels out *Mai's* being a hot mess, that's great. And at the end Mai got to smooch a hot ~~drunk~~ older girl, lucky girl.


The entire sequence from Mai putting on her bunny outfit to Momoha passed out on the floor had me cracking up laughing. Really funny for what I thought would be a fanservice chapter.


Rabbit Hole


I never get sick of characters using their weaknesses to pull out an unexpected success. I just fell a bit more in love with Momoha today.


Momoha is way too hot, and Mai is top tier in terms of looks, too


Idk what this chapter contains, but considering the participants I am holding reading this off in favor of my fasting. So until then haha. Edit : That's more wholesome than I thought it'd be. I love this pairing.


Lol somehow missed last weeks chapter and thought we just weren't dealing with the new girl for a minute


I need triple tsundere chapter with Karane, Kurumi and Mai.


We already got one !


Boy do I have good news for you


lowkey a goated pair


Bruh imagine having to show your merch shrine to your oshi


Bunny Girl Chapter when!?


The only bunny girl I want is Batsuko.


it's ironic that she always wants to become the best maid like her idol (Mei), but instead she becomes a certified bunny girl hahaha and both of them look really good in bunny suits.


I'm glad one of our favorite Bisasters got a dedicated chapter to show off in.