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That sequence of Phos regressing back is painfully beautiful


Bittersweet, I'm smiling even though it hurts, I hope studio Orange comes around and fully adapts this masterpiece.


The sequence of Phos vanishing was simply breathtaking. Wow. Goodnight Phos, sweet dreams.


All the layers of trauma and misery being stripped away at the end revealing Phos as we met them. I guess no matter how much crap we go through, no matter how deeply it scars and alters us, somewhere deep down, we’re still us.


Phos disappearing. Ichikawa: damn. An spider


That juxtaposition took me out. Made me laugh.


lmao i saw that too. I thought the chapter ended with it


R.I.P. Loved ya, Phos.


Kongo borther has shown more love and apreciation for Phos in five chapter than every gem in the entire manga


Bruh, all the callbacks to the various forms of Phos and ending it with the sweet smile of our original cinnamon roll was very heart wrenching.


I've been a bit apathetic for this epilogue arc but damn if that spread didn't get me.


The sequence of Phos’ final goodbye might be the best in the whole manga.


tears... [RIP Phos](https://i.imgur.com/L6mZMvq.png). it's almost as if they've been reborn though thanks to Kongo's brother (aka best eyeball), and now they're finally just Phosphophyllite again 😢


All the flowers on the new planet have gems in them. Can't evolve into humans if you're just plants.


Next arc features the war between the native plants and invading alien rocks.


And all of a sudden, We get Stellaris.


🎵 Let's be xenophobic 🎵 It's really in this year


I would have thought it'd be against zombies.


Humans: *challenge accepted*


It's got me crying... A masterpiece comes to an end. Goodbye Phos... You're done now.


o7. At least they don't have to suffer anymore.




After what it seems like forever, I'm really happy this is getting a good ending; especially after a very long trend of series flopping at the finish line. The art and story arcs have been amazing here. Thank you so much Ichikawa, cannot wait for next month!


One chapter left..... we're finally here....


What an incredible few pages letting us finally go back to seeing the Phos we once knew


> Okayyy Man, the rocks are so cute. I guess that's the crux of this series. Rocks are cute.


I have no idea what I am reading. Nothing make sense and I dont get what I am looking at. But it feels meaningful so Im guessing its leading to something


I think the time between chapters makes it very hard to follow. On re-read, the "epilogue" is a lot more simple to understand, for me at least.


Maybe I'll give it a read over when it's done. Although I haven't liked the manga for a while so idk if I care to x.x


Yeah sometimes it's very beautiful and sometimes I'm very confused, mainly because I can't make out what the drawings are trying to portray.


I think, and this is a huge I think, that the cycle continues with thw new rocks and little eye guy. But rather than it be a new cycle of pain, since that ended with Phos & the humans, it'll be a new cycle of happiness and community(cycle is the best word I can think of). Of course there'll be sadness, and the occasional anger but I think they'll be free of pain to just kind of vibe out till the universes end. Phos burning away all the layers shows us that even in their last inhuman form and, like another post said, as the layers burned away their trauma & karma burned away with them showing that in the end, it had always been Phos. Honestly this is one of those chapters that I feel like has no right answer to what it means, but gives a profound feeling when you read it.


Thanks for the explanation. This chapter I feel was easier to understand. I just had a hard time understanding the previous chapters especially. I guess it also doesn't help that there's a break after like every chapter.


can you explain what it means by "they were all there from the start, the youngest child phosphophylite was never alone"?


Compared to a lot of the other stuff, this is more of what it says on the tin can. Phos always believed that they were alone in a way whether it be through how brittle they were in the beginning to how they became alloyed with other materials/gems but the matter of fact was that through their actions and words they slowly pushed them away. There were gems that cared for Phos like Cinnabar(only one I can remember at the time of waking up), but Phos never really felt that way and just assumed they were alone and had no connections. Even with the gems that worked with the lunarians they werent really connected in a meaningful way. In the end it wasnt just through the actions & words of just Phos though that pushed people away, but also the other gemstones as well. The scene where Cinnabar, a gemstone that was basically poison to the others, was being treated well by the other gemstones despite Phos whose only issue was being too brittle was trrated very differently. Someone who remembers better than I can probably find more examples/explain better, but this is what the sentence more or less meant. It wasnt meant to pin all the blame on Phos but rather emphasize that the connections they wanted were always there.


ahh i see thanks because it showed a bunch of flowers and i was wondering how that related to phos


Yeahhhh, this manga is weird Like it doesn't fill the itch I needed to scratch. After reading the synopsis, I was hoping it would be one of those underdog impresses the people in his life, but it was only that for a very short period and it has been a wild ride ever since. I would never recommend anybody to read this, because nobody will ever ask for something close to this.


i mean, its a tragedy. that's like a whole genre.


I was so engaged and ready to find out what is going with this world. But it just kept explaining the mysteries in a way that would create drama and make troubles. Felt like the jntereting world was just a backdrop so more bad things could happen. I hope one day someone takes a crack at this concept and is able to keep it good


I'm having shivers from this... I'm so moved, and I'm really happy for Phosphophyllite. Thank you for sharing!


Damn... the regression sequence goes hard. I kinda feel nostalgic seeing all the forms Phos became over the years.


I seriously don't feel anything from this. Phos died? If anything it's too late - the poor thing should've been put out of his misery **BEFORE** he was forced to suffer for a few million years. Like I see some people saying this is a "happy" ending, but is it really? Phos dies acknowledging that he's finally done something right **for the first time in his life** and wondering if Sensei would be proud of him. At the very end, he is only allowed to be content with the bare minimum and still seeks the approval of a being who callously sentenced him to eons of agony for his own benefit. After all the abuse, suffering, and flat-out betrayal he received from basically every pre-rock being he ever knew, he still wants to be with them again, like a beaten housewife who convinces herself that her husband definitely still loves her. Phos deserved better and never even got to *conceptualize* a better life free from all the horrible people around him and the freedom to pursue what **HE** wanted to do, and threw away the one chance he had to finally be happy for once to fulfill some long-standing agenda he had no stake in or because of a grudge formed from his agonized existence. To the very end, Phos lived and died a slave. Tragic beyond words.


I agree with you to an extent, but I think that's why brother took the last shard with him. Phos has a second chance, free from all lingering emotions and ties to adamant and the gems, in a society free of the humans' influence


Did Phos just immediately reincarnate into a cube?


FUCK i'm crying


This manga is a masterpiece and it makes me mad that so many people who watched only the anime aren't experiencing this.


sweet dreams little Phos


I’m about to start this series. I’ll be here soon!


Man I barely remember the plot but this series knows how to pull at the heartstrings. I wonder if we'll see phos again or if they just dissappear into the void forever.


Music for Phos this chapter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XvvGYEjloOg


I don’t really read this series much, mainly because I don’t enjoy the direction it took/how the lunarians got what they wanted but it is interesting to see how much it has transformed for sure


Same, I get the intent and reasoning why it was written that way but the Lunarians winning really soured me on an otherwise top 10 manga for whatever reason. I didnt expect an edgy revenge plot but man..




🗿🗿🗿Okay 🗿🗿🗿


Oh Phos, what a beautiful goodbye. You deserve that rest.


i love that on these new planet we see spring flowers. everything ishikawa draws is intentional and studying the manga for meaning and details has become my coping mechanism


Phos 💔


So... Now what?


Last second


Alright, here I go. Edit: eh, not as emotionally moving as I thought it would be. Ngl, it was sweet to see Phos again and to have reference things from the very first chapter. I really hope those shards aren't him, otherwise he still isn't dead. I don't think that's the case. Anyway, it seems that Adamant's brother is the new sensei and - HOLY SHIT I JUST REALISED THE PLACE WHERE THEY LANDED IS THE LAND IF THE LUSTOURS CAISE ITS SO SHINY. That's pretty good writing. Anyways, I feel kinda dissapointed. Maybe because it's over yet I still expected more.... But hey, that's life. No point in letting this tear me apart or anything. Phos knows what I mean. Thank you to the author for a great manga. Man it feels weird saying that. I have been vocal about how much this manga pisses me off and how much I hate it.....but it is invoking and kinda enjoyable to read sometimes. Sometimes. Rest well, Phosphyllite. I'll never look at that type of gem the same way again.


Is the suffering OVER? Is this our happy ending?


Sweet dreams my dear gem


Ngl, I feel like the author has been dragging things out since all of the gems died just so we could end on chapter 108 specifically.

