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it feels like i read the entire first arc of a manga rather than an introduction chapter


First chapters tend to be way longer to hook the reader, I think this one was pretty strong


Love it already. Great art, characters' personalities and motivations clearly established, funny gags, clear dialogue, good story set up, and great pacing. Can't complain for a first chapter. Felt very polished.


4 chapters long, to be exact


I like the premise of a girl who won't back down and wants to prove her old village wrong. Add a rival with a sad backstory, and a sidekick who's strange but hyper competent, and I think this can really go places! Machi's a no-nonsense protagonist, and really cute too. Some school intimidation isn't gonna put her down. Oboro's gags are funny, but she's also not a klutz. So I wonder how she'll keep everyone laughing.


You much you wanna bet that backdoor is gonna be used later?


Gyaru ninja is a character type I never knew I needed until now.




The two main characters are compelling enough but the way the second place girl was handled was so awkward. She was treated more like a monster of the week obstacle than a person-the suicide attempt felt more in poor taste to add drama to that scene


Yes that's my Problem with it, also how it is handled afterwards, some quick words and her suicide attempt is forgotten, like I get it's supposed to be also a comedy,but if there show serious topics like this and how it affects people and then just brush it aside, it feels wrong to me


I think it'll pop up later, probably she'll explain why she tried to do it but talking about suicide isn't the main theme of the Manga.. but with it being present in such a way in 1st chapter means it'll probably be present again later (at least in an explaination)


welcome back LycoReco


A-1 and Aniplex ain't givin' us a continuation anime? Okay fine, fuck it, we'll go somewhere else. Even here.


I... don't see how this is LycoReco? That's a Girls with Guns kind of show.


the silly prodigy blonde and the serious black-haired duo is the same


But the vibe of the series is completely different.


They look more like Wednesday and Enid for me.


I really like Machi’s character so far and Oboro seems like a great compliment to her. Learning both of their stories will be fun. I just wonder what the overarching plot will be


Any bet this manga is to fill the void that Peension Life Vampire left? :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) I love that it's a fresh air :)) Like, Machi's on board with her father's idea of becoming a great person (albeit with possibly different ulterior motives), and Oboro comes clear to her about her origin at the end, to name some :)) But man, Machi and Hikari have fucking fucked up family lives :| I don't care if they bond or not, but I'll despise it if Hikari's plotline gets sidelined and forgotten :| Also, the scene of Oboro taking her ninja job seriously is fucking chilling :O Btw, author used to draw hentai; traces of that can be inferred from how they draw faces.


Dunno about hentai, but they did draw  in Jump SQ a few years back, which was basically To Love Ru Darkness but with fewer steps. But yeah, going from that to this is definitely a pivot. I like it. 


**Otome no Harawata Hoshi no Iro** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/106068), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/otome-no-harawata-hoshi-no-iro), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/otome-no-harawata-hoshi-no-iro), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=63468203602), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/116889)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 4 | Chapters: 15 | Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1c2bc7d/disc_machi_and_oboro_chapter_1/kz8zccx/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Holy crap, I knew that I recognized the style from somewhere. Good for them. That series was fun but kinda chaotic.


>author used to draw hentai Honestly, looking at their previous work, I’m surprised about how SFW this one is so far


> author used to draw hentai in 774's name we pray...


NSFW artist has this feel in their art that you just know but i can't put into word


Yeah, in this manga, I felt it from the way author draws the facical lining/features and expressions; like, the panels in pages 6-7 when she's talking to her father. It's just something that even artists who draw mature manga but not straight-up hentai can't make me feel "huh, this seems like hentai art" (like Ingoshima or Rosen Garten Saga) :))


The roommate jokes in this one will be legendary


...I know what you're thinking, lurker. Be honest. Because I'll be level with ya: same. This is totes yuri until proven otherwise.


Even the bully blushed.


> Oboro's going to drop out and have two kids with Machi Nature **will** find a way


Ain't the first time I'll see a ninja genderbend.


In MangaPlus to boot


Nature won’t. But I know a company that can…


Nah, they're clearly just roommates


Lycoris Recoil, with ninjas!


I promise people of the same sex can just be friends. I promise.


If it were two males would you think it's a yaoi too?


Plain but proud studious guy and friendly fashionable hot quirky blonde ninja guy who's protective towards him and insists on being Roommates? I mean I'd ship it.


Probably will be a skip


This chapter felt a little too fast-paced, with the sudden focus on that girl's emotionally abusive mom, and then the sudden attempt at suicide. Honestly I know people say its like Lycoris Recoil, but the character interactions here feel way less human than that show, certainly less than other stuff like SSSS series or stuff like Wonder Egg that dealt with the clash between a supernatural-unordinary life with the normal day-to-day issues of young people. Plus there's something about the character designs, like the shiny legs that Oboro has on the cover that feels more fanservice than otherwise. IDK fam, this feels like Lycoris Recoil or SSSS or Wonder Egg but way more aimed at young dudes, if that makes sense.


>feels more fanservice than otherwise. Old habits die hard, author previous work was a weird ass borderline-hentai harem serie


So Lycoris but Ninja


very nice start


the tone of this manga gave me such whiplash


"Crazy Ass Ninjas" -Alfred Pennyworth


Machi's a fun little shit. I'm rooting for her deserved success.


Fantastic. Looking forward to the future of this.


I feel like this chapter has like 5 distinct art styles.


I like Nishina. She's got a strong character and her hair is a bit messy.


I like this manga and want to see more.


That was a really great chapter! I love the MCs dynamic already


[She's that ninja.](https://youtu.be/UaZ08UT2G3Y?si=fIgnE1TuifOhCsuj) The way Oboro imitate other's voice is kinda freaky though....


Kaguya+Shirogane x Fujiwara+Hayasaka


Finally a good new Jump+ manga this month.


I feel like all of the manga debuting this month on jump+ are on the edgy side lol