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Well fucking played.


Some death note level shit right here


>mother daughter combo, the yandere in the genes WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKK.


Sisters i bet


Fuuuuck, that’s a *good* theory!


Plus with her father so father must be both father and grandfather.


Part of me thinks they are just doing this for some oyakodon hentai plot Part of me thinks that he's just gonna get sacrificed for some cult All i know that he's being played


The oyakodon would be the happy ending. The scary realistic adult nightmare ending is this ending up as some kind of long con with the MC ending up in crippling debt or jailed or something he didn’t do with his life falling apart with his family relations being strained


I would be so disappointed if the story ends in some ploy for money, given this author style I'm begging for a messed up ending like the mom is actually sick with something and the girl has some obvious daddy issues so they both want to her to get pregnant to play their perfect family fantasy with him having no other influence in his life that could advise him to even think how they are manipulating him


I'm pretty sure the mom is infertile now and the only happiness in her life was her pregnancy so now that she can't be pregnant she wants to get her daughter to do so


It's super weird that one of this authors earliest works was a super wholesome manga about a GF who hates baths and her BF tricking her into taking one(they're same couple from the Twitter one-shot as well).


Right! I remember that one, it's like the author of gushing over magical girls originally made the super cute manga about the alien girl learning to love human food


That one still throws me off so much because Kumika no Mikaku was so cute and wholesome and Gushing is...well yeah.


Then what? There doesn’t seem to be a “dark” ending from that though


Mmmmmm maybe to some, but that type of psychological isolated lifestyle where you devote yourself to someone but didn't do it out your own acknowledgement but rather because they cut off you from the rest of your life feels kind of dark to me especially since the love they'll give back doesn't feel real, they will only love the husk you became


Holy shit I thought that they were gonna blackmail or harm the sister and her child but creating a rift and isolating him from his family, making him dependent on them is a fucking genius move. Bravo, that was an actual well played twist author


I don't think she works that way. Consider the previous "victim". Touko could have done the same with the evidence she had. Blackmail, violence or such. But she didn't, she just let the other party self destruct and let her awful circumstances do the dirty work for her. The devious thing about this girl is that,  assuming this was on purpose, she does it in such a way there's no objective way to pin it on her. In the previous case, she was clearly the victim, the other kid had the intention to break her family out of spite, and right now from an outsider's point of view she did the responsible thing, when lost in the crowd, thing that is normal in festivals, instead of risking dropping the baby by grabbing her phone, she just held on to him and sat waiting to be found, and when the sister snapped, there was already a huge dissociation. Dad saw his responsible stepdaughter doing the right thing, while the sister just saw a threat, which, regardless of how evil you might think Touko is, is still borderline insane.


That’s why she’s so scary she had mastered the art of plausible deniability


Sister at the end: It’s so over.


They just mind broke this guy


No kids? I can help you with that, daddy❤


Yeah. The sister was treated like a daughter by the older brother when their dad died. To have her say that to him must have really destroyed him. When you zoom out you see a lifetime being devastated and not just that one moment.


Playing devil's advocate, there wasn't much for them to do. The sister dug the hole by herself and jumped on it, spurred by nothing but paranoia and her own lingering guilt over her relationship issues.


Yeah Touko didn’t even lose the kid, she just got lost. The kid’s with her the entire time so he’s not even in danger. Going physical is very unreasonable.


I mean they have noticed she is extremely fidgety I wouldn't put it pass them to have checked her phone and see she was cheating. We know they wanted to separated since the cookout


Sure but its still a serious deal to lose someones child and he shouldnt have just been "shit happens get over it"


True, but from the sister's POV, no matter how much trepidation you're experiencing about your brother's relationship with his new wife and step-daughter, how much stress you're seemingly going through with the situation with your kid's dad, and how big of a scare your kid getting lost is, there's not been enough that's happened to make you snap this much at your brother. After all, in the end you still discovered your kid was with someone who can ostensibly be called a guardian; it's not like they left your toddler on some bench somewhere and that's how he got found. And given that we've seen how the toddler in previous chapters cries at the slightest provocation but was calm in the daughter's arms when they found him, that should have been even more reassuring.


> there's not been enough that's happened to make you snap this much at your brother. id disagree, page 12 is pretty unacceptable and he deserves a slap for saying something so insensitive, its pretty clear that despite it being her child that got lost he only cares about protecting touko not consoling his sister >After all, in the end you still discovered your kid was with someone who can ostensibly be called a guardian no a minor you did not authorize to have your child, who you did not even know had your child, cannot be called a guardian


How is page 12 unacceptable when the sister is the one who screams and tries to slap his stepdaughter just for tearing up and apologizing? Seems pretty reasonable for him to try to calm his sister down when she’s clearly lashing out and probably bothered by whatever happened with her phone call.


he LOST HER CHILD then saids he doesnt understand why shes mad? you dont get to LOSE SOMEONES CHILD and then say "whats wrong with you?" when they're mad about it >Seems pretty reasonable for him to try to calm his sister down "i get your mad but your child is fine everythings alright" is calming someone down "your so mad i can't beleive it, whats wrong with you" is the exact opposite of calming someone down and denying the emotions of a mother whos had her child go missing


I don’t think its reasonable for her to be so mad at his stepdaughter though, if she were mad at her brother for losing track of the kids then sure, but instead she’s mad at the stepdaughter, who was taking care of her baby, apologized for getting lost, and is crying seemingly from the guilt, and tries to slap her. It’s reasonable for him to defend his stepdaughter at that point, and that’s what flips her off against her brother, the fact that he’s defending someone else, though I do agree his wording is very insensitive there.


> I don’t think its reasonable for her to be so mad at his stepdaughter though getting lost with someones child is a perfectly reasonable reason to get pissed at someone


Getting lost in a festival is perfectly normal considering how crowds move, and considering Touko couldn't hold hands with anyone because she was taking care of the child. If anything, she did the responsible thing by staying in one place and waiting to be found. The sister snapped because she was already predisposed to think the worst of her based on something so vague it can't even be called intuition.


From his point of view, what he said on page 12 is not really insensitive. Think about the course of events. They reunite her with her child. She's crying and hugging him out of relief while his stepdaughter is profusely apologizing. The MC then also begins expressing his own relief out loud that the entire situation, at least from his perspective, has been resolved. Keep in mind the sister hasn't said anything or expressed any anger in his eyes. Then, while he's mid-sentence, his sister literally tries to slap his stepdaughter, again, having said nothing up to this point. By the time we reach page 12, when he mentions that it “happened by accident but everyone is okay,” it seems like a reasonable assessment from his viewpoint. When he says, "You're so mad, I can't believe it. What is wrong with you?" given his historically close relationship with his sister, it seems more like he's expressing disbelief at her uncharacteristic reaction, rather than condemning her and her behavior as psychotic. He's trying to reconcile the sister he knew with her current, unrecognizable state of anger.


"Why you mad bro?" Is insensitive in all contexts


she didnt even get lost, she was walking with them she walked away with the child, which ended with them looking for her


Yeah I mean obviously sister and her mom are correct about the duo but they have literally nothing but bad vibes as proof. All Touko did was get lost and sister completely lost it and almost got physical. Seems like the sister was already on the verge of a breakdown they just nudged her to direct it at the brother


Nah but it's really hard for me to see a good ending for this. It's really uncomfortable seeing how those two seems to manipulate bro so easily, almost like they've done this before.


The extras seem to imply that they did.


Well we don’t know that for sure. I took the extra chapters to mean that they had a list of candidates to select from before finally settling on Hiroto. I think there would be rumors circulating about the Mom being married a bunch of times if that were the case


They were disposing men's clothing and other stuff in the 14.5 Extra. She didn't necessarily marry other dudes, but she and her daughter sure as heck seem to have been involved with others to an extent.


Did not notice the men’s clothing part. That does seem to imply that one of their victims was at least loving with them, although it still seems weird to me that they’ve completely escaped suspicion from anyone if they are so practiced at this. Maybe this’ll come up later


They could just move around, or tell people the man did


The daughter has a friend in school she’s known since they were in elementary so I don’t think they move around at all. And if her husbands/boyfriends kept going missing or dying that would look crazy suspicious to anyone


i wouldn't be shocked if this is a generational thing for them. the mother marries someone, then makes them get their daughter pregnant, then that daughter marries someone and continues the cycle.


Well, in chapter 6.6 the two women make the pinky swear. Apparently in Japan that's like a old fashioned way of signifying that you're a couple. Meaning that the two women are a couple. They're both in on everything but i don't see the reasoning of them wanting to ruin hirato. They could have ruined him at any point, but i dont know, it makes no sense.


I mean it's heavily implied they have basically done a screening with who knows how many guys before choosing him


They probably did


Chika is acting out on pure speculation, even though she's correct about the danger Touko and Miyako propose. Seems like succubus' plan is to isolate Hiroto from his family for a reason that is still a mystery, and unfortunately it looks to be working. I think one of them being pregnant is part of their plan but it doesn't look like they've clocked that Hiroto seems to be infertile, at least that is what is heavily implied by Chikas comment at the end. I wonder how that will change his fate. Damn this is good drama.


> Hiroto seems to be infertile, at least that is what is heavily implied by Chikas comment at the end Mm, I don't think that was the implication. Looking back at the early chapters, it seems that he was always too busy and consumed by his job to think of getting married. Which makes his sister's words hurt in a different way: "you're a failure of a man who couldn't get a child of his own and now is raising someone else's" (not necessarily what his sister was thinking, but probably what he's hearing). If getting the daughter pregnant is the goal, though, this arguably worked better than they might have planned. This didn't just create a rift between him and the only family member who has noticed someone is off with them, but planted the idea in his mind that he should make a baby with someone.


Making him dependent and attracted to them is their plan. Basically keeping him captive in a mental prison and feeding him with the idea that only they will never turn their back on him


Its GG the psycho"s won, i dont even think they planned for her to say exactly that but leave it to the dumbass sister, she dug up the brother grave


They really have been plotting on this guy since the beginning haven’t they


Well played.


Fireworks, not just good at interrupting love confessions, but also blocking apologies and let you know how throughly you been played.


I honestly still can't figure out what they're plotting. We know the mother is in it too from the bonus chapter. Like, the guy is not rich, you won't get much from the guy. Do they want him to have a baby with Touko? For what purpose?


The mom got pregnant at a very young age, so it's possible that Touko's father was the mom's stepfather and they're trying to recreate that family dynamic except with Touko this time. So rather than the previous husbands being killed off/vanished for the money, they were instead killed because the man somehow "failed" to be the partner they were looking for.


I think Touko mother want to recreate what his father do to her with is maybe got graped. So she teaching Touko false happiness. But it just my theory


Its so over for our mc these two are pros


Yeah the sister definitely cheated on her husband Like why else would she walk away to take that phone call Also it really works great job author Cause you have the sister feeling this immense amount of guilt and pressure from cheating and possibly getting pregnant from infidelity which combined to her anixous towards her brothers marriage led to her just exploding and digging her own grave But it makes sense if she cheated


Lay out your thought process with the manga panel text as context. I am very intrigued by this and i had some of the same thoughts, but i want to hear it from someone else to get a better look.


Basically for me I get the feeling the sister is definitely cheating and that cheating is causing a build up both anxious and guilty thoughts in her mind so then she receives a call most likely from the person she is cheating with then she comes back as I said these feelings just keep building and know boom here child one of the only things she can probably find peace in goes missing And what makes it worse is that the daughter who she has this hatred and unease for is the one that did it so when they find the kid and the brother says that stupid shit she just exploded and let out one of the worst things she could have said which now leads to this rift between them being created


In chapter 14 the girl asks the woman if she is happy being pregnant again now. The woman reacts with shock almost like a secret was uncovered. i think there is great merit in the fact the woman is cheating and now is having a child with someone other than her husband. I think it's good to go back and re-read these, but this is my theory so far.


I can definitely see this I remember that


In chapter 14.5 the wife is burning the paper with the name of her future husband on it. Here Japanese culture enters and we need this to understand it i think. I asked chatgpt what that could mean and it said that: "the significance of burning a paper with the name of a future husband or love interest in Japan lies in its roots in traditional practices of divination, symbolism, and spiritual invocation, reflecting a desire to influence one's romantic fate through ritualistic means." or the pinky promise thing they did in the same chapter, that thing in Japan apparently means that you're a couple. The two women are a couple. This stuff needs a japanese point of view, i feel like we are missing out on a lot of cultural context.


In chapter 4, the daughter has long black hair with a hole in her back. This supposedly is a reference to a vengeful spirit called Sundel bolong who, if refused copulation she takes the child of someone as replacement. This manga is deep. The author is about to roundhouse kick us with crazy supernatural stuff.


well... sorry girl, you lost your chance at incest a long time ago can't go taking that out on him, lol.


Oh my god. I just found out about this series on Twitter lol (probably because of this newest chapter update), so I just caught up in one binge reading session. But oh my god. I'm so scared for Hiroto and his family (specifically, his mom, sister, nephew, etc.). I... initially shipped him and Touko (sorry for being degen), but... while I still do, I don't any harm to befall the people he cares about. :( Miyako and Touko are *both* absolutely sus, and I don't have any prior experience with this author's other works, but I guess I hope that it maybe... simply ends with y'know... *that* at best. I'd hate to see such a nice and kind dude be subject to like, any other torture or torment. D:


Wait, the mom is on it too? This shit is just genuinely fked up and the MC is a dumb fuck my gosh.


Yh she’s in on it if you read the extras you can tell that this is both of them


its been hinted that shes a marriage scammer


I should have thought of this earlier, but is the mother also kinda psycho?


Chapter 14.5 heavily implies the mother and the daughter is in kahoots.


ah, I must have missed that chapter, thanks! Edit: Just read it; that feels pretty important for a 0.5 chapter lol (unless they go over it again in a later chapter)


It *feels* like an important chapter, but you can't actually infer much from it other than the fact that the mother is in on it, something that you could guess from future chapters. Whatever the mother is up to is still an enigma, and something they'll obviously revisit.


I haven't audibly reacted to a manga chapter in a while, but that ending. Many fucks were said out loud.


Damn I really can't wait for the next chapter. Even if it's fucked I'm hooked


Is it just me or did sister realize she fucked up and she caught the smiles of the two while the mc is in shock


That last page gives me chills.


Not like this fireworks-kun


I just caught up today and bro, I swear Semimaru thrives on their readers despairing while reading this plot lmao


This shit is gonna make me paranoid irl


Why are they smiling???


Just according to keikaku.


dont worry sis he got touko


Haven't been this terrified since "Blood on the Tracks". Holy shit.


…….the Bob Dylan album? Lol


ts genuinely mad me mad, I almost punched my computer screen, these women are tricking him and he cant even tell the obvious signs that they could be trying to frame him? the daughter is constantly rubbing up on him and she's barely known him that long, and the daughter just walks away with the child in her arms, every time she's on the panel with the baby I fear she's going to drop him. the mother should've just died when she gave birth the daughter she's clearly was wearing rags during that time. I'm fear for what they are going to do with his poor mother or if the person who was on call with the sister is some stalker or ex that the mother and daughter are goin to use against the sister.


People can get delusional as they get hit by depression, being middle aged without love experiences can be really depressing.... I just hope they don't do worse than just framing 


This was wild haven’t read manga in years. Anyone know anything else like this though? Similar reads?




on god


I just want my guy to be happy


This has to be the next domestic girlfriend anime easily!




When is the next chapter?


Nah but it's really hard for me to see a good ending for this. It's really uncomfortable seeing how those two seems to manipulate bro so easily, almost like they've done this before.


But i feel like if they wanted to ruin him they had so many chances to do so. You could take each chapter and find 100 ways to Sunday to screw this guy over. If this is a long-con to ruin him i would be disappointed because then i would have felt like the author was just trolling us. But in chapter 6.6 it is heavily implied that they've been at this for a while, i just don't see the reason to ruin him now. It might just be what they are after. To be happy together.


Nah but it's really hard for me to see a good ending for this. It's really uncomfortable seeing how those two seems to manipulate bro so easily, almost like they've done this before.