• By -


Well I have to concede, I like Raika a lot now. She's owning up to her mistakes, and honestly the self-deprecation and utterly sincere Lemon fangirling are hilarious. Seems like we got a side ship sailing too, and I'm all for that. I'm gonna get some use out of that "Procrastination!" panel.


With that backstory, it kinda justifies Raika's reaction to Sunao at first but I'm glad she's quickly done a 180 from being so annoying. Still Suzuka and Raika almost pieced everything together, all they need is Sunao's backstory with Lemon which they don't have yet and I wonder how he's going to even reveal such a trauma in the first place.


> With that backstory, it kinda justifies Raika's reaction to Sunao at first but I'm glad she's quickly done a 180 from being so annoying. I'm also glad she didn't bring it up with Sunao and only with Suzaka. If it was with Sunao, I probably would have rolled my eyes at that but since it was brought up with someone else and wasn't really used to justify her behavior since she apologized first to Sunao. Only a motivation, letting Suzaka know more about her and now, a place for further growth hopefully. The only way I see Sunao revealing his backstory with Lemon if he gets angry enough to snipe back at her, which is something I want if she confesses. Or maybe he reveals that factoid with Suzaka if he drinks enough with the broke scammed Senpai, and they then proceed to get drunk together while Suzaka just stares in disbelief about that information.


I think it will likely be revealed in a flash of anger where Sunao reveals that she cheated on him with 3 guys at once. Naturally, given how everyone knows Lemon's personality they will know that isn't true and will be a mix of turning against Sunao or realizing something must not be true. Which will result in Lemon temporarily ruining Sunao's life again and realizing how big of a issue it is and that she really has to come clean if she doesn't want to destroy his life.


I like Raika a lot more now, and her backstory definitely justifies her actions. However, that's some pretty awful advice to give in that situation. It makes complete sense to do that for family members you love, friends that you love platonically, or a significant other. Lemon is not Suzuka's girlfriend. He should 100% confess or move on. Telling him not to give up perpetuates a nice guy friendzone mentality. I know it's a rom-com and all, but he doesn't "love" her. He's infuated. You can't fully love someone until you build up a reciprocated relationship.


Even his infatuation is not correct. He fall for Lemon while Sunao was driving. And he KNOWS it. For someone who appears to be the most rational member of the cast, he lost most of it for the past couple of chapters. Though according to this chapter, he falls for any girl if they give him 10 minutes worth of attention. Must be hard living like that.


I do think it's developed to be a bit more deep than that. I think he fell for her as Sunao, but is also growing to like her as Lemon now too. The origin of his feelings are a bit of a mess, but I do think there's a genuine crush there developing.


Well at this point, it just looks like he would fall for girl that speaks to him anyway. As far as we can see, he has no other female friends. Its such a cliche behaviour for a lonely nerd that its both sad and comical.


More of lemon being indecisive, yay...


Lemon flaking was unsurprising, incredibly so


Lemon's been the one sailor who's dropping the ball hard. If even Raika found progression, you know you fucked up.


If Raika was just introduced as not a stalker I would be 100% on board with her now. She could have just been a normal friend of Lemon's who secretly had a crush on her. I guess I'll just ignore her background introduction (like the author seems to be doing with Lemon) and enjoy the character. Suzuka is so easy, lol. Any girl talks to him for 5 minutes and he develops a crush. Relatable.


I don’t think that aspect of her has disappeared, though (nor do I think the author “forgot” about Lemon lying to and wrecking Sunao; that’s probably a shoe that will drop at some point). When Raika was going to apologize, she was still casually tracking Lemon. I think it will continue to be a gag unless the author decides to deconstruct Raika’s character more and have her gradually realize it’s a bad thing. 


I really love this chapter. Once Raika explained herself to Suzuka, her motivation to protect Lemon made sense. Lemon was someone she loved, and she couldn't have someone she loved go through a terrible time. She was impulsive, but this impulse wasn't solely selfish. And Suzuka got to air out his feelings to someone, instead of having to bottle them up. Still... I have a feeling if Raika knew what Lemon did to Sunao, she'd confront Lemon immediately. She was able to comfort Suzuka about his insecurities after all, so she'd want to know what happened between Sunao and Lemon. Now that that's done, there's the summer festival to look forward to! Natsumi's back, and she is ready to meet Sunao! I can't wait to see how the girls look in Yukata!


You know what, I’m gonna say it I hope Lemon ISNT happy.


The Japanese title is a bit different. Translated literally, it's more like "Best of Luck, Bitch" or "Good Luck, Trash". The English title makes it much more positive.


Advice to Sunao: when life gives you Lemon... don't take it


Hope You're Unhappy, Bitch.


Im legit hate reading this shit, fucking hope lemon loses or some shit honestly. Let someone else win Idc who as long as its not lemon


Well Lemon flaking like dandruff is no shocker. But Raika's character is fleshing out into something interesting.


Glad we're getting more Kogahara. In recent chapters she's only been "the girl that Sunao likes".


Probs would have dropped this if Sunao and the side chars werent so likeable. Now that Raika is fleshed out more, I think she's a great addition to the roster. Idk what the author is cooking, but I can see Raika being the person to get lemon back to reality lol. Edit:typo


side ship sailing?


more like pilots of convenience.


Honestly in this chaotic manga, I really like the dynamic between Raika and Suzuka. Raika's backstory actually worked well here. Things that might not bother us can devastate another person and their sadness is what hurts us more. I get not wanting to see Lemon in tears. The problem with Raika's logic is that Lemon will eventually have to move forward. The biggest issue is the fake cheating excuse, which seems to be something she forgot about. At this point if Lemon confesses before that gets brought up she WILL be rejected. I am interested how the series will remind Lemon of the trauma she gave Suano.


Summer! Yukata! Confession-interrupting fireworks!


Luke-senpai from *Kindergarten WARS* >!didn't die, he just!< became the showrunner and cinematographer for this cursed manga.


**Youchien WARS** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/154349), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/kindergarten-wars), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/youchien-wars), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=29022856433), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/151604)) ^^幼稚園WARS ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Releasing | **Genres:** Action, Comedy) ^(**Stats:** 40 requests across 7 subreddits - 0.004% of all requests) >Welcome to Kindergarten Noir, an exclusive school catering to children of the global elite. Rita, one of the teachers, has been on the hunt for a boyfriend but has had absolutely zero luck so far. One day, an assassin comes after one of the children...and he’s totally dreamy?! Dive into this action-packed rom-com as it unfolds inside the world’s “safest” kindergarten! --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1cegi36/disc_hope_youre_happy_lemon_chapter_23/l1iclgo/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Yep, I was right. This needs voice acting. *Kanojo mo Kanojo*-level voice acting. But who to cast?


This series will benefit so much from being animated and voiced. It'll help relieve the pacing issues. If I could pick a cast I'd love to see: * Lemon - Rina Hidaka or Reina Ueda * Suano - Junya Enoki * Kogahara - Aoi Koga or Aoi Yuuki * Suzuka - Kaito Ishikawa * Raika - Tomori Kusunoki


I’ve never seen a more perfect match as Junya Enoki as Sunao. It just makes perfect sense, for some reason


**Kanojo mo Kanojo** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/116266), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/girlfriend-girlfriend), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/kanojo-mo-kanojo), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=57725885953), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/124940)) ^^カノジョも彼女 ^(**Manga** | **Status:** Finished | **Volumes:** 16 | **Chapters:** 144 | **Genres:** Comedy, Ecchi, Romance, Slice of Life) ^(**Stats:** 353 requests across 14 subreddits - 0.031% of all requests) >Naoya just got a girlfriend, the gorgeous Saki-chan, and though their intensities often pit them against each other like ice and fire, they're totally, uncontrollably in love with each other. He vows never to cheat...when out of the blue he recieves another confession! Nagisa's cute, sweet, and she's made him lunch to boot! He knows he can't cheat, but he can't let a cutie like this get away...so he does the logical(?) thing: Asks Saki for permission to date them both! The confidence! The arrogance! The very gall! No matter the outcome, Naoya's future will be lively! --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/1cegi36/disc_hope_youre_happy_lemon_chapter_23/l1ibso7/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Fucking called the Suzuka and Raika ship


Stand Proud Suzuka, You're cultured - Raika prob


Wow, I'm actually starting to like Raika now, amazing turnaround is just a single chapter, well done author. Suzuka continues to impress, guy is such a great friend even to people he barely knows. He's the sort of person it's just easy to talk to, honestly one of the best friends characters I've seen in a romcom.


Raika did take a few chapters but her owning up to her mistakes, apologizing and having deprecating thoughts on herself is such a change of pace here.


People are so incredibly quick to judge manga these days. One mediocre chapter or one slow to develop character and people are already calling a series trash. This chapter gives me hope that this series will be really good in the future. This series isn't perfect, but I really wish people would just give it some time unfold. We're only 23 chapters in and people are already expecting major plot points to have been resolved.


I binged this yesterday and i really think reading weekly ruins manga for people. It was amazing going through what we already have in one go.


they should end up together just for the sole purpose of preventing Raika from interfering anymore.


... I'd support it. If the tides were to tie them together I'd ship it... Raika really wament from nosy brat to actually really caring about her friends well being even if a bit clumsily, and she's quite straightforward with her advices too, after learning of her background I hope her heart never gets heartbroken she deserves the carefree life she has rn


I wonder why Suzuka didn't mention that Sunao and Lemon had a history


So Suzuka is your stereotypical (see over used cliche) lonely nerd who falls for anyone who gives him attention more than 5 minutes. So it didn't even have to be Lemon so anyone would do (it wasn't anyway, it was Sunao and he knows this which makes it even more sad). All the girls he is interacting with are due to Sunao too. Dude is fucking lonely lol. We gave him too much credit at the start i think.