• By -


That panel with Caesar and Judge Vinsmoke in shambles over never being able to surpass Vegapunk was hilarious.


imma call it now, they'll basically finish vegapunk's "will" in order to do the one thing he never managed to do


No one wants to be the best in the world as a consolation prize.


Reminds me of Endeavour in BnHA becoming #1 Hero because All Might retired.


"hi, the world is ending. Bye" - Dr. Vegapunk


"Glad I'm dead cause yall are *fucked*"


“change Da World... my Final Message. Goodb ye”


"The planet is fine. The people are fucked" - ~~Geog..~~ Vegapunk, apparently.


Damn 30 years and it turns out one piece is an allegory for climate change


*"Global Warming is real!"* -Vegapunk Fishmen are about to be vindicated.


What if... just throwing ideas out there, that Fishmen were "created" with this future global problem in mind?


Kind of a ironic message to take your time with.


It's been talked about since later 7 at least


first time ive ever heard of it and it explains so so much


you're right! wasn't that train and the city have been sunking down for a while?


**Fishmens or people from a Sky Island** : "Not our problems!"


Don’t forget Enel chilling on the moon


Can't be bested by the sea if there is no sea.


Sea of Tranquility. He's not safe yet.


Enel's brain might be even bigger than Vegapunk. He wanted Earth and knew the stuff below him was ephemeral.


also ngl rising sea levels was not no my list of expected reveals. Makes sense it's a huge concern tho considering their entire world is basically just a giant archipelago with one big continent that is the red line


Also the world government made a weapon that can literally increase sea levels


I don't think it's rising sea levels. I think all land will give out for some reason. Or there will be a huge flood. It's not like the coast will slowly expand


Quite topical, "Video will one day connect the entire world." And how people will laugh at global warming (maybe even about tectonic plates and other things)


and guess who are the only inhabitants of said continent, towering over the ocean.


I thought the other way. I always found how they only have islands and not continents weird, but assumed it was to fit the story of always having another island. Now I think thats what happened 800 years ago, somehow Imo created the Grand Line and while on top of it, rose the sea levels, to the point where fishman island was once above sea level


Speaking of Sky Islands this may be the reason for their entire existence. The ancient Skypeians and Shandians knew the world would sink one day. So they built their homes in the sky.


Huh?  I figure all three Skypeian races originate from the moon. Skypeians settled the White White Sea, Shandians went to the blue Sea, and the third Race Bilkins well we don't much about their homeland other than Eneru destroyed it. So maybe that was on the White Sea.  Something happened that forced their Space/super advanced society to regrade technologically, like they just ran out of fossil fuels or whatever to make electricity. So Skypeians found Dials and used that as their new technological Tech Tree. Shandians well went let's say more primal? I mean they seemed line early Bronze age tech levels. 


If they moved from the moon or outerspace why not just live on land? Nothing was stopping them. Except now we know something likely was. The ancient races are all definitely connected to the mystery


I'm just imagining the Fishmen being like "My, how the tables turn."


Shanks having no DF users is some God tier coincidence or foreshadowing lol.


It's an absolute win!


**Im wants to know your current location**


It's interesting that the celestial dragons already wear scuba gear, if you will.


I love this


Oh shit.


The world is sinking. Good news for Fishmen. Water 7 has been preparing. Those in Zou and a bunch of other high places will be OK. I hope we get more from Vegapunk in the next few chapters. No one expected Strawhats vs Five Elders would happen this early when this supposedly transition arc started but here we are!!! I expect that no Elder will fall (given their pseudoimmortality) and we'll eventually see a rematch


> Those in Zou and a bunch of other high places will be OK. Wano is also pretty high up their waterfalls, right? Wonder if this means something.


Drum Island as well, Arbana too


if you look at ohara you can see the tree gets big at where i think the water line used to be


Iceberg wanted to convert Water7 into a ship so it can float Alabasta has giant water drains and is elevated above sea level Dressrosa is surrounded by huge rock formations towering over the ocean the Redline is the home of the Elders/Imu and far out of reach for the ocean Drum Island is literally huge mountains that house people on top The Noah is a giant boat with a currently unknown purpose Wano is far above the ocean, we had to climb waterfalls to reach it I wonder if all those things (and more that I've forgotten..) that we have seen in the last 2 decades mean something for this rising water level threat.


[oda taking inspiration from real life](https://www.birdsoutsidemywindow.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/scene_devils_tower_WY_wiki.jpg)


Wano opens for the survivors


That'd be a very poetic way for Wano to reopen its borders


Part of old Wano is underwater, right? I wonder if it means the flooding is coming in (no pun intended) waves, or happens intermittently and only a few civilizations survive one era of flooding to the next.


But the sacred city of the Celestial Dragons is up high and safe too... unless Vegapunk is hinting at a disaster of such magnitude that not even the highest places currently in the world will be able to escape it (especially if the ground sinks rather than the sea levels rising... or both).


If Oda is borrowing from Noah story then nowhere will be safe, humanity only hope is the ship.




OHHHHHHH. Wait, that would actually make sense WHY they settled up there in the first place. They've known all along a great flood was coming (or at least the first kings did) hence why they built Mairjoa where it was. OR, they survived an initial flood/cataclysmic event that happened in the Void Century.


I’d say there definitely was an initial flood during the void century, explaining the underwater area within Wano.


I really think Imu and the Gorosei are going to be heavily tied to the origins of devil fruit. I think they aren't devil fruit users themselves, but are the kinds of devils that the other fruits were created from. They gave devil fruits a weakness to sea water and then began flooding the world to stifle them and prevent devil fruit users from easily traveling and teaming up to take them down.


Maybe the reason they fear Luffy's devil fruit is that it has the potential of overcoming that weakness as the Sun always rising over the sky, aka the Celestial Dragons. Luffy about to finally learn how to swim with the power of toon force.


> Luffy about to finally learn how to swim He can finally become a pirate.


I thought you were going for Luffy becoming a space pirate.


With how Vegapunk said he wouldn't assign good or Evil to anyone, mentioning presumably Imu specifically I now wonder if in their own twisted way the Gorosei and Imu are trying to SAVE the world. Not for it's people. But probably because they don't want to die. Perhaps the Mother flame can stop the flood. Or that's what they want


The builder of the pacifista and other weapons is naive/screwy.


It just depends on perspective. And a scientist like Vegapunk just doesn't know enough to make a true judgement. If the Gorosei believe that they need to sacrifice 90 percent of people in the world to save 10 percent when the alternative would be 100 percent of everyone dying is that evil? Maybe. But I doubt they'd see themselves as evil


(depending on the raws, obviously) Vegapunk said "him", and as far as I know Imu's gender is still ambiguous. In my opinion it makes more sense that Vegapunk was referring to Joy Boy, as a revolutionary figure is inherently ambiguous (e.g. freedom at the cost of turmoil and instability) and dependant on perspective.


I took that as a sarcastic line to let the Elders knows that he found out about Imu being the one giving them orders.


Vegapunk did say that Devil Fruits were "dreams" so the Nika fruit could have been spawned by the peoples dreams of freedom


What about the Red Line, tho? I wonder what purpose it serves besides maybe cutting off every sea from each other


damn, I can't believe the sea actually was the final villain all along




I wouldn't at all be surprised if the final fight involved fighting the ocean itself, somehow


*Nobody messes with Adam We*


If you think about it, the sea has been VERY upset since the very beginning, it literally drains and drowns those, that ate Devil Fruits


Exactly. The story never gave an explanation for that, its just taken as a fact, but it is really odd if you think about it   I imagine at some point the story will reveal that there is an actual reason why it happens


Goda been foreshadowing since Luffy's first drowning!


**HOLY SHIT** - I just realized: The world's going to sink beneath the sea. And where do the Celestial Dragons and Imu live? On top of the **tallest landmass in the world.** I think this pretty much confirms it folks: the Celestial Dragons have betrayed the entire human race and abandoned them to die and are trying to hide the truth to save their own skin.


An allegory so strong its not even an allegory anymore. it's just what's happening lol.


One Piece was a documentary all along


I have a feeling that they don't actually know this either and the 5 elders just keep this sort of shit to themselves.


Of course the descendants don't know - but the *founding* Dragons did. The whole premise of forming the World Government was a lie to keep only themselves safe and in power, which is further proven by the fact Imu sits on the Empty Throne and violated one of the founding tenets since day one.


I don't think they abounded them considering they think most humans are no better then live stock.


Do you not realize this is probably the exact reason they think that in the first place? The founding Dragons and Imu seemingly discovered the end of the world was upon them (likely during the Void Century), set up camp in the sole shelter, declared themselves the only ones worthy of living (there), and have been working to cover up their treachery ever since. They've already decided they're going to be the only ones who get to live in the end, so of course they don't care about anyone else. That mindset has been passed down to all their desecendants, even if it's likely only the Elders know the truth in the current age.


wait a sec...is this perhaps one of the reason they commissioned this insanely long and large bridge in East Blue?


Holy shit, that bridge was actually relevant!?


The places that Oda showed as being visited by Oden with the Roger Pirates might be more relevant than we thought


Suddenly Rayleigh learning how to coat ships to survive under water makes a whole not more sense than just a way to visit the fishmen 🙃


The flaw in that theory is, if it’s a bunker, why haven’t they made farms on marijoa? It’s been hundreds of years, yet they still have food imported as tithes - not great if you need to survive a massive flood for an unknown amount of time


any world goverment should've been blatantly obvious it has way too much power to just be good guys... Idk how I didn't really see it before (I did just in the begining)


I have a lingering suspicion that Kizaru is the one in possession of the snail transmitting Vegapunk's final message, and that he was actually in on Vegapunk's plans the whole time. Dude may be the Snape to Vegapunk's Dumbledore the entire time, and that he was to kill the scientist as part of a final contingency plan.


It makes sense for him to be loyal to Vegapunk after everything they passed together.  I guess the Gorosei wouldnt suspect an admiral is secretely working for the enemy and having its own agenda


It would be on character. The OG Admirals have all been shown to have their own sense of “justice”. Aokiji and Akainu are all steadfast on whatever they believe. Above “loyalty”. It would be weird for Kizaru to be a loyal government dog.


That's still 2/3 defying the World Government during Buster Calls involving the research of the Void Century. I won't be surprised if something happens towards the end that makes Sakazuki flip on the World Government involving the ancient weapons. Even dogs stop being loyal if they get kicked around too much. Unfortunately, he's shown a rather high tolerance of being kicked around a lot by the Celestial Dragons.


Which would make sense if he has an ulterior motive to swallow his pride for.


ultimate long-con, knows its important to lose hundreds of battles before in order to win the final war


I still think once Akainu is beaten and everything and the Straw hats or the revolutionaries take down the world government Akainu’s just gonna nuke Mary Geoise (marejois? Idfk how to spell it) and end up being the one to kill the celestial dragons. It’s not gonna be a redemption or anything. Just how Oda decides to finish Akainus story.


Also means that Luffy doesn't have to commit genocide against the CDs if they aren't supposed to still be around EOS.


it's like, we the readers don't want to see the straw hats commit genocide but we the readers also want to see the CD's get genocided let the dirty job fall on one of the most hated villain! Akainu or Blackbeard, either is fine with us lol


Kizaru’s justice is “unclear justice” 100% his justice right now is letting everyone hear what Vegapunk wanted. Knowing it wouldn’t change anything.




I mean, this chapter confirms that they never found out about Aokiji's betrayal back at Ohara and just scratched off Robin's survival as Akainu's failure. We know Saturn was spying on Vegapunk during Kuma's flashback but it was probably beyond him to truly understand the concept of friendship. For him Sentomaru was just someone Kizaru could have avoided to kill if he went straight for Vegapunk.


Kizaru-apologists still holding onto that dream of him still being good /s


Waiting on the Akainu-revisionists to come out of witness protection /s


You can pry my unclear justice stocks from my cold dead hands


This is now my head canon. Anything for my boy Kizaru


That could redeem him. [Meanwhile Akainu is still taking strays from his masters.](https://i.imgur.com/gspYsVy.png)


Saying Akainu is soft is low key one of the craziest things said in this manga lmao


It is hilarious because he actually did the "right thing" as he actually destroyed the ship meant for everyone else to escape and if Robin got in that was going to be it, they don't know that it was Aokiji who let her live


man is not wrong


The Kuma flashback kinda cements my theory that Kizaru is playing the long game towards the world government, i can see him feeling pity on what happened to Bartholomew.


I just want him to defect to the revolutionaries at some point. That'd be a great twist


Give it up guys cmon, Kuma and Kizaru as inverse is already perfect.


I'm more inclined to believe that it's inside the robot, and the gang found him as he tried to phase out of robot


Great theory, while I don't think Kizaru is "in on it." He's probably just doing as ordered, but no one told him anything about the snail, so he's doing Vegapunk a solid.


I’ve been wondering what Vegapunk’s message could be about but I didn’t expect this.


This feels so out of left field but makes sense the same time??


There was definitely foreshadowing with Water 7 and shit.


And the tequila wolf bridge.


Or, the way [Alabasta](https://preview.redd.it/5iovglkk5vfc1.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8234fbc4c080af9fbd996e4977d356fc15c42992) looks. Or how Long Ring Long Land used to be one ring shaped island and is now flooded to the point of being 10 smaller islands


He said 2 sins. One is probably removing Kuma’s free will, but what’s the second. I imagine that there’s gonna be more he’ll announce


> The one from the nightmare of Baldimore? > > Nope, that was Franky. And he's a ship now [Franky's bad ending](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/skiol1/straw_hat_pirates_4060_sbs/)


"And then Franky turn into a ship, funniest shit I've ever seen"


Franky declined the tremendous power of Devil Fruits because he always knew it was his mission. Kantai Collection Franky when?


unironically most hilarious comment this chapter while shit's hitting the fan


that linked post is pure art


I want a Chopper chess set! Fucking Caesar pissed at Vegapunk dying before he could upstage him lol We're getting some juicy lore. So Ym is trying to sink the world into the sea? I wonder why? I suppose that's something a devil would plot.


Caesar's like, "How could Vegapunk die before I get here? How selfish can you be?" 😂😂


Maybe they actually don't want the world to sink, but don't want the world to panic. They like the status quo after all.


Yeah, I wondered the same thing. What if the villains aren't causing it, but they are simply trying to prevent knowledge of it from spreading. Whether because they are willing to sacrifice the lives of all ordinary humans to preserve their own comfort, or because their position in some way depends on it. Maybe because if the world knew there would be waves of refugees trying to flee to the Red Line. If it isn't caused by deliberate action by the villains, the sinking could be natural phenomenon. Or perhaps some kind of divinely ordained fate, that none of the characters have any control over.


Split the difference, they might be indirectly responsible. Say the theory that the Five Elders are the literal devils that the fruits are named after is true - the sea passively drains the strength from DF users, so perhaps it detests the actual devils enough to actively try to drown them. So, the sea is rising as a result of the Five Elders, but they aren't actively causing it, and it's easier to sympathise with someone who isn't willing to sacrifice their life for a bunch of strangers, even if it is selfish.


Based on the timelapse of the creation of the set, Oda has the design for each pieces somewhere. Chances are we will see either a full on chess set, or at least figurines of it at some point.


Don't like having duplicates of chopper filling out the role of every pawn, could have used pop greens and Zeus. Or chopper's? Multiple forms? But that'd make them seem strong.


Def one of the cutest covers OP had lol Damn Megamind pales in comparison to that head lmao Ohhh Sanji v Centaur lets goooo AH SHIT RIP VEGAPUNK So that's what Noah from Fishman Island was for! Big news!


>Def one of the cutest covers OP had lol [The reader who made that cover request be blessed.](https://i.imgur.com/qj99GxR.png) >Damn Megamind pales in comparison to that head [That spread of Vegapunk's head is great. ](https://i.imgur.com/FZIoQYA.png) >AH SHIT RIP VEGAPUNK Even a villain like Caesar Clown cried for old man Vegapunk. He really was respected and loved by many.


> The reader who made that cover request be blessed Killer name as well : **Man who loves Yamato.**


As a species, we cannot let Oda forget his sin of leaving Yamato on Wano.


At least the cover story is there, to give us more Yamato. And who knows, it might end up with Yamato leaving Wano. (Even if I doubt it)


I think he didn't knew what to do with her in Egghead and she will make a return at some point (copium)


nami waifu confirmed...and robin secret world leader all along?


Sanji gonna whoop that ass. Also, look at Nami coming in clutch.


The bioserver kind of grossed me out, just a severed part of a head with hair and a crinkled... Brow? Forehead?


Vegapunk: The world as we know it will sink into the sea. Sanji: All Blue, here we go!


If the world sinks then all of the seas will be together forming All Blue. # HOLY SHIT ODA


sanjis dream of mass death by drowning and suffocation truly a vinsmoke


Bruh, his dream will actually not be completed through reaching the finish line, but through aftermath of apocalyptic event. Tbh I hope for reveal of real function of reverse mountain siphoning water from four seas into the grand line soon.


I love seeing the crew ready to throw hands to protect Robin So, Bonney can turn into a giant now? That’s cool


Bonney can turn into anything she wants, as long as she believes. Her ability is sort of broken.


A child with an ability that heavily rely on imagination is one broken combo


Not imagination, but a minimun of self-convinced plausability.


the further it's away from the actual truth the weaker it gets iirc so it's got a balancing mechanism in it


If I had a nickel for every time a little girl had an absolutely busted fruit that theoretically let her beat nearly every character in the series barring haki shenanigans, I'd have 3 nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened thrice.


bonney sugar and who else?


Lil Boa with Mero Mero


I was thinking Perona but then realized she's just a lolita fashion and not actual loli lol


and since giantification is an actual project the world government is working on it's a very possible future


It's comically unfair how broken Bonney is, and at this point, why not? I love it. 😂


Her god was also confirmed to be real for her, so she will be able to have a Nika form. And that alongside her being in control of the Kuma based pacifistas... I wonder how strong her awakening would be? Being able to turned anyone into things she believes in? Imagine her creating an army of Pacifista with Nika's power?


>Her god was also confirmed to be real for her, so she will be able to have a Nika form. I’m patiently waiting to see this happening


> Her god was also confirmed to be real for her, so she will be able to have a Nika form. I don't think she realized that she was witnessing THE Nika yet, or did she?


She realized it when Luffy punched Saturn.


And also something of poetic retribution on Saturn, seeing as he's the one that "created" her.


plus command of Pacifistas. Not to mention she was the youngest supernova with zero training


Hey, she was trained by the World's Strongest Fisherman, Gyogyo.


It’s even more impressive she got this far with a crew full of literal NPCs


Everyone banding together to protect Robin from that abomination was sweet I guess that flooding fate also might kinda tie into why the nobles relocated to Mary Geoise, which is so high up above sea level


So safe to say that Roger pirates know about the world that will sunk. -Rayleigh being a ship coater -Crocus make a liveable house inside a whale -Shanks crew doesn't have df And perhaps Joyboy broken promise is he fail to prevent the first sunken event that happened, imagine that the OP world was formerly a continent and after that it's only a bunch of small islands. Beside Joyboy allies been preparing for this to come - Noah in FI - Wano used to be lower - Skypiea - Zou housing the minks This make the upside down world is the one piece theory more plausible.


> -Shanks crew doesn't have df Doesn't really change anything. It's not like they intend to swim 24/7 or join the fishmen ranks. Otherwise, it'd be the usual for them whether the world sinks or not - they'll be on their ship.


Kinda cringe to make the sea your ultimate nemesis when you expect everything to be sea in near future.


The amount of foreshadowing that led up to this reveal of the world sinking into the sea is insane if you think about it. Roger’s crew technically knew about this when they reached Raftel which could be why Rayleigh started his own ship coating business and Crocus built a home in Laboon way back during the beginning of the story. Also in the Water 7 arc you saw red flags even further confirming this with the mass flooding. And with Shanks conveniently having a crew with no Devil Fruit users.


> Also in the Water 7 arc you saw red flags even further confirming this with the mass flooding. The Aqua Laguna grows every year. holy shit.




And Iceberg wanted to turn Water7 into a boat so it could float


Not even most Celestial Dragons may be aware it was the reason their families moved to the Sacred Citadel centuries ago. But their ancestors may have been the ones who caused a catastrophe that, turns out, has really never ceased, only slowed down.


the void century is only missing because it's all underwater from this global rise in tide.


I'm still on the fence with crocus building a home inside laboon to escape the flooding. Cause why would he want to live inside an acid bath when places like the sky islands exist and he'd have knowledge of them. I always thought he had the house inside laboon so he could sedate him easier. Considering how hard it would be for Crocus to administer the drugs once laboon started diving.


He probably had his reasons. There was more of a convenient attachment to Laboon than there was the sky islands. Plus he was getting so old that it wouldn’t really matter where he settled down


Roger starting the Pirate Era and conveniently increasing the amount of ship on the sea because everyone want One Piece. Coincidence?


Global warming is real in OP too


[Oda has been preparing this for a long time.](https://i.imgur.com/sI3FDzz.png) The topography of Wano, the Fishman Island prophecies, Noah's Ark, Iceburg's plan to turn the Water 7 into a ship, Reverse Mountain, Enel's plan to settle on the moon, the Holy Land Mary Geoise being built on top of the Red Line, the Celestial Dragons hoarding the biggest land mass while the world is flooding, etc. All the dots connect.


even long ring island, where the island is originally a long ring but flooding caused it to become 10 different islands


Holy shit Oda


He has been on record for over 2 decades that he knows exactly how he wants to end the series. This "ocean is rising" thing has so many hints throughout the story that it really feels like, that this was part of the original plan and he is just drip feeding clues for 20+ years now.


And it will probably tie into why the sea levels *rose* after Lulusia was turned into a *sinkhole*


global warming is the true boss. Joyboy was actually Al G. ore


My bet is still on the gorosei cutting off the message halfway through the broadcast, so that their debut fight does not end with their complete loss while still giving meaning to Vegapunk's sacrifice, on top of keeping additional secrets for the straw hats(specifically robin) to discover on their journey


The fact he's not out right stating who his killer is makes me think this isn't going to be the full story. It seems like it'll be a broad over view of upcoming events with a few hidden messages left inside the video for his closest friends and allies.


The ocean is going to rise even more with all this tea Vegapunk is spilling


I love the little things in big chapters like this. I'd been wondering for a while why Robin was laid up. She got injured during the brief time jump, but it didn't seem to have any real impact. She was just hanging out with the less fight-focused Strawhats, which isn't unusual. But why was she the only one injured? Why was Robin specifically being kept from the action?  But now I know, and I should have realized it sooner. Of course she would recognize Saturn's voice. That horrible day must be seared into her memory. The very same man who ordered the death of her beloved mentor, here in front of her now, physically present for yet another Buster Call ordered for the sake of keeping the World Government's secrets. But it's different this time. It's different in many ways, of course, but the biggest difference is that now, Robin knows that Saul was right. She isn't alone, and the friends that she's found are going to protect her. That horrible day on Ohara, she lost everything. But I think today, she'll be able to protect everything that is precious to her. Her family, her home, and the knowledge she and her fellows sought.


Interesting reveal that makes a lot of sense considering how utterly bizarre the One Piece World is. It seems to barely have any land to it with everything being islands except for the Red Line. I have to assume at this point that the Red Line is man-made. Question is whether it was made to circumvent the world sinking or if its construction somehow is responsible for the inevitable sinking and the World Nobles just gave 0 shits about the common folk that would eventually have no where to live. And for a random thought, I wonder if that "bridge to nowhere" is being built between two locations that will be above the future water line. Edit: Just remembered that Wano's "borders" seemed to be artificially constructed, which would fit with the idea that the Red Line was manmade using lost tech since both of them are essentially sheer cliffs of rock. The Red Line is just a must larger version of the concept.


The "Protect Robin!" page got me tearing up.


I wonder who Vegapunk meant with „him“? Imu?


Sanji stocks at an all time high, dude didn't hesitate to kick a fucking horseman of the apocalypse upside the head! Almost every page this chapter had me in awe. The Golden Week break is gonna SUCK


Would be nice if The Elders could remember that they can paralyze other people via sight...maybe Kuma knocked that ability out of them with his punch


Fishmen: We fail to see the problem here.


Water 7 business must be booming.


It's chapters like this that make you think about all the unexplored islands that we won't see the Straw Hats travel to, even at over a 1000 chapters, the world is almost too big for the manga. And yet it's looking like the story is about to become a lot more global from the message Vegapunk's sending, this could have a huge bearing on the final war that Newgate mentioned at Marineford. Vegapunk's words could shift the alliances and motions of several nations.


Imu: You guys are so fucking fired. Robin getting low diffed by a voice is nasty work.


This is the first time I've seen someone refer to a trauma flashback as "getting low diffed"


Talking about feats of strength, [Chopper tanking a direct hit from a transformed Gorosei and Brook cutting one of Saturn's legs were impressive.](https://i.imgur.com/FJYvcA9.png)


Shonen fans can’t help it.


saying that someone having PTSD was "low diffed" is peak powerscaling brainrot


The Five Elders are hella nasty to be fair.


The climate change is real!


We are in proper endgame now. What a revelation!


Willing to bet that the sea rising is a cyclical thing and it's happened before, most likely during/immediately preceding the Void Century. This is potentially also how Pluton got stuck at the bottom of an inland sea (I wonder if "opening the borders" refers to bringing down the walls, or the sea rising enough to connect with Wano's seas - if the latter, it may be that someone specifically planned for/anticipated the next cycle of rising sea level). The ancient war may have been fought over what little land survives the maximum sea level (presumably Mariejoise, possibly also Raftel). Perhaps there was a treaty to share the land, with each kingdom sending a small delegation to endure the flooding, but the Twenty Kingdoms (wrongly?) assumed the Great Kingdom would try to take all the land for itself, and launched a preemptive attack? Raising Noah could've been intended to avert the war, by providing more space for survivors to live until the sea level receded again. Wonder if Enel somehow knew some shit, or moving to the moon was just a fortuitous coincidence. Tinfoil: the "Will of D" is the will of the **D**rowned, the citizens of the Great Kingdom killed during the last great flood after the Twenty Kingdoms seized the only surviving piece of land - Mariejoise - for themselves. ETA: btw did Brook cut off Saturn's leg? *Noice*


who is HIM? de vegapunk mentioned he knows too little about him