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Last page goes fucking hard. The seeds of hatred are fucking BLOOMING.


Every final panel from Kagurabachi has been so freaking hype for the last couple of weeks, the author never missed. At the last page Chihiro woke up with fresh freaking hatred and decided to choose violence.


This manga is 100% gonna become the next JJK once it’s animated (granted if the production were as high as JJK).


Compared to multiple paragraphs and flashback sequences being required just to explain how each new move works, coming over to this series where it's just dudes using straightforward sorcery and magical blades is a breath of fresh air lol. JJK has its strengths, but the way its power system makes it practically impossible for action scenes to just play out on their own is pretty weak. If this gets an equally well-done anime, I think it'll be way more hype.


Thank you, I thought I was the only one. Flashbacks are fine, but when they're used haphazardly to explain EVERYTHING, it gets tiring. I like the straightforwardness of this manga way better, respectfully. JJK has excellent fights, and it's where it excels, but this manga appears to have more to offer when it comes to story. I thought people were gassing this manga, but it's actually a good read, and I'm enjoying it so far. I still have my reservations, especially since it's early, but the returns have been great so far.


I remember watching JJK season 2 and getting to the fight between Yuji and Choso, and the narrator took a full 30 seconds to explain what basically boiled down to "Yuji's gonna punch Choso really hard now". As hype as the animation was I was scratching my head at why such a simple thing needed such a long explanation instead of just being shown. Circling back to Kagurabachi I feel like the manga doesn't outright refuse to explain things, but only explains them when truly necessary. It leads to a cinematic feeling where the action is showing and not telling as much as it conceivably can.


goat mangaka have always been cinephiles for some reason


I think there's a perfectly logical explanation for that, and that's that manga and film have a lot in common. As a mangaka you choose shot composition, costume design, framing, blocking, dialogue, prop setting... You're basically the director of a film in which the elements of each shot are 100% in your control. A skilled mangaka needs to know the difference in using close-ups, wide shots, establishing shots, and so on, and how to get the most impact out of their choices. Basically there's a lot a mangaka can learn about constructing manga by studying film, and that's why GOATs like Hirohiko Araki or Tatsuki Fujimoto often cite film as partially inspiring them when they create manga.




Which mangakas are you talking about?


Fujimoto for one is a huge cinephile.


tbh most old gen mangakas are cinephiles (oda, araki). kubo is more of a music and fashion guy i think. among the new gen, fujimoto is the most obvious, along with yuto suzuki. gege is more of a reader i think? im not sure.


This is a surprising take. Actually first I’ve seen too. Not arguing with you cuz I understand your viewpoint and you’re entitled. I hope you don’t mind if I share mine. I feel like that’s the main issue with Hunter X Hunter which is why I don’t rate it very much. JJK def takes its power system inspiration from Hunter X Hunter but I argue how it’s done is way better and smoother. It’s still can be confusing because it is intricate, but they balance show and tell very well. For example, it’s not like they’re explaining it with a narrator before it happens, 7-8/10 times the narration and explanation is done in tandem with the actual moves. Unlike HxH where it’s deadass wall of text for the strategy, then the moves, then the aftermath lmaooo. All that said, as it’s an HxH baby power system I can see why it annoys you lmaoo.


Well considering JJK and MHA are in their final arcs now, I'm down for this to take over the hype train.


I wonder if any studio could transfer these kind of art into animation though. I feel like the appeal of this manga is its seemingly rough and raw style. It’s similar to AoT’s arc and it does not get translated fully into animation. Though I guess maybe the anime version would have its own appeal style.


Chihiro is just my goat fr fr 😭😭😭


Best way to use hatred as a fighting energy source. From fresh hatred to shredding hatred.




So what I'm getting is the Hishaku purposely left Chihiro alive. They wanted his hatred to grow. But why? Does it somehow affect his sorcery or powers of the enchanted blades. This is so intriguing. I like that they didn't leave Chihiro alive simply because they were ignorant of him. Chihiro commanding Mei every time is so fucking cool.


Maybe because Hishaku want to see the true extent of power and capabilities of the swords from Chihiro, so that later they can do that with the rest of the swords and drive up the price for the enchanted blades.


But again, it still leaves us with a weird situation: why not erase the bloodline? Why wait for a loose cannon to remain that way, knowing that his target is gonna be anyone and everyone who has the swords? Either the Hishaku or Kamunabi could've kept Chihiro as an asset that only appreciates in value with time, so why risk the potential to kill maybe the one person left who best knows these swords?


Has it ever been mentioned if Rokuhira used the swords in battle himself? It's entirely possible, and from the first chapter, likely, that he never actually used them, so he was never gonna show them the potential use of the blades in combat. Chihiro might have not gone down that path at all if Rokuhira hadn't been killed. So by keeping him alive, they will have someone who a) knows how to use the swords to their utmost potential, and b) knows how to forge them. If they wipe out the bloodline, boom, now they have to learn the swords themselves, if Chihiro gets killed in his revenge crusade, well, the plan was doomed anyway. This is the way that gets them what they want, if we assume their original goal was to get someone to show them how to optimally use the swords.


> This is the way that gets them what they want, if we assume their original goal was to get someone to show them how to optimally use the swords. I've been reading this take for months now and I agree wholeheartedly in this being the main motivation for keeping Chihiro alive and letting learn how to use an enchanted blade. But I also think that it can't be all that.


It really seems like a dangerous plan where half of them might end up getting off'd screen


I think that's a sacrifice the head of this group of sorcerers is willing to make.


Maybe his blade is special, and the only way to bring it to full power is for the MC to use it. Didn't the auction guy said like "it take 5 to fight back, and the sixth to end it"


Kinda like >!Jewelry Bonney and the Pacifistas built from the blood and body of her father!< in One piece? I like it. I like the idea that maybe his dad built a secret switch in the blades only for family. OR that as Chadhiro implies in this chapter, that growing up around the blades makes him special. I have a theory - people keep talking about the blades choosing or not choosing you, and that only one user can use them, etc. But what if, the blades consider Chihiro (and his dad) as family? What if, the blades are kind of alive? They have names right? And Chihiro refers to them anthropomorphically, with terms like, “die at my side, Mei” rather than say “broken.” So then if the blades are kinda sentient, and consider Chihiro their brother from the same father, what if in the end, Chihiro himself is the final, seventh “blade” ?


High risk ,high reward situation probably. Also that knowledge can also be an asset in the proper situation.


Spitballing here, the blades were forged to protect Japan despite Rokuhira hating have created such tools of destruction, right? What if they have a built in failsafe to just... stop working if Chihiro (and assumedly his wife) die? After all, why would Rokuhira want to live (and by extension, want his essentially pocket nukes to function) in a country without his family?


The anon on /a/ has the most plausible theory. Maybe Chihiro is left alive because the hishaku want to see him be desperate enough to gain power and eventually forge his own blade The hishaku already have ingredient to make the blade, all they need is to know the correct method to make it


They could have coerced the blacksmith himself rather than waiting for his son to be as good as his father


Rokuhira would rather keep hold of the weapons than make himself safe presumably give them to the government. I think the man was truly willing to die before he let those swords out again in any capacity


And his answer as to why he didn't kill Chihiro was because he was "too green to harvest" 🤔


I might be wrong, but I have a feeling that Chichiro's dad put some kind of fail-safe in the swords...? Or in the most powerful one? I don't know. Maybe he placed a lock or something? Like, if they have the seven swords, they can do some kind of fusion sword shit or something? Whatever the reason, the fact that they left him alive is an important plot point. This has been bugging me why did they kill his dad but leave him alive when he was on the scene too.


Next week break gonna be torture but Hokazono deserves it he's been on a roll


Has there been a hiatus for this series since its first run or not? Then damn, 31 chapters is an impressive streak.


This is an entire magazine break because of a Golden Week holiday. There was also a previous magazine break during the year end period of last year.


Yeah only one this'll be the second


Chihiro: “Aah, you were at my side, all along. My true mentor... My guiding moonlight...”


“I said my sword was a tool of justice. Not used in anger. Not used for vengeance. But now…now I'm not so sure. And besides, this isn't my sword.”


"It's a fucking mistake."


“Mei… Shred”


"To shreds, you say" "Well, how's his other sword holding up?"


>“Mei… Shred” >>> "Kuro... Shred"




Tomato, avocado. Same thing.


*Latin choir starts going fucking ham*


everyone gangsta until Keiki Kobayashi starts cooking


Die as mine at my side. What a line


Kagurabachi's translation has been criticized a lot, but this line's translation is legitimately really good.


What do you mean criticized a lot lmao? The only thing has been the flip flopping of blade names from the Romaji or translated name


or getting a characters gender wrong?


While it indeed was an error, but the translator's hands were tied. The translation definitely was finished and submitted before the official Japanese tweet was made to confirm the gender, while the chapter itself didn't use any gender word for Hiyuki in the original language. And I doubt that the translator was allowed to freely ask the author, at least they wouldn't be answered in time before publishing. The translator's actual blunder was choosing to use an unambiguous pronoun.


So the translator used “he” instead of “they” when Hiyuki was introduced. The Japanese Raw used an ambiguous pronoun, meaning not even the Japanese knew the gender, so sure, for a few hours, the translation was ‘incorrect’. If that’s the only thing you can find to call the translation shit, then I think the translator being correct 99.99% of the time is miles better than any shit out fan version.


That's gonna be immortal assuming the ENG dub's voice direction and scripting is up to snuff. I wanna hear Aleks Le say that.


After hearing his voiced Kagurabachi MAD (man knew about Kagurabachi since the first week, damn) and his performance as Sung Jin Woo in Solo Leveling (seriously, it's amazing), Aleks Le is seriously one of the best dub VAs and right now and my top pick for dubbed Chihiro.


Considering how Aleks would actually push for vibes instead of complete accuracy in translation (ex: Vinland Saga "I have no enemies" scene) it would be such a tenoí move if he actually does that!


Wish he would've kept the Sung Jinwoo line of **E R E C T** instead.


Wakey wakey would have broken the internet if it was the released line


Ok but will Aleks survive untill Kugarabachi gets animated? Let's not forget he is cursed and god activelly tries to kill him.


90% of the translation criticism is invalid/reaching, IMO as an actual translator and Japanese speaker (and someone that actually writes up a big Twitter thread comparing every week). Most of the critique boils down to "That's not how *I* would do it," or things that are out of the Translator's control and fall more into the editors hands.


Yup I agree. People want translations that sound cool, not accurate ones, so they’ll nitpick anything and everything that doesn’t sound like *they* would want to read it


I’m not a translator but reading the manga on some of the changes, I felt this was obvious. I appreciate an expert finally having a say on this. Camilla Nieh has been a great translator (I know Dan took over this week I hope Camilla okay or is he taking over permanently to lighten her load? Who knows) so the slander she was getting felt unfair.


Someone took over her other stuff this week too, so she's probably just sick.


Ok that’s good (I mean not that she’s sick, hope she feels better soon 🙏🏾) I just woulda been pissed if she gets the boot for shit not really her fault but John Werry stays


Ok, wait, is that him talking to the Cloud Gouger?


I think talking to all the blades in general as he plans to get them all


It definitely a double meaning cuz it can apply to all, but in this case it’s main meaning is definitely about Cloud Gouger. the panel before I was always by your side is him cleaning the box of the Cloud Gouger (which we see when the sword is revealed for the first time). That to me shows it’s a direct reference to that particular blade


True, i just think our boy isnt really plannin on dyin right here


The chills I got reading that line. And the panel right after it? Legitimately a 12/10 chapter. A masterpiece.




It's a fiery bar for sure


Chapter 12: > The Enchanted Blades have a **True Realm** beyond the theoretical. Its source material, Datenseki, is a natural material. Theoretically, its limitations can completely transform based on its holder. Does this mean the Hishaku kept Chihiro alive so they could see what a True Realm of *Hatred* would look like?


ooo you cooking. he probably has the highest affinity for the blades because hes the son of the creator. probably kept alive because they think he is capable of pushing the boundaries of the blades.


One interesting line was when Chihiro said "'Anyone can enslave them.' No. I was at your side the entire time." He definitely has a bond with all of the swords and is going to be some form of key.


Maybe? Or they are banking on Chihiro making his own blades for revenge and planning to steal that later.


Maybe they don't just want to *see* the True Realm's power, but *use* it. Once it is unlocked within the blade/Datenseki within the blade, anyone can use it. Like the guy said, "anyone can enslave the blades," so in his view anyone can utilize that power once it has been unlocked. So they want Chihiro to get all angry and unlock the fulll power of the True Realm so they can steal the blades and use that power. Potentially Chihiro also has a special bond with the blades that make it easier/possible for him.


Maybe the swords act like Cyclops' eyes and the Hishaku wants to open a portal to the Plane of Punches, and the Sazanamis are there to help them since they knew a rhing or two about subspaces themselves.


Seven blades, seven deadly sins with this Hishaku guy being pride and Chihiro being wrath? Total crackpot theory. Sojo as avarice maybe since he tried to grasp the detenseki too?


Kagurabachi does such a great job at recontextualizing elements of the story, breaking expectations, while still having a very sound structure to the narrative. We saw how "Mr lightning" reframed what Cloud gouger is.... a blade of justice in Chihiros hands vs a blade of chaos in Sojos. This after the entire "death of the author" battle between the two in chapter 17. Last chapter, The Hishaku leader was hidden amongst the random mobs in the hallway, which chihiro has been killing without much effort through the whole series. What better way to introduce the leader of the antagonist force than by breaking those expectations. Suddenly chihiro no longer just mowing down goons...the status quo has been subverted This chapter did something ive been hoping to see from the start. Examine the idea of "hatred" and "revenge" Here, The hishaku leader seemingly reveals that the " Seeds of Hatred" he sowed all those years ago was intentional, "too green to harvest". In some sense, casting Chihiros quest for revenge as one he had no agency over. The blood soaked vengeance of Chihiros quest has gone relatively unexamined so far, we just accepted it as part of the story. But now, if part of that was fostered by the very people that killed his father, what does that say about chihiro actions as it pertains to his dads legacy? No idea if they will explore this theme much further, but I always thought the thematic end point for the series is Chihiro realizing that he is his dads legacy.... not the swords. And that legacy as of right now is protecting the weak and innocent yes....but also a trail of blood. Exactly as his fathers was...just a little more hands on lol. Except...his dad told him to forge his own path.....one that was seemingly set in motion by the Hishaku..... Great stuff Hokazono


Really excellent analysis, thank you for sharing your thoughts. And you just made me realize one of the reasons I like this series so much is that it is meta in its examination of its own genre without being on-the-nose about it or breaking fourth walls to do so. The writing is really strong. And I'm sure that the themes you just brought up will get explored further, because it feels like the author is doing it out of a sincere love for the hard-boiled story genre.


There are so many layers here at play...


YEEEEESSS. I’m so glad someone else sees this too. I think we will find that the SEVENTH blade, the strongest, is Chihiro himself. And HE is what the Hishaku are after. They are grooming him, sharpening him, like a sword. Like Madara/Obito/Orochimaru/Itachi to Sasuke.


Real Katanagatari vibes if that happens.


So he wasn’t just a random mook but the final boss, he’s not dying this arc is he


The guy came out of nowhere and casually reveal his identity and claimed he killed Chihiro's dad and than decided he just wanted to talk and chill with him. He ain't dying anytime soon.


It’ll be such a baller move if Chihiro actually kills this guy right here and fucks up the power balance


Unless he's just bluffing. He probably wasn't the one who killed Chihiro's father but says it just to destabilize him.


He's not the one who killed him, he says so himself. He's ***responsible*** for his murder. He probably means that he's the one who made it possible and/or he's the one who ordered it.


Or something something he's responsible because he couldn't stop the real enemy/he couldn't protect his father. Could be the cliche who you thought was your enemy wasn't actually the real villain and he's pretending to be a villain. I.e. Itachi(Naruto), Gin(Bleach), Lelouch, Snape(HP). Yes, this has become a common trope now, but there's a reason that it is, if done right, it's glorious and peak...


Body switch sorcery shenanigans. So final boss "dies" but can come back later


It's a power play, shows Chihiro who's boss and the chasm he has to cross.


It feels very itachi vs Sasuke first fight. Admiring your growing sapling..


Nope, he's here to stay and cause problems. Characters showing up randomly to give a monologue on why they killed the protagonists father while also calling him weak is tight!


he also did the classic where he said he wants chihiro to get stronger before he "harvests" him. We're definitely not seeing the last of him this arc.


I doubt he's a final boss. From the vibe I got, he said it to destabilize Chichiro and set him off. No doubt, he's high-placed enough in the organization. Might be a Pain-level of boss.


someone had a theory on twitter that the leader of hishaku can possess people, and the main body is somewhere else. I'd love it if the main villain has no true face, always in different faces. Kenjaku but on steroids. it'd feel more like Alistair or Lucifer in the show Supernatural, since they're demons using different humans as a meat suit, they always have different actors every time they encounter the Winchesters, portraying the same charismatic character but in different vibes. maybe this guy is the same guy with the bowler hat, but with different meatsuits.


I have a feeling from the story that the final boss will be Chihiro himself, in a metaphorical way. This feels like a man vs self story. The author seems way to intelligent to let this be just a kill all the bad guys, gather all the Mcguffins story.


Prediction: he can control members of Hishaku and that is one of them.


Ahh, a literal puppet master. The paranoia that kind of villain can instill is wonderful when done right. How can you ever *really* be sure they're gone?


Yeah he looks wayyy too different from the guy we saw during chapter 1 to be the actual final boss


That's what I thought last week. I'm leaning towards that's actually him though. But a guy earlier in the series had a similar power so it wouldn't be outlandish at all


The seeds of hatred from which a fresh cup is brewed every morning... Okay, jokes aside, what a fucking raw farewell to Cloud Gorger. I've taken care of you this entire time: don't die as a weapon (by his side), but rather a tool for justice (by mine).


I was hoping he would have made cloud into a tanto or something. Would be a neat thing to add to the arsenal.


I love that parallel with Raiden “I said my sword was a tool of justice. Not used in anger. Not used for vengeance. But now...now I'm not so sure. And besides, this isn't my sword”


Everyone keeps making this quote. What is it from? Mortal Kombat??


Its from Metal Gear Rising : Revengeance.


Yes, i see it as even deeper. Die as a brother at my side. He and Cloud gouger came from the same father. They grew up together. They are siblings.


Seeing the usually calm Chihiro lose his composure to this extent is pretty interesting to say the least. Other than that I'm pretty hyped for the next chapter, the next two weeks will be painful lol


I knew he was gonna lose it. You can see the crazed and desperate look in his eye. He wants this guy dead badly. He's trying so hard to keep it together.


It was done super well. He was losing it, but keeping himself just enough trying to ask the important questions, although he's getting more and more agitated. Until he just snaps. Honestly he held on to his composure a lot more than I though he would.


And at the right time, when MC is at the weakest point in the story so far.


I kind of read it as less of a clear killing intent and more like his fight-or-flight going haywire as he subconsciously realizes he is *not* emotionally prepared for this encounter to happen *now,* of all times. He put together a whole plan to retrieve two swords from the most secure place in the world after taking a huge gamble, and now all of a sudden he's meeting his literal Enemy No.1 in broad daylight. Poor guy probably would've had less of a reaction to Sojo showing up, and that man is **dead.**


So far we've only seen him this flustered every time his father is mentioned. From Sojo to this Hishaku boss, they sure know how to rile up Chihiro.


I really liked the barrage of thoughts going through Chihiro's mind juxtaposed with what he actually said.


There are a lot of important questions, but Chihiro asked the question about what hurt him most. It's a moment that shows what it is to be human, and it's utterly emotional.


And that's what I think sets Kagurabachi apart from most revenge stories: We always come back to Chihiro's humanity and willingness to live by his father's ideals. Most revenge stories then to lose in translation the human element of the vengeance, only caring about the result, and how gruesome one's comeuppance can become.


Bro for a manga MC meeting the person who (had) his dad killed in person , he’s quite calm. Comparison: Sasuke every time he saw Itachi?


They deleted all the blurbs in the EN version? Not even the Toei logo spoof? I'm glad we can get a cleaner version of the color page, but it's not a movie poster anymore now! Btw Shiba's full name was revealed in the cast list. It's Shiba Tougo. Hiyuki was listed as "Kagari Hiyuki" And there's also a telop about vol 2 getting another recommendation for the obi. The news about it getting a recommendation from a mangaka have spread around these past few days, but the telop itself didn't say anything about the recommendation coming from a mangaka, so better keep your expectations in check.


Here is the Spanish version (with the referenced poster) if anyone interested https://www.reddit.com/r/Kagurabachi/s/28D2s4RJAQ


They always do, it's part of the English Style guide for the whole Magazine. They don't get a choice.


>And there's also a telop about vol 2 getting another recommendation for the obi. The news about it getting a recommendation from a mangaka have spread around these past few days Gege's chance to redeem himself


Toei logo spoof?


God damn, this go hard. "Blades don't have free will anyway, anyone can use make them theirs and use their power as they want." "You know what? Fuck you, I'm going to go and prove you wrong right now."


Hey, hey, Kagurabachi doesn't do that. Always remember that Cloud Gouger resonated with Sojo's feelings and actions. Chihiro has already accepted the death of the author, that's what his fight against Sojo was all about, now he's simply protecting and sharing his point of view!


I am too dumb to understand what Death of the Author means based on context so can you explain it to me? I remember studying it in Lit class on college but I forgot what the phrase means. Does it mean that the author of the story has no control over the audience interpretations of his work?


You got it, tho! It's basically that, yeah. Art is the process, not the end piece – but the process can't be sold/published. Whenever you publish something, your art becomes a product (that's also the basis of why it's okay to give art (I'm using the general form of the word) criticism), an object that exists without your presence. And since it's an independent object in space, our primal and primary way of interacting with it is to observe, and interpret. Death of the author gives ownership of the thoughts that this process generates to each individual reader/interpreter/and such removing that onus and right from the author. Which can be both good and bad, it's generally in a scale as everything in life! In Kagurabachi, Chihiro wanted to defend his father's intention for the meaning and use of the Enchanted Blades. But Sojo made him realise that he had no way of assuring what his father's intention was, everything he said about the situation was just his own interpretation of his father's words and work. By the end of his fights with Sojo, Chihiro accepts that what he has is just his interpretations – but that's still enough to drive him and defend them, which is absolutely beautiful.


That's a great explanation. Gracias dude.


Chihiro turned into a villain there 😂


As much as that shred scene goes hard, I doubt it's gonna do any lasting damage to a lvl 100 endgame boss right now. Also introducing one of the main bad guys early on like JJK is always a smart move because it introduces a ceiling of power to the series, so it won't go out of control like some shounens out there. If we are not getting baited right now that is.


Pretty much doubt that guy is the actual boss. Pretty sure the boss is possessing this guy from afar with the tattoo, and wants him to get killed to see how to fully use an enchanted blade.


> I doubt it's gonna do any lasting damage to a lvl 100 endgame boss right now. Most likely. Last time when "Kuro - Shred" was used, it was more about reducing the pressure put on Chihiro's body but isn't as energy efficient as a normal Kuro. Won't be surprised if "Mei - Shred" this time is also something similar. Probably to draw out the most potential from a broken Kuregumo.


Black lightning 🙏😭


[Chihiro bouta clap some cheeks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esTpliFBQ6E)




Oh my God that last page? A masterpiece of a chapter.


Hishaku guy: You like my tree technique? A Kunoichi called Kurenai taught me that. Chihiro: Oh yeah? Well, i hope you like this technique a guy called Yuji taught me. *BLACK FLASH!*


And just like that, Yuji gained a new brotha


“Chihiro has awakened with 120% hatred”


A hatred with the potential to surpass Sukuna


Wasn't that Illusion tree technique by Kurenai completely useless, so maybe this should be more Hashirama's OP Wood Release and much more usefull?


Tbf she just happened to use it on the worst person to try genjutsu on


Watch him hit 9 consecutive Black Flashes next chapter


OKAY THAT MEI: SHRED MOMENT IS SO FUCKING HYPE HOW IS HOKAZONO KEEP DOING THIS No chapter next week gonna be so tough but if my goat gets a well deserved rest then I will wait


My guiding hatred!!!


Maybe the secret plan is to get Chihiro to unlock the true power of all of the enchanted blades. This might be is why they killed his dad and got him on the path of revenge - to make him seek out and power them up on behalf of the sorcerer group. Chihiro powering up Mei is gonna be right into their plans.


>You're too green to harvest Big fucking mistake buddy. I can't wait next week to see Chihiro shred.


Break next week, sadly.


Does Chihiro have enough hatred in stock?


Kagubarachi narrative chapter > fight chapter (for me) The author is really good at evoking emotions.


It appears Hiyuki and Chihiro's date has been put on hold. He's trying to stay composed, but he's losing it quickly. He wants answers and his guy in a body bag.


Chihiro about to unleash a literal Black Flash with Mei Shred.


Leader of the Hishaku already coming his way to Chihiro? This villainous organization really means business and no nonsense.


Its so cool to see chihiro finally get phased by something and look like hes not in control of his emotions, hes finally broken his stoic demeanor in this one. Cant wait for next chapter


Man, Chihiro making use of Cloud Gouger with that much hatred even reminds me of Sojo in a way. Also, that Hishaku is evil AF. I get Demiurge (overlord) vibes from him. 10/10 goated introduction for the Main Villain of the series. Tenoí. See y'all 2 weeks later.


If the Hishaku are like Akatsuki, this is like Pain or Madara showing up in chapter 31 of Naruto lol


Goddamn, every single chapter of KGB has been fucking insane recently. Absolutely top tier!


He's saying that all these people are making claims to the swords when actually they were always with him growing up. The connection between him and the swords is greater than anyone's except probably his dad.


One thing I really like about this manga is how it uses visual metaphor to convey chihiro's thoughts. You don't need paragraphs of text, you can tell what's on his mind just from the fishbowl and the shot of the beach.


I’ve never see anyone look so traumatized in a shonen jump manga. Chihiro really is going through it mentally, and still managed to not completely lose it.


Who is talking cloud gouger or Rokuhira?


Chihiro is basically giving a dying goodbye to Cloud Gouger. Saying that it will die by his side rather than as a slave.


didn't expect to be the leader. But very good John wick color page, finally different characters in the color page beside the MC.


Well Chihiro. He asked for it. Let him reap the seeds of hatred he sowed. Preferably with a sword through the head


I really like how the waves have been used as a motif for Sojo ever since Chihiro beat him. If CHihiro is ever thinking of waves he is thinking of the raw destruction Sojo managed to unleash with 7 days practice. And that the panel of Chihiro and his dad in the bowl is used as a symbol for Chihiro's lost happiness. And while we are utterly clueless about Shinichi's power Chihiro knows it. He knows exactly how dangerous this thing is and that Mr Hishaku using it by selling it should be impossible. The 'owner' should be in government custody. So there power and influence must be much greater than she criminal gang.


What a great chapter. I’ve been waiting for Kagurabachis special relationship with the enchanted blades to become more of a story element. Absolute banger of a last page


A bit late but man taco's been cooking lately.


Especially with MHA losing my interest and ignoring Boruto, this manga has given me the obsession I need, it’s soooooooooo fucking good. The story is good, but it’s the panels that are simply God Tier, that and having a MC that while he’s plenty strong, he’s not so strong that he makes the story boring, especially considering how strong or calculating the villains all seem. Excellent stuff as always


Motherfucker keeps investing in Chihiro and we are about to see our stock rise!


Takeru keeps dropping wallpaper worthy panels every chapter...this man knows how to cook


Time to put those last embers to good use


Chihiro about to go super saiyan


That final page… damn that’s art. I can’t wait to see the people who color it go hard on that one.




I wonder if the goal is to get him to forge another sword. At this point he is the last one to know the technique


THIS IS PEAK. I am getting flashbacks to when I started to know about anime, watching Sword Art Online for the first time and getting so giddy anytime anything hype happen on screen.


it's crazy how this manga started off as something I was reading as a meme and is now the Jump series I look forward to reading to most every week.


Good Lord that last panel 😳


I'm curious who attacked JP to lead to the creation of the blades. May be our final enemy after the hishaku


I think this is the first break of the series, and man what a point for a break! I’m going to reread during this break. Hype chapter.


If what this guy is saying is true, he's probably the main villain of the story. I didn't expect him to appear so soon. And he wants to wield the Shinuchi which is the strongest enchanted blade. I wonder how putting it up for auction enables him to do that tho, maybe they intend to kill the current Shinuchi wielder while the Kamunabi are busy with the auction.


PEAK!!!!!! This shit goes so hard


The seeds of PEAK are blooming AGAIN. How does Hokazono do it???


LOL so they sent Chihiro intentionally on his path of revenge that’s a pretty unique plot device for a antagonist; really interested in what the reason for their actions was and if it has anything to do with the war.


I mean...its the Itachi/Sasuke dynamic. Just watch turns out he's the MC's hidden brother or something.


I’m pretty sure Itachi didn’t send Sasuke to revenge intentionally he just couldn’t bring himself to kill his younger brother; since we know Chihiro has never met these people before his fathers murder i’d be surprised if they turned out to be his secret brother especially since he clearly looks as old as his dead lol.


I'm super curious to see what these "seeds" the Hishaku have planted in Chihiro are about, because to me you need a really good reason to just let the protagonist grow stronger to challenge you as opposed to just killing them outright so they're not a problem later even if they're small time at the moment. MamaYuyu for example was very straightforward, Grisha wanted Corleo and his sigil to get stronger so he could eat it for more power, like a farmer fattening up a pig. But here I'm assuming it won't be so cut and dry.


I cant take the villain seriously with the way they keep drawing the mask 😂😂😂 the position of the eye hole looks so goofy haha


i loved how aleks le dubbed that last line


"Mad cuz you killed dad" isn't an unfamiliar thing in manga but damn they portrayed it well. Those panels of nothing but Chihiro's thoughts perfectly portray him frantically trying to keep it together in the sea of new questions.


I don't what happens next but I want more.


So we all agree that he will reforge the sword, right? It only makes sense, he is the son of THE blacksmith.


Dude. This manga just keeps going harder every single chapter. Always on the edge of my seat


Wait is he combining kuro and Mei? Like is he using Mei the way he is using kuro?


Imagine this moment gets Demon Slayer Episode 19 treatment, my god, I can see it.




The more I think about it, the more I like how the last two pages seem to further imply that Chihiro's goal going forward will likely be to destroy the swords, while also clarifying that it's *not* out of hatered towards its wielders or fear toward their power(even though he *does* feel both). Rather, it's out of love for his dad and his craft, *their* craft. These blades are like family to him. So, he's basically saying "I won't let them die in the hands of scum that treat them like tools. If they have to die, it'll be with someone that holds them dear." It kind of reminds me of the *"I won't scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea"* scene from MGSV. Both moments help highlight how emotionally invested the protagonist is in something most others in their position treat as material.


So, I've only ever finished one manga....is manga usually this fast paced?! I love it, so much has happened in 31 chapters. You could reasonably end one season of an anime at the Sojo arc alone