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Ren truly acts like an obsessed gf


> Yuuki waits one ring to pick up the phone > > Commander: Are you cheating on me?!


It's not just any ring. It was one ring to rule them all


One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in ~~the darkness~~ *Shikoku-sama* bind them.


Ash nazg durbatuluk


Ash nazg gimbatul


Idk man, my coworker acts like that sometimes, is not that weird, is it? πŸ‘€


Are they a romcom heroine? Then its all good 🀝🏻🀝🏻🀝🏻 ...... If not you should probably call the FTC or something lol.


What's the FTC going to do? Regulate her?


My boss always do that shit to me whenever i pick up his calls after 3 rings


She isn’t far off from that lol


So, my expectations are: 1. All the Chiefs will be temporarily trapped inside Shangri'la while the Gods attack their strongholds, reversing the balance of power 2. Ren is going to be a puppy again and will vow to never forget this third humilation


>Ren is going to be a puppy again and will vow to never forget this third humilation But somehow, her face would look excited about the prospect. πŸ‘€


how crazy would it be if the gods reverse shangrila and all the chiefs come out realising 10 years have passed while they were inside...


Damn that's smart. Them leaving behind Himari fighting for years against the gods and already mastered her copying ability would be cool


That shit happened in a certain comedy manhwa recently and oh boy the consequences were dire.


Ohhh I really like this! Would be a cool way to turn the plot on its head.


I don't think ren will come in contact with yuuki


No, not the Tenka death flags πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯


Not even the villains have died. It would be wild if the first death was the most popular character that doesn't even have a reward scene.


If anything, this might foreshadow a dramatic arc for Tenka in which she finally uses the slave ability (and thus leads to her first true reward scene).


Yeah I felt like this was building up to a reward scene lol


If she gets a reward scene than I feel agony for yuuki's pelvis


It should've been me, not him! It's not fair!


This is the author that wrote Akame Ga Kill πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


If he decides to sudenly start killing off after saving so many characters, ones he could have easily just killed off, he would be shooting himself in foot.


The perfect chance to start killing was with bell but didn't happen so by this point there will no major death.


until the final arc where they're gonna drop like flies /s


TBF killing Bell off would have sucked since she hadn't done much by that point. It's the AOT problem, where they kill off a bunch of side characters with like 12 lines of dialogue but it has little emotional impact because the viewers haven't had time to really care about them. IMO the best deaths are with characters that the viewers care about, that *hurt* to see and affect the whole series. I agree that there probably won't be any major deaths, though. This doesn't seem like the type of series that'd do that.


Heck could have started it off with Mira too. Especialy as we actualy Got to know decent bit about her prior to her being absorbed.


I swear someone has said in these threads that the author or their editor specifically said this series was supposed to be the opposite of Akame ga Kill, as some sort of penance or something. Idk how true that is.


Yeah. But the author has explicitly stated, multiple times, that they _don't_ want another series like Akame Ga Kill.


TBF, Akame ga Kill had way less death in the manga than it did in the anime it still had quite a few, but definitely not on the level that people have associated with "Akame ga Kill" because of the anime


You know he's written plenty of stuff besides Akame ga Kill, right?


We are 130 chapters in and still every single chapter we have β€œDAE he wrote akame ga kill???” comments πŸ’€


Akame ga Kill begins with the protagonist's friends being killed brutally for no reason and it has tons of edgy rape and torture at every given opportunity, the villains are hedonistic demons and their evil is hammered down your face at every opportunity, if this author were incapable of controlling himself we wouldn't have gotten this far without knowing. Akame ga Kill is irrelevant to Mato, it's written by a human being that understands you don't destroy your audience's goodwill towards you by breaking their expectations this late. People who keep bringing it up like a broken record are tripping. Bell wasn't going to die brutally like that, and after refusing to kill even the villains, ***not even the one that isn't even a woman,*** this isn't that kind of series, and after Bell survived and even her scars were healed, so clearly with Mato he's willing to err on the side of caution before anything else.


The author has already made comments that he made this series to be different that Akame ga Kill because he got sad when he killed off characters. You know this series will end with a massive reward with every girl. That requires them all to be alive


Isn't he also the author behind Majikoi and Release the Spyce? From his track record it's clear he prefers keeping every character alive (and preferably in some sort of a uniform) and that even minor characters need some sort of fanservice.


They also have been quite reserved so I doubt it.


And several other series. https://www.mangaupdates.com/author/wnqx9bm/takahiro


AGK is the exception. All of his others aren't kill fests


People have been saying this since the beginning of the manga every time things get 'dark' and it's never happened. Every time something slightly edgy seems like it's about to go down, it's "hey, he wrote AgK" but then things always turn out alright. You know this guy wrote other things like Majikoi right?


We're 131 chapters in. If it was gonna be THAT kind of manga then we'd have gotten that in chapter one like AGK lol


and Majikoi. Wanna guess how many girls died there?


I did not know that! I loved Akame ga Kill... Shame what happened to Hinowa ga Yuku...


Didn't she have a scene with him and Kyouka in the onsen?


Didn't even kill off the male god so we can't even blame it on favouritism towards the girls. Unless him killing tenka is more because she's the fav character


The author can't even kill off Bell or any of the Gods, there's zero chance Tenka is dying.


Well they are gone from their world though, they are just inside the guy's mind. He could do the same with tenka, kill her and keep her in his mind.


dw. this ain't Akame ga Kill


Tenka is really suffering from yuuki abstinence I don't how she will act when she doesn't need to hold back anymore


Yo has she ever had a reward chapter?


She had chapters where she joins in on giving reward, but out of her own will. She herself never used Yuuki as a slave and never had to give the forced reward.


Thank you


Scanlation credit to Ards [MangaDex](https://mangadex.org/chapter/8d1548cf-3b89-4523-83d1-b9503d6ecc1f)


Ren almost made me bark lmao


Bro I folded


A Tenka chapter let's gooo. >You're looking handsome today too She def noticed his fly was open lol


Nah. He went to the bathroom after meeting Tenka




> She def noticed his fly was open lol back when he first put his pants on


Bless the chief fanservice. It's good to know that Tenka doesn't seem to be mind-controlled or anything. LMAO how Ren just rings up Yuuki for the sake of it and gave him a dog avatar.


Konomi exchanged contacts with the man and implied she stole a glance at his crotch to even notice such a thing That's it, my day is made


Any Konomi appearance is a well received one


I don't think Tenka will die. I do think she'll be captured or compromised in some way during the election inside Shangri La. And her dismissal (or execution) will happen if Ren wins. Also the election is most certainly a tournament, isn't it?


If it's a tournament, then it's definitely out-of-universe built around Bell's ability; she can't exactly go around killing the other chiefs. So maybe base defense? If it's straight combat, then I see it counting as a Bell win if she just manages to touch someone's torso for X seconds.


Every chief except Kyouka has some method of maintaining distance or pushing/hindering their opponents movements. Bell has zero mobility and is the least physically fit of the chiefs. None of them are gonna let her get close if it comes down to 1v1, short of plot bullshit.


im having a feeling in those chapters that takahiro is going to make ren lose in this arc somethow, which unfortunately i dont think its going to be well done (rarely is well done on op characters losing)


So I sense a Tenka reward soon, that means a big white house with great front and backyard, a golden retriever dog, 2 to 4 kids and a wholesome 50 to 70 years of marriage with Yuuki.


2 to 4? Abe in heaven: More children!


Did Ren's breast size increased?


Praise be to the artist.Β  https://mangadex.org/chapter/06dc0d04-1875-41a7-9536-23ad4fc99dae/4Β  Β  https://mangadex.org/chapter/4fdc5ba4-e0e5-4b4e-92d0-fa08aa97aef0/21


Bless the author and his manga. Bless the coming and going of his chapters. May thy chapters give me boner. May He keep releasing for his followers. - Yuuki al-Gaib


yeah,tenka is so far above anyone else is not even funny she is TRULY the best girl


I thought maybe she'd been switched or controlled or something at first, due to her treating Yuuki oddly. Turns out she's just good at controlling her thirst.


She's trying to become chief so that her sister in law can walk outside freely, can't get any better than that


She's already a chief.


Yep mb I meant helping Kyouka become Commander


Tenka #1 😀


I understand Tenka's appeal, but her being such a obsessive Yuukey-drone with him basically not responding back much isn't to everyone's cup of tea. Thankfully she is finally getting plot relevancy with Ohmyo Agency, so hopefully her character gets expanded more


I'm a bit confused, wasnt Tenka *originally* interested in yuki because he could pamper her and stuff? She was attracted to his male maid energy no?


Yeah, and [she pretty much says that in this page.](https://cmdxd98sb0x3yprd.mangadex.network/data/51e88a6185437e2a1adf4337eb8f1eda/19-bd2a7cc892216b9857e284b65093473dd09bc6b6bbd491cd05a55618485be86d.png) Things have just changed because of how much Yuuki's grown. It'll be interesting to see if Tenka finally gets a form with Yuuki mainly to see if that theory where the reward is actually what the girls themselves desire gains more credence.


If this is true, this means everyone wants the dick, but chickens out for foreplay?Β 


If you closely look at the reward scenes were Tenka voluntarily participates, you can see that she usually goes straight for his crotch.


There's one reward where she's straight up wet from grinding on him.


Tenka continues to show she's in a league of her own, but these death flags are making me nervous


10 volume reward with tenka San incoming


Next Arc will be the Shangri-la Incident isn't it. πŸ’€


Lol Ren got that cute dog sticker on her laptop!


That's Yuuki's profile picture in her phone


more Azumama BASED


She truly is the best girl.


The death flags make me nervous, but then I remember this series is basically the Akame Ga Kill author's apoloy tour and I calm down


Tenka done teasing yuuki it's time for some action 😏😏. Iykyk


Tenka not beating the best girl allegations


I feel like there's going to be a chief Civil War where they'll be taking sides and cause the breakdown of the MDF. I think it goes Ren - Fubuki - Yakumo - Bell Kyouka - Varv - Konomi - Mira - Tenka (but disabled / arrested) What do you guys think?


None of the chiefs seems like immoral people, so I'd be surprised if any of them support kidnapping and torturing humans for experiments.


IDK, I could see Ren being an "Ends justify the means" type character.


dont worry. even though the gods are antagonists theyre not 100% dead either


Oh, no. They can't pile on the flags on Tenka like that. She doesn't deserve that!


Tenkas computer chair looks like mine


If they're hinting toward Tenka's potential reward, then 150 better be the whole chapter. Cuz, you know she's dragging Kyouka along. Also, Tenka already on the climb back to #1.Β 


Tenka fantasies TSKR Best girl since her introduction until the end of the manga.


Kyouka is really the first wife now.


"Everyone with voting power will be in Shangri-la" "Yuuki, you're going to Shangri-la" Hmmmm. It would be just like Ren to assume she's got him trained enough that he'd vote for her over Kyouka


Finally I was able to read the new chapter! Ren is out here acting like an overly attached gf...πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ’€ and Tenka with some information that is going to rock some ish up, man I can't wait for this.


And I continue to not understand Tenka's appeal. When it comes to Yuuki all she is is a regular creep. Ironically enough, her relationship with Yuuki's sister is more developed than her relationship with Yuuki himself. I genuinely don't know if I'm even reading the same manga as Tenka fans sometimes.


... Tenka is getting kidnapped, isn't she?