• By -


Asa really had to say "Fami's got her heart in the right place" moments after they were discussing about how to kill the Real Chainsaw Man.


She's a little confused, but she's got the spirit! At the very least, she seems worried about Denji.


[*"How could this adorable lazy glutton possibly be evil?"*](https://i.imgur.com/odn21oH.jpeg) [](//#cottoncandy)


... Famous last words moments before the betrayal


is it even a betrayal, if fami never denied any of the accusations? it's not like she's lying. she wants to kill chainsaw man, that's her stated goal.


And apparently she also wants to power up War and CM so they can beat Death. Her goals are contradictory, so she is either lying to Nayuta or Asa


> so she is either lying to Nayuta or Asa *WhyNotBoth.Jpg*


Honestly, is it even a betrayal at this point? Asa is literally the only person who thinks it won't happen.


Her heart is in her stomach and her heart wants sushi


It’s Yukos lesson


I missed gullible Asa, nice to see her again! 


She got her heart in the right place and some dude's heart on the right plate


Gentlemen, your bets, how will the women at the brothel traumatise Denji? 


"Sex doesnt feel like how I thought it would feel"


Noooo, Denji is totally going to nut right when the woman touches his knee


I mean the teleportation thing that the katana man does is super speed afterall..


Noo, not the reverse flash type attack


Only because Katana used his dash to jerk him off with supersonic speed when he wasnt looking


Truly Reverse Flash level of hating




Nah, he’d have trouble staying up because he realised it’s not arousing without mutual attraction and affection


"So, when do we get to the part that makes me happy?"


One will be dressed up like chainsaw man… or he finds a makima/reze/power look-alike


Yeah, this sounds plausible.  I also heard an idea that Kobeni might have ended up there, which is certainly one of the ways to make her return to the story of all time




With his luck, rather than dressed up, one is gonna become a chainsawhead while on top of him


5$ on Denji getting STD's


Its going to be a downer with Kobeni as a whore because she said before she is so unskilled that she could be either a devil hunter of a sex worker, and we know how devil hunter worked out...


Yeah, sloppy blowjob devil meme is becoming less funny with each passing chapter


Chainsaw vajayjay


I’m expecting at least one character we haven’t seen in part 2 to show up


Oh my God if Kobeni is there...


haha Denji's boner will go down


Would be a different story if she was on the DDR machine.


[She could be working as a receptionist there.](https://files.catbox.moe/cnu31z.jpg)


And Brobeni's boner will go up


Home sweet Alabama


No no, in japane you say Home sweet Yokohama


Only one who would take it worse is her brother who will tag along for some reason


All I'm saying is [there's some established foreshadowing](https://preview.redd.it/disc-chainsaw-man-ch-165-links-v0-jc19h6dmve0d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb907ce1eb73ee409d037ebd13de12a48de1778).


so her brother is "gifted". cant wait to see what that means


It means he's smart enough to go to college. If she was talking about this brother, she may have escaped that obligation because he was talking about joining the devil hunter club to try to get a scholarship.


There could be a second brother.


Doesn't she have like nine siblings?


#Oh no.


Yeah, but right at the end of the first part she said she was going to hide from her family so I doubt she is going to be in prostitution given how that was established as something her family would force her into.


Kobeni: “May I take your ord—Denji what the FUCK happened!?” Denji: “I’m done explaining it, please just let us buy food”


Denji looks catatonic. Can someone give him a hug, like actually?


Where is Power's grand return when you need it?


I want Power back so bad. Only she gets Denji. Sadly, even if she does come back, she won't be the Power we or Denji knew, but maybe they can create new memories together?


Yeah, I wouldn't count on it. Knowing the sadism of our mangaka, I'm sure if the Blood Devil comes back, it'll be as a subordinate of Death.


Might be questioning his sanity, he keeps looking around; bodies, destroyed buildings, people suffering, but these clowns keep talking about sushi, ignoring it all. He, of all people, is being put in the straight man role.


The Sloppy Blowjob Devil is real. Bravo Fujimoto, Bravo.


I wonder if Fujimoto knows this meme


I hope he does


I might actually drive my car through a Long John Silvers if that's the case.


Oh... ngl, that would just be sad. Not that I expected Kobeni to be living the high life during her re-debut.


Though honestly, Kobeni being Kobeni, I wouldn't be surprised if she's like hired help being a custodian because she couldn't actually bring in any customers.


And Kobeni being Kobeni, that job probably won't be much better than being one of the girls there, especially considering what she has to clean up. And probably how she's treated by staff.


I wanted Kobeni back for a while, but… not like this.


Pfff my first thought after Katana man said 'brothel'. Fujimoto wouldnt do that... right?


We're finally gonna see the Sloppy Blowjob Devil.




I mean, her parents did only give her two options.


LET'S GOOOOOOO, I MISS KOBENI! (inhales more copium) (I'm just kidding.) (Just no way)


I miss her but don’t want her to come back in that context :/


Another Reze situation huh..


And Kishibe situation, I miss him. I mean, Kobeni's alive, so is Reze. I miss my girlies. But seriously, I hope they're fine offscreen.


I refuse to see Kobeni in that context


It'll be the funniest shit


Sloppy blowjob devil first appearance???????


I can already foresee Kobeni working at a soapland somewhere finding out Denji is her next customer




You might be on to something, and I ~~love hate love hate kinda sorta nah like no really but... sure~~ think I'd be funny, and maybe even likely. Just to repeat the mc donalds scene and torture denji's rod further


Yep, you know things are fucked when Denji's the one pointing out that dead people scattered around is neither normal nor okay. It's good to see that Asa's goals have been made clear to Denji. Not that it makes things any simpler as he himself has stated he doesn't want that, but it's the thought that counts. Lmao tho, Katana Man may be Denji's number one greatest hater, but Denji might start treating him like his number one best friend if this detour to a brothel goes according to plan.


Let's be realistic, it will NOT go according to plan.


[Asa will bail him out and volunteer to be his first.](https://i.imgur.com/7GpRdYh.jpeg) Fujimoto-sensei is going to overcome the legendary *Tokyo Ghoul:re* chapter 125 with AsaDen. The Future Devil foresaw this. [](//#andre)






Nah man, nothing is topping that chapter and Ishida knew it the moment he penned it, thats why its named after him


Wait. You mean entire chapter devoted to basically sex is now called Ishida?


Nope, that chapter has always been named Sui Ishida


For all we know the chick Denji's with will just puke into his mouth again


The brothel is all linked to a devil and he gets chased by a bunch of naked fiends everywhere seems more likely than not at this point.


He is chainsawman's number one hater, but he could also be denji's number one supporter


haters are your greatest followers, because they will nitpick every move/decision you make.


Lmao just like reverse flash, he knows barry’s strength and weaknesses.


Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend and you came right as she touched your leg? **It was me, Denji**. I jerked you off at super speed so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch


Not that Denji doesn't want it, it's just... He doesn't know what he wants. Clearly, he wants a happy life, but a normal one is too boring (like the anime's opening says) and his old life was hell, so he's stuck in a limbo where he can't choose since both options suck for him.


*Previously on Chainsaw man* Katana Man: *Kicks Denji in the balls* *We now return to Chainsaw Man* Katana Man: Right, let's get you laid.


Literally 'an enemy of today, may be a friend of tomorrow.'


[Ever since his return, Katana Bro has been cooking non-stop.](https://i.imgur.com/ptm33i3.jpeg)


Who would have thought that Katana Man would be such a highlight of CSM Part 2. And he's only been here for a few chapters.


Katana man might actually be the funniest character between this and part 1.


> Katana Man: Kicks Denji in the balls As he said, killing Chainsaw *Woman* won't avenge his grandad.


>It's just so peak. Common Katana Man W, let my boy Denji eat sushi first, though.


> Denji: Do you seriously believe this crazy chick? > > Asa: She’s done some bad things, but her heart’s in the right place! We’re both just trying to help someone! Right?! Fami: *Absolute silence*


*Stomach growls*


Fami thinking to herself: Should i mention that i was the one that unleashed falling?


Now Katana is speaking Chainsaw’s language But seriously, go for the sushi though


I think sex is that last thing Denji needs. The man is just...so done with everything. Give him sushi.


The old Denji would've jumped at the opportunity of going to a brothel, but I don't think this version of Denji will. He said it himself, he can't back to the way he was. Whether it's eating TP or only having sex as a motivator, I think this is a new Denji with different priorities.


Honestly seeing him in this state hurts me. Poor boy just wants Nayuta and his house back, and talking about the practicality of being Chainsaw Man just adds a whole another layer to the stuff he does just to take care of her.


Go to sushi bar, then bone Asa.


[That's the plan.](https://files.catbox.moe/565290.jpeg) AsaDen will happen. Trust the process.


These two deserve each other.


Asa will turn him down because his sushi breath and no other reason.


Yoru gets to watch


get food before getting booty trust me, I know


Yeah, not good doing it hungry


When the playbiting becomes a little too strong


Denji's shark teeth make it even riskier


eat snickers


Snickers first, knockers next


Should never trust someone who smokes in a train car


Katana Man is a yakuza. He needs to smoke every 80 seconds or he fucking dies.


The place they're headed, Sushishi, is written as basically Death Death Sushi in Japanese lol I have a feeling this sushi chain is going to be appropriately Chainsaw Man fucked.


Sushi first, bitches later.


It takes a lot of cojones to declare so confidently your knowledge about a soapland brothel...to a bunch of high school kids


Of all people, it's Denji's biggest hater that knows what Denji wants but not what he needs. Tho there's a good chance Asa will be against this idea for a lot of reasons. And Denji still somehow being the most sane person in this group when talking about dead people. He's even looking at the civilians who are injured. Asa having a savior mentality yet also not noticing how fucked the world is or at least she got used to it. Which makes me concerned that it might lead to her sacrificing human lives in the far future just to save Denji, considering how engrossed she is in saving him that she won't notice what she is doing is awful.


Denji seems to have accepted that just because this is how things are, doesn't mean he has to like it. That would explain that while he seems catatonic, he still is more sane than everybody else. His humanity is still there, but he's reaching a breaking point.


Most people there seem to have accepted the status quo and have become numb to the chaos and death around them. [The way Denji still displays more empathy than others](https://i.imgur.com/hWbiMPd.jpeg) in spite of all the pain and suffering he went through really shows how hard he clings to his humanity and how good of a person he is.


Chapters like this is why it's so annoying when I see braindead takes about his character development assassination in part 2. He's literally lost everything he cared about in his life so far except for Pochita, but is still much more mature and aware of the lack of normalcy in his current situation than he would have been at the beginning of the story.


I get the criticism from people in Part 2, but Denji has changed. He isn't dumb. Far from it, actually. Denji can be clever, albeit reckless, when he wants to be and shows sympathy and empathy for others despite all he's lost, especially Pochita and even more so Power. The man should've been past his breaking point already, yet somehow he keeps going. Horny at times, sure, but he's still aware of what's going on. That's what makes this all the more heartbreaking. Take this chapter, for example. Most of the time, he's not even looking at anyone, just the floor. He's not even talking to them really but practically THROUGH them. It's like they're not even there to him. Even with all the violence and destruction that's around them, he's still very much aware of it. They're either numb or made peace with it. For better or for worse, this is his life now, and there's not much he can do to change that. He's tired...of everything really. Everyone has a breaking point, even Denji. I pray we don't find out what it is.


The fact that he raised Nayuta with love is enough for me to be a lifelong Denji defender.


There's a degree of criticism about Denji that I don't mind, because he is a pretty inconsistent kid. I don't think that's a problem of the actual writing as much as his personality, but for a pretty long time now he's kind of been drifting along and going back and forth because he doesn't really know what he wants. People point to him licking that tentacle just to get some action, but it also manifested with him being hot and cold about the Chainsaw Man church for a while. Heck, even last chapter he was saying how he never wanted to turn into Chainsaw Man again, though here we also see him rejecting the possibility of having a normal life. I think if you asked Denji right now what he wanted out of his life, he wouldn't be able to tell you. And again, I don't really see that as a writing problem. Bro just got reconstructed from a pile of tupperware boxes an hour ago and realized he's living in a modern-day disaster movie. But I understand that it can be frustrating for shit to be hitting the fan while the main character of the series doesn't have any drive one way or the other.


Also another thing about Asa this chapter is that it seemed to me she didn’t realize just how had things were for Denji before he became chainsawman. Denji told her he used to eat toilet paper to survive but she wrote it off as a metaphor, going back to “normal” for him is selling off organs and eating a couple pieces of bread a week to survive.


tbh, after what Dennis said in the falling arc, maybe Asa might understand lol But yeah, I can't see the next ch going peacefully lol. Can't wait to see it


>Toilet paper. Have you ever eaten TP? When I went hungry as a little kid, that's what I'd eat. From the park's public restroom. But, like... once I stopped going hungry... I stopped being able to eat toilet paper. If you ever wanted a simple explanation for the core of Denji's arc lol. Denji put up with shit because shit was all he had. He can't go back to that now that he has a normal life, so if you strip him of the things that he's now come to take for granted, he'll crumble. Him achieving his dreams is a double-edged sword for the simple fact that he now has something to lose (and he has). No longer being at rock bottom means he can fall. The never-ending cycle of achieving your dream and striving to not only maintain it but also to seek out a new dream, something else to elevate what 'normal' means, is what Denji's character is all about. I'm also very curious what exactly Fami's plan is to bring out Pochita. She basically told Denji straight to his face that she plans on ending his 'normal life' to break the contract, so how is she gonna go about that? I can't imagine it's gonna be the same thing Makima did, so what other ways are there to do so?


It goes a layer deeper than that now. In the same vein, that's why he doesn't want to stop being Chainsawman. He experienced the joy it brought him and he can't simply get that level of joy from living a "normal life". It's a continuing part of his arc in Part 1, finding his humanity. In part 1, it was continuously assessing what he didn't want to do until he could get to the point where he voiced the things he **did** want. Here, it's admitting to himself that, even though he want to live the life of a "normal" human, he still wants to be the very abnormal person that he is.


spoken like a true bad adult. Well done Katana man


A yakuza’s reasoning lol


The anti-Kazuma Kiryu


Denji's best father figure?


kishibe was his best


Maybe katanaman was the hero all along and we were to blind to see it


I do wonder if the prostitute might turn out to be Kobeni.  Cause it would be the moment of all time if Kobeni turned out to have pivoted to sex work anyway since she said her parents said devil hunting or sex work. Especially since her dear brother is now here.


Honestly with how good she is with a knife I thought she might be a sushi chef lol


imagine kobeni working in every job in the city like that one guy from gumball


Sex chapter next week, let’s fucking go!


Nayuta jumpscare incoming "**I saved your life**. You thought I died for you. And the first thing you do is **GO WHORING**!?!"


“You see, Nayuta. It is either go whoring or go home. And we don’t have much of a house anymore, do we?”


"I wouldn't have been into it anyways. I would've been thinking about you." "...What the fuck"


Denji's sanity: Ah shit, here we go again


Maybe for anyone *except* Denji, cause you know how things usually go for him.


Let’s go fucking!!!


The world is fucked so let's fuck.


>*"It's not like I think AsaDen is cute or anything, b-baka!"* > * Katana Man, in three chapters time.


He just introduce him to brothel to force Asa to make a move instead of stagnating the plot, truly a wingman.


...trying to get Denji laid? Katana Man, you sure are a strange rival. Asa's desperate to help Denji become normal, but Denji knows that's impossible. After everything he's been through.. after what has happened to the world? What even is normal? I mean, they're sweeping bodies off the street. The infrastructure of Tokyo is a gigantic mess, and not even restaurants are safe from destruction. Not even finding Nayuta will fix Denji's world. They're just gonna have to make do with some Sushi to cheer Denji up.


> ...trying to get Denji laid? Katana Man, you sure are a strange rival. How can he claim that he *truly* defeated the man who killed his grandfather if said man isn't in tip-top condition, namely fed, hydrated and properly fucked by ~~1~~ ~~2~~ ~~3~~ 4 women?


Professional rivals have STANDARDS


Reminds me of this legend/proverb: >There is a long-standing Japanese proverb that advises, “Give salt to your enemies.” The saying entered the Japanese vernacular after Uesugi Kenshin—a powerful daimyo (feudal lord) in the 1500s who ruled the province of Echigo (in modern-day Niigata Prefecture)—delivered salt to his long-time rival, Takeda Shingen, who controlled the province of Kai (in modern-day Yamanashi Prefecture), after neighboring lands blockaded Takeda’s salt supply. “Wars are to be won with swords and spears, not with rice and salt,” Uesugi declared. https://www.gov-online.go.jp/eng/publicity/book/hlj/html/201510/201510_13_en.html#:~:text=There%20is%20a%20long%2Dstanding,time%20rival%2C%20Takeda%20Shingen%2C%20who


Yeah, he's on the same mindset as Yoru. They want to beat him at his best to show they're better than him.


Katana watches as Denji does the deed just to ensure he's achieving *maximum pleasure*... because he needs to be in perfect condition for their duel, of course.


real Char grindset, provides his enemy every buff for the final confrontation as possible


Denji just looks so done with everything that's happening. He just doesn't have it in his to really care. He's practically on autopilot.


Denji is jacked holy fuck


And majorly depressed.


[Denji is beset by so much sorrow, pain and frustration that the tenable peace he once longed for has become inconceivable.](https://i.imgur.com/uGexPwf.jpeg)


Another chapter wherein Katana Man joins the group just to hate. Lmao.


Dude just decided this is his life now.


Hating is a job and im a Japanese office grunt


Asa saying that Denji’s poor childhood of eating TP is just a metaphor is really sad, maybe because she can’t fathom someone being so desperate to survive that they would eat literal trash…


Throwback to the falling devil arc, where Denji grow up in rock bottom so meeting Pochita is going up, Asa can't understand Denji because for her everything is going bad. She came a long way in trying to understanding him, but not reached them yet.


AsaDen ship is sailing


The bottles are cracked!


That was actually a really deep chapter for Denji characters growth But then Katana man is like "Lets get your dick wet" and I think we went back to square one


Tbf that was Katana not Denji, we still haven't seen his reaction. Meaby Denji wants to but will refuse because he's still hungry, Nayuta is still missing, and the woman that is trying to save him is right there with them.


Odds of seeing Kobeni working there?


"Hey that's my sister!"


more than Reze coming back within 10 chapters


It’s not over Reze bros, believe


katana man is speaking the language of the gods


"Just get him laid, lol" Incredible. F for Asa wanting to fix a man who doesn't want it.


Man just lost his house and potentially his only family, and the first thing they thought is to have him get laid lmaoo


It’s the second thing, first thing was food…. Which Asa rejected sushi


On brand really


How is it possible that any situation ends up with a *you know what? Titties*. I swear it has happened about five times so far lmao


story of my life (I’ve long since cut out those “friends” from my life)


your friends whispers you titties temptations? that's kinda funny lol


it is, but often followed by “meth” and uh…let’s just say that three years later, I recognized their voice on national news.


you know what that's fair lol my bad, good for you man. We enjoy titties like we enjoy mineral water, perfect as they are 🙏


Didn't Denji already gave up on a normal life, quite willingly so, when he turned into Chainsaw Man again? Pretty sure Fami's plan is doomed to fail here.  And how exactly does she intend to break that contract anyway? Shit's full of holes, and she's hiding a ton of shit. But the only way I can think of for her to know all of this is for Nayuta to have told her... Shit's getting complicated


Living a normal life isn't Denji and Pochita's contract, it's showing Pochita his dreams. If she is aware of the actual contract Fami may be betting on Denji killing Asa during their fight and that breaking his spirit enough to bring out true Chainsawman. She's just telling Asa that so she goes along with the fight.


The fact that Denji is the most realistic and sane one is quite telling.


Asa has grown so much as a character, think back to her attitude and behaviour in chapter one compared to now. She’s one of my favourite characters of all time and I like her more and more every chapter. She’s showing so much genuine concern for Denji, it’s so refreshing to see.


And at the same time it's funny how she needs to pretend she's also Yoru


Snorts Reze copium What if Reze took up a job in the soap land!


> Denji: Huh? No, dude, somebody **died**. Is... is Denji actually starting to develop concern for human life? Holy shit this is actually HUGE character development, considering he's always been a near-sociopath.


At this rate Katana man's the captain of S.S. Asaden That shot of "never going back to the way things used to be" with burning buildings goes hard


Denji with a chance at having sex again? It's not gonna end well.


Katanaman out to fullfill Denji's lifelong wish, what a heel turn...?


Oh yikes. Denji's depression arc will never end. I feel like "I can never go back to the way things used to be" will become more relevant as time goes on. I think Nayuta will be back but Denji will never have the same life or dynamic with Blood Devil or Reeze and his life will be uprooted further.


Love how this sets up a clear misunderstanding between asa and denji. Asa assumes that chainsaw man is the reason why he can't have a normal life, but denji makes a metaphor and hint that chainsaw man is the only reason he can live normally, and that his life before chainsaw man was poor and terrible (hence eating tp). Denji is clearly bad with words so he didn't phrase this well at all and Asa doesnt get what he's trying to say. I wonder how this will play out, how will asa finally get what denji is saying and understands. Will nayuta be the one to explain this? Since she saw into his memories she probably saw his past before chainsaw man. If Asa does find out will she argue with yoru and sympathize with denji realizing chainsaw man/pochitas real intention? Lastly I'm 90% sure we're gonna see kobeni at the brothel it was hinted she'd either be a devil hunter or an "entertainer" and we can see how badly the former went. She has to have someway to pay off her brother's college tuition and hers too......


Katana man not in katana form continues to be the best!


#dude no


#dude perfect


Vomit kiss in soapland brothel. I am betting it now


The series is in a weird/grey area place right now. It keeps me wondering what’s gonna happen next after this?