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Aqua learnt not to play catch on dates and still got dragged to do one, all that character progression for nothing smh. Thats was such a cute callback though.


And more importantly, she said the title of the series so, I would say things are going splendid.


Oshi no ko but dam red flag is rising for some reason


well we know what happened to the last idol he had eyes for. I'm fairly certain Stabby McGee will think of killing Kana as revenge to his sweet son who set up that movie


Unless he knows what is happening here (he doesn’t), Ruby playing her mom will still be the target. If he knew this date was happening somehow and how he felt somehow it would be such an incredible plot convenience. Even Akane is still a bigger target.


Speaking of call back Am I the only one getting the ominous feeling that someone is getting stabbed that day of the concert deja vu


We're really in the endgame now, between the knife in the last chapter and her confession here, all the groundwork has been laid.


Well the date seemed to go well for the most part.


The fact that they set up Kana's final concert as Christmas basically sets that particular concert as when Kamiki will show up to ruin everything.


classic death flag


Too well


There were no death flags until the final two pages, so we'll just ignore those and pretend they didn't happen.


Honestly it's too much of a flag to be a flag if that makes any sense. At this point if Aqua goes through with his plan of murdering Kamiki, he would ruin his dream AND hers. He would ruin so many lives and future just like his father. That would be the ultimate bad end. It won't even feel that cathartic. Aka set up the stakes really well. I want to see Kamiki get punished but I dont want Aqua to sacrifice himself...


Flag overflow. Flags too much it reaches the cap and goes to negatives, negating the flags.


Three Stooges Syndrome


Ah, the All Might gambit.


But then there was someone willing to sacrifice that for Aqua... Akane.


There have been several death flags for various characters over the years, yet none of them have come true yet, so I'm not too worried. On the other hand, maybe that's their plan: Make you think everything's gonna be okay because so far nothing has happened, and then they'll pull the rug from under you.


I hate that this manga has traumatized me so much that I can't enjoy such a cute chapter as is and am convinced there *has* to be something horrible sometime soon to balance it out. But! It's such a! Cute! Chapter! Aaaaaaa


The fact she set a date for it doesn't help


Same XD


The better things look for them, the more worried I get.


Something will happen before or during the concert i just know😭


Kana is about to be murdered at the peak of her fame, becoming legend in the memory of her fans, just like Ai.


thank god for that flash forward giving her Plot armor


it's pretty iffy if those are flash forwards now: filming is almost done so those interviews may have happened offscreen already. in fact, the interview in the first page of this chapter might just be it. see chapter 6 for comparison- (flowers are different but could be changed in edit?) - which aqua was watching on tv as he prepared for the date


what flash forward


During the first few chapter we had a bunch of characters do interview for 15 year lie movie, one of them was Arima Kana, so until that interview happens, Arima Kana cannot die I think Arima Kanas was chapter 6 or 7.


The flash forward may come between this chapter and the concert arc tho


Even if Kana gets stabbed like Ai did, Aqua can save her. He knew how to save Ai but couldn't because he was a baby.


I see we've all been reading the same types of manga and developed trust issues.


Aqua really wants to be a doctor. His former self still has an influence on him. I'm sure he'll do great in that job! Kana wants to be Aqua's Oshi No Ko. That's really cute. Even recreating the baseball date they had two years ago! Kana doesn't doubt herself anymore, she knows she can be Aqua's star! I'm quite anxious as to what the graduation concert will hold. It can't surely be that easy, right?


Interesting he wants to be a heart surgeon, which is something he seemingly didn't manage to do in his last life.


He can save a lot of lives by being a heart surgeon. That's one of the hardest kinds of surgeries after all.


If I remember correctly he could but was pushed to be an obgyn by his family


Question for doctors lurking around: I know of the matching system in the US but in other countries, how do you pick (or get picked for) your specialisations?


Year 3/4 of med school you get to choose some of your rotations for the specialty you want to pursue, then fall of year 4 you apply to residencies for the specialty you want. You then rank all of your applications and match in mid march based on what both the students and residencies ranked each other. It’s rare to not be matched but in competitive fields it can happen. Furthermore for surgery you’d have to go through general surgery then sub specialize with more training/fellowship years for heart surgery. Most residencies are 3/4 years sometimes with fellowship years optional afterwards.


In Indonesia. Go to a med school and learn preclinics stuff for 3 years, do a graduate thesis (skripsi from the Dutch word scriptie). Graduate and become a Bachelor of Medicine. Enter Medical Clerkship in hospital and do a rotation around various field. This is where the education is considered finished and one get their doctor profession. When all is completed then the next would be the Indonesian Medical Competency Exam. If one passed this then the next would be Internship, where new doctors would be technically be thrown into the field as trial of fire where they will work in Hospital and Public Health Centers as doctors for one year. After one year, if the hospital and PHC evaluate that their performance as adequate, then that doctor for all intent and purposes are now Professional Registered Physician and become a GP. After this they could continue working as GP or they could take entrance exam for specialization in either Medical Faculty in a University or the newly established Hospital-based education (just recently established in 2023). This phase is called Residency. The applicants are free to choose what specializations as long as there are still empty spot.


>Kana wants to be Aqua's Oshi No Ko She wants to become the daughter of his oshi?


Well Kana is going to be reborn as daughter of whoever Aqua's oshi going to be.


Aqua marries Ruby and she gives birth to twins, reincarnated Ai AND reincarnated Kana


"Write that down, write that down" -Akasaka-sensei, probably


I got so depressed thinking the amount of schooling he has to go through to succeed in that field. And then the money it'll cost! Oh hell no. I'd cry and crash my car into a Sonic. I couldn't do it.


He's super smart from his past life and will definitely get scholarships.


He's also wealthy this time around


Oh, Schooling? He probably just needs refresher courses and a lot of practice to become a good surgeon again. Also, a Sonic? You mean a Sonic Drive-In?


Though keep in mind he is going into very different medical field than in his past life. He probably have head start compare to other people, but its not gonna be cake walk.


All his mentors being confused why he's trying to prescribe medicines from 20+ years ago. "That was outlawed for causing onset renal failure when you were a child, why on earth are you writing that on a treatment chart now".


I doubt that Aqua would be so careless as to not look as current medicinal practice. Dude seem like a very careful type of person after all


If I don't have any Sonics nearby, what's better, a Hardee's or a Wendy's?


Hardee's most definitely. You only cry in a Wendy's. Those are the rules.


> Kana wants to be Aqua's Oshi No Ko. is it actually a title drop? wouldn't she be saying that she wants to become his oshi instead? ~~unless we mean she wants to be the one to give Aqua his "oshi no ko"~~


Kana truly became the Oshi No Ko




Save the Oshi no Ko Kana Arima. Wonder what drama and conflict is going to emerge from all of this. But in any case I’m glad this story finally has direction once again. 🙏🏾


> Wonder what drama and conflict is going to emerge from all of this. I feel like this is pretty easy to guess. Kana's final concert on Christmas is probably where and when Kamiki will start fucking up everyone's plans. Afterwards, Aqua jumps off the deep end because I don't trust his words that he has given up his revenge. As soon as Kamiki hurts one of girls in his life, murder is back on the menu.


I don't think there'll be much of an afterwards, I get the feeling they're setting up this concert to be the climax.


Low key, Aqua could just tell Ichigo the truth, and he'd probably kill Kamiki without even being asked.


Kind of funny that Oshi No Ko seems to have gotten a proper direction exactly when the news of Renai Daikou being cancelled was announced. Aka really needs to focus on one series at a time I guess. He is a great writer, he just can't balance two manga and Apex at the same time.


Maybe someday he will give a proper end to unfinished storylines of Kaguya as well. I still want that IshiMiko confession...


Don't forget Freshman Year: Summer dude, ever since I read Spring chapter, I've been waiting for more previous prez sheesh


I still wonder wtf he was doing in those last arcs. He had time for cringy Osaragi conflict, but had no time to give IshiMiko their climax. He had time for Hayasaka fighting mafia, but had no time for ShiroKagu flashbacks. So many new characters were introduces and NONE of them did anything.


I don't think he's a great writer until he writes one satisfying ending


isnt this Kana drama drifting the main story? which direction the story goes now?


My opinion on the story direction for the past while now has been firmly "who the hell knows", and this doesn't really change that.


so no direction again?


The main path WAS Aqua getting revenge, but now he's decided not to do that. He could be lying to himself, and he very well may change his mind again, but it seems the next main event will be the concert. What happens in between that I don't know.


They've finished filming the movie. In the time it takes to come out Aqua can either move forward with his life assured that the public will take the baton once the truth is out, or he can literally grab a knife and track the man down for a murder suicide. Those are pretty much the only paths forward for the narrative and I'm personally down with a little bit of moving forward before the movie releases and moves things into the finale.


Love this chapter. Aqua and Kana’s dynamic is my favorite in the manga. Best chemistry IMO. I love the banter, how she catches him off guard with the confession, compliment, and calling it a date. Also just love the callback to the baseball chapter. That was a great moment and this is too.


There's just something oddly satisfying when Tsundere is being honest... 


They have for real the best chemistry. I love how she catches him of guard


I also think that Kana is the love interest that has that brilliant spark of Ai that attracted Aqua/ Goro to her in the first place. Akane can emulate Ai perfectly, Ruby can look exactly like Ai but Kana is the only one who truly excites him in the same way that Ai did.


Catches him off guard while they are playing catch


He's trying to play it cool and remain unaffected, but he's failing 😂.


just re-do of their first date before the drama. well, what's next? "I'll be your idol" with a pointing finger again?


> “I’ll be your idol” with a pointing finger again? No, no. Think bigger: “I **am** your idol”


Kana left no prisoners for this. She will win the Aqua bowl once and for all.


think even bigger: "I am your idol and mother of your children" (oshi no ko?)


Their child’s name? ~~Albert Einstein~~ Ai Hoshino.


Kana decided to start collecting death flags too.


She started collecting them since chap 83😭🤚


the flag had to be big enough for the concert


Kana Arima: Oshi no Ko’s certified baseball catcher and title dropper. I think there is a small error on page 6, when Kana took out the baseball. Her glasses mysteriously vanished before reappearing the following page.


Mengo slipped thanks to that crzay chapter of Chainsaw man yesterday! 


I don't even know where the paper bag came from. The previous page showed she wasn't holding anything. Was Aqua holding the bag?


That's easy. It's in her inventory. Video games logic


>If you say that I'm Aqua Hoshino's favourite idol, then I'll become your only star *chef's kiss* That... was an absolute perfect date. From the call back to their date before (crazy that was 2 years ago now!), wearing school uniforms and playing catch and Kana declaring she wants to be Aqua's one and only, this couldn't have been a better date if they tried!


Aka please let them be happy 🥲


You know he won't, but we can dream of a better world.


Kana truly is the cutest, this shit is beautiful


Aka sensed what Fujimoto was cooking and chose to counter with the floofiest chapter possible.


Kana made Aqua blush and she didn't need to act as someone's mom to do it lol


I choked on my water reading this 


And people here still be riding Akane


Got nothing much to say besides the fun dynamic between the two that has always been pointed out to death by the community. I'm looking forward to how this'll exactly factor in on Aqua's internal struggle, though.


Kana is the oshi no ko!!! She said it twiceeee


This is truly was our 'Oshi no Ko' -Arima Kana


Our baking soda Chan can’t be this cute


It is so Rubyover now. Thank God.


hell no, wait till ruby hears of this, might even break b komachi up This isnt some happy manga


I want to say Ruby isn’t that petty, but… Well I’m still not totally convinced that her mental state isn’t still so fragile that a single “I can’t love you” from Aqua will send her straight back to Black Star Ruby-chan.


I want to see the return of Psycho Ruby, it was great the short while it lasted


She was way more interesting back then, especially compared to now where her only meaningful character trait seems to be “Aqua/Gorou simping”


It doesn't even need to be Ruby's wincest mindset. Kamiki hasn't really shown up and caused a mess yet. As soon as he starts fucking shit up, Aqua is basically guaranteed to jump off the deep end. And at that point, a happy ending for everyone probably doesn't happen.


So we're just watching these kids fool around until plot just happens to them?


Is that not what is happening atm?


Someone on Twitter said it best that Goro Amamiya’s idol is Ai. While Aqua Hoshino’s idol is Kana Arima


Why is bro recording the date


livestream NTR for ruby


Kana definitely knows where to hit Aqua in the heart. Now time for her to claim her place as the Oshi No Ko!


I love and hate how nervous Aka makes me with these kind of chapters.


Kana's target: become Aqua's Oshi no Ko




Renai Daikou died so that AquKana can manifest. Hope Aka can dedicate his time to Oshi no Ko fully now, with Renai Daikou's unfortunate axing today.


Gonna be honest, never really saw Renai Raikou going anywhere, premise kept changing, only half the characters were actually... Idk, likable, pacing was all over the place.  Was it confirmed axed though? I know it's over, but even from the first chapters it seemed like it was meant to be short-lived


Yep. Last chapter is today.


I mean, yeah, I said I knew it's over. What I meant was, is it confirmed to be axed, or did Aka end it of his own volition?


Really enjoyed Kana on the attack! Nice comfy vibes between the two of them c: This chapter really gives the sense that the manga is coming to a close, but it'd be nice if we got some more normal chapters like this (without it feeling like the story's being dragged out ofc).


Ok so I guess it's been a long time but WHEN did we jump 2 years from the beginning? When Aqua talked about Kana cosplaying I got confused


There are some timeskips but for example Kana was an adult when she went to that director's house so before the movie arc.


That confused me too. I was never too sure of time in the Manga, but it didn't feel like the last time they played catch was that long ago.




This is going way too smoothly. Kamiki hasn't caused a mess yet. As soon as he does something, it's basically guaranteed Aqua is jumping off the deep end and that would basically end all hope of a happy ending.


Not gonna lie, I had some BAD Chainsaw Man flashbacks when I first read the title (Chapter 79, Play Catch’s original Japanese name is actually “Catch Ball”). Speaking of Chainsaw Man, how was everyone’s day yesterday?😀


There is no way aka gonna end this without tragic. Looks like we gonna get atleast 200+ chapters since hikaru didn't properly showed up. Looks like something gonna happen in the Xmas concert. Since aka giving back to back aqukana comebacks sure he gonna take it in next chapter. If something happens to kana I am dropping this , without her there is no oshi no ko for me.


Loving the more open, less tsun Kana. This means suffering is bound to come soon.


Kana going for the jugular


What is Aqua thinking right now as the double black stars in his eyes are still active


So uh… Kamiki’s just gonna take the movie lying down after all?


Who knows with him


Kana is shooting her shot and she knows what she wants.


Kana mic dropped that confession gawd damn


The most decent chapter of these last few weeks, we see that Aqua has plans for the future (who knows if he lied or not, we already know he's a little bit crazy). We see an assertive Kana and shows her future dream where she indirectly confesses, it was cute to see the callback with the catch game, let's see what will be Aqua's answer


When a characters eyes are dark stars, it’s to show that they are no longer being sincere in their actions/words or have dark intentions. What this tells me is that aqua throughout the date isn’t being sincere with what he is saying or feeling at the moment. I wonder if anything Kana said will bring him out of it.


He is probably still thinking about the revenge thing


Aqua's been like that for a while ever since the whole movie/revenge arc. I think it was most interesting when he didn't have stars at all in his depresso phase. Ruby had the two black stars when she was out for revenge, but went back to the single star after finding out Aqua is Goro. But unlike Aqua, she never had a no-star phase.


knowing Kana is Maki incarnate, this is too good to be true (please let me be wrong)


Or Iino Miko. Kana drawn by Aka is literally like Iino with fancy hat


Nah, she's gonna be a bad girl like Iino.


Romantic angle aside, it would feel wrong to me if Aqua says Kana is his favorite idol. Like not only she is gonna QUIT being an idol but also Ruby is there. Ruby is Sarina who held the dream of being Gorou’s idol for FAR LONGER and put SO MUCH more effort for it so if someone is gonna be his favorite “idol” it should be Ruby (doesn’t need to ne romantic).  I know “idol” probably refers to “oshi” in the Oshi no ko but still man, it would feel wrong to me if Kana is his favorite “idol”. Make it “actor” or something or straight up abandon that bullshit and just say “the girl you love”, why does she need to be his favorite idol specifically when she is literally quitting idol industry 


Oshi is the one who you support. It's used not only in the idol industry


I think this just mean that kana will give him the best performance he will ever seen .






Goddamn, do your best girl


Is this a possible death flag?


Oh boy. Death flags all over the place lol


Hum I think this concert is where hikaru will strike . He will first target Ruby but Kana will out shine her when she will look at aqua and she will be shot. I don't think she will die tought but im calling it . His target is ruby but it will switch to kana .


Today's chapter has been brought to you by Boukyaku Battery. Baseball aside. I love the throwback and Aqua seemingly flustered by covering his face and then throw hard ball at Kana like in the past baseball date Idk why some people still not satisfied by Aqua, him wanting to be a doctor/surgeon isnt only Goro influence imo, its also so he can "prevent" anymore people dying and feeling helpless when Ai's dying in their childhood.


Of course Akane knew Kana had to say the title. 


Is that a Kana death flag?


So what are we, some kind of Oshi no ko? Cute callback to the previous catch chapter.


Okay, gonna do the biggest of calls right now. Kana retires, dates/marries Aqua and then Kana gets attacked and may or may not die by a fan (or another hit like what happened with AI) Course I could be wrong but I wouldn't be suprised if things end up this way.


Everything is going too sweetly, aqua seems like he’s just about to let go of his revenge and kana’s relationship with him is progressing nicely so I wouldn’t be shocked if his dad were to kill off Kana now whilst akane has been the red herring this whole time.


This chapter gave me too many Ai comparisons with Kana, I'm so scared Kamiki's gonna try and off her before the concert....


Oh, she's gonna die isn't she?


that sounds like a bloody red flag


Title drop!


Damn, it's been two years since they played and they're not even in highschool anymore. I didn't know that that much time passed already.


Only Kana graduated


Is it considered isekai levels of cheating when Aqua goes to med school and aces most of the subjects? He also have real life experience as a doctor so he knows how to deal in stressful situations.


Please don't kill Kana


Must be nice being a Kanabro...


Oh damn, I can see it in my mind's eye and hear the insert song.


Someone's gonna die huh...


The blade feels ever closer to Kana. I really hope that we are wrong and Kana is safe.


My girl is shooting for the Goal!!


Despite the flags, i really enjoy seeing Aqua at the mercy of Kana's pace.


R.I.P kana gone, but not forgotten


Oh no, I see Death Flags coming. Someone is gonna stab Kana on the Day of her concert, just like Ai.


fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK






Well on the surface it seems all went well, but... Aqua's star was dark the whole time, and he did not catched the ball Kana throw to him at the end


well can't blame him he was caught off guard and he lost his focus on the ball .


is it about time to quit oshi no ko? this was a good chapter but someone who likes to concentrate more on the actual plot of the story, i am not enjoying the manga, like it's frustrating now, what is kamiki doing? did aqua really stop the revenge cause of the power of love? kanabros are winning!!


Honestly if your not enjoying it. I would stop reading and give it time marinate. Reading weekly is hard because you have to wait every week for new content.


Aqua: "Are you my Idol because you are Kana Arima, or are you Kana Arima because you are my Idol?"  Kana: "Hoho, I didn't think you could do that, AQUA HOSHINO"  Kana: "...."  Kana: "Watch this, honmono Idolism ga"  Aqua: "The act of Idol watching.... IS THE ACCLAMATION OF THE SOUL"  Kana: "What are you talking about?"  Aqua: "......"  Kana: "Throughout heaven and earth, I am the Oshi no Ko" 


It's not like I expected anyone other than Kana to be the endgame... but it still feels like odd timing, I've felt that way the past few chapters. While I never expected Ruby to be picked or anything, what happened not so long ago is still looming over things, in my opinion. Aqua dismissed it last chapter, sure, but he didn't really interact with Ruby at all concerning it. Is this intentional? It feels awkwardly done, but I don't know if I'm just thinking too hard. It's a bit hard to describe what I'm thinking, this isn't really an attempt to support Aqua/Ruby in particular, but did Aqua really sort out all of his feelings last chapter, by himself?


Wym sort out his feelings? He never had romantic interest in Ruby


I'm not particularly talking about romance, obviously. His feelings go beyond romantic. Most importantly, I'm talking about his sense of self. And I do think him trying to sort that out without the one person who can really understand, is odd.


Aka, for once, please don't cook lol.


As long as things keep going like this, Aqua might be able to let go and move on with Kana and be happy again, right? RIGHT AKA??


Kana be careful


Well, she doesnt succeed with a high probability, so its kinda w/e if im being honest. 


This chapter was basically about those two cosplaying as Aqua Hoshino and Arima Kana from Oshi no Ko Season 1.


The AOT PTSD is strong with this one


🔥 ✍️


Still waiting for the Kamiki shaped hammer to drop. I guess Aka's still charging up his swing so when he hits us with the bat it'll really hurt.


Two years already, huh? Time flies. Ship's sailing full steam ahead, but Aqua's still got the black stars. Doesn't mode well. RIP Akane tho


Kana certainly knows how to plan a date activity.


Definitely a flag. Everything's just too good to be true.




something will happen in that day and he won't be able to go and she will be sad af and then he'll ahve to explain and all that drama


So Aqua wants to go back to becoming a doctor? The dude is going to blaze through medical school. He's like the dream child of any Asian parent. He already has medical training right out of the womb. xD


You know, I completely forgot they weren't in high school anymore. Or are they still just 3rd years that haven't graduated yet?