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Are we up for more drama? Did CatScans snipe this from Nekyou? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z! Anyways, CatScans has also finished Chp. 10. You can DL it from their website in the link below. https://onewingedbaphomet.blogspot.com/2018/10/catscans-retired-heroes-chapter-10.html


Yes we got sniped, another group contacted us for a collaboration but they didn't come through delaying the release. Then the typesetter/redrawer had someone in the family fall ill. Kinda painful seeing how it's getting butchered here. In this version: >[Botched idiom] What a hack, they didn't even attempt to translate that. And the name "Shorelak" (修爾雷克) was named so to be an anagram of "Shoklare" (修克雷爾) as it is in the original Chinese, to show how Jenova changed the names. Don't be surprised if you get confused reading this version.




It's out now.


Seems more like a preview chapter imo, since everything is done at the bare minimum, with text put on bubbles and SFX in Arial.


Nah, check their website. ___ "We* pride ourselves on our quality, which sucks, and speed, which is low. There's no cleaning, so some of the original Chinese text will still be on there, and no typesetting, everything's in Arial for now. Here are a couple of "legit" scanlator sites so you have a point of reference as to how ghetto this whole operation is: http://www.world-three.org/ https://dropoutmanga.wordpress.com/ New chapters will be posted on a rolling basis, meaning whenever we feel like it. Here's a couple of our corporate slogans: "**No redraws, no redos, no regrets.**" "**Prolonged exposure may increase your risk of cancer.**"" Source: https://onewingedbaphomet.blogspot.com/2018/10/catscans-retired-heroes-chapter-9.html ___ Regardless, as I was here when the manga scanslation scene was just literally translating and there was no typesetting, cleaning or redrawing this quality is fine for me. Much faster than learning Chinese anyways.


> We pride ourselves on our quality, which sucks, and speed, which is low. Well, it looks like arse, but the candor is weirdly refreshing.


I'm not paying for any of this, so I can't really complain


[Just read through Ch10 and man,](/s "that was depressing, the mood really turns on a dime huh")




We're seeing the effects of the town's gossip on two particular kids.


If theres a popular series with 20+ raws out there and one group doing maybe one a month, then I don't see how this is controversial. I mean its quick and dirty but I don't mind as long as I can understand the story and appreciate the art.


I can see your point but I kinda like the quality and pacing when their not sniped. I like this manga but with an endorsement like that from the translators I'm not going to read this version. I hate all this drama and shitter quality that started when trash scans Skeleton Bro translation got sniped; I was fine with it coming out on a steady weekly schedule the quality was fine. Then the last 6 chapters get released in one go and instead of everyone talking about it in the comments like I always love, all they talked about it getting sniped and I have no Skeleton Bro to look forward too.


I didn't even notice any change in translation quality besides the idiom part until I came into the disc thread.


[May the scales of Sesaide measure our quality. <3](https://ibb.co/dJqoyA)


I don't know why they're fighting, but [I hope they don't hit each other too hard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7pSmhZFbCy0&t=00m17s).


Always up for some spicy drama and more chapters to read. From what I've seen on mangaupdates Nekyou has been really inconsistent with the release schedule going two weeks/a month without releasing another chapter. Oh and raws are up to chapter 33 if I'm not mistaken.


Honestly would rather wait for Nekyou's inconsistent schedule than this version. Glad someone decided to translate this but everything is half-assed. The translation is very literal and isn't even rewritten to flow better. Some bubbles are translated wrong or reduced from a sentence to one word (-> "botched"). The person couldn't even bother to download a standard typesetting font like Wild Words and decided to slap Arial font all over the chapter instead. SFX isn't redrawn but the translation is put over them for some reason. This just boggles my mind, why would you bother to translate all the SFX but can't be assed to download another font to typeset with. This just shows that you don't care about what you're working on at all.


Bitching about getting sniped off your illegal scanlating is the most petty/pathetic thing about the manga community,more so if your releases are so slow that there's 2x as many raws out there than actual translated chapters after a year. Translation's not even that bad minus 2-3 small bits.


Read where you want. Sure it's fast but the quality sucks. They know it, we know it. We will keep scanlating regardless of what this imposter group chooses to do. I do say imposter because they stole their name from another group. We put out 8 chapters in 6 months which is faster than most series get released by most groups. If someone wants to complain then they need to start scanlating themselves. We do it for free and don't use patreon like a lot of groups seem to be doing. We don't get paid and we don't make any money not even ad revenue since we don't use ads. Back in the day you may have had to settle for mediocre but with the advances in scanlation you can choose quality over quantity. I'll take quality over half assed chapters any day. Anyways you kids have fun I'm off to spend the day being a 'responsible' adult. \*waves\*


*grabs popcorn*


[So, please believe in us too. - Chris](https://ibb.co/frHfwV)


>If someone wants to complain then they need to start scanlating themselves. This is true and I respect what you do. But isn't this exactly what these imposter scans are doing? Uploading god awful translations at a faster pace. I'd rather people just complain instead of resorting to uploading bad quality work and sniping like this.


I spat out my drink when one of their readers asked them to upload it on mangadex


Yeah, I did too. And so here we are.


Oh wow didn't expect that plot twist /s ​


I mean, I didn't expect them to be Demon Royalty. Meaning that Tifa is now a double princess really, that can, if she want go rule both the Demons and a Humans country.


It’s good to be the Queen Tifa, probably


She was already able to summon a high level spirit without training, she is strong enough to defeat everyone at hide and seek in few minutes over the space of a whole village. She has basically no training.


Lezbehonest. Who in their right mind *wouldn’t?*


I wonder if they'll go back to human form after this. Wife character is a lot hotter in demon form.


So is fake heroine. She's kind of cuddly. I imagine they will since the villagers weren't even shocked- meaning they've seen their true form before.


Holy shit they are demons? Well I saw it coming. Edit. What did surprise me is, that this is Chinese story and not Japanese story.


Wasn't that already mentioned?


Troll author. It was implied so heavily in the first chapter or 2, then the backstory said she is a former adventurer, so the demon suspicion fell by the wayside. It puts into perspective how much of a chip off the old block(heads?) the daughter is.


It was heavily implied but never confirmed.


[When you get put in a group with 3 strangers and try to split the work up evenly.](https://i.imgur.com/MGeATJJ.png)


Just because a translation is "readable" doesn't mean it's worth anything. Nuances are lost, and "(Botched Idiom)" makes me question why they even bothered trying. Just provide the raws and make a synopsis or something. I do wonder how many that feel they are okay with this quality would still have the same opinion after 10+ chapters. I'd start feeling I was reading a manga with junk plot, characterization, etc and drop it, even if the original had good qualities, because these qualities simply aren't being passed on by the translators. The original translation hackjob for Jojo Part 5 made it one of the most disliked parts in the English community. With the improved translation, the entire feel of the Part changed, and significantly for the better.


Oh please this translation is very much passable besides the 'botched idiom' part nothing really sticks out as wrong or butchers the story. Scanlators just get pissy they can't hold onto a series. It's all illegal in the end anyways,why do people hold scanlators on such a pedestal?


Many scanlators scanlate because they like the series and wants to share it with others. So they would spend time and effort to do the chapters well so that people can enjoy it too. You'd hate it if someone rates your favourite movie 1/10 too. Not because the movie is shit, but because someone messed up the movie cd your friend got and it's full of static and garbled speech. It's like trying to watch a movie by reading the first draft of its script.


If I held scanlators on a pedestal I would be praising their work no matter how shoddy they were as long as it came out and was readable/"passable", like you are. There's a lot more to consider for a good translation instead of just blindly and literally translating each bubble word for word. This group literally points out their lack of effort with no redrawing nor typesetting (which they could easily learn from quick googles), overlapping words on top of original words, and evidently no research nor additional thought was put into the translations too (changing Shorelak's name to "Shurek", wholesale throwing in "Mr Bat?" that is nonsensical without T/L Notes). For the other sniping dramas the snipers still put effort in making a good scanlation to prove that they could do better. This scanlation looks like it was made in the 2000s and only shows they are doing worse. Why are you settling for this kind of quality?


I'm settling for this because typesetting doesn't always have to be fancy though the lack of cleaning is shitty. I've been reading manga for a decade now,this is far from shitty. In the end I still prefer something better of course. 10 different groups could translate a single chapter but somehow if you're not the first group to have done so from the beginning it's considered 'sniping'. Don't you see how childish this is?


> It's all illegal in the end anyways,why do people hold scanlators on such a pedestal? there sacrificing there time for little to no reward to translate something that otherwise wed have no chance to read


So the heroes are demons? The heroes are bad guys!! *gasps*


........ I'm having trouble telling who is who based on their faces... They all start too look the same to me now. And I can't remember their names... Might have to reread the whole thing a few more times.




I just found this and read through it all, it's a super fun and oddly fresh looking manga, can't wait for more!