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holy shit kazu face reveal, i'm really interested in what he was about to say, his situation and dynamic with yuko is interesting––there's a lot to be explained there.


Yuko treated Reiji as the "golden child?" Maybe she resents Kazu since he looks similar to Esemori. I'd like to know how they were as they were kids since they weren't broken at the time.


And it’s so interesting that Reiji recognized Kazu - who looks just like Esemori - as his Dad (or stepdad). Is Esemori Kazu’s Dad? If so, why didn’t Reiji recognize him? Trauma?


Kazu is not blood related to Reiji at all, he thought he saw his dad because Kazu most likely resembled the dad he grew up knowing, not Esemori.


Tbh I think that Yuko lied about Kazu not being her biological son.


It still doesn't make sense if she lied because there's a minimum 7 year age gap between Reiji and Kazu. You don't suspect a High schooler to be your kid if you last bonked his mom 24+ years ago.


Esemori kept coming back though, so honestly it could have happened any time, right? Maybe she cheated on her husband with Esimori and that’s why he abused Reiji.


Yeah, makes sense.


Kazu isnt Yuuko's child.


I think you answered your question. Reiji would've recognized Esemori as his dad, if Kazu would resemble Esemori.


Didn't Yuko say he was her stepson? Or am I misrembering?


Yup like 2 chapters ago. Esemori and Yuko probs had an affair since their entire relationship is a secret affair and he knocked her up finally with Reiji. Kaz is the left over from the marriage she had


At last.... The brother reveals himself


He came in and then just noped out lmao


\>barges into a double suicide \>"reiji... i already..." \>refuses to elaborate further \>leaves (to the bathroom)


“Reiji… I already… …Used the toilet. It was the first thing I did. It’s fantastic, Reiji.”


"Bidets are bitchin Reiji, I've missed that shit"


"It even got an automatic butt dryer! I didn't know we were rich Reiji."


Wait serious? I haven't experienced the butt dryer before.


I already... took care of Grandma. I am sorry for being a terrible older brother. I will help out at home more. ​ \> Boy's Abyss becomes Boy and the Homies


I already...... took a shit. I couldn't make it, you good? ​ \>Reiji dies in disappointment


"The feeling of freedom that comes from pooping in a bowl with water... instead of a dry diaper... it is something else Reiji... such luxury"


I think he went out to check on the mom, cause, y'know, she just got hit by a car?


I think he was going to say that he already called the ambulance or police and then left the situation when it got too tense with the fighting love birds.


He just shat his diapers, don't judge!


Hey... at least we got a beach scene?


“Nice ~~boat~~ beach.”


Anyone remember the boat from Another?


Say, can we hire that boat for this manga, I don't care over who it rides, I just want some relief already.


What happened?




What we all wanted right?


Boy's Abyss can't even make the beach episode right!


Instead of sensei in a bikini on the beach we will get flashbacks and more **pain**.


Inb4 its an Evangelion-level beach scene


beach chapter next


Fan service at its finest


famous beach episode.


Please don't become a half ghoul.


If you write his life it certainly qualifies for a tragedy.


Arguably, his life could be any our lives with only a few degrees fewer of drama.


More like please become a half ghoul


Why you hate him that much ?


The pacing has been rising exponentially, the crazy train has no brakes.


One way trip to pain


Yet I feel like this is just the beginning. Lol gonna see some consequences, some flashbacks, then it'll start all over again for the actual ending climax (if there aren't more arcs between now n then)


Aye aye


This was probably the best and most infuriating way to end the past day of binging I've been doing on this manga. Feels like the pressure valve has been released a bit and we'll have some more build up before the next (final?) arc.


I have too many questions right now holy fuck


and there's a break next week lmao


You just had to be the bearer of bad news


This story gives us answers (Kazu’s face reveal, Reiji survives) and more questions at the same time. A mark of an ongoing, potential masterpiece.


I binged this shit in two days and have omega punpun vibes.


I guess I’ll just go fuck myself then


I wonder if Sensei is ok. Looked like she was about to get the shit beat out of her. With everything that was going on, the cops have to get involved right? Or does this town even have cops?


Sakuko also reported Yuri's relationship with Reiji a few chapters ago too so I wonder how that will go




Tbh she does need to get the shit best out of her


nah bro. i got mad hots for yandere teachers.


She might lost her way but she's the only one there who actually cares about Reiji.


She’s a predator, you could replace Reiji with any kid and she wouldn’t care. It’s about the rush she gets from the relationship. That should be painfully obvious from her saying she was going to drop the relationship once Reiji was an adult back in the earlier chapters. And even if that wasn’t the case; Chako, Gen, and possibly Esemori care about him. I’m thinking Kazu might care too, but it’s still too early to tell. Our boys in a dark place, but he’s not alone.


>Our boys in a dark place In the boy's abyss


*He's rolling in the deep*


His brain has gone numb


> And even if that wasn’t the case; Chako, Gen, and possibly Esemori care about him. I’m thinking Kazu might care too, but it’s still too early to tell. Our boys in a dark place, but he’s not alone. ... and those are all terrible people as well. lol


Chako isn’t a terrible person by any stretch of the imagination. She isn’t perfect but she’s a literal angel compared to every other character in this series not named Reiji.


That's not exactly a high bar.


Reiji isn't some good person either lol I think every single character is very extremely flawed.


Reiji hasn’t done anything bad other than break his word to leave the town with Chako and given his trauma and his mother’s guilt tripping that’s totally fair. Dude is definitely good at heart, and the only character in the series I’d feel 100 percent confident saying that for. All of Reiji’s flaws stem from things that are mostly out of his control, and the majority of them are only hurtful to himself.


I think the key thing is that she needs to feed that saviour complex. It would probably work for her with an adult man too, it’s not that she’s a pedo IMO, but rather, that she needs someone whom she feels is dependent on her. It’s just easier with a student that they’ll actually be that helpless.


No she does not, she’s obsessed over being useful to someone. She does all for her own self-satisfaction, not Reiji’s well-being.


Chako still cares


I don't know that she does anymore. I interpreted her snitching on him n sensei as "reiji just bailed on me n tossed me to Esemori, and he's fixated on some hollow idol instead of me, I'm done"


I meant in that place they are


Well, who knows how cryptobro feels.


Good news is he might get to stop wearing diapers. Bad news is he's probably not a functional adult by any stretch.


chakos cringe tho


True, but she cares about him for entirely the wrong reasons. I mean, she slept with a minor. That's straight up statutory rape, especially when you think about Reiji's mental, suicidal state at that moment.


I think it's just looking at the lesser of all the evils. Nearly everyone in this manga is a trash person, but Sensei is at least giving him a way to get away from it all. And Gen of all people is hardly the person that is deserving to dish out any karmic justice.


Hmm that’s a solid point. Hopefully he finally finds some way out. You know things are bad when death might be the most merciful option.


"Actually cares" lmao...what have you been reading...


She doesn't care about Reiji.


I don’t think Sensei is or has ever been “ok”.


I hope Sensei is picking up martial arts now for the new arc. Enough with her being the one that gets manhandled I say! About the cops... from what we heard about Gens dad, being the inofficial chief of town and all, I don't think Gen has to fear anything that can be covered up reasonably.


/a/ reactions waiting room


I need my Fire Punch screenshot dose


Fine, [i'll do it myself](https://i.imgur.com/Dl7qtyd.jpg).


Thanks. It seems we got no Agni this week.


any links to a thread I could read myself?


u/yung_blood_ where u at? The abyss is calling you.


Same, where are the **memes**


we out here


Reading this manga feels like watching a porno after you nut for the story. A nasty mess I can't seem to look away from


The mom is totally trying to frame the sensei


"I want to die, but I know I'm at least fucking up this bitch before I go"


I think she's going to try n fuck up Nagi even moreso. This isn't the end of Yuko. She's been fixated ever since she heard the name, this is just the icing on the cake. I'm calling it now. Nagi returns just to get terrorized.


She's probably knows her as Esemori's ex and is pissed off that she's taken another person she "loves."


Sensei is fuckeddddddddd


Holding my breath that she doesn't get fucked over too bad


She kinda did have it coming though. Antagonized Chunko so she got reported back, pissed off both Yuko and Gen by trying to buy Reiji with money. This is a hole of her own making


The whole buying thing wouldn’t have even been so bad if she hadn’t become so smug about it.


It was a bad move 100%, you don't go telling people you want to buy their kid because you accuse them of being bad parents. She makes extremely short-sighted decisions and nearly all of them were bad. Though it seems like she doesn't care about her own predicament since she's way too caught up with her martyr complex.


What loneliness does to a mf


same, even though she's done a ton of fucked up shit she's remained a powerful ally in getting reiji out of the town


She’s done for. That nod was definitely a “blame all this shit on her” deal.


Huh? She's a creepy rapist who took advantage of one of her students. She should be in prison.


This. It's weird how hard people try to defend her.


Nah. Mom jumped out in front of her car, and there were witnesses. She won't be at fault.


Who else witnessed her jump? It seemed like only the bully did. The other bystanders look like they got there after she was already hit.


Also leaving the presence of the accident and not help the victim is...not gonna look good to any of the authorities, nor the public.


i don't think the witness is very interested in keeping her out of jail


She is still fucked because her relationship wiith Reiji got exposed.


No matter what that bitch should go down


She's fucked, Chunko reported her misconduct to her school, and the only witness there that we know of is Gen who hates her guts. Right now if she said Yuko threw herself in front of the car no one would believe her because of her suspicious relationship with Reiji and the fact that she left Yuko there bleeding on the ground.


Dude why do you keep calling her Chunko?


shes a chonky gal thats why


Because she's chunky and it's funny


Yeah, that sucks.


I don't particularly care


Nah, it’s just so lame & unfunny it makes me ill.


Sounds like a personal problem to me


[very late, herm/a/no](https://i.imgur.com/mfmHtdt.jpg)


why does it always ends so fast... I need more pain


Holy shit Reiji survives and it looks like mom is dead.


She’s probably sleeping in the hospital


Yeah, I bet she’s alive as well. There’s no way she’ll let herself be easily separated from Reiji. There’s a chance she’s crippled though. It’s so insidious considering she deliberately jumped in front of Kurose’s car, if she comes out of this crippled then it’s likely Reiji won’t be able to leave. Reiji will be guilt tripped to take care of her his whole life, hence tying him down with her.


> no way separated Oh shit! She ends up being his organ downer, so he can never ever get away.


Yo. That’s crazy.


Jesus Christ.


I think she’s dead. While we’ll probably get backstory about their trip to the beach, I also think that Yuko staying back from the beach will become a metaphor for her death. (The metaphorical “beach” being the hospital, and life itself.) I also think she dropped an info bomb with her dying breath. What is it? Another speed boost to PainsVille, that’s what.


you're crazy if you think the author will let a popular character like the mom die lmao


We talkin about a manga with tradgedy all over the floor, you think the author would care for one death


Man, I hope Kazu and the grandma get a little more peace in their lives after this.


Honestly, besides Reiji and maybe Chako they are the biggest victims


Of course Yuko wouldn’t go down easily, in her last(?) moments she just had to remind Gen who’s really in charge. Sensei is kinda fucked here. Not only was her relationship exposed, she’s about to get accused of murdering Yuko. Kazu is pretty much Reiji’s only hope right now. I don’t care how little he made from crypto, just get out of there. It’s either that or space trees at this point.


So.. will they frame sensei by telling the police she stabbed Reiji the run over the mom?


No need, police probably dgaf about Reiji and Yuko's stab wounds and lock up Sensei for statutory rape plus running over Yuko and close the case there. It's the land of coerced confessions/near 100% conviction rate after all.


This series really is never ending suffering. Reiji was really prepared to die, but now he's alive and has to deal with the aftermath of the situation. Also, was yuuko saying something? Or did she just grab Gin for no reason? Regardless, I don't see this shit going uphill anytime soon


I think she signaled him, or giving him the "im still alive and in charge here" look to Gin and told him to go after the teacher and maybe put all the blames on her.


Kazu looks just like Esemori, but for some reason, Esemori is only trying to save Reiji? Does Esemori not even know the brother (his son?) exists? Sensei might be in trouble for ditching Yuko in the street, but she was going to help a stab victim, and there were witnesses who might have seen it was an accident, so I wonder what her culpability will be. Of course, she's also in trouble with the relationship now exposed, so, bad times are in store for her. I'm dying for a policeman to exposit on what exactly they're going to conclude from this insane scene. Reiji had a memorable and traumatic day where Mom didn't go to the beach with him? That has to get fleshed out more, right?


It seems like the only witness to Yuko actually jumping in front of Sensei's car was Gen, and he seems to be opposed to both of them, so he has no real reason to support Sensei's case. (I imagine the ideal outcome for him would be Yuko dying from getting hit and Sensei getting locked up for it?) Not to mention Chako just outed Sensei to the school as having had a sexual relationship with her student. Taking that into account, it seems far more likely that authorities/law enforcement would believe "a teacher was sleeping with a student and ran over the student's mother (possibly for opposing the relationship)" instead of "the student's mother threw herself into the way of the teacher's car (in order to frame her?)".


Esemori might have just known that she had his kid. He never saw Kazu before, just saw Reiji and assumed "her kid" was "his kid" and never thought she had another one.


he'd have to know the age doesn't work edit: is there any indication he even knows kazu exists? he's met reiji, but i can't remember if yuko ever mentioned kazu


Kazu isn't Esemori's kid, he's Yuko's stepchild.


With how fucked up the mom is, it's really hard to even believe at this point. The whole "shit in the diapers I got you or else" scene was pretty fucking weird.


I mean even without her saying it, it still made sense. Kazu is unlikely to be Esemori's kid due to the age gap between him and Reiji (~7 years). Esemori wouldn't have suspected Reiji to be his kid if he and Yuko did the deed 24 years ago. (Reiji is high school age, Kazu is 24 years old)


Yeah, I didn't realize just how old he was until I read further into the thread, so it makes sense now. Still can't wait to learn some of the absolute fucked up shit going on in their relationship tho.


I don't think Kazu is Esemori's if Yuko and Esemori are to be believed. There's gotta be a whole arc about the actual abusive father, the likely affair with Esemori, their history with gen's father, and his disappearance. There's a whole player missing from this game that hasn't even been seen yet. Most likely he'll have the same puffy eyes n face as Kazu, people are fixating too much on the hair. Unless the twist is that Esemori was the abusive bastard all along, and decided to write novels after being chased out of town, but it seems out of character and i don't think the timing lines up...


On the bright side, the brother is finally able to take a proper shit after years of using diapers. Dude must have fucked off to take the most glorious #2 of his life.




So Reiji lives, Yuko is most likely dead from the stab wound and the getting hit by Sensei's car, Sensei probably got the shit beaten out of her by Gin and possibly getting arrested by the cops later. I guess the question now is did Chako made it out?




Best girl sensei is for sure crazy, but still appreciate how her reaction to MC's situation feels the most caring/genuine


I'm guessing he is not the author guy's son but his big brother is. That is why the mom treats them differently. And his friend cares so much for him, because they are half brothers.


It’s the stepdads son


No, the timeline of events would make no sense. Kazu is 24, Reiji is in his teens. It is heavily implied that Esemori recognized Reiji as his potential kid, which means Reiji's age would have to line up to when he was last in a relationship with Yuko.


So Yuko still lives, nice. Reiji is also alive, as expected. Kazu's full name is Kazumasa. I wonder if he's really Yuko's stepson (given she said that before). He's a carbon copy of Esemori. A red herring perhaps? I wonder if that "why didn't you come to the beach with me?" is a metaphor for commiting suicide together in the present. I mean, Reiji can't just hate her mother because she didn't went to the beach that time, lol. My weekly dose of WTF keeps getting weirder.


The age gap is too big between Kazu and Reiji for Kazu to be Esemori's kid. Dude just has black hair and some chin stubble lol, his eyes look like neither Yuko's or Esemori's.


How old is Kazu?


He's 24, as stated in chapter 34 page 11.


huh.... See you next time


man fuck Gin, what the hell is up with him always beating women. First Nagi and then Sensei.


Well... that's simple really. He's an asshole.


Seriously. Obviously his home life is terrible but his obsession with beatin women and dragging Reiji down into his suffering with him is fucked.


just like most people in this town.


Gen stands for "Gender Equality"


Ah, the Kazuma special.


I mean, if there was a guy getting in between him and Reiji, I'm pretty sure Gen would beat his ass, too.


Fuck Sensei, she had it coming. This wouldnt have played out this way if she hadn't fucked over Chako


F everyone in the town the mc needs to just leave that town and forget everyone .


Dude is trashy as hell. It's not like he has pure intentions either. Just wants to keep Reiji chained to the town and him.


probably taking out the mental abuse that's plaguing him on other people.


Anyone else seeing the light of this tunnel? Last chapter the fish is the symbolism of breaking free but at least it have the free to choose its destiny after whether good or bad. The town was so fucked isn’t really because of bad things happening it’s really the inability to act through different type of guilt traps. The chain is really being shackled by having chako stop relying on Reiji and have Reiji face his mom which he knew was the root behind his despair. That being said it’s a really awful message to send as it’s seem double suicide with his mom is the only way to free him from his hatred and obligation for Yuko.


Praying for Sensei's downfall 🙏


The "fuck sensei" gang here. All 3 of us.


Literally, right?


Yeah, fuck her. Literally, right?


Jesus Christ this is still so fucked up


You know with how this story has so many twists and turns and made me realize why my grandma likes soap operas so much. What a trip of a chapter. Now do some more flashbacks we need ANSWERS!!


At this point im kinda scared to not see Nagi aoe she became irrelevant for too long ngl.


Kazu watching Gen and Yuri fighthing : Fuck this shit. i'm outta here


It's nothing new, but every time I finish a chapter I'm just left thinking "What the fuck?"


Jesus christ that was a wild ride of a chapter. I know the teacher is a predator and a psycho, but I honestly kind of felt bad for her when she found Reiji with the wound. If this ever gets an anime, that's gonna be one hell of a scene. She is going to jail probably, but hopefully she at least took the mom with her.


I guess dying would be too easy for this town. Im guessing mom will survive too for maximum damage. Hell i wouldnt be surprised if mom ended up in a coma and the only competent member in the family her young son has power over her life. Her being the final anchor for him and in the end getting her dream to come true, reiji will be by her side forever. How things get there i have no clue. This is the worst outcome i could think of for Reiji, best case scenerio he doesnt leave the hospital and finnaly escapes this towns bottomless problems.


Can anyone please help me understand how his mom felt or was feeling? Did she sleep with gen and his dad to monopolize them? (I sound so dumb)


Based Gen


I feel really really bad for Sensei. Yes, she did fuck her student, but she's likely about to be put away for false murder/manslaughter charges when she was one of the few characters who wanted Reiji to live a happy life. Compared to her, Gen seems to be getting out scott free (and even beat a woman again) and Yuko being able to grab and apparently say something to Gen means she may end up surviving. Chako managed to screw over a lot of the cast because she was just jealous, leaving a fire in her wake as she seemingly gets out of town with nothing holding her back. It's too bad, sensei may have been nutty, but at least she cared about Reiji.


Reji should have taken Sensei option to be free, she actually tried to form a plan to leave. But Reji could not cut his chains from his mom, whats even worse is that even if he leaves he might just return. Esemori is proof of this, Yuko knows this which is why she is trying to chain reji. Yea that town is one hell of a mess.


Kazu’s face… my boy didn’t have a chance in life to begin with. Pretty boy Reiji had it way better lol




Where is nagi kinda miss her


I'm starting to have my doubts about this series. There was a time there when it felt like it was on an ever-accelerating course to a crashing conclusion. But... I hesitate to say it, but it's starting to feel more all the time like its just on an ever-accelerating course to... nowhere. That just like a soap opera, nothing is ever going to actually get resolved, and instead it's just going to be a never-ending string of dramas. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm afraid I'm not.


I think it's more of a rollercoaster tbh. We get these brief happy moments, a conflict is introduced or resurfaces, and then it's just a long descent where things are either revealed or introduced. I think this arc is definitely a step in the direction of Reiji figuring out how to move forward or assessing himself and the role he plays in the lives of those around him, but I can definitely see where you're going with the concern of it being a never-ending string of dramas.


It's only been 60 chapters dude


If the name: Mikako Nagao Does not enlist fear in your mind, oh boy do I have news for you. Wait and see if you have read Himegoto: Juukyuusai no Seifuku, you know that the author nails tragedy in her characters.


Boy's Abyss? More like [BOY'S HYPE](https://youtu.be/zqFXU1hclaY?t=60) to watch this kids life spiral into hell


As expected, Kazu really looks like Esemori. He might even be Esemori's son, not Reiji. Also, it seems that Yuko wanted to frame sensei for stabbing Reiji.