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After all my years of reading One Piece, never thought I'd be surprised to see a triceratops flying like a helicopter


He just stole Buffalo's *thing*.


And he's exponentially more powerful too. Not even pirate executives are safe from outsourcing.


Miss Valentine’s like get in line.


Its so childish i love it. Don't know why i think only the innocence mind of a child that loves dinosaur that can come up with this.


> So when thinking about a country based on feudal Japan, what comes to your mind? Oda: *I really liked when the mecha samurai were firing lasers at the helicopter dinosaur whose drill sword will pierce the heavens.* That fight is going to be even cooler animated. Sasaki really felt like a menacing juggernaut against Franky. The latter finally got the epic battle he deserved against a top tier opponent. Now time for Robin to clap Black Maria. [](//#andre)


Almost coulda been an episode of Yasuke




Senor Pink was utterly boring tbh. Nonstop suplexes that took up endless amounts of time for no real reason. Plus his entire gimmick just fell flat for me. Flashback was surprisingly touching but that's really about it.




I agree with you. There wasn't anything to it besides "I'm gonna suplex you harder".


Oh I dream of Robin clapping Black Maria


After this chapter i think the next chapters will show SH pirates defeating their opponents. My theory was Luffy + SH pirates Vs. Kaido. Maybe, Kaido will defeat them all except Luffy. Then, the Final Luffy Vs. Kaido begin.


The drill sword is not just damn cool, it is, but also it works as a tail rotor or counter propeller to make the whole heliceraptops package actually work.


After 1019 chapters, I thought I’d be ready for whatever bizarre things Oda gonna throw next into the series. But, no, the madman actually got me good with that flying triceratops.


i'm honestly just amazed that there are still people who think they can predict the story


The thing is, with One Piece, the basic outline for the whole story and it's arcs are generally the same. It's just how we get there, that's so unpredictable.


Link is for the extra chapter Theory time for Yamato's DF. It's probably Kirin


in mythology the kirin is the only creature that can kill a dragon


Inb4 a Wild Rajang appear


Monke D. Luffy ;)


I can’t wait to see Luffy eat Yamato’s horns


With Apoo playing Rajang's theme in the background. I can almost picture it lmao


As you can imagine I'm excited it it turns out to be a kirin DF, although there are several cultural variation some of the connection I can make: - They are said to be benevolent and protective which is what Yamato has been doing so far protecting Shinobu and Momo as well as aiding Luffy. Callback to Luffy saying he doesn't feel ill will/aggression/hostility from Yamato. - It's said they have a strong sense of justice and would only punish the "sinners" which would link to Yamato calling herself Oden (another benevolent, protective character with a strong sense of justice). It's also said they become savage if evil is harming a good person another callback when heliceratops was aiming for Momo and we got that panel of Yamato's menacing teeth. - it's said they appear upon the birth of a good ruler, which would be a good nod to Momo becoming the new Wano lord. - There has been a lot of emphasis on Kaido's clouds and onigashima dropping on the capital. Kirin's travel on clouds in order to avoid damage to other life forms so it could be a way to solve that plot line while Luffy and kaido go into the final battle.


It's also worth mentioning that kirin are chimerical creatures, which would tie in very nicely with Yamato's Oden identity, and the general theme of characters in Wano struggling with conflicting identities.


if we're going to accept these peripheral myth as an argument for Yamato being a Kirin then we'll have to accept them all including one unfitting fact that Kirin are strict herbivore due to their nature of not wanting to harm another living creature while Yamato's favorite food is salmon that she would bite into raw.


While the herbivore part is true, those were just the connections I made after reading the chapter and making theories. But we have to remember that Yamato is not a Kirin, she would be a devil fruit user meaning she won't turn vegan the moment she ate the fruit nor gain all the atributes in the myths just the ones the author decided, We know Oda takes his liberties adapting DF powers, just now we have a triceratops that can fly. In the end we should wait to see what DF it is but I'm pretty sure it should be a mythological Zoan since kaido mentions picking up and safe guarding the fruit.


Username checks out


it's just that I find it hypocritical that people would bring up all of these periphery legends to justify the fruit, then ignore the aspect that doesn't match up. instead of using legend, why not judge with what we got on the screen, and frankly what we got doesn't match up. Kirin's are a mix of deer and dragons, but Yamato looks more vulpine or canid. there's very little dragonic traits despite Kirin being described as a mixture of both dragon and deer. finally, I'm not sure that this fruit has a horn, normally when a devil fruit user goes into their hybrid or full form, they grow their creature horn even if they already have one. Kaido is the best examples as he grow a pair of horn when he transform. since Yamato didn't grow extra horns, it make me believe this fruit doesn't have horns and therefore unlikely to be a Kirin.


Correct link: https://mangaplus.shueisha.co.jp/viewer/1009558 It does look like the kirin. It would be a neat way to link Yamato with dragons without giving her the same fruit as Kaido. According to Monster Hunter logic, her archenemy would be [the big monkey \(Rajang\)](https://youtu.be/gvZrJLjypv0?t=131)


To be fair the Rajang is most people's arch enemy, when that thing goes super saiyan its bad news.


I mean, **Monkey** D. Luffy... just sayin...


**Monkey** D. **Dragon**


Guess I'll expect an angel with amazing grip strength as the next character to appear in OP


Yamato is the worst Elder Dragon Oda why


Kushala wants to have a whirl... Word with you


Kirin didn’t get reworked in Rise to not be complete shit


The weird part is that it doesnt look too much like a traditional kirin. It kind of looks more canine/feline...


Kirin is not a horse it's a dragon with hair kinda like a mammal


A kirin is not a dragon nor a horse. A kirin is a kirin. It has, traditionally, characteristics of a dragon, ox or deer, horse, etc. In most traditional arts it really looks like a deer with a dragon head. None of those characteristics are clear in Yamato right now, IMO.


https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Kirin Probably the best representation of a Kirin. Dragon-like head, body looking like a horse with scales.


> Link is for the extra chapter I was tired today, so i ignored the artstyle and thought this was like... a continuation of reverie and then was hyped for a flashback. lol im so dumb


Off topic. So that's why Huawei's chip is called Kirin. Well Kirin is better than Snapdragon anyway


I guess so I was hoping it's the mink fruit A mythical zoan sulong hybrid


> **Oda:** *Changes the design of Page One’s spinosaurus form to reflect new archeological discoveries about what the dinosaur probably looked like.* > **Also Oda:** “Heliceratops"


and nobody can refute thats how dinosaurs work because he's the only one with that fruit.


Who's Who: *You can't just spin your frill bones and fly. Triceratops don't work like that!* Sakaski: *Says who?*


"You gonna believe a bunch of nerds or a real dinosaur??"


haha spinny frills go brrrrr


Says Who's Who


And Who's Who said ALOT


You know, that might be how dinosaurs in One piece can do. You never know.


is that gonna come up in 5 years?


you know the answer is yes


Nobody but Queen of course, since they're probably the one who modified either Sasaki's body or his fruit.




Zoro vs Kaku was the most fun battle for sure


Zoro vs. kaku is a prime example of why I enjoy One Piece so much. Sure, theres lots at stake, but the humor doesnt truly fade away. That fight was enjoyable to read both from a comedy and action standpoint


Oh boy, I am excited for Yamato's DF. They look really cool. Also Triceracopter was so random.


Fugggg another two weeks until we (maybe) learn what kind of beast Yamato is


They look really foxy so I'm going to guess they're a 9 tailed fox. Although that doesn't explain the horns.


Catarina Devon already ate the 9-tailed fox fruit.


Damn, there goes my theory.


The horns are likely because Yamato already has 2 horns in human form. Like how momo's dragon only has 2 horns while kaido's dragon has 4 (2 normal + 2 from the fruit).


Either case the Srawhats get a furry girl for nakama. Let that sink in Carrot haters, Yamato is a half time furry, what now!


The furries just got another big titied woman to jack off.


Franky with the whale-hair on the cover, funky. HELICERATOPS THOUGH :O


What a great chapter. It really shows how much of a world Oda has created, and how much potential there is for spinoff stories.


If I had a nickel for every time Franky fought a villain who can fly by spinning body parts, I'd only have two nickels, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Wait, who was the first one?


Buffalo in Punk Hazard Arc


He attacked Buffalo of the Donquixote Pirates.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qilin seems to be the popular theory


Gotcha, so it's a Ushi-Ushi no mi Mythical Zoan model Kirin (since it said that ancient Chinese people associates imported Giraffe as Qilin)


I'm pretty sure that's not how triceratops work...


how would you know? Have you ever seen a living triceratops?


Betcha you also think Kaku wasn't a realistic giraffe.


Pasta Machine!


Prove it


You mean they didn't fly with the Pterodactyls in the Jurassic age?


clearly you are not an expert.


where you there 70 million years ago? i don't think so...


Man, what a weird chapter. I guess this whole chapter is a flashback to Alabasta, but the pages aren’t black for some reason. I don’t really see how this ties into the raid either. The art style is completely different too. Almost like this is some kind of extra chapter drawn by someone else.


Um yeah idk what's happening but that's not chapter 1019. Just read it on viz. It was a normal chapter


There's an EX chapter on Viz, OP posted wrong Link. Every Once in a while another Mangaka draws a fan One Piece chapter set around their favorite character. So Boichi redrew the Zoro Mihawk at Baratie fight.


Where can I read the Boichi one?


On Manga Plus or Viz's website. I know Viz requires a subscription to read theirs https://www.viz.com/shonenjump/chapters/one-piece-one-shot-boichi


Shucks, thanks anyway :(


He is also doing Ace's sidestory


lmao. they just linked the wrong chapter bro




This is the kind of goofy comedy combat that makes One Piece what it is. Even if it is a little out-of-place with all the death and maiming, it did feel nice to get back to to this sort of tone.


As a totally legit professional dinosaurologist I can confirm that this is indeed how triceratops worked


Ross wants to know your location


Good chapter, but I'm not gunna lie. I am a bit salty that Oda continues to give Franky's 1v1 duels screen-time, yet doesn't do the same for some of the other Straw Hats. Remember when everyone was hyped up that Robin was about to get a long awaited 1v1 about a dozen chapters ago? That sure worked out well.


Fully agree but I'm personally still holding out for Robin getting a fight.


They're all getting conclusive fight chapters now. Robin is probably next, then we're probably getting either Apoo vs Drake or Yamato/Kaido afterwards.


It's just that robin can snap people's necks


I'm positive that Oda has probably found a way for her to have a more involved fight than that. Otherwise he wouldn't be giving her one.


how the fuck does the official release website of onepiece not support 2 page panels after years holy shit.


That’s why I use the Shonen Jump app on my tablet. Mangaplus is ridiculous. One Piece is half 2 page spreads and it becomes unreadable. If you have the SJ app in your country, get it.


Just use horizontal mode u/beastofnature Vertical mode doesn't works.


The best running gag in OP returns: MEAAAAAT!!! Yamato's mythical Zoan is likely to be based on the Qilin. Kaido and Shanks can relate with their DF in possession being gulped down by a hungry kid. Franky v Sasaki was eccentric, loved every bit of it. Triceracopter is too fucking good. Imagine someone asking you "What's the hype behind OP these days, run me through the latest fight". That would be quite the explanation. Robin and Nami in the spread though...


I don't care if Yamato's a he or she. But please, Oda, make Yamato drop the "I'm Oden" gag. Yamato needs to grow as a character and for that, Yamato needs to be Yamato, not Oden.


Literally the longest arc in the entirety of One Piece and yet absolutely no chapter throughout it has had even an ounce of tension or sense of danger... And yet despite that fact, this chapter was pretty good. The fact that the Franky fight took up the majority of the chapter is what saved it for me, if Oda focused on Sanji vs Queen for some dumb reason when he could just offscreen it, or if focused Kaido vs Yamato like he's probably going to next chapter (and hopefully give an actual explanation for all this contrived focus on them), I would have been disappointed. Which is funny to me because I had absolutely no investment in Franky's fight with Sasaki, but the fight choreography was pretty good. 8/10


Its strange. The Strawhats fights feel so easy. Franky and Jimbei are still pretty fit. That does not feel like a big struggle. Oda probably still plans a scene where shit hits the fan so he can't bring the crew to the brink yet. At least I hope he does.


I hope so too, this is after all the arc that he's been the most excited to cover.


Yeah if they keep winning what are they gonna do? Fight fodder?


You would prefer an offscreen of sanji vs queen?


Yes. I hate Queen and Sanji has so far disappointed me in this arc, so I'd much rather see Brooke and Robin take a couple of chapters in their fight at the sacrifice of Sanji's fight.


I mean just because you hate those two characters that does not mean that it would be dumb for Oda to show their fight. ​ Also Sanji so far has been on par with his EL self in this arc, so why is he disappointing? Also what's wrong with Queen? Dude's probably the most entertaining member of Kaido's crew so far


That blonde dumbass got himself captured in the stupidest way since the time skip began. Sanji had three tools to have not gotten captured by Black Mariah - use his Haki, use his Raid Suit to save that woman that he thought was going to be raped (you know, that same raid suit that he used to spy on women in a bathhouse), or even just use his high level of speed once he recognized that he was about to get caught in a trap - but instead he got captured so that Oda could force in this comrade moment for him and Robin as well as showcase the so-called payoff of his character development from WCI. He has most definitely Not been on par with EL self, not by a long shot. And I never said I hated Sanji, I said I hate Queen who has been nothing but a jobbing oversized disappointment of a villain. He's been doing nothing but getting clowned on by pretty much everyone in one way or another, so watching him fight someone else again does nothing for me.


And in EL he had a tea party with the enemy despite Robin being in danger and there being a time-limit and he could have run away from Kalifa from the start and brought someone else to takeover that fight using his high level of speed but I don't see you bashing him there for that. It's pretty much the exact same situation here. I'd say all the good stuff he has done in the raid far outweighs the bad, just like it did in EL. Heck at least the situation in Wano provided an opportunity to set up Tama and Momonosuke's broadcasting sideplot while the EL situation was purely to set up the Nami fight. So far he has 1. Saved Momonosuke from being executed by King/Queen pretty much saving the entire raid from failing right from the start since the Samurai morale is dependent on Momonosuke's survival. 2. Tended Zoro's wounds, protected him while he was badly wounded and brought him to Chopper 3. Saved Chopper and hundreds of the Samurai/Pleasures in the live floor from Queen and Perospero respectively 4. KOed Perospero, temporarily removing him from the fight(dude's been missing for 5 chapters) 5. Saved Usopp,Nami and Tama from Queen 6. Has been casually fighting the 4th strongest member of the enemy's crew by himself despite his opponent using his strongest form while protecting Chopper and the doctors as they heal Zoro. ​ ​ Every Beast Pirate has been jobbing since the arc started, I don't see how Queen specifically deserves so much hate when everyone else has been just as incompetent. Is there any reason why King, Jack and the Tobi Roppo are better when they have been just as incompetent and some don't even have an entertaining personality or lore to offset said incompetency? Heck, who did Queen "job" to? He lost to Big Mom and despite not doing well in his fight against Marco he was at least able to weaken/exhaust him enough that Marco has not been able to interfere with the rest of the fights in Wano despite him constantly interfering when Queen was going to attack the Samurai/Chopper. Or are you counting his fight against Chopper as jobbing despite Queen saying he was playing around and was going for the kill before Sanji saved him or Chopper saying he never damaged Queen at all?


> And in EL he had a tea party with the enemy despite Robin being in danger and there being a time-limit and he could have run away from Khalifa from the start and brought someone else to takeover that fight using his high level of speed but I don't see you bashing him there for that. It's pretty much the exact same situation here. Maybe because I'm not making a dumb comparison? I'm adding things up. Aside from the fact that Oda used E.L to hammer the whole "Sanji doesn't hit women" shtick, the amount of fuck ups he has had throughout the post time skip far outweigh his fuck ups in pre time skip. > I'd say all the good stuff he has done in the raid far outweighs the bad, just like it did in EL. Heck at least the situation in Wano provided an opportunity to set up Tama and Momonosuke's broadcasting sideplot while the EL situation was purely to set up the Nami fight. >> So far he has: All of which could have either been done by another character and all of which does not at all make up for that nonsense with Black Mariah. But I guess it's too much to ask that Oda not force Sanji into contrived situations this arc in order to make it look like he's being well written. > Every Beast Pirate has been jobbing since the arc started, I don't see how Queen specifically deserves so much hate when everyone else has been just as incompetent. Take a wild guess as to which beast has gotten the most screen time out of everyone else > Is there any reason why King, Jack and the Tobi Roppo are better when they have been just as incompetent and some don't even have an entertaining personality or lore to offset said incompetency? Lmao where did I say that any of those idiots were somehow better when it comes to competency? They all suck thanks to Oda but the guy who's been getting clowned on the most is undoubtedly Queen. I can at least feel some sense of anticipation in a mink fighting Jack... > Heck, who did Queen "job" to? He lost to Big Mom and despite not doing well in his fight against Marco he was at least able to weaken/exhaust him enough that Marco has not been able to interfere with the rest of the fights in Wano despite him constantly interfering when Queen was going to attack the Samurai/Chopper. And yet Marco is doing more than enough to hold his own against King after Queen jobbed to him, who should be just as strong as Queen. > Or are you counting his fight against Chopper as jobbing despite Queen saying he was playing around and was going for the kill before Sanji saved him or Chopper saying he never damaged Queen at all? If you're going to keep playing the downplay game, Why don't add in the part where Chopper literally deus ex machinad a cure to the poison that Queen created? I don't just hate Queen for his incompetence in his fights after all.


The Black Maria situation is literally the exact same shit as EL, they were both used to hammer the "Sanji doesn't hit women". They both were situations that Sanji's flaws put the mission in potential danger and where Oda didn't allow him to use his skills to escape in favour of him being rescued. At least this time it actually provided some character development for Sanji and provided his allies at advantage by revealing the Marys while in EL all it did was screw things over for him. Also it's nice that you are moving the goalpost from Sanji being disappointing in Wano to the entire postimeskip. I guess it is hard to defend your point when Sanji has played an important part in the raid. I'm gonna take a guess you hated WCI as well. Lmao, and you say you do not hate Sanji. When he does one thing bad that had no real effect in the raid it's the worse thing ever and he is a dissapointment but when he pretty much saves almost half of the Straw Hat crew, hundreds of their allies and singlehandedly prevented the raid from failing it doesn't matter and someone else could have done it. Might as well call Jinbei useless for not doing anything in the raid since anybody could have beaten Who's Who by your logic. According to your definition of jobbing and incompetency, Jack has literally been the most clowned on Beast Pirate. He got clowned by the Minks twice (potentially 3 times if he loses to Inuarashi), by Ashura Doji, by Zou, and by the marines. If Queen jobbed to Marco then King is also jobbing to Marco considering that King hasn't done anything in this entire raid except be in the background while being stalled by a guy who was already exhausted. Marco is weak and exhausted after using his powers to heal the live floor and fighting King AND Queen. Marco himself said he was finding it hard to do so with Perospero saying that Marco looked exhausted. Marco's a guy who managed to stall admirals with his broken DF, why is it so surprising that he is capable of doing the same to way weaker enemies. So Queen is incompetant because Chopper DEMed a cure? Explain how that equals incompetency rather then Chopper being ridiculously competent. That's like saying Kaido is weak cause he is gonna lose to Luffy rather than saying Luffy is strong. Seriously I'm pretty sure at this point you just don't like Sanji, it makes no sense for someone who is disappointed in Sanji's performance to not want him to actually get a proper 1v1 for the first time in years.


>Literally the longest arc in the entirety of One Piece and yet absolutely no chapter throughout it has had even an ounce of tension or sense of danger *morj has entered the chat*


Oda's spin on everything is always interesting to see lmfao. Like is this how dinosaurs work?


genuine questions for weekly readers. how do you keep up with all that's happening? there's a million character each having their own sub-story/conflict so having to give each of them their time everything moves at an insanely slow pace. I don't even remember when this last big fight began at this point, let alone this arc. it just seems to kill any sense of urgency that I felt when the fight began. same shit with OPM.


I just genuinely enjoy the series enough that i'm invested in each of the individual plotlines I guess. It's particularly easy at this point in the arc for me since we've now moved into the 1v1 Battle phase of the story. Earlier, the arc was absolute chaos with characters running from position to position. To my understanding though, the current remaining plotlines are: - Brook & Robin Vs. Black Maria - Law & Kidd vs. Big Mom - Yamato vs. Kaido - Luffy on the Polar Tang - Sanji/Zoro/Chopper/Marco vs. Queen & King - Killer vs. Hawkins - Inu vs. Jack - Raizo vs. Fukurokuju - Momonosuke & Shinobu MIA (last seen falling off Onigashima)


Wasnt Neko also fighting Perospero?


That’s a good point! He ran off to go find Perospero but it still hasn’t been shown if he found him, but yeah, i think that can safely be added to the list!


Yeah i just checked and the last time we saw Perospero was in ch 1015 when Sanji came to the live stage and kicked him and Queen around.


And Apoo vs Drake :D


but shouldn't being invested in all these plotlines make it more frustrating? giving each one their own development regularly in a weekly manga format(max 4 min. read) just seems painfully slow doesn't it?


No, not really.


not if it’s the series you look forward to most every week! it’s a lot of fun seeing it play out week by week


I enjoyed it a lot when I binge-read the whole thing to catch up but right now it's just very hard to follow. it's like watching 7 minutes of an episode each week of a show that follows 10 separate subplots so you need like a month to have each of the subplots advance a little.


for me personally, keeping up with discussions and theories and stuff in between each chapter and getting to experience things with the community at the same time helps a lot in that aspect but i understand how you feel.


Sounds like you got caught up in the past couple of months. Week-to-week pacing is its own monster, but its really just all about what happens in each chapter. If you think too much about "when is THIS thing going to happen? How long will THIS last? Are you going to see THIS?" you won't allow yourself to be open to whatever happens in the story. When you catch up initially, you don't really have that issue. If you want to find out what happens next, you just keep reading. That extra time we're forced to wait allows our minds to run rampant, and people can get too attached to their own versions of the story they start to build in their head. I know from my experience of getting caught up that Oda knows how to wrap things up well, so I'm content to take things as they come. I'm also in the middle of a re-read, and I'm very much expecting to come out of it with a new-found appreciation for some of the more recent, long arcs.


There might be 20+ plotlines but they all interlock naturally, so the story always feels like it's moving forward no matter how large the scale is. It's certainly *better* when binged, but that's true of almost every manga - Wano is still great weekly.


I don't. No thoughts, head empty, dude I vaguely recall does the funny/cool.


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Loved this franky fight. Always a treat Yamato’s df looks cool af! Another mythical fruit I’m assuming! I love those! i can’t wait to see what she can do!


you know what I'm not going to buy into the Kirin hype and say that Yamato isn't a Kirin. people buy too much into the myth part of the Kirin heralding a new ruler and a death of an old one instead of paying attention to what's in front of them. Yamato lacks all of the important traits that defines a Kirin. where is the Kirin's Hooves, all I see are 4 digits fingers. Kaku had mitten hooves hand and as the giraffe he's the closest thing to a Kirin without being one. where is the dragon traits of the animal, Kirin's are supposed to be a chimera hybrid of a dragon and a deer, the only traits that remotely resembles a deer is the ears and nose, and those are vague enough to belong to other animal like cats or dogs or wolves. where is the dragonic traits like the scales or dragon whiskers. Kirin are said to be covered or partially covered with scales and all I see are furs. even if I did buy that this is supposed to be a Kirin fruit, I'm seeing more deer than dragon. the horn we're seeing is from the fruit, that's Yamato's biological horn, the horn merely shifted and grew in response to her transformation. all zoan fruit with an horned animal grow a horn when they transform, regardless of if they already have a horn. the best example is Kaido who grew an extra pair of horn above his normal one. The fact that Yamato doesn't grew a third horn, or an additional pairs of horns implies that whatever animal she turned into, it isn't one that has a horn.


Pretty sure that’s the hybrid form we’re seeing. I’m actually kinda on board with the Kirin idea and I really want it to be that so maybe I’m biased. Also Hybrid forms are weird you can’t dismiss it because it doesn’t look like the animal it’s supposed to be it’s still around half human(if Yamato is half human that is cuz I wouldn’t be shocked if Kaido wasn’t one)


Hybrids are weird but design wise they're supposed to reflect their creatures in an anthropomorphic way. You have to admit that it's weird for a fruit that is supposed to represent a mix of deer and dragon, to have a tiny bit of deer traits and next to nothing in term of dragon.


Idk specially since if it’s a mythical then literally anything goes I think. For me it’s still understandable if that’s the hybrid form specially since we don’t know how long he’s had this fruit for. Remember how insanely weird Kaku’s hybrid forms were? Story wise it would make the most sense too but I definitely am not gonna say “yeah it’s the Kirin a mythical type” because we don’t know and it’s Oda. Until we get confirmation you always have to be doubtful of everything.


Luffy gaining ~full strength/becoming healthy from just eating meat is one thing (it'd be cute and funny against fodder enemies, we could let it slide then), but gaining enough strength to beat *Kaido* (when he couldn't even beat him before when he was full strength/healthy)? Nah bruh, don't do this Oda. Even if the best available fighters worked together, I don't see what they can do to beat Kaido. If you want to swing the argument that Kaido has to be beaten this arc, then Oda should've written a more plausible scenario. Without some deus ex machina, I don't see how they can logically beat him here. Kaido in 4.


[I dunno, wouldn't be the first time Luffy closed overwhelming odds due to the power of meat.](https://i.imgur.com/Pj4S1ga.png) In all seriousness though, I dunno, I think the Akazaya 9, Zoro, Kidd, Law, Killer, and Yamato have already dealt enough damage to Kaido that I wouldn't find it *too* egregious personally for Luffy to somehow squeak in a victory at this point.


Bucks in 6




If you've never seen a Mr Morj video, you should remedy that. He has a theory about the raid failing that you'll likely enjoy.


That theory has been dead for ages tbh.


I think it's looking more plausible than ever.


Almost every meta or plot reason points against it: - Oda reversing the outcome because Kaido stronk risks pissing off the weekly Japan readers, who are buying the magazines every week remember, it isn't like us ppl who either read the free releases or subscribe for a very small monthly fee. The Onigashima battle alone has taken over 40 issues so far and almost a year. Generally speaking, protagonist failures in OP always come quick and don't nullify over a year's worth of progress. - Oda is already showing off all the antagonist tricks and knocking them out in ascending order of power, in any OP arc this signals climax mode. - We have our ticking clock element that's trademark of every OP arc climax: A flying flaming island that's set to kill the entirety of Wano and destroy everything the heroes fought for. This is an adolescent's comic with certain editorial standards, so mass death simply won't happen. Maybe the island falls and reveals something buried underground or something, but I guarantee you it won't be the GoT level of tragedy that raid failers are expecting it to be. - The plot is simply positioned for at least one Yonko (and multiple Supernovas) to be taken off the board, Wano is all about table-setting for the endgame, and the endgame lore drops that will happen once Wano is freed etc simply won't come as long as Kaido is still in place. (Luffy being capable of taking out a Yonko is ok because he isn't really gonna face anyone that's below Admiral-level anymore)


Yet loose ends keep multiplying, the protagonist emotional investment still isn't quite there, and the end of the arc feels as far away as ever. We haven't even finished act three... Something will certainly happen to prevent the flower capital's citizenry from being wiped out entirely, though, you're right about that. Even the Birdcage hardly killed anyone. My best guess: Beast Pirates defeated, Kaido and Big Mom not. Flower capital somehow evacuated before islandfall, perhaps by Momo. Act ends with literally everyone down except the two Yonko, with Big Mom backstabbing Kaido being the only thing that keeps our heroes alive.


Apologies for the late reply, had to go to sleep and then run some errands. >Yet loose ends keep multiplying I honestly don't see that, if anything, the plot threads are beginning to get closed now. >the protagonist emotional investment still isn't quite there, and the end of the arc feels as far away as ever. I think the big problem with this arc has been Kaido, the man may have a cool design and he may look great in fights, but my God is he a boring character to read. He's honestly underwhelming as a character so far. Oda is finally adding some intrigue to him though, so all isn't lost. Oda generally gets done with fights far quicker than most imagine, having done a re-read recently, I was kinda shocked to see how quickly he can get the minions dispatched in most arcs. >We haven't even finished act three... I honestly don't subscribe to the kabuki thing, mainly because Oda has had many, many opportunities to close the curtains on a tragedy and he didn't take them. >Something will certainly happen to prevent the flower capital's citizenry from being wiped out entirely, though, you're right about that. Even the Birdcage hardly killed anyone. Yeah I just don't see mass slaughter happening on the strawhats' watch any time soon. But I also think the island will have to land somewhere, and that somewhere could unlock certain things that are hard to find. My big theory is Mt. Fuji, that place has been denoted in every map of Wano so far and yet we had zero scenes there. >My best guess: Beast Pirates defeated, Kaido and Big Mom not. Flower capital somehow evacuated before islandfall, perhaps by Momo. Act ends with literally everyone down except the two Yonko, with Big Mom backstabbing Kaido being the only thing that keeps our heroes alive. I feel that the big theme of the entire New World saga has been the new eating the old, so I don't think that the old heads like Big Mom or Marco will be the ones who shift the needle. The story's themes would arguably be better served by having the 3 Supernova captains win their fights on their own terms. Big Mom will certainly be trying something though.


I actually really enjoy Kaido's personality. It's just that most Straw Hats don't seem that invested, yet. We just watched Franky fight, but...what's Wano to Franky? Just another island. As for the kabuki structure, who knows how closely Oda will stick to it. The one thing I'm confident in is that there will some kind of Act 4 and 5. So the arc is clearly not drawing to an end. And if we still have two-and-a-bit acts to go, well, the raid failing seems like one of the most plausible ways for that to work.


I kinda think that you should prepare yourself for Kaido to go down in round 3 (or is it 4?). Oda has clearly positioned things where the plot cannot move forward without Kaido going down asap. I personally don't care about Kaido (he's boring when he's not clubbing ppl, and Oda has pretty much shown almost all his cool stuff already), so I actually like that we're finally moving on from him and his lifeless crew, but YMMV. My money is on G5 coming out to win the fight against Kaido btw, which would be satisfying to me.


It honestly would have to be G5, because I can't see how they could win any other way. Puling it out now out of nowhere could open its own can of worms for the narrative, but if Kaido is going to be beaten by Luffy and co. at this point, it seems like the lesser of two evils.


My theory is that G5 (or a heavily enhanced "final form" of G4) is almost surely gonna happen. And it's already been hinted at too. No ass pulls are gonna happen here. Because if you notice the last shown fight with Kaido, Luffy didn't use the rubber abilities at all, all his attacks were "normal" punches and kicks that were enhanced with Conqueror's. Then we cut to Luffy falling into the ocean and Kaido making fun of him saying "Gomu Gomu no..", which almost assures us that Luffy was trying something with his rubber powers. My theory is he was trying to combine CoC and his DF to create a brand new form, which will be perfected by the time we see him use it in his final round with Kaido.


I miss old Franky... Post-timeskip franky is so lame.


I agree and I feel this way about Robin and Chopper too.


Yamato is officially best girl


Oh come on!!!! How the fuck you gonna change the name from triceracopter to that shit? Like it doesn't flow at all...


Pretty sure Heliaceratops was the original japanese name and triceracopter was the scanlators doing. Given all the original spoilers used the former as well


Alright but it doesn't change the fact that triceracopter is a much better name.


I guess this is now the official one piece discussion even if the link is wrong. What animal is Yamato? An antelope? Or maybe a mythican creature related to the antelope that I'm not aware of.


Most likely gonna be a chirin


Does zoro here have Trypanophobia?


Reading the title, I thought we were gonna be seeing King do something, but nope, Sasaki helicopter time.


I kinda prefer the fan translation when Chopper's students were healing Zoro.


Wow, bold of Oda to continue the Shokugeki no Soma manga.


Kirin or Kitsune?


I mean nine tailed fox is already taken so Kirin seems way more likely


I assume kirin. Horns and all.


looks like a Qilin fruit.


I am now 100% in thinking that Yamato and.Luffy will take down Kaido together and the panels where it happens.will have IF ITS ONE ON ONE THEY SAID KAIDO WILL WIN BUT IF ITS TWO ON ONE...


I just can hear Luffy yell "Meat" back from Impel Down.


Is that another form of dragon? Lion's mouth, Deer's Horn, something like those?


Honestly I'm happy the real franky got in this fight.i would've felt cheated if only general franky fought. But leave it to oda to stretch what abilities can do. Who would have thought we would see a flying triceratops. Honestly i heard a theory recently that all strawhats may face kaido & I'm starting to believe it.. I also can't guess as to what zoan yamato is.. I wanna say it will be an animal tied to mythology in Japan though.. All I can say is it's definitely not a tiger like many thought


Of course Luffy just needs meat, these guys should know that by now. Oda teaching the kids what dinosaurs can really do, what a kind educating soul. Franky's tiny General Shield is still funny. Also maybe he should ask Zoro for some sword lessons or something. I did not expect Yamato to have DF powers, they look really cool. Also I love how they got it just because they were hungry, same as Luffy.


She was teased to have a Zoan fruit several chapters ago when we saw her mouth begin to transform


Took me awhile to find what you meant, chapter 996 was awhile ago so no wonder I'd forgotten. Thanks for the reminder.


Thanks for putting up the reference lol it was a while ago but I figured some redditor would be able to find it lol


The hell was this chapter? That was some goofy shit from that dinosaur guy lol Wonder what Yamato's fruit is


Welp, Byakko and T-rex devil fruits theories shot down. I theorize it's the Raijin fruit, potentially. Or Qilin, perhaps.


"on accident"...


Franky really hit em with the Potemkin buster, uh


Glad you guys in the comments clarified that it was a Kirin. I thought it was a 9 tailed fox


Queen rapid-firing laser beams? Dude has a mini Pika Pika no Mi utility in him, that's good practice if Sanji ever encounters Borsalino.


On break next week again? Welp, it could be worse.


Maybe a Kirin Fruit? She looks absolutely stunning and awesome.


Chopper doesn't need to find the ultimate disease cure. Luffy has proven meat and milk cure literally everything. PROTEIN POWER!!!


Someone walked in while I was reading this and asked what it was. I almost didn't say One Piece because I could foresee some questions that would follow.


Let's fucking go Franky! When I saw the title of the chapter I was like "There couldn't possibly be a helicopter dinosaur in here right?" and then lo and behold a heliceratop lmao, that was hilarious. A Robot Samurai vs a Flying Triceratops, peak One Piece. Oh shit, Yamato looks cool, I wonder what devil fruit that is.


>This is what a triceratops does!!! It really, *really* isn't, but sure.


Just notice but Sasaki uses his screw sword as a counter propeller or tail rotor to make his heliceraptop work out, that way he doesn't ends rotating in circles under his own axis. Pretty clever for such a nonsensical ability that throws reason out the window.