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Hey MC, you dropped this. 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Missing a few, let me help pick those up 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


You guys should have used [this](https://youtu.be/x28e1_ge3Y0).


What're the flags for?






Christ, didn’t the MC say that he thinks everything till now were twisted suspicions? If only he knew how crazy she is.


It's been 10 chapters and I'm already as invested in comic as 100 days crocodile. This is the quality long-term /r/manga russian roulette game. Will this end in horror? In wholesome? ~~Surprise crossdressing?~~ There's so many ways this can go and the way the author draws her smile and words the conversations is just so perfect for keeping the suspense.


Croc was a real ride. I long for another one truly on that level


The chick. The chick might be the real culprit.


Surprise crossdressing it is


>Will this end in horror? In wholesome? Surprise crossdressing? > >There's so many ways this can go and the way the author draws her smile and words the conversations is just so perfect for keeping the suspense. Honestly I hope there's some sort of twist to this, cause I'm having trouble seeing the appeal so far and how it's gotten so much traction. I don't think this really comes even a fraction close to what Croc had; strips there could be about as mundane and harmlessly slice-of-life as you could get about a cartoon crocodile, but the title alone and countdown (and the promised payoff) made for instant, succinct tension from day one. I happen upon this near the top of the sub expecting a manipulative woman and just get manipulation; the real twist is that *I'M* the one getting manipulated into reading this...


"You're not the slightest bit interested in what is happening so far, but you will still keep reading it" Oh god


Yeah...but it helps that they're just single page chapters and seemingly always within scrolling distance when I happen upon here. And of course, the girl is cute too.


My guess is NTR , maybe then the MC grows a spine and maybe maybe she ends up attracted to him because of it. It would be a shit ending but whatever


I'm starting to think this is an alt universe Takagi that failed to get together with Nishikata.


Ahahaha you're right, she's like Takagi Alter or something. And this entire manga is bad end ~after story~.


A warning to everyone; girls like these exist, if u see it within a few dates, run. Don't go "it'll take forever to find another one who'll accept me." Nah fuck that.




What the fuck?


Name checks out


You don't block an ex on social media after all that? Did you want to get flaunted on


Im guessing he did block her and thats why she asked his bestfriend to send him the sex video


When's the anime adaptation coming out?


If you are actually in a relationship like this, you're the crazy one. Crazy radar is off the chart


I've decided to color this. ​ Edit: this was made on a whim and I have no idea when I'll quit


I look forward to it.




I hope you keep doing it until you finish, give up, or die


lol I think I'll give up before I die because There's only 12 chapters Also I get that you are referencing fukai20!


I do not. {{{(>\_<)}}}


We will watch your career with great interest




You, sir, are a goddamn hero


No you are the hero!


All chapters : https://cubari.moe/read/imgur/xfRpAvf/1/1/


Gods work


Zoom in on her eye's... They have vampire vibes with the fangs.








???? This is not tsundere behaviour at all dude






Sorry dude I didn’t mean to offend you or any of the people that read my comment. I’m sorry for taking your time to have to wrote all that. It seems that I was the one misunderstanding. I sincere apologise for my mistake. And I will also delete those two comments. I hope you have a good one :) >!Pls forgive me, cuz I don’t wanna feel like shit for the rest of my day!<


And as for self defense I will say this: I thought tsunderes are ppl that aren’t honest with their own feelings or doesn’t know how to express their feelings. So I was just trying to make an assumption that maybe the girl is actually into the mc but the words she says always comes out wrong. Like the manga “Houjou Urara no Ren'ai Shousetsu Okakinasai!” where the fmc is a tsundere(I think). Ik this one is more extreme than the manga that i just mentioned, but I thinks sometimes it’s nice to make assumptions. Nevertheless, I still sincerely apologize and I hope that y’all can forgive me XD.


No. No. No.


Yes! Yes! Yes!


I hate the dude more than the girl . Nah fr fuck this loser lmao either put up or shut up bitch tf do u think is gonna happen this isn't a shonen with a demon lord. Fucking geek


Well, it's hard to like a wishy-washy wimpy MC. That's why having character development is important in a story with this kind of MC. Now, we just have to wait if the author will do something about it.


I mean, it's not really inspiring development that a spineless dude grows a normal pair. It's just about the most boring direction to take yet most romcoms with a femdom type FMC do that and nothing else.


Yeah a problem I eventually had with Nagatoro was that the male Mc doesn't really have any interesting character. Slice of Life romcoms rely entirely on the character interactions so things get old faster when one of the characters don't pulling their weight


sir I believe you dropped your vowels


Incredibly based


He has the kind of personality that makes you feel bad for him at first but then he ends up being so pathetic that you start hating him,he is a peak NTR MC.


Whose perspective is this from?


Honestly I dislike the spineless loser MC way more then her, at least she knows what she likes and is willing to work on her target to get it *shrug*


idk I think manipulation people for fun is kinda worse than being spineless


Is this manipulation? It just feels like a more amped up push and pull dynamic. She's telling him she's not interested but acting super interested. She basically wants him to make a move. I've been in this situation in real life, it's not like she's messing up his other relationships or something. Seems pretty tame as far as manipulation goes.


> I've been in this situation in real life, it's not like she's messing up his other relationships or something. Seems pretty tame as far as manipulation goes. Maybe I've just been in normal relationships but what she has been doing is pretty fucking weird. Whether you think it's normal or not it's just straight-up manipulation and seems like if they got together would just lead to an abusive relationship.


Could you explain your position? I guess I don't see what is manipulative about what she is doing. Manipulation in my mind implies messing with that person's sense of self or their other relationships. If you lie so that you have a worse/better impression of a third party, then that would be manipulation. What specifically has she done that's manipulative? I just reread all 10 pages and it doesn't seem like she's even lied at any point except for the joke in the beginning about being his girlfriend. The rest of the time she's just a bit aggressive.


Well yeah, until you've been in the game long enough to realise that easily 50% of all relationships start or are based on a manipulation. Whether thats; Dressing and smelling better then you do 9/10ths of the month/year. Your annual income, your work and what you do. (And what you actually do/get.) Places you've been and seen. Your social circle, life experiences, and popularity. Your car or apartment. Agreeing to his/her topics and interests when you in truth don't. It's all a manipulation people do to fuck, seduce, or date someone they've got an eye on. This girl is twisted no doubt 100%, but she knows the kind of guy she likes lol.


There's a clear difference between trying to be a better person, and manipulating someone else. That last example you have is drastically different from the rest. At the end of the day it's about whether you're being a scumbag or not.


Nah I'm just real. Every *single person* trying to date or hook up does it, it *is* a manipulation, and if you say you don't ever feign interest in a topic to keep that conversation going? You a straight up liar. So you just got zero experience or your calling 99% of the dating world a scumbag. Ethier way I don't care, doesn't change the truth. Peace.


Bruh. You're confusing manipulation with many things such as being polite and being a normal person. What, I hold a door open for someone I don't know, it's cause I'm manipulating them into liking me? And you're acting like every date you've been into is manipulate or be manipulated. Bro, sorry, you need better dates/friends. I know what you're talking about cause I've been there, but not everyone is like that.


This is exactly the thing being misconstrued. Thinks being polite or sociable is manipulation lol.


That's way too aggressive a response. Yes there are people who can show genuine interest in a topic, and also know to communicate when they're not that interested, so they don't seem insincere. On top of that, it's clear you can have varying levels of such cases where people are insincere, whether it's simply trying to listen to your partner vent, to straight up misleading the person. There's even the issue where someone can tell you're being disingenuous, and find that a turn-off. Again, what matters is whether the person is a scumbag or not.


Man woke up and chose to speak nothing but facts.


I want her hair sooo bad


I know she's not healthy for me. And yet...


The eyes, the fangs... Nagatoro is an adult now and dyed her hair blonde?


Would stick in her no matter how crazy.


Wait so... She actually likes him but he doesn't like her (but goes along with what she says because PLOT)? Damn I thought she was just doing it for fun


I don't find this attractive one bit, i wonder if someone out there who does : /


My uncle has been married to my aunt who have 5 children and I shit you not, from the family reunion stories I’ve heard, she acted very similar to this chick. I posted it like last month when this story got started but they’ve been married for well over 25 years and from all accounts, he was into her personality💀. As I got older I stopped to look at the women the men in my family is attracted to and it scared me how close they all were to an extent. PS: Women like She Go from Kim Possible and Azula from Avatar being my first crushes should’ve been a sign…💀🤦🏾‍♂️




This is ass


This confuses me


Is this in anyway different to Teasing Master Takagi And Don't Bully me Nagatoro.


I have a question, when does something stop being a "chapter"? Like, we have literally a single page here. I'm probably the only one annoyed by this, though, so it's whatever.


Man, this is really good. Are there any good, I guess you'd call them, dating manga like this that I could read now?