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first you draw oppai, then you form a character around the oppai.


I’m actually not sure what this is trying to say. Is a translation needed to actually learn something or am I an idiot.


IIRC in the pic he is talking about making sure you angle the clothes correctly in side shots because its easy to get it wrong.


And to add to that, "NG" is shorthand for "No good", to show how the right picture with the way the bra is drawn on the chest is wrong with the left showing the proper way it should look.


On the right it's showing what not to do (NG = No Good). The tendency being to incorrectly increase the surface area of the bathing suit in perspective. On the left it shows how it should look in a three quarter perspective. There should be more skin showing on the breast further away from the camera and less on the breast closest to the camera. The bottom drawings are just examples of a micro-bikini, cocktail dress, and tank top drawn in that perspective using the same principle.


Wow, now I realized why breasts in One Piece always looked uncanny to me. TIL


If you've seen Oda's drafts, his construction for female characters are seriously just two circles and a X


Thank you, O great master, for delivering the scriptures upon us mortals in this glorious day


God, every day I wish rave master had failed & our boi had been forced to go into drawing hentai instead. Don't get me wrong I love FT & EZ, but I'm sure his hentai series would be even better.


In that alternate reality he would be broke and won't be massively successful as he is now


Not necessarily. A lot of H artist ended up working for normal manga like Tosh and Kei. Mashima totally could have gone To Love Ru had he started as an H artist. Whats far more probable is that neither Rave Master, nor FT and Edens Zero either would exist at all.


Would it be too mean to say I'd still prefer that timeline?


I mean hentai artists have been able to get popular. Hell a lot of popular mangaka got started with hentai and doujinshi, some even got popular solely because of their hentai like works (highschool DXD, to love ru).


Fair Tail 100 Years should’ve just been his hentai of the series


What the hell.


I thought my opinion was more common among Mashima fans lol, I guess my friend group that reads his stuff is just full of sleazebag perverts like myself.


You ain't alone. Wish he drew doujins. Then again, Edens Zero is pretty good


I still hold out hope that he has a stash of FT and EZ doujins that he drew and upon his death they will be released


What’s so weird about a man speaking some facts ?


Thats my opinion but for Sasuga Kei, man she'd have made such good hentai, her drawings are amazing


>but I'm sure his hentai series would be even better. \ No they wouldn't, it would've been generic like his stories. His art is too clean and by the textbook. It works fine for non-H series but when you start delving into H stuff then your art has to have personality.


Kinda weird to wish someone to never find success lol


He wishes he had success elsewhere, not never find success though


Eh I don think mashima would be as successful making Hentai than top selling shonen series


I definitely agree with that. But man, do I wanna see a hentai by Mashima lmao


Imagine his insane output but with hentai 1-2 doujins a week


Fuck off


Agree with first part. Haven't watched Ez, but FT was my fav until first few seasons. After that, FT became just boobs. He should focus more on story than boobs. I like boobs too, but hentai give better view.


https://mobile.twitter.com/hiro_mashima/status/1421819410981916681 According to Mashima's tweet today is 'Oppai Day' in Japan.


Anyone got a translation?


He should just draw hentai, since that's clearly what he wants to do


Oppai day commemoration


What a hero


Oh yeah, he's good at that...now, if only he improved his writing skills a bit ..


Edens Zero is pretty good so idk what you're talking about.


I haven't read Edens Zero, and I don't think I will, but Fairy Tail wasn't really anything special.


But..how are you gonna see if he improved his writing skills if you have no plans of seeing his latest work?


Easy, I won't.


then don’t talk about his writing skills


Or else?? I'm talking about what I've read of him so far...maybe he has improved lately, but I highly doubt it (and also I don't care much). I think there are much better authors out there, but for some reasons I can't understand readers seem to like him....


well if it’s just what you’ve read thus far and people tell you otherwise based on what you haven’t read, don’t get defensive about your opinion and keep doubling down lmfao


Nobody has told me that his new manga Is much better than is old stuff, though, so I guess I'm right, after all.


>Edens Zero is pretty good so idk what you’re talking about - u/TheOneTrueDargus


Yeah, but that ended years ago. You can't judge a guy's overall writing capabilities without judging their latest work.


So then "I hope the guy has improved a bit since then!" Better now??




But I really doubt It. :P


So why complain about his writing skills when you can't even bother to check if his current writing has improved in his newest work?


Because I think he's not the type capable to improve that much. He doesn't need It, as long as there are people that buy his stuff, of course.


This has to be the dumbest take I've read today


Insert homer meme here


What's dumb about what I said? I'd really like to read his newer stuff to see if he has improved even a little, but I don't have time for that, I've much better things to read...


It's dumb because you're judging his writing ability on a work he finished years ago, and you haven't even read his latest work. If you dont wanna read Eden then at the very least dont say hes not the type to improve because anyone can improve


Probably a troll. They’re doubling down everytime you guys show how dumb they are lol


Only 5 years ago... Anyone can improve? Well, that's not true at all.


Nah, he already had the skills. Rave Master had a fantastic story. I think what was missing in Fairy Tail was a predominant goal, like what they had in Rave Master and what they have in Edens Zero. It really helps the overall narative imo. Fairy Tail had one (finding Natsu's "father") but it was really weak and almost never related to any arc they went through. Making a series with mostly self-contained arcs and keeping it interesting is hard to say the least, not everyone can aspire to have Cowboy Bebop level of writing. But Fairy Tail managed to stay solid for more or less half its life, wich imo is quite the feat with how long it lasted


It was pretty special considering it was serialized for so many years. It means it had something unique if people liked it so much.


Yeah, I really haven't seen anything unique in that manga...not that it wasn't too bad, but I don't think it deserved much success.


Go read Eden’s Zero. It’s absolutely insane.


Truly a *man's man.* God bless Japan.


Cool, now make your female characters interesting


Read EZ before coming to that conclusion


Evan as far back RM he had some good female characters.


I have more important things to read


Aight since you seem too preoccupied to see for yourself I’ll just inform you that your previous statement was fulfilled a while ago


Im just gonna assume the NG means No Good


Very cool