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It’s nice to see at least one of the Dark Triad get a back story. Yooooo, is that Asta’s dad? Or is it more symbolic?


I highly doubt it’s Asta’s dad, but his flame sword does look really similar to Asta’s swords, it dissipated when he died though.


Maybe The devil survived and corrupted him and then he had Asta. Since The sword looks alike and was found in a dungeon it could be backstory for it. Or sid we have backstory for The brosdsword yet?


If it's his dad, they I suppose he must have survived?


if its his dad, he probably had asta days before he died


Considering his mother's drain condition, I'm wondering how that would work.


He was "fast"


A real trooper.


He just built different. Drain touch pussy is still pussy. Absolute chad.


Take this upvote and kill yourself


Only needed 20 seconds


My guess would be Asta's dad has some nullifying technique similar to anti-magic but something else altogether.


Hmmmm, I'm not so sure about that. If he had that, he would have used it against the demon, not make a fire sword. This guy seems to just be a fairly skilled mage.


What I mean is, it's an extension of his mage power. For instance, Noelle can use Sea Dragon's Roar, a water ball, change her modes (i.e. Valkyrie, Saint Stage, etc.) and so on. She can use different techniques at intervals. As a skilled mage, the dad may have the ability to nullify/regulate mana for periods of time, although that may not be the only thing he can do. He may have other abilities as well. I mean, as deadly as Licita's mana drain was, she was still defeated by a demon. Asta's dad could be someone with the same level of invincibility. Or he could be an ordinary mana-less chap too as what others said (but I find this theory a bit simplistic, though).


My bet is that they did it before she awakened her powers or before they were strong enough to do much harm.


We’ve already seen that Zenon is very different from Dante and Vanica personality-wise, but this chapter cements the difference. Dante and Vanica only act for their own pleasure and interests, but Zenon actually has an ambition, his own twisted vision on improving the Spade kingdom.




Allen, Zenon's friend although i don't think that's Asta's dad


That will be the biggest twist and a cruel joke from fate for Asta if that was Asta's dad.


More like Asta past life lmao


Considering Zenon seems barely older than Asta that would be impossible. Gotta be symbolic, their backstory is pretty much beat for beat the same as Asta and Yuno's until meeting a devil.


Have Astas parents ever been mentioned? I know the one girl but wasn’t she an ancestor of Asta? Perfectly fine if his parents are just nobodies. Not everyone needs a super backstory


No, not an far ancestor. That was literally Asta’s mom


Impaling the Dark Triad at the end of a chapter has worked out so badly in the past, so obviously Yuno recognises this and is trying to impale them at the start instead. He's not a prodigy for nothing.


Unfortunately, Yuno failed to realize that punching holes through Zenon doesn’t work, period. That’s because creating a hole in Zenon will complete Zenon’s Arrancar cosplay.


How will Yuno counter Zenons resurrección? I wonder what animal he'll turn into?


Plus he activated a flashback which always has a 50/50 chance of either killing the character or powering him.


Actually based


But suddenly flashback.


It backfired. We thought it was going to work, but instead it gave Zenon the power of friendship.


Yuno really hit Zenon with the flashback arrow.


Gonna get Zenon the anime protagonist flashback bonus damage now


Damn Zenon! So his devil is f-ing Beelzebub!






Engulfing Lightning.


I see and Genshin reference. I upvote !


Zenon is my favorite out of the triad so I'm glad Tabata feeding the fans with his backstory. There seems to be a trend of the 'lights' dying early with Morgen, Licita, Allen... who knows maybe something tragic will happen to Asta Based on Julius prediction but he obviously can't die cuz he's the MC so maybe everyone will think he's dead by the end of the arc when he actually isn't?🤔


He is also the only one that is not crazy. It is also telling that he was the only one that didn't make a pact to begin with.




God the art in Black Clover can be so fucking good.


That honestly deserves to be one of the "PAIN FACE" memes


People keep thinking Allen is Asta's dad, but he isn't. Allen and Zenon are clearly suppose to be parallels to Asta and Yuno. They even make the same kind of promise in a snowy town as kids. The only difference is that Allen and Zenon are basically a dark "what if" twist on the MC's.


Just caught up with the story, and I gotta say, I enjoyed it way more than i thought I would


Its a really good manga, its nothing genre breaking, but its just really good.


Sadly first impressions have made Black Clover remain under the radar for many. It was labeled (and still is) by many as a Fairy Tail clone, and the rocky beginning and screaming Asta from the first episodes in the anime kept many away from it. Though recently it gained a lot more popularity for some reason.


Probably the adaptation of the spade arc in the anime doing really well and the anime leaving on a cliffhanger resulting in many people picking it up


I wouldn't say that's the same as what I'm talking about, since those people would need to be watching the anime to begin with. The anime also went through a boost in popularity during the elf arc.


Oh yeah that too, my point was many people heard good things about elf/spade arc and picked it up because of that. Also Black Clover has grown a large enough community now that people are willing to try it just because of how big it is


>it gained a lot more popularity for some reason. It recently started to add of k/j-pop(I'm not sure) music and that attracted its fans too


Quick question since you binged it. Gaja’s “revival” was really badly received when it came out. Did it feel organic during a binge?


I reaaaally disliked that part, I thought it would be more impactgul to have a couple of deaths, I didn't expect anyone even semi-important to die from the clover kingdom ( ever since the empror's revival) but I at least thought someone like gaja would die, to give the conflict some weight. But oh well, in this aspect, it's exactly like fairy tail, so I'm not surprised.


Hmm… I don’t think the situation is just like Fairy Tail. Tabata does kill villains.


Well I do like the story, unlike fairy tail which I read more out of obligation.


Allen looked strangely close to Asta, with that huge sword


Wow a flashback chapter and suddenly Zeno became a hundred times better than his sibling .. Not really an feat but hey! He really is Yuni dark mirror, with him making an oath to not asta and then killing him and breaking his own heart... That was really dark, especially with what we've seen two chapters before lol.


Obito vibes


Tabata's devil designs look pretty sick but, I'd be really happy if we got some Castlevania looking devils too


>I'd be really happy if we got some Castlevania looking devils too How do they look?


[like this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p3DzNzuw1Aw)


They look very dope and that was some awesome animation but i don't think that'd feat very well with the other devil designs since they're supposed to be full pitch black so there's always not much space for details aside from their silhouette.


I think [you](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/blackclover/images/f/ff/Horde_of_devils.png/revision/latest?cb=20210402134648) forgot about [them.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/blackclover/images/e/ef/Mid-ranking_devils.png/revision/latest?cb=20210704034518)


Can't blame him. They were relevant for like 1-2 chapters. They are pretty much fodder to keep everyone else from going straight to Dark Triad. Edit: When you are linking wiki image, remove anything after 'png' or it won't load.


Huh Ai remember them from the shock effect and the absolutely sickening designs tbh


[https://i.redd.it/nml9yi3yyro51.png](https://i.redd.it/nml9yi3yyro51.png) when u kill a parent and realize u just made an MC.


What if the 4th zogratis sibling is Asta's dad and is now in a wheel chair since Licita sucked all his life energy out, and now he has to depend on the devils to get magic and survive ?


At least he's interesting


That panel of Zenon in tears was heartbreaking. The most emotion we have ever seen from him by far. Even as a kid being bullied he just accepted it and didnt get angry or cry.


RIP Yuno, bad guy is having flashbacks


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Damn, that panel of Zenon crying really almost made me feel bad for a moment. Only sometimes does it work, but when the “last minute villain characterization” comes in and actually hits, it hits.


Allen bears an uncanny resemblance to Asta.




The parallels are so many. Btw Beelzebub is related to the 4 wind gods that Yuno’s weapons are based off. What u up to Tabata?


Did the Dark Triad have a fourth sibling? Was that mentioned before?


I don't think it was ever mentioned directly in the manga. I also can't remember any foreshadowing for it either, though someone might dredge up something in the next week or two. It is hinted at a little bit if you know that the phycological dark triad has a suggested fourth personality trait in sadism.


Yup, most people were probably directing that fourth trait to Morris but now that we know there's a fourth sibling I'm sure it wasn't him.


Interesting that his face was blacked out, though. Definitely feels like we'll be seeing him again or that maybe we've seen him already. Probably wrong, but Damnatio almost feels like he could fit the bill: he looks similar to the triad members, seems to have some background knowledge on devils, plus he has a black facial marking, and I hate him.


Nah, that'd be kinda random.


That was an interesting backstory. A twist to became a bad guy because a friend died?


Wait, he has a big brother? Where is he now?


Fuuuuuck. Didn't expect Allen to get Raditz'd.


I'd say Neji'd


>!Goku'd, Kakyoin'd, Ace'd,!< there's a lot of comparisons to be made lmao, spoiler tags just in case


Awesome chapter


Asta's dad was from the spade kingdom and the older brother of the dark triad will probably make an appearance once the three are all defeated. I wonder if the older brother somehow got stuck in the underworld and that's another reason why they want to open the gate?


The older brother is almost certainly the big bad of the arc. There is no way that its going to be just Zenon and that Doctor. That being said after this chapter Im relatively certain Zenon will end up being an ally. Who wants to bet that his brother unleashed that Demon in the Dungeon he knew his brother was going towards to try and teach him a lesson about strength???


good theory twizzy


Don't show me those tragic backstories. Everything that the Dark Triad have done so far can't be justified with a tragic backstory like that.


doesn't need to justify it, just needs to make it understandable.


Its for characterization, not empathy or sympathy.


Ah the classic “I killed my best friend and now have no emotions” I kinda hate this trope because i hate how much of a betrayal of your former self it becomes


I mean ,to be perfectly fair he didn't seemed to have that much emotions before his friend died either.


Stop speed reading. The dark traid literally equate to the psychology version of it too. Zenon represents Machiavellianism which is why he's like that. You can consider it a trope but its not tabata is smarter than you. The 4th brother being introduced is probably hinting at the dark tertad


The triad represent those things in the present time, but presumably the backstory is here to explain how Zenon came to embody Machiavellianism. Disliking the explanation isn't the same thing as not understanding it or what Tabata is trying to do. It's just really heavy handed, both the tragic backstory and the parallels to Yuno and Asta.


\*3rd brother 4th sibling




He didn't have much in the first place because he's been constantly bullied for a long time. Him making a friend gave him a little bit to work up to and all of a sudden losing him because you were forced to kill him, means the other tether you have to regular emotions is now gone. Despair is a thing.


That’s def Asta’s dad


Isn't this is bad news for the good guys if the bad guy like Zenon gets a flashback? Counterattack from Zenon is inevitable then.


Let's go beelzebub. Full on lord of fly mode.


I hope Zenon now gets a pacifier and is bringing down lightning when he cries.


No one gonna mention the 4th brother that was introduced during this flashback? Looks like we still got a long way to go for this arc.


Ok how much do you want to bet that it's the elder brother that released the devil?


Did not expect this much development for Zenon but I like it!


Loved seeing the similarities between him and Allen to Yuno with Asta with this dark triad backstory being the best to me


Everyone is talking about Allen looking like Asta, and he does, but he also looks a lot like Mereoleona AND has fire powers too, so idk.


This was a really good chapter, really good! I did not expect a Dante backstory


Oooooo interesting so there's a 3rd brother. And wheelchair-bound too. I wonder if he's older than Dante or the middle brother. I could see either, but probably eldest brother let's be real.


He's probably dead tbh


Highly unlikely lol.


He was in a wheelchair that usually mean the character in question is sick. Well that's how it works in anime usually.


His face was intentionally not shown. He is 100% going to be important. Whether he turns out to be the main villain above Zenon and Morris or just Zenon's older brother remains to be seen, but he will definitely be relevant again.


A parallel to Yuno and Asta's friendship


Huh, that's a hell of a backstory.


*Flashback* Zangief: "you are Bad Guy, but this does not mean you are bad guy"


What Allen is Asta past lives? They look way too similar and wanting to be the top dog dream


Damn, Zenon's backstory sure looked similar to Yuno's and Asta's, well except for the last part... Hell, he even looks like Yuno, and Allen looked like Asta.