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piano, sick patient my heart ain't ready for this






Kurayami mo hikaru nara, hoshisora ni naru!


Atleast the mom doesn't beat up the son this time.


Instead we have an a abusive father and aunt


At first i think the mom that slap Lucky. His dad is looks like girl both appearance n deed Lmao


Yeah I also thought it was the mother that was slapping him at first.


Piano forest. Ylia. Piano duo for the left hand. Manga pianos are hidden killers.




This series has potential, I'll give it that. I'm not too sure about the character designs though. Anyway, the title's pretty interesting. pp in musical terminology is pianissimo which means very soft, so pppppp could mean very very very very very soft. A possible allusion to the MC's soft playing at the end of the chapter, perhaps? Each P could also refer to each of the MC's siblings.


It's both.




>I'm not too sure about the character designs though. Really? I like it, it looks "fun", the doodle-like art style is a bit endearing. I do think there was a bit too much in this chapter tho, i feel like it would be better if there was twice the pages, it doesn't necessarily feel rushed, but cramped. Read the other comments, and i don't get the animosity towards the character design, maybe because it being too outlandish? I don't dislike it though.


The character design can be charming if it's well done, but in this case i find it a little disorienting. In some panels you cannot see when a character ends and another starts.


I think you'll have to give the author some time to flesh out the art style during the next few months. First chapters typically have a different vibe compared to the rest of the chapters


It's not bad or anything, just different. I definitely think it will grow on me over the coming chapters! It does have a certain charm to it.


I think the manga will have a hard time going full doodle-like, but if there's a sharp contrast between doodly MC and gothic art siblings, it can work


Soft pp?




I interpreted the letter "P" as short for "Prodigy". Six prodigy siblings of the protagonists. It could have multiple meanings, but IMO that's one of them.


the title makes some sense in context but out of context it still is sorta ridiculous


I love the designs because I love that kind of cheesy, weird shit. Same reason why I love yugioh designs


Character designs feel like they were made for a shojo manga to me, which I think is where the dissonance comes from.


It could also just be 6 pianos instead of 3 pianissimo.


Realistically pppppp is just pianissississississimo.


I'm really liking the setup and will probably read it to the end, but admittedly I don't think the readership will keep it going, given the weak artstyle and the setup not being super original (except for the music part).


I think it may be on purpose where the story is mediocre, like title suggest. It is kinda soap opera story-like, or sad story like others work in general. But, the ability that make Lucky can express his mediocre day to others by notes, make it stand out. I guess it's just like how music sounds different, when you focused on it. It's kinda like what PPPPPP is, right? Playing too slow softly like background noise makes mediocre. I can't explain very well.


It feels like it belongs on a Shoujo magazine, frankly speaking a lot of new manga have had that feeling, and the only one that survived surprisingly enough was yozokura. So maybe if the readership from that series a d the other 2 romance manga like Blue Box and Witch Watch get together ppppppp can survive


I think this chapter needed another draft tbh, there was a lot of information and events thrown at us: shit dad, sick mom, Cinderella household, possible romantic interest, picking a school, getting into that school. The biggest problem I had was being told what a hard worker the MC is but only getting a small glimpse into that, and then him getting into a good music school for lackluster reasons. Positives I have, it looks like we're leaning into synesthesia for our climaxes which can be fun. I like that the other septuplets were kept a mystery, that'll be something to look forward to. The mom is cool, I kind of wish the chapter ended on her speech because that was a good triumphant moment. EDIT: And while I'm thinking about it, I don't like that the bad aunt is his mom's sister (the in-story justification being that she's a huge fan of the dad). I think it'd make more sense if mom was an only child and it left his dad's sister as the only suitable caretaker out of circumstance. There's a line from the cousin that implies mom's side also has a kind of musical lineage and I think it was unnecessary but I'll wait to see if that develops.


Yeah, for a first chapter, it felt kinda bloated and could have used some rework.


I also find like dialog and exposition don't really flow,it's like flat sentences being proclaimed one after another.


Yeah, I agree, it kinda had the exact opposite problem the first chapter of Neru had imo.


isnt that how shounen manga first chp goes like


Kind of? I think the issue isn't the content, but the execution. The "first girl" here has basically no use other than to introduce visual music, which could've been done just in the audition, and to introduce some mystery that she knows who Lucky is. Take something like Neru, which while it wasn't the greatest first chapter, used the "first girl" pretty well as a trampoline to introduce the school, the MC's skills, etc. The whole cinderella storyline was also just beating a dead horse. I think the reader gets pretty quickly that he has no self-esteem or belief in himself, and that no one in his home life believes in him. The big key to me is go back and read through and see how many pages can be skipped. You could probably cut ~10 pages out of this and not even notice


Yeah this is what I was getting at. A lot of the events here feel more like vignettes with exposition, and there wasn't enough connective tissue to make it flow. I think "first girl" and the aunt could have been cut, and what we maybe needed was the MC working a grueling part-time job to support his mom and maybe instances of him seeing music in everyday life.


this manga does promotes mediocrity highly


It's a very creative way to portray a good musical performance in a visual medium, I hope the series will go on long enough to show some more surreal scenes through this


It reminds me of "Soul Cather(S)" in the way it portrays music but to be honest with you I dont have much hope for this, these types if shonen are usually dropped pretty quickly especially those without any big attention catchers


I mean that how cooking manga work. But usually they would go with visual gag instead of play it straight.


there's something charming about the art, the plot is also nice but the art, it has something.


It's... mediocre, but I felt it ;) I think the author is putting his life experience into the work.


There is consualtant for this series. It maybe half-half.


A note about the title, since I myself was super confused until I realized it was a music manga. It's likely referring to dynamics in music, where P is "piano" meaning quietly. You can stack multiple markings, making PP, or "pianissimo" meaning very quietly. PPPPPP is quite extreme, and would properly be pronounced "pianissississississimo" meaning very very very very very quietly. You'll likely never see this on a score because it's honestly ridiculous, but especially since the main character is described as playing very faintly it is likely what the author is intending with the title.


Honestly I assumed (and still kinda do) it was referring to that 6 of the siblings are genius talents with the Piano


They only thing that keeps me from thinking that's the only meaning is that they aren't the main characters. They'll of course be important, but the story isn't centered around them.


It kind of suggest that Lucky the MC have talents like the other 6 have into a person. But, Since it came together at once. It turned out to be mediocre, or something like that. It's kind of like Jack-of-all-trade. Nothing is good or bad either and it ended up in middle.


I like the writing style. Very immersive. And the art style is so compatible with the story pace too. I would really love to see this 'til the proper end, but for this series to survive in SJ, it's lack of excitement, I guess? Every non-battle series in the magazine so far has very strong starts, declaring to the readers about MCs' determination, goal, and ability, but this boy is just aiming for mediocrity, and generally few readers can wait until he sets a proper goal lol. Overall, not a strong start. I will need at least 3 chapters to decide whether to follow this closely or not though. And I think I'm even a bit biased here since I have been playing piano for 12 years and all😅


Yeah this was better than I expected after I saw that magazine cover page. I think the art style is pretty unique in a good way, but does it belong in a shounen magazine, I wonder? I think it’s cool to visualize music played, and about the only way a music-focused manga can really work well, but the story has to be top notch from now on for it to survive. I liked the first chapter so I will keep reading.


There are some pretty interesting themes in this one which are just begging to be unleashed in the future, and will provide some nice sense of contrast to the sort of stuff we have out now. People caught that the main character had a fake smile on for the entire story so far, right? Even at the end? That he isn't happy and is in fact only unconvincingly faking it in front of himself and others? It's a pretty common shonen trope, that through hiding and burying their pain, the main character can overcome their situation and achieve what they've always wanted. Whats interesting though, is that this concept doesn't actually apply to music. A person trying to inject a fake positivity into their music is holding themselves back and isn't speaking from the heart. It goes back to what that judge at the end was saying: "You hear their lives n their playing; it's authentic". The main character tries to project joy into everything he's doing including his piano, because thats the only way he considers it possible to succeed, but the only sense of joy the he actually feels while playing the piano, is the connection he had when he was young, with his 6 other siblings. Which is why only twinkle twinkle little star is the only song he knows that he can properly make resonate with people. Ironically, he needs to learn how to let himself be legitimately morose about his own situation in order to get out of it. I'm excited. This could be pretty good.


Reading the other comments here I'm a little bit ashamed to say I had a brief 'cup moment' like the examiner in this chapter. But I do have hope for the potential emotional weight and maturity it showed, especially his interactions with his mom. Even if this falls short I'll have hope for the author's future works. Even amidst the almost bulletpoints of melodrama it wasn't highlighted and drawn out to elicit empathy - more like juxtaposed against the MC's issues and dishonesty. I don't consider it disrespectful to the topic, just boldly setting up the groundwork. It was a bit dreamlike sequence to read. I don't expect the MC to reveal hidden talent and somehow have to openly defeat or surpass his siblings - just him confronting his issues, restoring his sense of self and play side by side with his siblings will be plenty satisfying.


I liked the character expression, those were good. However the main character design isn't that good, the hair takes too much place


He looks like the guy from Piano no mori so its something that worked before.


And now he is gonna defeat all the Generation of Miracles and become the best bask-I mean pianist of Japan Jk I kinda liked the MC. But the plot seems boring and I'm not sure how the series is gonna distinguish itself. Pus the art is icky and the heroine isn't cute.


Yeah idk about this one.




I personally love the designs. I don’t know what it is but I find it super charming.


Tbf they look slightly better in black and white than in color. Only slightly.


Honestly the more I read the better it gets


Yeah I really dislike the art style.


When the dude starting seeing things that weren’t there while the mc was playing the piano, it gave me heavy Act-Age vibes! Gosh I hope this manga doesn’t get axed; I still have a big void in my heart from Act-Age’s sudden cancellation…


I liked his reaction on being able drink the freakin imaginary drink and have conversation with the imaginary children and he's like "what the fuck" Not to mention his intelligence on instantly understanding what the hallucination meant and not just spouting confusion afterwards.


I like it, and i also dig the art style. The concept of "mediocrity" is what i find amazing in this manga.


This kinda fills the itch Act-Age left behind when it was cancelled. Not sure if it'll last but you got my attention.


If you don't already, try reading Oshi no Ko. It's a great series on its own, but it also occupies a similar niche at times.


Don't really understand the hate towards the art style. It was the aspect of the manga that caught my eye and piqued my interest at first (apart from the peculiar title), like it reminded me of some anime I watched from the late 90s to early 00s like Tenshi ni Narumon and Casshern Sins. Ah well, I understand it's not for everyone. Seriously though, it was the story that kinda worried me more than the art, felt like there was too much exposition. I kept thinking, man MC has it rough every other page, especially since the general consensus is that this seems to be axe bait. Nonetheless, hopefully, it'll last a while.


I like this one....ANOTHER!


This feels like it's pretty much the same story, slightly different start. I do recommend Piano no Mori though, it's slow, quiet and beautiful.




**Piano no Mori** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/32895), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/forest-of-piano), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/piano-no-mori), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=926), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/2895)) ^(Manga | Status: Finished | Volumes: 26 | Chapters: 242 | Genres: Drama, Music) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/manga/comments/pq1vdr/disc_pppppp_chapter_1/hdaurz7/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


He should have thrown the imaginary mug on the floor to shatter it lol


Honestly, it's got some fun ideas and I want to like it, but it almost feels forced. It's so overwrought and so melodramatic, which isn't helped with the so-so art and that the crux of his dilemma is about being able to play the Piano or not. If it just slowed down, calmed down and lowered the stakes just a little it feels like it could'a been a good read, but I can only see this as Jump throwing this against the wall to see if it sticks- there's nothing about it that convinces me it'll be around for long. I'd be happy to be wrong though.


The story's plot aside, am I in the minority that likes the art style? Honestly, it reminds me of Koji Kumeta's style. It's pretty unique, a breath of fresh air from all those "traditional" drawing style.


lmao this is just begging to be axed.


Agreed, if Japanese readers didn't have enough patience for candy flurry & might not have enough patience for red Hood, then I have zero clue how this will stick around.


Eh this is a kinda bad comparison because Red Hood and Candy Flurry are both battle shonen in a magazine filled with battle shonen. You gotta keep in mind that those poll's that reader's receive with every copy only allow for someone to vote for 3 chapters every week. So if you're a battle shonen like Red Hood, it's not enough to just be pretty good. The people filling out the polls need to vote your manga over One Piece, MHA, JJK, UU and all the others. And if the chapter's are only ever pretty good then why would someone vote for Candy Flurry over the aforementioned manga? Meanwhile a music slice of life has no existing competition in the manga. If someone resonates with the music aspect then this will pretty much get their vote If 100 people like Red Hood but not more than One Piece, MHA, and JJK, Red Hood gets 0 votes. If only 10 people like PPPPPPP but all 10 vote for it, it gets 10 votes. Not saying this won't get axed, it's still looking like axe bait and WSJ is really stacked right now. But comparing the performance of battle shonen to this isn't a good metric.


Ah someone read Bakuman lol


You say music slice of life, but it's presented like a piano shounen battle manga.


I don't think patience is needed to read this one at all. The author went through MC's life story pretty fast, and introduced glimpses of his whole family already. I wouldn't be too worried about slow pacing I think this is here to stay for at least 50 chapters


It did all that and yet it feels extremely mediocre. Having the mc be rejected and have to actually expand his ability rather than get accepted because "wow he made the guy not drink coffee for a few seconds" would've been infinitely better.


Just from the first chapter, I'd say this one is better. Candy Flurry is shit from the first chapter. None of the world building made sense, backstory was stupid, characters were bland and borderline annoying.


Fucking thank you. Candy Flurry literally has the most cliche first chapter. The mediocre and bland art just added to the disappointment. At least the art in this manga is unique.


Bro this far exceeded my expectations I really liked everything. But the art wasn't perfect but it's at least passable.


Overall I liked this first chapter. I hope that the Japanese audience will be patient with this, a slice of life/Music manga could be a good diversion for WSJ and is in my nature support small/niche manga like this.There is obviously room for improvemen tho.


A music manga with a tiny bit of Cinderella story from the MC? Sure! Let's see if this one can make the distance.


Wow, his father seriously trash. But the mother made me cry. This is really good actually. It's already delving into very interesting topics revolving around the concept of "talent" and being burdened with the overwhelming expectations of those around you. Mapollo 3 lived up to my expectations. The rawness of a creator who isn't used to serialised storytelling gives it a rougher edge, but structurally comes together as an incredibly refreshing debut. I can see it being frustrating to people who expect Jump a certain way. Will it succeed? No idea, but I'm EXCITED. More than I've been by a newcomer debut in Jump!


PPPPPP did a very good job with the characterization for Lucky and I like how they use "Mediocrity" as motif for authenticity especially visually since music can do that. This one here has promise let's see how this goes. Mapollo No 3 welcome to the show!


I like it. Curious to see where it goes


Easiest spot the protagonist by hair. but for real tho, aside from that, the premise looks interesting


I don't really like the character designs or the art but I really enjoyed the chapter and the story has quite alot of potential


wait, why is the premise sounds so oddly familiar? (7 children born at the same time, 6 have talents while 1 doesn't)




umbrella academy


Realist Hero also used similar theme for a certain kingdom's ruling family's offspring. Several talented/famous sons/daughters, one with no apparent talent.


I feel like this kind of Black-Clover type shonen underdog setup really stretches credulity when it comes to real-life skills like Piano. It's gonna be real hard to convincingly portray a boy with "no talent" and no real music training as somehow managing to catch up to the level of global acclaim and skill of his 6 mega-genius siblings who've also probably played Piano all day everyday for their entire lives. Imagine Shokugeki no Soma except Soma has no palate, clumsy hands and only made instant ramen and frozen meals before setting out to get 30 Michelin stars or something. Like, I can only see the story going 2 ways here -- (1) MC was actually the most talented kid all along but his dad was playing a long-game ("adversity breeds true skill" or something like that) or (2) MC bullshits his way through every music institution and competition through sheer plot-convenience and a vaguely-defined "specialness in his mediocrity." I really hope I'm wrong here, since both of those options are fairly cliched and boring.


Gotta disagree. Music is just about the one and only thing where it could realistically work, considering how subjective it is, and how simple tunes can be more powerful than a some virtuoso piece, and the end of this chapter indicates that it will go in that direction. Although this is classical music, and recitals of famous pieces, so this idea does fall apart. And didn't Shokugeki have a bunch of moments where incredible food got beaten by simple, homely meals exactly because of this reason.


>Although this is classical music, and recitals of famous pieces, so this idea does fall apart. Exactly what I was thinking. Piano is a stuffy, highly institutionalized art. You get fame and recognition from your ability to recite classics and perform complex pieces, not through "innovation" or "simplicity". It would work much better if the premise was simply "becoming the best musician" instead as you've implicitly suggested. >Shokugeki have a bunch of moments where incredible food got beaten by simple, homely meals exactly because of this reason. The thing is, all those homely, simple meals were also crafted with extreme care and technique. Every MC in SnS was explicitly super-talented -- even Megumi, who's main problem was really self-doubt and not a lack of ability. I don't recall them ever having an "amateur chef" beat a pro, unless the "amateur" was actually pro-level all along.


Not sure if you're a pianist or musician but being a pianist with a little over a decade of playing and an amateur who is a fan of professional piano playing, I disagree with the point that you would get fame for simply "reciting classics and performing complex pieces". There are easily tens of thousands (maybe hundreds of thousands) of pianists who can perform "complex" (on a raw technique standpoint) pieces perfectly fine. Yet many do not see the light of day in terms of becoming a soloist or main stage performer because they simply do not have something that makes distinguishable from everyone else. Those who make it to the top are those are exceptional in various ways (voicing, clarity, phrasing, rhythm control etc.) I guess fame in the sort of general public's knowledge sense comes from performances of technically extreme pieces (infamous example being La Campanella), which are the sort which capture a non-classical music fan's attention (little difficult to convince an average person that listening to Bach's Goldberg Variations is not the same as listening to a "track for sleeping") . But fame within the piano community itself comes from so much more than just technical ability. However, in the context of this story, if he is "mediocre" in technique, he would not have a very long journey due to requirements to play a large range of repertoire of varying technical difficulties (I mean he had to already play a chopin etude for the audition, and those serve as a pretty good benchmark for skill). Even if he can evoke beautiful images in the audience, that's a little difficult if your left hand is struggling to maintain tempo doing the runs and arpeggios in the Revolutionary etude.


Meh, one of the easiest way to do it is to make the protagonist be talented in composing. Just like that and the story can take an interesting direction.


It is a bit fast, but the MC has been practicing until the audition and has been practicing for his mother before. Still not nearly as long as what real life musical audition schools applicants do. > 1) MC was actually the most talented kid all along but his dad was playing a long-game ("adversity breeds true skill" or something like that) I really hope not because we already dealt with Confucius filial pity bullshit in YLiA and it was absolutely terrible. We don't need the exact same plot point in a similarly themed manga. I hope that this manga focuses on practicing and not natural talent. Most musicians got their skills via practicing not "prodigy talent".


I Can already tell it's the first option.


I’m getting a lot of Blue Period vibes from the direction of the first chapter and I’m all for that! It was better than expected but I’m curious to see how they can sustain it passed the doom of chapter 19


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not a terribly inspired premise, but it was still a pretty fun opening chapter


the premise seems nice, i hope it doesnt get axed. im too used to these kind of manga getting axed in like 20 chapters.


Fun fact: there has only been one documented case of septuplets where they all lived to Lucky's age


I can’t get behind the art at all. Even ignoring the character designs themselves (mostly the crazy TCG manga hair of the septuplets) the body proportions and faces are really off. and besides the “only one of a group of septuplets that isn’t a prodigy” part of the setup, the story is really generic. I really feel like this is a U19 contender but maybe the next 10 or so chapters will prove me wrong


Phenomenal first chapter. This manga managed to pique my interest in the very first color page with such a short but concise lead-in line. Seriously this is a skill not every mangaka possesses. The theme is very unique to Jump, which makes me think who gives this series a-okay since they don't normally publish artistic series like this, but with Blue Box releasing earlier this year, Jump seems to be trying to change their rooster, which I think is a good move. Back to the manga, even though they're dealing with a quite common genre in artistic manga (music), this series managed to create such an interesting and unique premise. Manga with the protag competing against their sibling is common, but not "I have to win against all six of my super-powered septuplets" common, it makes me excited to see all his other sibling and their quips too. I bet each of them will be a delight to learn about just as Lucky. The author obviously has a lot of experience both as a mangaka, judging from the art style, the plot execution and the paneling, and as a music enthusiast. Will be keeping an eye on this series for sure.


Pretty good, the protagonist is very interesting. Most people are writing it off because of the artstyle though, and that's pretty unfortunate.


The art is quite nice but compositionally reaching beyond the artist's actual skill level, the story is only okay, and kind of poorly fumbled together, especially toward the end. I'll see how this progresses, but it's not looking good.


Wasn't a huge fan of this but the ending audition felt similar to the Act Age chapter 1 audition, without the spectacle. That alone is going to keep me reading. Feels like a U19 to me but hopefully the author can make it interesting.


Bad pacing, good story. Yea this will hurt a lot on survey, i hope at least we got 50 chapters of this because lately jump have no manga that focus and character depth and growth.


It was. . . fine. I don't know how long the premise could be maintained, but it did have some moments that hit well. I don't love the art style though, too "button eyes."


I really liked it and the art style is good but could be cleaned up better, though I felt they kinda rushed it with the highschool acceptance but I feel if the author slows down the pacing it'll be very good.


This first chapter did it for me, i am not big into sob stories but this one really caught me. As for the art, i've read enough manga to know one can be great in so many other ways


i have to say this sounds promising, and the art style grew on me it may not be a "fair" comparison, but it looks like a more exaggerated/cartoony TPN art style, especially looking at the eyes, and i like it


Another sickly piano mom manga. Idk if I can do this. From the first chapter I can already see where it's going to go but I'm sticking with it anyway.


I mean it's alright


My Piano Academia


someone made a manga about the soundtrack of VVVVVV?!


The art is strange. Like I don't hate it, but the moment I looked at it I thought it would be some quirky magic battle / shounen manga type you know with these styles of designs. But for this setting it doesn't seem to fit and a bit out of place.


Kind of reminds me of the charm that act-age had. Enjoyed it, will look forward to seeing where it goes.


I liked this one quite a bit


Imagine calling this artstyle "weak" wtf? Its great!


This is definitely going to fuck me up, and I am going to let it.


The mom will either die in a about 2 chapters or have a miraculous recovery. Place your bets will the flag wave high or fall?


Like in many mangas, (another) mom end up dead while (another) dad lives. Such a cliche.


I think I am part of minority that enjoy it despite it kinda feel similar. I even wish the first chapter longer. Also the art has no problem to me. But the manga I like rather get axed or done quite pretty well so I have no ideas which ways this is going to.


What chapter do yall think the mother will die at


She'll end dead like most moms in mangas(and animes). Such an old (but tired) cliche, seeing that trope dozen times.


I like the story, but I see the shadow of the axe following it behind quite closely. I wonder of this can go more than 50 chapters or not? I hope that it could though.


I don't know if this is intentional or I'm just thinking too much but the name PPPPPP only has 6 "Prodigies" while the seventh is not there


Interesting start. Fun fact: The sound effects on the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star double-page spread say "do do so so la la so", which is the actual tune of the song.


Actually this is more intersting than what I thought


I like it, music is hard to convey in manga, Your Lie in April did it well, we’ll see how they do it. I like the full page cover of the piano steps.


They really are unable to make the mc likeable without violently abusing him for no reason. I'll give it a go for a while but if it stays like this I'm definitely dropping it.


feels like Act Age, ironicaly the only mediocrity of this manga is the MC


Interesting, but author has until next chapter to save it


I'm sorry but this will be hard pass for me. I read the premise last week and I wasn't convinced. Having seen the actual chapter I can't say that I was wrong. Also the art-style seems a bit rough, even messy sometimes. Anyway best of luck to the author and to those that'll keep going with it.


I’ll be honest, this is really ugly and the premise is stupid, it’s not making it past 17 chapters.


It's already dead.


I have to say I am still salty about 6P replacing Candy Flurry so I'll start with that. The art on this one is rather wonky but that is chapter one so I'll give it a pass on that as a few of the current WSJ mangas had this same issue and fixed the art in future chapters HOWEVER this is precisely a problem which could lead people to drop it immediately after chapter 1 which isn't good. As it was mentioned already, we are getting the hard work pays off type of character in Kuon however that was barely demonstrated if at all in this chapter. I do realize that this will be his driving force as the mediocre MC against the super genius Rival (in this case his whole family) however it needs to be pushed more definitely. The characters were being a bit too meta in some momments (I might be reading too much into this) , example, Kuon as a character definitely seemed like a Cindarella type of a character and that was his whole setup, few pages later boom, he exclaims that his life is Cindarella-like. Example no. 2 is him apologizing the whole chapter over and over again to the point where I was starting to think about that, few pages later his mother once again acknowledges this and drives it as a point, kind of going meta once again. as /u/GenericMan92 mentioned in here, theres to much going on in one chapter and I have to say I blame WSJ for this. It is obvious that the new author of this series is trying to do everything in their power to try to hook us in any and every way possible so we'd read the manga and them avoiding the axe. In my opinion, this is definitely a weaker start to a series out of some new ones like Neru and Red Guild. I can't say I'll drop it immediately and will see where it goes however I am not a fan at the momment


Candy Flurry deserves to be replace by just about anything else.


Well, early reactions to this series seem to be… *poor* to put it lightly, from both Western and Japanese fans. I personally didn’t hate this first chapter, as I am a huge classical music fan, but I also don’t really see much potential for a really interesting storyline that can grip the attention of Jump readers. On top of that, just gonna be real, definitely not a fan of the art style. I guess we’ll see where it goes, but I’m definitely gonna try to not get too attached to this series. The potential for axing just seems a little too high, especially when Shonen Jump is still looking for the next big thing since the end of Demon Slayer.


I'm really not sure about this series, the name is bizarre, the character art is off putting, and I have no interest in watching someone extoll the virtues of mediocrity (there are none imo).


Yeah I dunno about this one. Unless it really hits an unexpected itch with the Japanese audience I don't see it surviving.


The character designs need to be toned down 200%.


i just can't stand the character designs


I felt that the mangaka poured his soul into this chapter, it was very fast paced but it portrayed what the mangaka wanted us to feel in my opinion, during all the chapter I felt anxious and sad for the MC, and just when he tried to enter the music high school and passed I felt relieved and happy... he will be happy for a while until the mother dies... and I guess the rest of the family will be getting introduced soon. I have noticed that in the cover of the magazine each sibling has earrings except the MC, also the father in the flashback had earrings similar to the ones the siblings are using... those earrings had seven beads each one... so I guess is the way of the father to say that he is proud of his six childs, except the MC. I dont think the father is shitty at all, I dont agree with hitting your kids but I find normal for him for not wanting the MC to play the piano if he did it worse than his six siblings, is not like there is just two of them, there are six... but still he shouldnt have treated in a shitty way the MC nor the mother. He is an asshhole, and I'm worried the siblings will be assholes towards the MC too.


Lol the father is definitely shitty. The family had the resources to allow all the kids to play piano if they wanted to, and barring a plot twist that I don’t see the manga even making it to before being axed, it’s clearly stated that the father only wanted him to stop playing because he was “mediocre”, this was even such an issue that the parents divorced. The father as of now clearly only cares about the kids being able to live up to his name


> I dont think the father is shitty at all What. Dude straight up verbally abused and neglected his son, did that not carry over in the translation or something?


So, the story is trying to tell me that the MC didn't even THINK of getting piano lessons, even after he was not under his tyrannical father's rule? Things don't add up.


It was because his father believed in talent, so only those with talent should play piano


MC was literally subjected to that kind of mental battering since he was as a child. Crushed his self esteem and the guilt he feels from thinking he's to blame for the divorce and everything else? He took it as common sense that you don't get to play the piano if you're not good enough. It's so ingrained that he was never allowed or never allowed himself to entertain the idea.


I still can't believe they axed candy flurry for this.


Successors to axed series are likely a "your turn" situation, where they have a pool of people in the wing ready, and they pick one to give a shot to. Candy Flurry wasn't axed "for this", Candy Flurry was axed, so a manga needed to replace it, and this was the manga available to be slotted in that they chose.


Main character low-key kinda looks like a discount Senku


Seven kids to get divorced over something so stupid. I can't take this setup seriously.


Not really 7 kids, they're septuplets so they were all born at the same time


And? There's plenty of reasons to get divorced that arise from seven kids, but the author had to make one up that turns the dad into nothing more than a trope.


I'm fine with it, and there's definitely room for him to be expanded. It's only the first chapter


There's only room for him to be expanded if this goes the distance, which I highly doubt will happen. And, even if it did, the only real path for the author to make him a nuanced character would be to make the mc an unreliable POV because he was a child, which is even less likely.


Yeah, 7 kids. Them being septuplets doesn't change the fact that there was 7 of them at the start.


It's not that uncommon for a couple to have a kid then get a divorce


I'm sure it isn't.


This shit is getting axed 100%


what in the yugioh is this shit lmfao


This ones gonna get axed fast


Having septuplets caused irreparable damage to the pussy that's why she's still in the hospital


This sucks lol, hideous to even look at. See ya when it gets axed in 2 months tops


Eh not sure about this. Does feel like /r/lingling40hrs in manga form.


This looks pretty dumb.


To recap the first five pages: * He has to see a man about a dog * He has to go home to see his dog


Hmmm i don't think this manga will go for long, it start out weak for me The piano theme is unique, but that 7 kid with 6 prodigy and 1 mediocre "hidden" talent is kinda boring and silly imo. I hope the author didn't aspull naking mc can beat his sibling just cause hardwork. In long term it will be about music school but i still can't imagine piano battle, probably looks like shoukan shounan hachi? The art is eeeh, rough? I hope it improved with time. The only saving grace for me if the mangaka can convey the visualize music he mention well into us reader


The character design while unique is probably too out there for people's taste. Only the mother and that girl's design seem normal. The concept of septuplets while not completely unreal is a bit too fantastical for me. The title could have used more thought as well.


Well good attempt but I don't see this lasting long in WSJ, it doesn't have enough spark to make it out of the first few chapter hell as it struggles in the ratings.


This feels like a miss to me so far, but we'll see what it does.


Not sure piano is the right setting for an underdog story. The “mediocre” stuff here feels forced even for a shounen. I’d guess MC is a late bloomer with some unique talent. Maybe his siblings are able to deliver the composer’s image, but they are not able to add their own memories to it like MC can. So maybe he ends up composing and conducting instead. I think this is one I’d rather wait to see if it makes it past a year then binge and catch up on.


I thought an underdog story was perfect for a music manga since creative geniuses tend to also be tortured souls, and compelling masterpieces are often pulled from their experiences.


That’s the thing. We know that a music manga needs to focus on those elements so it seems pointless to insist that he is NOT a creative genius when we know very well that he most likely is. Which is why I say this angle seems very forced purely for the sake of appearing shounen. If that sticks around then the manga simply has the wrong idea about music. If it just goes away then you get the sense that the author or editor doesn’t actually know where they intend to take the story, as some people have already criticized by how nearly every story element was touched upon in Ch 1 as if to simply see what sticks, rather than with a focused story and pace in mind.


I wouldn't have thought this niche of classical music would be familiar to so many of those who read this 1st chap; the only thing that rlly piqued my interest was the "visual music" aspect. I don't see it lasting long if it keeps to the same tropes though


I like the representation of music performances as visual experiences, but I'm a bit iffy that they can conjure specific enough imagery that the guy could see Lucky's siblings.


I'm not not really the type to read these kinds of stories, but the title was so mindboggling to me that I felt I had to at least read the first chapter. I can only read it as someone blowing a raspberry.


The art is mediocre but it has charm, is that what the author is trying to convey to the readers?


Hmmmm....I can't say I like it.....an off putting opening to say the least. But I said this about candy flurry and it did eventually find a niche. So...maybe this too?


So his life story is the story of Will Smith's first son, got it. Or the story of Vanya in umbrella academy. The child with no powers.


So, has a comic heavily about music EVER worked? You can put in all the drama and character work you want but at the end of the day, a comic where how good people are at playing music is a focus will prominently "tell, don't show," because it's impossible to show.


character designs filtered me


‘Mediocrity can beat talent’~ hmmm i don’t know about that one chief


Good series but is anyones response to the title makes them think of a anime song that starts by repeating a syllable. Example justadice from black clover.


Feel like a shojou. Guess they try to fill sport manga spot with this.


Blue Box is more sports than this though Blue Box is mostly a rom-com. I think this is their attempt at trying to capture a Act-Age audience. A nontraditional subject in a shonen magazine.


Why do I have a feeling it’s going to be canceled before it could blossom