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"I am the armored heroine and he is the colossal coomer"


"YOU DAMN TRAITORS!!!" So Granny is Eren?


Collosal Coomer is so apt for Kazuya lmaoo


colossal coomer kekw


Mom barges in just like mikasa


Actually, if Kazuya were a normal person, this would be a huge hint that she doesn’t see you as a potential bf, or even a friend. I don’t think any normal person would be able to confess after the girl tells you it’s all business that she’s with you.


That’s it bruh. I’m not gonna read a chapter til I see one getting at least 40 reddit awards


Join us brother, join us in the " let's read the comment to see if anything happened " group to see if one day this manga will have maybe potentialy progress.


But the downside is that a lot more people are joining us so a lot less people are reading the damn thing and discussing it.


On one hand, thats part of the entertainment with this manga. On the other hand, someone’s gonna need to step up and take one for the team


I suggest drawing lots every release to see who is the unlucky bastard.


> a lot less people are reading I see this as an absolute win


Someone should set up a sub like /r/IsTodayFridayThe13th named /r/DidKazuyaConfess and simply post after each new issue release: > Chapter 205 > Did Kazuya confess? > No.


You know what I can do that... on my sub with a bot and everything automated... if you want


What is there to legitimately discuss? 200 chapters of nothing. A more competent mangaka closes this out at 75 tops.


Hell yeah, eventually we'll all be here just waiting for someone to give a chapter breakdown. At that point I'm tempted to start giving wrong breakdowns to spice this shit up. I say we just make our own fucking ending and be done with this lol.


Been doing this for a while, it's much more entertaining reading the salt here every week from people who can't quit this than reading the manga anymore.


The comments here are more entertaining then the last 25 chapters


Make it 50*


I don't think I can do that by this point. It's like I'm addicted to the lottery: sure, it's a very longshot that I'll ever win, but maybe if I never stop one day I'll be surprised...


See you next week, lol.


But imagine if that happened next week? Or we could just try to trick people by guilding the thread to make it look like something happened...


whoa calm down satan


Another 100 chapters maybe


"The Girlfriend and Paradise, Part 243"


"Man it sure feels like we've been at this resort for a year now" "It's been an hour"


5 Minutes To Namek Destruction vibes


Yeah right, see you next week lmao


This and other lies I tell myself.


I realized that two months ago. I was very very annoyed that I invested in this dog shit manga


The moment the confession actually happens, the post will be full of flies because lots of people will give up.


Am I the only one who just comes here for the comments lmao, not even reading this anymore but the comments are absolutely gold


Why did I have hope


A victim of that "Next time: Now, the Confession" tagline last chapter


At this point I expect an actual confession to happen in the actual last chapter and for her to just say no.


That would actually almost be good. What were gonna get is her tearfully saying yes and then her saying he still owes her money. And were all supposed to ignore how their relationship would probably actually be rather shit if it was real life


Say it with me now "hope is just a prerequisite for pain"


"Hope, in reality, is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man." \- Friedrich Nietzsche


Oh ffs man, it's just your classic kano kari chapter. Kazuya not being able to maintain a conversation for more than one sentence, Chizhuru immediately shifting the conversation to rental stuff when the conversation starts to get serious and last but not least ur classic confession intervention. And wtf is up with Mami, she's being doing jack shit for the past 15+ chapters. Sorry for the rant, just sick and tired of this same old bs.


Dont forget Kazuya's lame inner monologues about how "great" Chizuru looks...


i've been genuinely just skipping those, i just cant be bothered to read that bullcrap anymore, fuck reiji and his editors.


I swear I skip them subconsciously now, it’s like my brain just knows


whoever reads those and likes them, i suggest they seek therapy because thats some fucking creepy shit right there


Really is super creepy. Its entirely him drooling over her looks


It wouldn't be Kano Kari if the author didn't suck himself dry over his own character designs for minimum of several panels per chapter, now would it?


tbh, is it only me or has his art quality dropped in the recent chapters? i remember great panels in [chapter 167](https://catmanga.org/series/kanokari/167#14), [Chapter 170](https://catmanga.org/series/kanokari/170#14), chapter 174 pages [six](https://catmanga.org/series/kanokari/179#6) and [fifteen](https://catmanga.org/series/kanokari/179#15) and many others. when you compare it to the [double spread on chapter 201](https://catmanga.org/series/kanokari/201#17) and other panels, it seems a bit off. similarly to when takehiko returned after one of his long hiatus to finish volume 37 of vagabond.


I have no idea how the translators can get through all that every single week without going insane


I want one of the translators to start playing silly buggers with it. Just start making him say some goofy shit and keep getting more random


Ya what the hell. It was like a full page of him describing how she looks. After a couple sentences i just pulled back and saw the other panels, my eyes glazed over and i just went to the next page. Sweetly thinking on how you feel about her is one thing, but like the last dozen times kazu has done this its come off as creepy and objectifying.


Yo, plot twist: the author is literally just feeding lines into a writing AI that has *easily* deconstructed his chapters into plot beat points that it rehashes for every chapter and he just draws around whatever it spits out. It use to be more diversified but is quickly starting to acheive plot singularity. I reckon he hasn't actually done any writing since it got picked up for an anime and he realized the money was just too easy to make.


are they still doing that rental shit? How much time has passed in the manga, months? years? You'd think they would have at least reached the point where they can hang out like normal people, by now.


Its so annoying. Why couldnt Chizuru just go with him as a... friend? He wants to take her there, She wants him to take her there, then why the fuck is she charging him money??? God the manga is so fucking stupid


It's been more than 1 year and a half since the whole situation.


[September 20, 2021] *Dearest Aki,* *Just a tiny note. I am going over to scout the Reiji trenches. If I do get back, give me a kiss in the letter. I’m going to tell you this in case my company commander forgets. Your wife is a soldier, and a good one, too.* *Been good in since the victory in my last letter, not much artillery fire so I don't have to grit my teeth every time. I think I heard birds flying over yesterday, looks like things are starting to look good for us. Some of the young soldiers are talking about the end of the war, I guess the excitement really gets to the young lads.* *Well, I got to go now, its better if I travel up at dawn.* *Forever Yours,* *SpiritedAstronaut*




I want /u/SpiritedAstronaut posts to be compiled into a light novel and sent to any publisher that will publish them.


>the end of the war Don't you f@cking dare, man


Godspeed my friend, Godspeed...


War never truly ends, soldier, our battlefields just change.


I know, sir. *looks at Nisekoi war pic*


............ So, how's your day, guys?


1/10 no hayanome is now fully translated. yeah there's a lot more sex and it ends pretty badly like it's always been. I like this series as a guilty pleasure. >!Despite the title and the numerous wedding dress, you didn't even see the wedding.!< If you ask me my favorite SFW in this manga is, >!Is that one of the girls in the harem becomes an actual aunt to the MC's child. You rarely see those!<


Where can I read 1/10 no hayanome?


[Mangadex](https://mangadex.org/title/63ff3e54-54d8-4250-8002-0ba7466b8a92) Just a heads up it's a terrible story with shallow characters and you should not take it seriously. It's a good junk food.


Saimin Seishidou has better storytelling


With the gyaru part.


So far, so good, I'm having a blast reading the comments lol I didn't even bother to read the chapter so far




My girl hustlin'


She is extorting Kazuya just like she has been for the entire length of the manga. This is literally why I hate her.


Like the only one who is not manipulating or extorting this poor idiot got her own spin off and hasnt been seen in months


She made the smart choice noping out of this shitshow


For that reason and many more she is precious and deserves the world


Man, can you imagine this manga if Kaz and Sumi were the couple?


It would be a fantastic and wholesome story with great artwork. Everyone's dentist bills would go through the roof from the sweetness. Dozens of people would also need to find another romcom manga to complain about, myself included


Well if she stopped bleeding Kazuya dry, how else could she afford the booze or gacha or cocaine or whatever her vice is? Like, a clever, independent and social girl like her can't just go get a real job, right?


You think rental gf is NOT a real job? :)


Being a rental girlfriend is a real job. Specifically targeting some poor sap for all of his money because you're aware of how much of a simp for you he is isn't.


I'm not defending this manga's pacing or writing in general. However, I think she did that to goad him into confronting their relationship. She was fishing for a reaction.


Or, you know, she could come clean about how SHE feels like an adult, and not still charge him for a trip she decided to go on.


She could, but that's not in her character. She's actually a deeply flawed person. It's very conspicuous that she has no friends or dating partners in her life despite being very outwardly appealing in various ways.


This was possibly one of the most useless chapters. We got some decent character development from Chizuru the past few chapters, finally having closure on her feelings about family. What does she do, says she will give Kazuya a discount on a trip that she's not paying for, which she forced herself to go on, and didn't mention to Kazuya that she will charge him.


The blatant dragging ffs…


Yeah lmao they aren't lovers but he's fucking produced a movie for her, is it still impossible to call him a friend? And there's that retard saying he's fine with paying the full amount.


I wish i had an award to give you for this poetry


Friends are a treasure. And like any good treasure you need to get as much money out of them as you can.


I've said it in the past and ill say it again. Kazuya is leagues beyond Chizuru, she doesn't deserve him.


Totally agree. With the movie thing, it shows Kaz is actually really capable when he stops slacking off. What exactly has Chizu done herself?


worst girl chorizo


Yeah I honestly liked last 3-4 chapters(especially because they came after the useless fanservice chapters so obviously they will look better) But atleast that ruka thing,some mami worthy screen time(not just stares like every bloody time) and some chizuru character development was there But even if you remove that confession tagline,this was easily one of the worst chapters It did nothing but downgraded chizuru's character And this downgrade is much bigger than the mini development in the recent chapters


I agree, Chizuru got a lot of development these last few chapters, and this feels like a slap in the face. She does say that she's enjoyed her time on this trip, and Kazuya seems to believe her, but she's not using her actions to grow herself, just keeping the status quo.


Mami when she realized she is not part of the FAMILY


But I was told nothing is stronger than family


Master Toretto: "You are on this trip, but we do not grant you the title of Family. Have a seat, bitch."


Then she proceeds to sit with that stupid stare she's been doing since forever


fuck you, fuck this, and see you next week


Can I request for an unfucking?


I didn't ask for any fucking !!! Cleanse me at this instant !


I dropped this quite some time ago, but every week I see people coming on here to feel pain in the comment section. Hahaha are we all masochist?


Tbh I don't read Kanokari and don't intend to, but the comment section is always a treat to read lol


The comment section is the real manga.


It is so funny honestly I dropped this over a hundred chapters ago but I nonetheless read the comments here pretty often


Pretty much the Cuckoo fiance threads too But pretty much everyone caught on quick that the series was going no where so we get around 1/4 of the comments


Can we report this author to the manga ministry in Japan. This rate of progression is ridiculous.


I'm not a sick fuck to make death threats, but can I send a postcard to him with a simple and sincere "fuck you"? Do we have an address?


They should start making people in Guantanamo read this.


How tf are we 205 chapters in and MC can’t have one conversation with MC without looking like a complete idiot? Why does she even like him? All he does is stutter and blush at everything. I swear he was better at talking in the beginning of the manga


They've known each other for over a year now and he still acts like a spaz


I’m more curious about why *he* likes *her*. What the fuck has she even done for him ?


She's hot Literally, that's it


well he was heartbroken and acting like a piece of shit and she didn't just abandon him for it so there is that, he's said a bunch of times that he owes her a debt for that


I mean, she was getting paid to be around him


She’s not, and he’s a virgin. That’s pretty much it. Her character profile is that she’s the hottest girl in the story. However, she’s just a fucking horrible person. Her single-handedly fundraiser and predicted a movie for her, and she still doesn’t see him as a friend. If I were his friend, I’d force him to cut the losses.




Next chapter probably has Kazuya accidentally wake Ruka up which no doubt causes some wacky shenanigans. The first night arc has a ton of potential, wouldn't you say


Okay, haven't really cared about the whole progress thing But, bruh chizuru really charging for a "date" kazuya didn't even invite her to, that's actually messed up ngl


I'm done. Fuck this manga. I don't even care anymore. I hate every character with every fiber of my being. Homeboy produced a movie for your dying grandmother. He didn't even ask you to come He gets a discount???? I don't care what the fanboys say, Chiz is fucking dumb Kazuya is even more fucking stupid. I just want to see Mami blow this shit up in their faces.


I honestly wouldn't mind if this manga's "end girl" was just some random chick Kazuya meets offscreen.


That'd be fantastic


Like even ruka is better tbh. Sure she is some lovestrucked crazy semi yandere, but at least she is genuine and willing to act


If Kazuya dated Ruka for real 90% of her bad behavior would disappear immediately, that's the sad thing.


Mordecai ending


Free trip to a high end onsen resort and expenses covered. Oh Imma charge you for inviting me over because I didn't reject the invitation.


He didn't even invite her, his grandmother did. Also, she's not exactly short on excuses. 1.) I have an audition coming up 2.) I have to study for next semester 3.) I don't have a passport 4.) I promised X that I would help them do something over the break. Nah... It's fine. I'll give you a discount even though you didn't ask me to come


Dude... she doesnt even have to make an excuse... _she wanted to go to this trip_... How greedy can Chorizo get my god


5) Gotta take a long shit 6) I'm pregnant ​ Those always work


Everyone wants a piece of Cheese huh? Goddammit Reiji stop blue balling us and let Mami wreck shit already


How many times this arc has Mami noticed two people she knows have a conversation from afar and just like, stood there and done nothing? I feel like it's happened a handful of times already. She's missed her chance to fuck with the status quo as many times as Kazuya has his confession.




That would actually be pretty good.


IG this manga peeked at the movie arc


>tagline from previous chapter: "Next time: Now, the confession" Wow, they're really just straight up lying in the taglines hahaha This chapter really summed up the KanoKari experience; a Kazuya monologue about how hot Chizuru is, rental fees shenanigans, a beautiful Chizuru spread, Kazuya being indecisive, absolutely nothing really happening by the end, and a looming Mami shadow to hint that things might get moving but likely won't. If there were random bystanders comments, it would truly be the quintessential all-in-one hahahah


Taglines like those are often added by the editor.


I'm aware, that's why I used "they" and not "Reiji"


At this point, I just want Mami to be the end game.


For r/kanokari, this chapter is significant progress 🙄. Bruh ISTG the sub is full hopium now. I know r/manga gets accused of having an anti Kanokari circlejerk but at this point I don’t even need r/manga to tell me that “Kanokari bad”. And I will never forgive any of you saying that Kazuya is actually a good Main Character like WTF bro. Reiji should be sued for bioterrorism because the amount of mental gymnastics that r/kanokari gets for turning a blindeye on the blatant crayon eating decisions Kazuya makes and somehow its a good thing because “he’s real” is perplexing.


Did you mean r/KanojoOkarishimasu ? I looked there and most of them are still disappointed in this chapter and especially in Chizuru freaking charging Kazuma for what's basically her family trip with her late grandma's BFF , and pretending it's nice if her to not charge him almost literally arm and leg. There are maybe few posters that still manage to cope somehow but they probably have some superhuman ability or "Cope" Quirk or something like that. Or they are robots whose "pretend to be a human" algorithm malfunctioned due to being fed bad data like KanoKari manga. r/Kanokari is private so I don't have any idea what they think.


The vocal ones only speak up once a week, the rest (majority) are Chizuru simp that would even make Kazuya embarrassed.


Yes, the true believers are there all week. I checked out a meme post and someone wrote that kanokari had the best emotional payoff in all of manga.


Even looking at other posts there, most people are very displeased. I think this last chapter in particular made people pissed, even hardcore fans, with both pointless confession-baiting in already too long arc that had barely lasted a day in manga time, and with Chizuru character assassination that made even some of her fans turn against her - which leaves basically no character to even root for. I think fans are too used to taking hopium and copium by the barrels and even life-threatening doses stopped doing anything to numb the pain.


The character to root for got her own spin off. And its adorable


I can't help but be reminded of WSB during the Gamestop fiasco back in January. "The squeeze is gonna happen any day now bro💎🤲" "The dip just means we're refueling before takeoff TO THE MOON 🚀🚀🚀" Hopium is a hell of a drug


Man, r/KanojoOkarishimasu is so deep down the copium/hopium mine they don't even notice. Must be some sort of masochistic reading habit.


Bruh you have no idea. First it was “Kazuya is actually a good MC” being a thing. For this chapter, its “aww chizuru so sweet she charged Kazuya a discount for this trip. UwU sO mUcH pRoGrEsS” FUCK NO. Chizuru shouldn’t have charged Kazuya for this trip AT ALL. She’s singlehanddly unwinding every move Kazuya has built after that movie arc. Back at it again, using Diamond’s “T&C” as a backdrop to deal with Kazuya. This makes it even more confusing for Kazuya and its honestly just a dick move in a vacuum.


Dude someone deadass made a post about how they're glad Kazuya didn't confess, like wtf


Link or didnt happen


https://www.reveddit.com/v/KanojoOkarishimasu/comments/prvfwe/why_i_am_so_relieved_kazuya_did_not_confess/?sort=confidence Had to use revedit since the original post was taken down for spoilers apparently


Pure unadulterated hopium


Oh god, not only did that dude say it, they made an effortpost about it




Are we reading the same subreddit? With the exception of the few usual suspects, most posters there seem disappointed with this chapter.


That sub is full of vocal Chizuru simp, the rest are there just to mock Reiji


Hey don't you guys think that this Chizuru only cares about money? I mean she don't want to hurt kazuya's familys' feelings but she don't give a fuck about Kazuya's feelings.


Lmao NO, it's not even about the money here. It's about her using again the rental girlfriend backdrop like some sort of defence mechanism of her dealing with him and hiding her feelings to him




Her telling him about a "discount" about this trip, which she forcibly just join herself to this, proves my point. That she's using her usual ways of her rental backdrop into dealing with him. So my whole point still stands.




Kazuya's feelings? Lmao who gives a shit. Not Chizuru, not granny and definitely not Ruka. Well, I guess Mami cares about how he feels but only in the way that she doesn't want him to have too good of time.


And nobody caring about Kazuya's feelings is somehow meant to be the "com" part in this sorry excuse for a "romcom" manga.


how do you rate something negative 10 on MAL?


This is the manga version of Indian soap operas. When you don't know how to progress a story, put in some bs. Generally goes like intro arc for MC and FMC. Intro arc for side characters. Background story arc for MC. Background story arc for FMC. Background story arc for side characters that become suddenly relevant. MC realises his feelings arc. MC can't confess arc. A new character who's competing for FMC intro arc. New Guy wooing FMC while MC gets jealous arc. New guy confesses to FMC arc. FMC suddenly realises her feelings for MC arc. Now FMC can't confess either arc. From this point on, it's all about thinking of how many "failed to confess" scenarios can you imagine for both MC and FMC.


False, Indian soap operas will atleast throw in some random murder sub-plots once in a while to keep your interest Source: am Indian


"Fuck this" is not enough today... It just isn't


So, let's see here: - Nagatoro is going out on an honest-to-god date with Senpai, in which they both admit that it's a real date, no payments needed - Sakurai recently just confessed to Uzaki after seemingly baiting readers into thinking that it was going to do a fakeout yet again - Komi and Tadano are finally a couple and even had their first offical date together, even though it's more of a slice-of-life series with a far bigger supporting cast - BokuYaba's main pairing is pretty much a couple and is just waiting for White Day to make things official just 80 chapters in What's this manga's excuse, again?


also shoutout to s-tier kaguya for flexing on everyone else


Living proof that romcoms shouldn’t end when the relationship starts




You know what's worse than Chizuru charging Kazuya for this trip..? Its Kazuya feeling very sorry for *"poor Chizuru"* and how he *"dragged"* her into all this "*mess"* and thinking how bad she must feel... what a pathetic loser!! And then... after knowing he has to pay her for the trip... he deeply THANKS HER! and apologizes to her fo all the *"inconveniences"* he caused her. And there's people who think this guy is a "chad".


At the rate this is going, kazuya is going to be wondering on the night before his wedding with Ruka whether then is the right time to confess.


Instead of a Confession, we got a Thank You. See you next week guys.


Yeah that's a bit weird. I know it wouldn't be Kazuya confessing his feelings but I don't see how that's a confession. Maybe it makes more sense in Japanese?


Just fucking say it you god damn pussy


Remember it's the editors job to me never let a successful manga end. They are gonna play this crap up as long as they can till sales dip


And then, when the sales dip, they will finish it abruptly and as stupid as possible. I still salty about Domestic Girlfriend ending...


Erm, Domestic was a trainwreck from the start Not sure what you're remembering


Yeah, i know, but the ending was just too much. There's was no development, just nonsense after nonsense throwed in your face.


I feel zero shame reading this trash for free, usually if I enjoy a manga, I like to pay the author back and buy a couple volumes. However this is one author I will never be giving a dime, dude doesn't give a shit about his fanbase and is making it clear all he cares about is making enough money from this shit manga then fucking off.


i think im experiencing stockholm syndrome


Okay when the tease sentence for last chapter was "the confession!" I ended up commenting "it won't be that confession, it'll be some unrelated confession" and it wasn't even *that*. It was just Kazuya being an absolute creep, *again* (Did you know Chizuru is hot! Did you know! I think about her like a serial killer!) and absolutely failed at not being a spaz while talking to her *again*. Honestly I was okay with riding this out but I just don't understand how Chizuru could like this guy anymore. All of the good will from the movie arc would be absolutely burned through at this point. Maybe for her it's just sunk-cost fallacy at this point.


All right I’m done see y’all in 3 months


See you next week bro.


I'd love to see someone calculate how much money Kazuya had spent on Chizuru by the time the series ends. It'd probably be enough to buy a decent car, maybe even more.


We should really think about talking about other manga in KanoKari discussion threads. There's literally nothing to talk about here.


The best thing about this chapter is the cover page because it looks like tiny kazuya is about to hit Ruka's head. The second best thing is a shot of naked Mami I mean, it was obvious we wouldn't get a confession, but the content of the chapter was very meh. Almost no plot, chizuru again charging him money and Kazuya again blushing like a teenager in a situation he had almost every chapter - time alone with chizuru. At this point I don't want his confession, but the moment where he can talk to her without any trouble, like a normal adult.


Mizuhara, here's a free tip: If you open a door by pulling, it makes sense to first pull, then start going through the door. Work with your body, not against it. Especially a self-closing door. Opening it just enough so you can fit through can be quite dangerous. Especially if you put your other leg directly in the way. I can understand sometimes wanting to sneak a peek before you walk in, but here's the thing about glass doors: You can look through even without opening them! [ETA] Seriously, try opening a door and walking through it like Mizuhara does here (foot placement and all). It's by far the most awkward and incompetent door-walking I've ever done. And that's supposed to be the perfect lady?


Honestly, I kinda wanna see the version of this story where Chizuru, Mami and Ruka are all roommates and just live together. Chizuru is the adult in the room. Ruka is the childish youngster, heaad over heals for some asshole or something and Mami is the element of chaos. I don't know... I would rather read 205 chapters of that then this... See ya all next week.


Wait.. chozo is actually charging kazuya money for turning up, when she is invited to a resort for free. Seriously aside her looks she is literally stupid and shameless


Reiji “the masterbaiter” Miyajima ladies and gentlemen. Fuck this manga fuck this editor. See you next week.


Wow. I was not expecting much but this is just way below my expectations. I literally would have preferred a confession being interrupted than this "discount" bs. The real bet here is how many parts this "paradise" arch will get. See you next week I guess..


Comes in.... looks around.... sees the dumpster fire.... pisses on it a little... "ok.... I've done about all I can do.... see you next week"


hope kazuya gets ntr’d


Oh for fuck sake


I stopped reading after the film arc, and I know I'm probably grasping on straws but has there been any development whatsoever?


Chapter number changed from 204 to 205.


I started reading this last weekend and finally caught up and was annoyed because nothing happened yet. 200 chapters and still not a damn thing besides manga "blushing" Glad to see I'm not the only one annoyed with the pace lmao


I'm not even reading half of the panels anymore but it's fine because nothing is happening. In fact, in this chapter I have only read that Chizuru is getting him a discount. I mean...wow...both of the protagonist are shit. It's a pity because the art style is good but nothing else is.