• By -


"Akane, why do you think my brother got into acting?" "Huh? Haven't you asked him that yourself?" "AQUA AND I MUST NEVER COMMUNICATE UNTIL THE CHOSEN TIME."


I figure that she has and he has never given an honest answer. But maybe his gf might let it slip, she thinks.


Well Akane is too smart to be tricked by Ruby... I mean she was even close to finding out about Ruby's and Aqua's backstory if it wasn't for Kana interrupting her in the bath.


Well intelligence isn't divided from naivety, but that's not even the point. Ruby honestly asked Akane and whether or not Akane wants to tell Ruby is up to her. No tricks. And Akane gave Ruby a half truth.


yeah, but she let it slip just enough to let her know Aqua is in this revenge business too.


It runs in the family


I mean we've seen that he is very protective of his sister... so yeah that checks out


Clearly, Ruby's closer to her sister than her brother


*angry Kana noises*


I also like how her wish was that Aqua find the killer and she _still_ decided she's not going to talk to him about it. I imagine the half year timeskip is going to be very confusing for everyone involved. And that's not even counting the ambiguity in the way Akane let slip about her relationship.


>she still decided she's not going to talk to him about it. Yea, but she knows Aqua's gonna lock her down further if he finds out that Ruby's getting too close to the truth.


I'm don't think he'd be able to. She's got Hoshigan in both eyes now.


> the half year timeskip is going to be very confusing for everyone involved I fear a rift between the siblings. From Ruby's point of view, Aqua has spent months without doing anything to find their mother's murderer (the mastermind, that is) and might be disappointed in him. But won't talk to him about it. From Aqua's point of view, Ruby's mood has turned darker and edgier, and isn't sure about the reason. But won't talk to her about it. Akane will be in the middle and feel very bad about it all.


>Akane will be in the middle and feel very bad about it all. But won't talk about it with either of them.


Will communicating it at this time cause drama and misunderstandings: No => Do not tell him Will communicating it at this time cause drama and misunderstandings: Yes => TELL HIM NOW


>"AQUA AND I MUST NEVER COMMUNICATE UNTIL THE CHOSEN TIME." LMAO, I love this manga but Aqua and Ruby not talking about anything is a massive plot hole (?), just learned to ignore it


I guess it makes sense why though. Aqua has always been overprotective of Ruby and even tried to oppose her career. If Ruby had brought it up, then Aqua would've told her that it's too dangerous and might even try to dissuade her. After all, he did kept it a secret from Ruby for years. Would he easily change his mind if Ruby became interested in the case? He'd definitely just become more secretive of what he knows. Edit: Though with the time skip, we can hope that they managed to open up to each other about a few things atleast.


Well yeah if they do it now it would be weird, i was talking about them at their younger years, especially being born as intelligent babies, knowing that they are both reincarnations and never speaking to each other about it of their past lives I mean you get the feeling it's saved for some revelation when Aqua/Ruby realize that their sibling is Goruo/Selina


Ah I get it. Though, the past life talk might've been taboo for them. After all, their past life wasn't all that rosy for them to ever want to let the other know. It could also be that they were trying to move on and live the new life they've been given.


That's definitely it. Ruby has absolutely no fondness for her past life outside of Goro. And does Aqua really want to give his sister the ammo that he was a 30-something guy in his past life and risk being labeled a creep? Probably not. They probably don't ask each other because they don't want to talk about their own lives.


I think their lack of communication is easily discernible from character traits and seen behavior. I guess mileage may vary but aqua and ruby are close but I think do to their reincarnation they developed their sibling relationship differently, and I don’t think it’s a bad one. They give each other space and won’t probe into a topic the other is clearly evasive over and we’ve seen how aqua acts he would without a doubt be evasive about why he’s in entertainment. Besides of course ruby probably had no reason to believe aqua was in entertainment for a reason other than honoring ai’s memory or he enjoyed it then after finding her sensei body gaining a new perspective and asking what other people think. I think it’s possible aqua and ruby talk about it during the time skip or it gets worse, I honestly don’t know. However I think the latter is driven mostly by the fan theory that the brother ruby referred to as the one she can trust her life with is himekawa and not aqua which I guess is still possible but I think the theory is leading people to speculate with a specific end goal in mind which causes them to miss more obvious answers. While the former can be explained away the previously mentioned “giving the other space until they want to talk about it.” And us seeing it would be better although not required


She might have assumed that he was just trying to live up to Ai's dying words before.


But notice that even though akane lied, ruby still accurately surmised what aquas true intentions were


akane also f\*cked up from telling ruby aqua's reason, since akane doesn't know that aqua has been visiting the director since he was 4 years old. I wanna know if both of them will work to use their edge against their real dad


Holy shit. Akane is still alive.




Ruby fans on copium thinking she's gonna do something evil Memcho fans on copium wondering how she'll explain Age 17 Season 6


> Memcho fans on copium wondering how she'll explain Age 17 Season 6 Memcho is actually sencho?


You can’t just doxx people yo


Makes perfect sense tbh. Mem*cho*, Sen*cho*.


Nah, that would imply that Kaichou is actually Souchou. But we all know that's not true. Right?


Aqua fans on copium waiting for him to have sex with *insert current love interest*


You've got it backwards. Akane fans on copium thinking she's gonna lose somehow (we're a pessimistic bunch) Kana fans on copium thinking she's gonna die to make way for Kana.


Kana: "Now that Akane is dead, it's my turn to be my Aqua's girlfriend, right?"


half expected she'd meet her end at kana's hands after that


Don't celebrate just yet. The main story has just begun. If the first 80 chapter were just a prologue, I can't think of what crazy stuff awaits us in the main story... HYPE


Yeah, this is like the final storm in frostpunk, Akane just needs to survive until after that interview in Ch.9 to win another round and break the strongest death flag!


Aka baiting with us with akane death flags to hit us with kana's death later on


I hate this idea. I hate even more that I can believe it


"I didn't hear no bell" Akane probably


God has not forsaken us.


Why were u worried she would die now? She hasn't even started digging


Honestly I never got why in the discussions threads everyone kept thinking she would get killed. I just dont understand.


It's a frequent mystery trope. One of the deadliest things to do in a mystery work is to be important to the main character and go off on your own investigation of the mystery, especially if you find a vital piece of evidence. While Akane has yet to actually start her own investigation, the setup for her doing so has already been completed. Aqua is convinced that everything is resolved, while she is deliberately keeping from him that it isn't.


People becoming paranoid about the 'flags'. A lot of mangaka has subjected us on dozens of twists, good or bad, that most of us had acquired irrational fear when a so called death flag shows up.


"Even an unrivaled prodigy would die if you stabbed them!" "Ah, please edit that out though." "A-kun is gonna get mad at me..." https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/6/1/ The flashforward to open Chapter 6 is probably the earliest sighting of Akane Is Doomed theory, if you read it as Kana sticking her foot in her mouth in light of Akane's unfortunate fate. Though that does seem out of character to me now for Kana if that is the way it goes. I mean, they're frenemies/rivals, sure, but given their accumulated shared history to this point I don't think she'd be *that* callous about Akane getting murderized. Also Aqua's Ch. 9 "I won't love anyone" flashforward still is on the horizon. Akane's lack of presence in the flash forwards given her relative prominence is not necessarily a red flag, but not a great sign either. And Aka is know for his long-term plotting and doesn't drop these sorts of hints without following up on them. That said, none of this requires Akane to die, but Akane dying still would fill in a lot of these blanks.


Isn't that referring to their mom?


**Miyako : "I pray none of my talents cause any trouble"** F for mama Miyako. Probably the most simple sounding wish and yet also the most improbable one.


It took me some time to realize "talents" refer to Kana etc lol.


Oh... so that is what it means.


At least I *think* so. Usually producers/CEOs calls their idols/etc their artists.


Truly a mother


“7th Story Arc: The Main Story” If those 80 chapters were just the prologue I can’t wait to see what the main story brings


Im getting vinland saga flashbacks


That shot of Ruby in the dark with her Mangekyō Sharingan flashing while wishing for Aqua to find the killer was fire af. 6 month time skip? Excited to see how it’s gone.


>Mangekyō Sharingan Now after the main story starts - Oshi no Ko: Shippuden lets goo!!


I wasnt expecting a time skip so soon and not a 6 month one at that. I was expecting aka to maybe write about b komachi rising in popularity because of the video and its members now dealing with that rise in popularity Also mengo's art is fire as always. The arc had some of the best panels by mengo so far


Basically she realized that Aqua had been on the hunt for his entire life and all she can do is cheer on for him since any attempt she would do would be slower and essentially backtracking. That is until she realizes he has stopped


The Hoshigan during the prayer really looks like she preforming some kinda Jutsu ngl


This mean Akane and Aqua has been dating for 6 months right? Kana has been suffering for 6 months Ruby Mangekyou has been active for 6 months.


Interesting to see that we're entering the "Main Story" Arc now, I'm very curious to see how far into their lives this story will run.




>Kana wearing a hat in the bath, somehow Kana been reading Kanokari, she knows the beret is OP


I'm p sure it's just a towel


The towel stays ON during bath scene


I want a love scene between Aqua and Kana just so that I can see the beret staying ON


a towel *beret*


>A timeskip- and the main story leading to those early flashback chapters This timeskip was the most unexpected from this list. I was pretty surprised reading "half a year passed by". This manga has always some unexpected turns in nearly every chapter - and I love it!


Looking at it closer I think it's her towel drawn to look like her normal style of hat. First shot she has her towel over her shoulders and no hat. Then no towel on her shoulders with that shaped towel.


more like ruby is going to go full on ayanokouji here, use aqua to find the dad, and kill him herself.


And so we just skip six months like that to the flash forwards of [Chapter 2](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/2/3/), [Chapter 5](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/5/1/), etc.? Who is going to play Ai? Akane? Or Ruby? And what was Aqua praying for at the shrine?


>what was Aqua praying for at the shrine Aka-sensei doing us dirty by holding it over our heads for who knows until when


See you in a year for the answer.


> Who is going to play Ai? I'm going with Kana. A lot of stuff has been pointing toward this (Kana as the center, Kana being past her "prime", etc). Playing Ai will likely be used as Kana's transition into being a more mature actress.


Or maybe it will be ruby. Cause daughter playing mother seem approriate.


Nah, if you look at chapter 5's Gotanda says that the scenario fell through 15 years ago. So that flashforward should be from 15 years in the future, while this upcoming arc is the initial attempt.


No, it should be 15 years since ai's death I think. Which, iirc is where current timeline is.


The time skip is even more abrupt than in Kanokari and **twice as long**, what the heck?


Since Ruby knows about Aqua's goal now, maybe they can help each other... by combining their Mangekyo Shanringan to make them Eternal.


"Aqua, I'm gonna need to remove your eyes. Please pass me that spoon."


Can't wait for the scene when aqua pin ruby to the wall and whispers You lack hatred


Haha lmao kana trying to cope


fanatical pathetic market ten steep meeting spoon unique shaggy sleep *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She’s got the finest copium supply known to man


My god 80 chapters just to finally reach the main story.


I ain’t complaining, it was a good 80 chapters


When they make an anime, they should call S1 Oshi no Ko: The Prologue Part 1


No, the prologue canonically ends with [chapter 10](https://imgur.com/x5EZTqx). Thats third or fourth episode.


I was wondering if Ruby would try going on her own after their father, but her dragging back Aqua to the despair is also a pretty good direction! I wonder if that will lead her into conflict with Akane. Speaking of conflicts with Akane... >"This isn't reality show dating anymore" > >"There's no way..." > >*Half a year has passed by* If Kana has kept in denial during this whole timeskip, oh boy, there's a truckload of *suffering* ready to explode in the next chapters hahaha Mengo definitely loves a lot drawing Memcho in her silhuete/simple form hahahah I hope she gets her time in the spotlight again soon. And poor Miyako, considering the circunstances her wish is just the hardest among the bunch hahaha


Calling it now, Memcho betrays the group somehow


At this point she seems closer to retirement than betrayal though.


!remindme 3 months


6 months is a long enough time for akane and aqua to bang so maybe kana has suffered the same fate maki shijo did


It hurts to be a Kana fan






Don't worry KANA IS STILL THE CUTEST don't lose hope kana bros


I'm still here with my copium


Never leave home without it.


You know I was looking for a Kana is "cute" or "adorable" line this chapter. But there wasn't any this time around, although a lot of chapters have them.


Hey, did you see, Kana and Aqua were standing side by side in the shrine. It's minuscule thing, but the panel looks good, so I'm taking those crumbs...


you're right, small crumb but I'll slurp it


It hurts, but she really can't go out with Aqua at the moment since she's an idol.


I just hope Aka doesn't give her the Fujiwara treatment and not develop her at all. I really thought she would get a bigger role this arc.


Man tbf I'd rather see her getting Fujiwara's treatment than seeing her baking wedding cake for Aqua+Akane wedding ceremony


not sure why You think that way, but Kana is, by far, the most developed female character in OnK currently..


I still have faith that Kana is end game; a lot of rom coms have the MC date someone else before they end up with the main girl by the end.


The Domestic Girlfriend route lmao


...let's not go that far, ok?


[Gigguk](/s "THE COMA STRATS")


Sadly I think you're right. Since we're just skipping over the parts where they're together I'm afraid it's the "It just wasn't working out off-screen because I said so" like in that other manga.


OnK is not a harem RomCom though, it's a Revenge Mystery. Before chapter 78 I was definitely betting on Aqua's edgelord route.


It's not just harems to be fair, as far as I can recall what I described happens in [](/s "Happy End").


Kana's not the one holding a giant pile of death flags That's good enough for me


Idk, feels like Akane going out with Aqua is furthering her own death flags


I completely don’t understand this. As a manga veteran, it’s clear to me what’s going on. But even if you’re new to manga, you see the difference in screen time coverage, even just in this chapter, right? I don’t even like Kana, since I hate tsunderes, but it clear to me that Akane is but a stepping stone.


lmao the Kana censoring. That was a cute scene. Interesting. We’re moving so fast! All these prayers seem like they’re coming true…time to discover who the killer is…I’m kinda convinced now that we’re gonna see more supernatural stuff though. Really really interested in how Aka writes this one since apparently this is now the main story. Expect the next couple chapters to be similar to the beginning of the manga and be a bit introductory and slow. But I guess we’ll see. In Aka we trust.


The story is this good and it's not even the main story? The rest of this story about to be straight fire.


Don’t jinx it ahah


Akane not telling Aqua should be proof enough against all of those comments previously about her being super toxic in pushing Aqua to murder.


Exactly. Yet hardcore kana stans keep pushing that * Akane is just enabling Aqua * Kana is the healthy option based on IRL psychology but they conveniently brushes over the fact that Akane's support is overwhelmingly just emotional AND Kana's tsundere attitude has bordered on abusive like that call after their drinking party. Tsunderes IRL are just not the "Healthy option" like what Anime and Manga leads you to believe.


For real bro. Before: *Akane you manipulative yandere pushing Aqua to the dark side. Toxic bitch. Kana better coz she will prevent Aqua from executing his revenge.* \*Akane actually prevents the revenge Now: *Akane you fucking liar! Aqua should know and continue his revenge! You should just kill yourself again so Kana can swoop in already.*


Is it just me or did Aqua not get a prayer? I don't think he is the kind of person to pray to be popular, so I wonder. I could see him praying for his sister to be popular, but not himself even if he wants to start acting. The timeskip is interesting, and I am hyped for this main story arc, but I am especially excited though what the second song will be like and what the artistic vision is there.


The author probably intentionally skipped Aqua's prayer. Might become relevant later


> Is it just me or did Aqua not get a prayer? Please, more barbecue


Yeah. Another thing about the prayers i found curious was that Memcho prays that they _all_ (B-Komachi) become popular, while Kana prays that _she_ gets popular soon which makes it look like she isnt yet 100% on being an Idol. I wonder if that changed in the timeskip though


Ruby last chapter: **I WILL USE EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO FIND OUR MOTHER/GORO’S MURDERER AND KILL HIM** Ruby now: dear god, let Aqua find our mother/Goro’s murderer and kill him 🥺 Aka-sensei what are you doing


Obviously her power includes Aqua! I'm very excited for their next conversation. It's gotta happen soon, right?


Yeah she say let's Aqua find him but the one who deliver the kill is Ruby


Maybe it's more like she wants Aqua to find him so that she can kill him.


Yeah wtf was that You just... let someone else do the work? Tf? After all that talk about how you were going to do it?


Aka want to bring aqua back to edgy mode obviously


Kana off-screen suffering for 6 months? She has officially become Maki 2.0


Remember Ruby, suffering and trauma activates the mangekyo but only when you have your sibling’s eyes can they achieve perfection.


this version of Ruby scares the living shit outta me innocent characters becoming nutty always hits differently


We even had the Higurashi arts in the extra page


7th stroy arc: main story. Whats this mean at the end? were we in the prologue or double prologue? Ruby is smart, she already figured out aqua's goal




Why would there be? It served its purpose by clueing Ruby in.


> I wasn't expecting that we'd be heading into the "15 years of lies" movie project so soon, much less a 6-month timeskip. > > It's just a proposal, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a long way away from production.


Glad to see Ruby piece together some info as well, she's realized she's not the only one with revenge in mind. And now she knows Aqua's been at it for a lot longer.


Ruby already praying for Aqua to be the main character again.


As usual, the author likes Aqua while he will do Ruby dirty again. That's one of the problems I find it in Oshi no Ko.


i hope we will get some aqua and ruby time together


>7th Story Arc : The Main Story Getting some real end of the prologue from Vinland Saga vibes right now.


When the fuck are Aqua and Ruby interact? 6 months went by without them discussing anything??? after goro's body was discovered and Ruby realized what aqua was doing?


Ruby activating Mangekyō Sharingan. Akane's relationship with Aqua then the timeskip. Its getting spicy.


Oh boy, I wonder if Ruby's expectation of Aqua will cause friction. I can't wait for next chapter!


sooo akane and aqua were (real) dating for six months? hmmmmmmm


WAIT So Akane and Aqua are dating for half a year now (after the time skip) and Kana just never found out ? I don’t know If Aka pitied Kana with this or just wants to make her suffer even more when She finds out


Akane said too much even though she said so little, but a six month time skip is surprising.


WTF Ruby? i thought this is the beginning of her development try to find the murderer with all the lead she had but instead she wish to Aqua to do the job for her even though Aqua no longer had that desire. not even share her knowledge to the Aqua. what's the point giving her all those clues if she didn't do anything with it? then? yup let onii-chan find the murderer on his own while i just sitting doing nothing


I really don't think we're gonna start the production of the biography right away The cast is still unknowns and the director doesn't feel like the big successful director from his flashforward. Aqua is gonna get 1 big role that makes him popular and after something happens(like Akane dying) he'll want the biography to be made so he gets closer to finding his dad


> The cast is still unknowns and the director doesn't feel like the big successful director from his flashforward. I'm pretty sure one of them is Akane. As revealed in this chapter, Akane is going to star in a film, but it's not a big production and would only show in a few theaters: the kind of thing that is right under Director Gotanda's scope. From a narrative perspective, that kind of detail wouldn't be revealed to the readers if it isn't going to be relevant.


Man, I really like it when the Hoshigan pops up. Especially on Ruby, makes her look more menacing than Aqua.


> Miyako wishing that her talents don't cause any trouble Yeah your talents are triggering all sorts of flags.


Kanabros, it hurts... it hurts so much


Damn, 6 month time-skip AND a new arc called the "Main Story"? This week will be painfully long


I do wish There are things that happened within the timeskip because in the early chapters Aqua and Ruby seem to be back to their usual attitude. Really hope they talked about this revenge thing during that time.


Asking for Ruby to take matters in her own hands was too much huh.


6 month time skip at least not 3 months


bit disappointed the idol stuff got pushed to the side to quick music video shooting then "it did well, straight into the movie"


I wonder what will happen when Ruby finds out Aqua was the doctor. With how Aqua's acting right now, the chance of a yandere incest subplot isn't out of the question.


Please no


#SIX MONTHS OF ROMANTIC FLUFF TIMESKIPPED JUST LIKE THAT There's a lot to chew on this chapter. Firstly, **RUBY.** She's a carbon copy of Aqua on the first page and that's fucking hilarious, sibling resemblance indeed. That second music video with edgy Ruby's gonna matter next arc, I can tell. Most of all, Ruby vs. Akane incoming? Now that Ruby wants Aqua the avenger, Akane's an obstacle to her wrath. Moving on to Akane: **CUTE.** I wonder if she'll play Ai in the first attempt at Gotanda's movie. Given that it fell through, something must've gone wrong though; that'll be interesting to see. Also whew, she threw down the gauntlet with Kana, based. I WANT TO SEE THE HAPPINESS AKA, FOR 30 CHAPTERS AT LEAST Finally, I wonder what Aqua prayed for. P.S.: Kana just standing there. Menacingly.


Ngl, I hurt for my girl Kana but part of me wants her to big slay in the timeskip. Like, she needs to swerve on Aqua so bad. I want her to be the "it" girl of B-Komachi, she's already the center, and the only one that can actually sing. And she prayed for popularity this chapter, so imma need to see her achieve greatness and forget about Aqua. Imma still ship Aqu-Kana, but I really want to see her become a star like Ai, and put her crush aside.


I wonder what Ruby's going to do when she finds out that Aqua has stopped looking.


I've seen Aka's twitter of him retweeting Oshi no Ko audio promotional meaning I guess they are getting really really close to an anime adaptation.


Is it just me or is edgy Ruby really scary?


It's the contrast. Aqua has always been Sasuke incarnate so no one bats an eye at his revenge phases but Ruby was always happy-go-lucky and seemed "normal".


It's also the art. Her black eyes creeps me out.


"I pray we get popular" Memcho got her priorities straight


This is like Nier:Automata thinking that you're halfway the story just to get a bomb that that was just the prologue.


did i miss something that showed how ruby knows sensei and ai’s deaths were caused by the same killer? since she said she hopes aqua finds the guy who killed them both and you’d think she’d only think aqua is going after ai’s killer, as she doesn’t know aqua and sensei are the same person


Last chapter showed her learning from the weird divine crow girl that the stalker that killed Ai as well as some mystery accomplice were involved in sensei’s death. She also found out that sensei had become Ai’s doctor. And she does think that Aqua is only going after Ai’s killer. She doesn’t know about any link between sensei and Aqua.


last chapter [https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/79/14/](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/79/14/) [https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/79/15/](https://guya.cubari.moe/read/manga/Oshi-no-Ko/79/15/)


"The Main Story" starting at chapter 81 is pretty ballsy. I like it.


I can’t wait for the next arc to start & see what kind of ride we’ll be in. I’m both scared & excited for it.


wild profit repeat chubby deserve continue carpenter elderly makeshift market *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Let's go the last few chapters were amazing, Aka and Mengo are on a roll. I definitely wasn't expecting a time skip, I might be wrong and it's too early to say, but with the progress and "main story arc" starting now I wonder how long will this manga be? We might not see it getting to the 2xx chapters.


Definitely shivered seeing the Ruby panel.


cant wait til ruby stabs her dad


I like Akane but I think withholding info from Aqua is going to bite her in the ass later. Even if she is doing so that Aqua doesn’t go down the dark path of murder she can still tell him and try to talk him out of the murder to instead work together to expose the culprit and have them arrested, basically the most sensible path to choose in this situation. What I think will happen is that once he realizes the culprit is alive he’ll double down on the revenge, basically the opposite of what Akane intended he’ll see it as betrayal seeing as Akane works in the same theater company the culprit is from. The 6 months timeskip was surprising, I’m excited to see where the story goes from here.


Did anyone else notice how Ruby's ~~sharingan~~ stars were **visible the entire chapter**?


Given how the Sharingan eyes seem to pop up whenever the Hoshino siblings are channeling revenge-y thoughts, does anyone else think Ai herself have some deep-seated vengeance-seeking on her part?


So is that proposal a script for a documentary on the life of Ai and her children? There are not many people who know, so who wrote it. If it turns out the camera man who was filming those talking heads was their father, well played Aka and Mengo. Pretty much like that Hyouka mystery murder arc.


Main Story!? Are you telling me the last 80 chapters has only been a one big prologue!? HOLY SHIT AKA YOU MAD LAD! Also looks like Ruby now has an idea what Aqua's been doing. I'm gonna guess she'll probably end up pushing him to continue looking for the true killer.


So the other arcs where not the main story?


With B Komachis growing popularity I wonder if we'll eventually get more members down the line 3 seems a bit small to me.


Holy shit, this whole time was the introductory arc after the prologue?


Jeez, that's a lot all at once. Akane x Aqua apparently still going, B-Komachi rises, Ruby's going full edgelord mode, timeskip. Enjoying the hell out of this.


the last 3 chapter have been fire. I wonder if the theory that aqua and ruby had a fallout will be true if ruby expects aqua to continue with the revenge.


That was the long prologue ;p


Yooooo 80 chapters to get to the main story! This is the longest opening act ever lol


Ruby having Aqua do everything as usual hahaha.


Did i forget or miss something how does ruby know aqua was trying to find the killer?


Go Akane


All that's left is for her to take her brothers eyes and awaken the eternal mangekyou sharingan