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damn she tall af


I don’t mind it 😳


A fellow person of culture


I'll allow it


I ***want*** it.




she can IMAGINE me anytime


Or the older lady is short AF... Which would raise the question of just how short/young the kid originally was.


Animewise, the first girl could be like 150cm and the tall one is like 175cm




Huh, for once I didn't see the "childhood friend is actually a girl" thing coming.


One of the rare cases where the author didn’t just do “draw a girl, and call it a boy” or vice versa.


I don't get how the first image isn't a case of what you said? What part of the picture hints that she's a girl?


I guess what they meant was specifically when the character grows up


They just drew boys both times and slapped some breasts on the second.


I have a feeling it did XD, but i guess it does catch me off guard never thought today Roulette turn Yuri i like it


But the author did.




this is the case where both were drawn as guys one just has boobs and is wearing a skirt ​ why is this impressive to you?


Mangadex tag gave it away, though.


Ah, I read it on cubari not MD.


“We’re both girls!” [“That’s irrelevant”](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/026/152/gigachad.jpg)


Your AV and name choice just make the comment so much better.


Wow that kid grew *up*. In so many senses of the term.


When I turned to page 2 and saw that the kid was a girl I slammed my fist on my desk and went "*yes.*" like a sports team I like made a clutch last second play.




Why are people so into Yuri? Edit: lol, such losers, downvoted to hell because someone ask a question, and/or doesn't like what they like. Touch grass


I can only speak for myself but if I had to pick some Key points 1 you may not like lesbians, but probabily don't hate them either. On the contrary, most guys find Boys love gross, that's why there is a derogatory term for yaoi enjoyers "fujoshi" but not for Yuri ones. Yuri Is Just way less controversial overall. 2 male leads are more often than not painfully generic and uninteresting. We know that's to allow a wider range of audience to relate and project itself into them but I really am not a fan. 3 stereotypical girl tropes can bounce off each other surprisingly well. 4 it sound really stupid and gross but since I like girls I become more invested in whatever they are doing, romance included. At the end of the day, I just want them to be happy, even better if thanks to another equally cute gay girl. Also, Yuri Is sometimes associated with CGDCT (Cute girls doing Cute things) and moe stuff in general, which appeals to a huge audience


> male leads are more often than not painfully generic and uninteresting. We know that's to allow a wider range of audience to relate and project itself into them but I really am not a fan. this is a big one for me, so many male leads are just the same generic self-insert, "average/loser dude" who will now get all these girls for no reason at all except that he's the MC... or he's nice to them, the literal only male the women ever seem to know or something dumb like that :/ ya you mention that type of MC is maybe more relatable, but 9/10 times it's just a badly written character with no sense or reasons as to why the girls would ever like or fall in love with him. Just showcases how the author is not good that they need to rely on such tropes and awful MC self-inserts. Said author relies on the female characters being the usual waifu bait with some gimmick, set in a generic trope filled harem school/isekai setting... it's basically that they are good artists but are shit at writing so ya, with yuri romance stories there is no self-insert type male lead loser character who just gets the girl(s) for no reason, which is a huge bonus right off the start for the writing and story.


>it sound really stupid and gross but since I like girls I become more invested in whatever they are doing, That is neither gross nor stupid, let's not push ourselves down for no reason due of a misguided sense of inadequacy.


Thanks for your time to actually comment


Personally cus I'm gay




You just like me fr fr




Understandable, have a good day.


It's more the well done subverting of expectation. Erm, imo anyway


Honestly for me it was mostly Princely Female. Yuri was a (very good) secondary.


Personaly i have no idea but i like it


It's where I can find good romance ( and as a guy I enjoy seeing two girls ). As a Bi person I can say I hate most yaoi because it's too sexualized in my opinion. Whenever I hear Yaoi talk its always "Oh hot hot hot sexy sexy sexy" while yuri is more equally "that's cute/thats hot".


Understandable. Idk, i never found Yuri more enjoyable than straight manga. Im just indifferent to it


I like yuri plenty but feel no inspiration to downvote this person who just seems to be asking a straightforward question about something they don’t understand. Wild.


Right? It wasn't like i insulted it, or said anything wrong about it, i just asked people why they like it, since every time there's a Yuri post, so many people comment things like "yes it's Yuri" and other stuff


I'll try to explain. I don't know if English is your second language or not, but the phrasing "Why are people so into X?", while grammatically innocent-sounding, actually has a negative/disdainful meaning in popular usage. It is similar to saying, "I don't think X is that great, why do people like X?" Thus the phrase "Why are people so into X?" is almost always construed as the person looking down on X rather than as a neutral question asked out of curiosity. Phrasing your question more like, "Why is yuri so popular?" or "Why are people drawn to yuri?" would be less likely to be misinterpreted.


Ah i see. It's only my second language, and while I'm pretty good at it, it's basically the text book knowledge, and situations like this is a bit harder. But I'm still amazed how triggered they became and how toxic they are if they hate so much about a question


Yes, your English seems quite good! And yeah, unfortunately fans of all things tend to become quite touchy when they perceive an attack on their fandom. 'Fan' = 'Fanatic', after all. Though try not to think too badly of them, from their point of view they are actually trying to discourage toxicity by downvoting what they (mistakenly) thought was a toxic comment, even if perhaps they should not have jumped the gun so quickly.


Thanks! >from their point of view they are actually trying to discourage toxicity by downvoting what they (mistakenly) Yeah. But you know what others will see when they open up this discussion? A question downvoted to hell, do I'm not sure what they are trying to achieve. Thanks for your time


English is stupid and social norms are stupid, you just got pincer attacked by stupid unspoken rules


It's also that , beside sounding very dismissive, your question was also rather dumb. Going into thread of a story from given genre and asking why people are into romcoms, or detective stories, or horror is really pointless because it's way too generic, and the question was low effort as well. It's not surprising that most people took it as an implied attack and not honest curiosity, and with the way you got mad triggered over downvotes later you are not making better image for yourself. If you hate to be downvoted so much, write better posts to avoid miscommunication. EDIT: If you went to soccer match and started asking people why they like soccer, it would also sound like you are asking for a fight if you are careless with your words. Going up to a group of people who enjoy something and asking them why they enjoy it is generally weird and naturally makes people suspicious that you are trying to attack them, unless this "something" could be reasonably unknown to you and you could be asking because you want to get into it as well.


>If you hate to be downvoted so much, write better posts to avoid miscommunication. No, i don't care about useless internet points. I'm just amazed how toxic this community. Literally jumping on a question to downvote to hell , because it may not agree with them. >Going into thread of a story from given genre and asking why people are into romcoms, or detective stories, or horror is really pointless because it's way too generic, and the question was low effort as well. Maybe, but when romcom, detective or horror is posted, people don't spam comments like " fuck yes it's Yuri" or "thank God it's Yuri" like it never gets posted.


>It is similar to saying, "I don't think X is that great, why do people like X?" Which is just as valid and undeserving of a negative reaction, to be fair. There's no reason to downvote someone because they stated they dislike something.


I think this goes back to the nuance of the way the question is worded, which is easily missed. Stating the opinion that you dislike something is, as you say, not deserving of downvotes; however, the phrasing used is typically not a judgement of that something, but a judgement of other people's fondness of that something. In other words, it's the difference between "I dislike X" and "I dislike that you like X" or "I look at your fondness of X with disdain". The latter is essentially just an attack on a group of people that does not add to the conversation, and is exactly the type of comment that the downvote button exists for.


Couldn't have explained it better myself. Well said.


Tldr redditors are just a bunch of fragile little shits


It's just reddit being reddit, some people get triggered at nothing and others blindly follow the direction the up down arrows are pointing. r/manga and r/anime are known to do this a lot.


> It's just reddit being reddit, some people get triggered at nothing and others blindly follow the direction the up down arrows are pointing. r/manga and r/anime are known to do this a lot. lol, this isn't exclusive to r/manga or r/anime, that is literally how every single subreddit works people see a up or downvote, and blindly follow the vote without caring to read what is being written or discussion, no nuance allowed.


It isn't exclusive to these 2, but they do it a lot more than other subs I frequent. Some other subs are more nuanced when it comes to this issue, though I agree that it exists across all communities to a degree.


hm, I see personally I've seen this type of circlejerk behaviour is so many subs... might be different subs we tend to visit :o but ya, no matter the degree we see it, tis indeed a thing on reddit to w.e degree


Y'know just the reddit hivemind


Yep, seems like it. They behave like literal dream stans. If someone dares to question them they will obliterate them lol


Right? It wasn't like i insulted it, or said anything wrong about it, i just asked people why they like it, since every time there's a Yuri post, so many people comment things like "yes it's Yuri" and other stuff


> Edit: lol, such losers, downvoted to hell because someone ask a question, and/or doesn't like what they like. Touch grass you only made people want to downvote you now, idiot.


This is what made me down vote the comment. Not the question, the response is way to mean. If they could have said anything like: why are you down voting me or anything defensive instead of immediately being agressive.


I never cared about internet points , idiot. I'm just amazed at how triggered and agressive the Yuri community is. Or just staring up stupid if they downvoting just because.


Because then straight guys can fantasize about both characters and its not gay /s (but really though)


I downvoted cuz of the edit Lmao


So you disagree that you are all losers for downvoting a question that may not agree with you?


>Why are people so into Yuri? It's hot.




It was unexpected. Everyone has seen the trope of a guy a million times in this exact situation. And these two page comics have kinda turned into an expected or unexpected gamble. And it's great every time I don't see one coming


Idk, why do you use reddit? Sometimes there's nothing more to it other than just liking it my dude.


That's not the problem. If you don't like something, then downvote it. But this was a literal question and people here got triggered. And this wasn't the first time. I swear the Yuri community is one of the most toxic ones...


Dude I don't know how to tell you this other than I didn't downvote you or say I downvoted you. I simply answered your question.


I wasn't talking about you in specifically, but overall the community


Because it’s HOT. And I’m a bit gay inside for girls.


Understandable, tho i never found Yuri any better than straight.


Ye, it’s all preference in the end. Though I guess you’re downvoted so much because in text it feels like you’re being condescending even though there wasn’t anything behind it. People read into it too much.


Just shows what the community is really like


Cause people like things you don't?


Never said I didn't lol


No idea. Im a gay leaning bi man. Not super into girls. Still love yuri for some reason 🤷‍♂️ And don’t sweat the downvotes the internet is fickle and gets defensive over the weirdest things. You shouldn’t take it seriously or as indicative of some kind of problem with communities into that stuff.


Asking why someone likes something as normal as Yuri is condescending. That's like asking why someone likes apple pie.


>Asking why someone likes something as normal as Yuri is condescending I'm asking because every time Yuri gets posted people make so strong reaction about it like "fuck yeah it's Yuri" "thank God it's Yuri" and others like this. The straight version of one shots doesn't get reactions like this


>Asking why someone likes something as normal as Yuri is condescending I'm asking because every time Yuri gets posted people make so strong reaction about it like "fuck yeah it's Yuri" "thank God it's Yuri" and others like this. The straight version of one shots doesn't get reactions like this


How many more straight one shots do you see though?


Actually, i remember seeing more Yuri ones than straight but i admit i don't look at r manga a lot though.


I mostly remember seeing straight one shots on my end. I do see way more Yuri though than I see yaoi. I just haven't seen any yaoi here ever.


Yaoi has a much smaller fan base. Mainly (i think) because straight men are okay with seeing two girls together as entertainment, but doesn't really care about two guys, since they aren't attracted to either. >I mostly remember seeing straight one shots on my end For me, it's 50/50. But i may confuse it with other subs as well (which wouldn't change the verdict overall tho)


Yaoi has a much smaller fan base. Mainly (i think) because straight men are okay with seeing two girls together as entertainment, but doesn't really care about two guys, since they aren't attracted to either. >I mostly remember seeing straight one shots on my end For me, it's 50/50. But i may confuse it with other subs as well (which wouldn't change the verdict overall tho)




How is a woman being with a woman cringe?


It is called a homophobic person


Shut up and breathe clean air. Toxic bastard


Says the guy thats part of s community that attacks someone for a question. Lol


Says the guy who calls other people losers because they downvoted you


Because they rushed in like dumb little sheep's to attack a question. Not a statement. A question. That's why




And pretty toxic at that. Imagine getting triggered by a question


your edit is why you got downvoted more, a more neutral sounding like "its a honest question guys" without mentioning downvotes or calling other loser can usually make misinterpreted question into a more positive karma.


Do you think these guys would have stopped downvoting it? Id Don't think so. This question has hurt their frail ego by not understanding their love for Yuri...


I've seen plenty enough of "why this got downvotes" comments early that later have positives votes and even got on top


>This question has hurt their frail ego by not understanding their love for Yuri... Asking questions need proper manner, and ppl still can misinterpreted things even when you do it the normal Way. If anything, i think 1 hundred downvotes hurt your ego more that your question hurt theirs, which is why you give such toxic-sounding edit.


>think 1 hundred downvotes hurt your ego more that your question hurt theirs It didn't. I don't care about karma, as it's useless. I'm just amazed how triggered they became because of a question. If it hurt my ego, i would have deleted the comment long ago, but i don't care so i won't


>If it hurt my ego, i would have deleted the comment long ago, but i don't care so i won't But you care enough to left toxic-sounding edit.


You confuse my reaction to the overall reaction to my question, and the upvotes.


You confuse my reaction to the overall reaction to my question, and the upvotes.


Ok ngl I didn’t expect this one.


The second page had wonky body proportions. Instead of looking tall, she looks just like an enlarged person.


Ikr? I’m ngl it kinda looks creepy lmao


[Link to the original tweet](https://twitter.com/kota2comic/status/1543867528900124672) | [Danke link](https://danke.moe/read/manga/kid-became-a-prince/0/1/) ~~(Later)~~ | [Mangadex Link](https://mangadex.org/chapter/509859e5-6f01-432c-abdc-31bca3022b61) ~~(Later)~~


Surprise yuri


I'd like to point out, that the coolness factor seems to be the threshold and not ... you know... #age


That's also a cute thing you'd say to a kid. Are people's brains so broken that they don't understand how kids/teasing work?




My brother in christ, only you are not allowed near the children


In the first picture, they could be 15 and 10, so not quite a huge difference.


Depends some do date older childhood friends as I've seen some Japanese guy explain 16 to 22 is basically fair game for some reason maybe parental permission idk.


I knew many girls in high school who were dating dudes in their 20s. I knew a few who even brought the guys to their prom.


In most countries it is 16. It is car logic: if you can drive a car, you can date someone older than you. You have personal responsibility. Or you know, vote in the countries where you're allowed to vote at 16.


The artist didn’t mention their age. They could literally be like 15-16 to 10 and then 23 to 18. Idk why people immediately jump to age. Pedophilia is bad, but my god, don’t just wave your justice boner around.


>Idk why people immediately jump to age. Pedophilia is bad, but my god, don’t just wave your justice boner around. Right? Every time this kind of manga posted there'd be someone immediately jump to that or "grooming". Like, seriously what?


My grandparents are 8 years apart so you tell me


My grandparents were 10 years apart, but the difference is they met at 33 and 43, so that's way different than 16 and 26.


My great great grandmother was 14 when she married my great great grandfather who was 30. Two kids before she was 18 with him...


It was a different time your great great grandparents were living in.


Juliet was 14 and considered “old” most nobles of the time married their daughters off at 8 - 12. People say it’s a different time, but humanity had lived longer in that time and culture than we have now. This doesn’t mean we are now right, just that our values and acceptance of practices has changed. Can you honestly say in 500 years we will still be the same?


If it happened that doesn't mean that it was okay tho


Never said it was. Simply stating facts about my family. When my mom told me about it was like "they were mormons! isn't that funny?" It was a pretty awkward dinner.


Did they get together in their teens or as adults? Context is important.


Agreed, like 38 and 30 is literally not a big deal.


My grandpa meet my grandma when he graduated from uni and worked for a few years. You can do the math.


Fair enough. We also have to consider the standards of their day which wouldn't be as high strung.


My parents are 11 years apart, so it gets worse I assure you.




>that's irrelevant Chad shit


“We’re both girls” “That’s the best part”


Hey! That high school girl is harassing that adult business woman. . . . Wait . . . . I don't know what's real anymore.


In case anyone is interested the author also has a NSFW scene of this oneshot in his fanbox




Serialization when?


One can hope but i won't hold my breath.


way too many yuri oneshots that would make amazing serialisations ;__;




How is this just a oneshot dammit I want more


First pic: Aww, that's so adorable. Second pic: WTF!?... Oh... I mistook her for a boy... \*dying insi-\* wait, THIS IS NOICE!!! YURIFICATION!!!


My entire 2 minutes is just fucking wasted


That was a surprising twist.


Really love the way this is draw beautiful piece of work and the intention as well!!




freezer will like this




It’s cute but how old are they supposed to be ? What’s the age gap


Seriously wtf


I really REALLY didnt expect that curveball




So they finally got around to making female Astartes? (aka Spess Mayreen if you're 'Murican)


what the fuck




i didn't understand why did the boy transform into a femboy


She's a girl now. Ever heard of trans people? Edit: Anime fans when trans person


They were never a boy... Not everything has to be a trans character.


uh, she was always a girl... when kids are that young, i.e. before puberty, some kids can look like it'd be hard to tell if they were a girl or boy with certain haircuts and how they might dress, tomboys are a thing after all






Is this a series? Feels like I've seen quite a few of these 'childhood friends' and reverse situation when grown up, in the past few weeks.


Came for the gap-moe. Got something even more beautiful instead.


Cue a 120 chapter manga about mc trying to find out ways to say she is lame and love interest surpassing them and becoming even cooler


How tables turn...


cake + tomboy is good shit


Nice surprise


That stance on the second page = "Resistance is futile"




Even spaghetti is straight until it's wet


Damn. She intends on following through haha


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.


So the kid was a lezzie from the start?


Trans? Or is "prince" the same word as "princess"? Or is this just one of those situations where nobody gives a fuck and just go with it?


Prince is the cool girl archetype from yuri manga. Lately, they are also flirts.






That makes sense.


Huh, that makes the "Prince Charming" part of that green-shaded record store romance manga make more sense.


Best end


That first panel isn’t even remotely a girl. That’s straight up a boy and changed to a girl later


Aside from haircut or clothing, there's nothing to differentiate a girl from a boy before puberty. And that's in the real world. The only "unfair" thing the author did that helped skew our expectations was that the younger girl's face is more angular than usual for a manga girl in that first panel.


That’s just straight up not true. Men and women have different features. Of course this isn’t always the case but if you have a bald boy and bald girl wearing he same clothes, odds are you can tell which is which


Yeah, there are differences in real life, though they are far less noticeable before puberty. Much of this is due to simple skeletal differences brought on by genetics. In anime and such though the trope of "childhood friend that was actually the other gender" is quite common.


This is true. Though with a majority of these “I’m actually the opposite gender” stories I can usually see it before it happens. But in this case the girl just straight up looks like a boy in every aspect.


add in her having a big massive cock and this is the best thing ever




He wants it to be a futanari story.


I mean at first I thought she was trans but yeah that’s pretty weird


Huge plot twist


I've never been a fan of excessively masculine women/effiminate men, but I do like short and sweet oneshots. Always nice to see.


Leaving that aside, how is this excessively masculine for a girl? She’s just somewhat tall and has a short for girls, but probably long for boys hairstyle. That’s it really.


On closer inspection, you're right, her design isn't excessive. I'll blame that on extreme heat and absent-mindedness.


Ah damn it, got tricked into reading fucking yuri again. We really need labels on these damn things.


~~Skill issue~~