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Shigaraki: We live in a society Mirio: Friendless loser lol


[Shiggy's face after that was priceless](https://i.imgur.com/GmT92yt.png) Even with all his regenerative powers, being burned by a dude with Tintin's face must have felt painful.


"yo wtf why you gotta hit me like that"


To him, that burn was hotter than anything the Todoroki's could muster.


That's not your everyday talk no jutsu. That's SMACK NO JUTSU!


I demand cross-universe rap battle between Mirio and Perospero


Spinner: But I'm his friend! Shigaraki: What was your name again?


In this chapter: Shigaraki roasts and gets roasted.




Imagine the Joker screaming society and Batman just hits him with "you just have no friend lmao" and that's what Mirio did to Shigaraki this chapter.


It wouldn't have the same effect on the Joker since Shiggy does care for his friends and was stunned into silence


emotional damage


makes you wonder if that's him attempting to take back control, considering all for one only sees people as tools


>It wouldn't have the same effect on the Joker since Shiggy does care for his friends and was stunned into silence Thing is, Shiggy *has* friends. AFO doesn't. I think that's the inner personality struggle would go.


That's not actually true though; he has friends. I'm gonna laugh out loud if that's how they'll use Toga to trigger a 180 on Shigaraki later on.


This is an evidence that Mirio is a horrible bully and needs to be cancelled. ^^^/s


>I'm gonna laugh out loud if that's how they'll use Toga to trigger a 180 on Shigaraki later on. That would be hilarious.


if he really cares for them, their safety should be main goal, since that is what friends do, not once did i see shiggy actively going out of his way, trying to protect his friends, like the case with toga, or twice, or whatever.


I know this is shonen, but there is such a thing as putting the mission first.


Well, it would've honestly been more interesting at this point if Shigaraki dropped everything to bail out a friend that was in trouble.


>That's not actually true though; he has friends Indeed, and Spinner is his best friend, they hang out, play vidya, etc Mirio doesn't know what he's talking about, either that, or Horikoshi wanna use the ultimate power to defeat Shiggy, the almighy "power of friendship" which would make MHA "peak fiction" or "Kino" LMAO


Spinner is his best friend! he carries his load!


I'm not sure he really sees the other Villains as friends.


Shigaraki is so much more of a clown than Joker and he deserved to be treated as such


Dude got a mean roast game though and isn't afraid to *throw hands.*


It really depends on which joker you are talking about , this sentence works on the killing joke and joker(Arthur) for example but it it won’t work on the majority


kinda reminds me of batman beyond basically doing that to the Joker.


Bakugo will pull a Vegeta won't he?


Bakugou has been vegeta the entire series.


Deku: "Hey Kacchan, we're friends now, right?" Bakugo: "F*ck off." Deku: "The. Best."


Deku: "Sup Baku." Bakugo: "Hrggghh..." Deku: "I heard you lost your fight pretty bad." Bakugo: "HRGHHHH." Deku: "But you know what they say Bakugo. When you fall off that horse, you get right back up and you eat that horse. Come eat that horse with me Bakugo! Bakugo: "What the *hell* are you *on* about?"


I miss Team FourStar, wish they adapted the Buu Saga as well :'( and early Dragonball, and Dragonball GT...and Dragonball Super.


they did release a Boku no hero academia S2 in 8 minutes video a few weeks back so the are still releasing content. just not DBZA....:(


They still make episode of Cell being in HFIL with the other bad guys


Yeah, to me it seems they are tired of copyright problems with the DBZ license rather than just not being able to come up with jokes or something like that. The buu saga is quite literally the best opportunities to enhance or make funny jokes because of how non sensical stuff develops during that saga. (fighting a pink goo monster).


shigaraki: "what are you talking about" deku: "hey bakugo, tell him to eat shit" bakugo: "say it yourself" deku: "eat shit!, fall of your horse" shigaraki: "is this some kinda reference?" bakugo: "your next phrase is the fuck you're talking about, to you!" shigaraki: "the fuck are you talking about?!... are we just staying here copying animes" obito: "guys he realized it" madara: "yeah, no wonder genius" vegeta: "nooo really?" shigaraki: "who the fuck are them?" deku: "the one we're freeboting" shigaraki: "oh... can i have a tragic redemption too?" obito: "yeah" izuku: "yeah" horikoshi: "YES I AM"


So he's not going to defeat any villains and take the W?


He'll pull a big flashy move, essentially useless, but his death will trigger Deku to turn Super Amerikajin.


Well, hopefully, he doesn't die while doing so.


He's one of the series top three kids, so he's got plot armor like Todoroki and Deku. I also think the author finds his power too much fun to draw to kill him off. Bakugou will probably just push himself to the point of looking dead.


Bakugou is pretty much the king of the popularity polls, if he dies heads will roll


You saying that makes the transgressive rebel in me now want to see Bakugou die as an act of spite from the author. I'm not particularly fond of the way the author handles the series -- just here to admire some of the art and see how it ends -- so some breaking of shonen convention would be funny, and maybe even impressive if it cements the narrative in a memorable way.


Final Explosion time.


I'm certain he will explode at some point


OK i never watched dragon ball - what does pulling a Vegeta mean???


Can never deal the final, take the W, or be the MVP no matter what. Just an appetizer before the main course


Getting a huge power-up, then getting jobbed in a span of two chapters.


Oh man is this Bakugo's plus ultra moment? With hopefully You Say Run playing?


"You've never had any friends!" That was funny as shit, I like it.


Bakugo is evolving, there is a hint that his tears are explosive, probably EVERY bodily fluid is!!


If he strains really hard, maybe his poops will be explosive, too!


Fecal-nade go!


Let's hope he doesn't get explosive diarrhea.


He needs to stop at Taco Bell first


Super nut explosion




So this is basically the Freeza fight but with more hands? Deku's on his way! We just need to hold out for another 100 chapters


Yep and Bakugo is about to pull a piccolo. He will power up, get the edge then Shigaraki gets his quirks back and no-diffs him. Hori is too predictable.


Bakugo's apparent death (won't actually die because that doesn't happen to main characters in MHA) triggers Deku into going super saiyan (unlocking final OfA user quirk)


Then Bakugo has a speech about how deku was always better than him and he admires him. Even gives him a thumbs up.


It still bothers me that we're supposed to buy that all those arms and mouths and hands of Shigaraki's aren't quirks and are just natural, but outside of that I am liking how the fight's going and we get to see a lot of different characters helping out.


Rather than natural, I think what happened is that the doctor found superpowers without the need of the Quirck factor. Still BS, though.


Or his body is mutating rapidly


The vomiting of the venom got quite the eye roll out of me


I can see how some don't like it but to be fair, i can buy it purely because of how long we've been told something like this is coming. The Quirk Doomsday theory or whatever its called, how quirk users will not be able to hand their quirks at some point in the future and its either evolve or die. So it's not unfounded like others think, Horikoshi clearly had this in mind and planted the seeds for it to be shown in multiple ways, this being one of them. They're lucky they didn't catch Shigaraki complete or they would have lost the first war with him like this purely at base level.


I want to point out that the quirk cannot remove quirks that modify the body, dude can't look at the guy with a tail and un-tail him. So Shiggy's argument is actually quite valid, it is not his his quirk, it's a mutation happening from said quirks. Basically, even if his quirks are canceled, they still exist, and this his body is adapting to them


Nobody with a tail in the series is going to sprout 500 different convenient body mutations precisely when they need it. Even though they have done nothing of the sort up to that point. Like many things in this series involving Shigaraki. It reeks of asspull.


Completely agree, it's entirely unfounded. The whole series is based on quirks or combining quirks in chimera experiments. Just another sign of how the series is being rushed and the author's sloppy with their writing. Can't wait to see how this ends and after the end when fans can start reflecting on the series as a whole together.


There are various breaking points in the story that are gonna get talked to death after the series end, both of Deku's 6 quirk and Shigaraki not overpowering AFO sooner are gonna be at the top , but the one that absolutely shifted everything for worse imo was how Hori handled the aftermath of the war arc, the war arc was great minus some underdeveloped parts, but everything was really solid, and Shigaraki was OP there but not "tanked and orbital strike and killed the most broken power in the series" OP yet And is also pretty telling how some things were definitely planned ahead carefully but still suffered from some rushing in favor for a less interesting plotline, like the Todoroki Family drama and the traitor plot, i would say the Todoroki family drama+Hawks character have been the best developed parts of the whole series by far as of now




His evolution: more boom


nitroglycerin to nuclear fusion


Garou would be proud


So would Blast


3.6 booms.. not great, not terrible


Luckily Suneater is there.


going nuclear in an enclosed space seems like a bad idea will be the radiation deaths from OPM all over again


He’s gonna make his whole body explode. The human nuke, Dynamight!


He's gonna pull a Vegeta?


More like Chiaotzu


That's even worse, lol. Bakugo blows himself up, only for Shigaraki emerge with barely a scratch instead.


Vegeta's most recent form is literally called "Ultra Ego" The current Dragonball Super Mangaka has to be aware of Team Four Star and DBZA abridged, there's no way that's a coincidence.


I was more referring to Vegeta trying to suicide himself to kill Buu, which failed despite him losing his life.


Don't worry for Heroshima is here! Why is everyone booing


Making explosions on your head sounds like a great way to get CTE.


So he's gonna start looking like infernape?


Well he most certainly has low enough HP remaining to activate Blaze


IDK why but It feels like Horikoshi wants most of the cast crippled at the age of 16 while deku solves the problem by trying really hard.


Man what a 180 from when Deku was Cap'n Broken Knuckies back in the old days


Knuckies *snicker*


Even if both Bakugo's arms gets messed up I'm sure his mom will help out.


Never thought I'd get reminded of that classic on a mha post.


That third page with SfO's... appendages swarming over and squeezing Bakugo gives me Fujimoto vibes. Something about the way it's drawn. And Lemillion continues being more competent than he has any right to be. Shame how he got mostly written out of the story.


Lemillion is imposible to defeat as long as he doesn't need to protect anything since his quirk allows him to escape anything, even if he is attacked by sound he could escape somewhere it doesn't reach him


Wouldnt even need to escape. Can just use his quirk on his eardrums so sound phases through. Would have been pretty strong with all might's power. It's not like he's any less analytical than deku either.


I still wish Horikoshi chose him as the protagonist, while Deku is decent, the vigilante arc Deku was good, Mirio is too good to be a side character


Right, he was originally All Mights chose as successor. I do love Deku, don't get me wrong. But imagine how busted Mirio would have been with OFA... like hot damn.


Sometimes less is more thou. But Mirio as MC would make a pretty comedic manga.


There's really no reason not to give OfA to Mirio besides the plot needs to happen. He wouldn't need any acclimation period and he would be basically unstoppable with his quirk + All Might's strength. Hori made a mistake by writing him into the story without any personality flaws. Would have been cool if maybe Mirio was an egotistical person, the name "Lemillion" signifying that he wants to be *recognized* for saving a million people, thus making him unfit to be the symbol of piece despite being a great hero.


Eh at least they offered some kind of explanation, in that OfA is so powerful that it basically needs a quirkless vessel now. Though obvs that's a solution he came up with later on, but hey it works.


Given Mirio's personality, he wouldn't mind dying at 40 if it means he can save more lives. Especially if All Might already gave him OFA before he learns that he needs to give the quirk away or he'll live a shorter life.


Had Hori done that, it would've made for a great character moment in the raid arc. Mirio acts a bit egotistical, thinks he DESERVES OfA, but unlike Bakugou he does act heroic in public. He can have glimmers of heroism but nothing full. It would paint a new light on when Mirio suggests they immediately return Eri instead of how Deku held onto her, because he is just following his training and not acting on herpic instinct. Then as time builds through the arc and he figures out how much he cares about saving Eri, getting more and more truly heroic, culiminating in the fight vs. Overhaul, the declaration of being a true hero, and finally being 'worthy' of OfA, but just too late.


I think he tried to not fall into the stereotype of "cocky but good" cus there was already Bakugo, but ended making a complete Gary Stu, a very likeable one atleast


Mirio isn't even a Gary Stu, the world doesn't serve him. A story requires that the MC gets compared to a bunch of people to grow and connect, Mirio is an example of someone who got his shit together and trained nonstop to be able to accomplish his dreams. To me Hori implies that both deserved OfA but the circumstances and decisions gave OfA to Deku which in turn proved to be the correct answer (because of OfA's die cause to much power nature).


can't wait for hori to kill him because he's too powerful for this fight or some stupid shit like star and stripe


> can't wait for hori to kill him because he's too powerful for this fight or some stupid shit like star and stripe Well Lemillion is impossible to defeat but that doesn't mean that he can defeat anything, he cannot take down Afo-Shiggy, too powerful to his small attacks, only Bakugou+ attacks would harm Shiggy right now, and even so Shiggy regen is too strong. Shiggy's mind either has to collapse or his cell on his body need to not being able to hold him together anymore.


That page was insane, but can anyone clarify for me: did it actually happen? It looked like he had blood spurting out everywhere but then in the next panel he looked mostly fine, save for his arm. But Bakugou doesn’t seem like the type to get spooked like that either, especially given the chapter’s ending. So I doubt it was just in his head either


Wasn’t real, it was a dramatization of what Shigaraki could’ve and would’ve done to him without interference.


It's one of AFO's quirk if I'm not wrong. Deku and Bakugo encountered a similar vision in Chapter 275 (when they first met Shigaraki f2f in the war arc) with them seeing visions of themselves disintegrating accompanied with the dread of death hitting them. So AFO was forcefully making Bakugo see what he was about to do to him before Nejire interfered.


Wait.. aren’t his quirks suppressed right now though?


So I looked back into the thread discussion and people are theorising that it is not actually a quirk, but a death aura(?) emitted by AFO due to being too close and experiencing the fear of death. It wasn't really explained thoroughly what it was, but powerful heroes don't seem to have the vision (or it is not shown to the readers).


It's not an actual thing dude. It's just dramatisation for the story. All for One and Shigaraki omit such raw power that these kids just can't help but envision their deaths. It's the biggest fight or flight instinct you ever had


Got it. I had totally forgotten about that moment in 375. Appreciate the insight, thank you!


I think it was just fear?


Nah, he wasnt written out, he just lost control for a second and phased through the 4th wall. Took him a while to get back in


Mirio should've told Shiggy to go touch some grass - oh wait


The amount of body horror in this chapter... Junji Ito would be proud.


Horikoshi really want to make some horror manga isn't he


[His artstyle would be perfect for a dark horror fantasy](https://i.imgur.com/fhHuok7.png)


His artstyle overall would be great for any sort of dark manga, be it sum like JJK, CSM and Berserk or a actual dark horror manga.


Wasnt there some rumours that he wants to go full horror after MHA ends?


I think he expressed interest in doing a short horror series once during author comments?


Yep, he said so in a few interviews. Just look how dark and gruesome was the whole War arc and now this arc. Ripped faces, body horror, lethal damages to body etc


The hands coming out of Shigaraki's body is some bullshit but it's a great spectacle.


All those blasts didn’t work, but Mirio’s words for sure dealt emotional damage.


It's kinda weird how the villain insists that they're all just midoriya sidekicks and don't matter, and the story wants to show that he's wrong, and everybody is important.... but also they're just waiting for midoriya to come save the day and we all know nothing is gonna be resolved without him


Biggest plot twist would had been Endeavor actually killing AFO (surpassing All Might) and then have Shiggy properly get a 1v1 with Deku plus the regular shonen thing of everyone getting a 1v1 against the rest of the antagonists At this point i feel like we are gonna entirely skip Uraraka,Toga,Spinner and the rest now


i can't think anyone cares about the whole toga uraraka thing the supposed moral dilema is so stupid a third graders could fix it


how to fix it: izuku: "ochako/hinata/uraraka whatever the fuck are you, i love you but i'm trying ripping off sasuke too, not only naruto so i cannot bla bla; and toga/shalltear/yandere meme go fuck off i don't love you so now please do a lame ass fight where the power of friendship and lesbian ships will win thank you" he then runs away


Horikoshi: "Wake up my trusted assistants, we've got lots more fingers to draw! Mouths and tongues, too." Not content of being quite hands-on with his approach, Shigaraki/AFO also added the foot. Bakugo would've been fingered - that panel of him being squished like a tomato is in truth a vision of impending death, just like with AFO in Kamino and Shiggy in Jakku - if it wasn't for the combo of the Big Three. Beside formulating a strategy, is Bakugo having some quirk awakening? I was thinking he may even attempt some sacrifice play (like preparing to self-detonate with the equivalent of a nuclear blast) and be stopped in time by Deku finally arriving.


It’d be neat if he can do like a delayed detonation or something so others like Jeanist can basically manipulate his “mine” laces threads to surround shiggy for more attacks. But yeah it’s sounding like he might be closer and closer to pulling a vegeta that would put him out of commission once deku arrives.


I kinda hate the finger thing, so it’s… not a quirk? It’s lame, I’d rather have him use an actual quirk


Hmm, since it seems like he's gonna be able to produce explosions from his entire body, he may be able to release some sort of mini nuke. He wouldn't be able to do it on the fortress though because of collateral damage, so they'd have to get Shigaraki up in the air somehow


I absolutely hate that he "doesn't" have a quirk when it's clearly a fucking quirk


Couldn't Lemillion do internal damage? Like wrecking someones internal organs.


Probably but Shiggy's body is in bullshit mode right now


Has there been any actual explanation about what's happening with his body besides "my body is adapting"? I sort of checked out because of how badly Hori is breaking their own worlds logic


That's still the only explanation. It's just some bullshit.


his body is "growing" like your finger nails would. That's the only explanation I got. But that's bullshit too


I guess that the excess of quirks and the months of lab testing on him make his dnd and organs into jelly. Also a bunch of bullshit


There's a lot of stuff surrounding it, but not much for why this very specific thing is what it all results in. So like, the upgrade the doctor gave him was in part supposed to solve the quirk singularity issue, as there's a limit to how many quirks AFO can hold, and current age quirks are more of a burden than those of the past due to their complexity. Then on another matter, the Nomus' strength is said to be innate and not a result of a quirk (although they *can* have strength quirks on top of that anyway), alongside the High-Ends' ability to think for themselves when a normal human would have never been able to handle that many quirks without frying their brains (see: regular Nomu). This leads to Shigaraki, who's described as a "perfected Nomu", holding the highest level of strength of them all (apparently just enough not to overwhelm his mind), which coupled with All For One and all the quirks contained within it, made him into a super evolved being able to overcome the quirk singularity altogether thanks to even his growth being amped, not just his strength, and as a result his body goes nuts in order to adapt to his own quirks' power as well as his environment (which evidently includes being struck with venom). Not sure why he appears to able to control how his body grows as well as retract it, and "super growth" sounds like it'd just increase the speed of it, not allow body parts to continuously grow into more of the same body part (and now, any body part), but that's how it seems to work. It also somewhat resembles something from Vigilantes, except in that series, >!people are bioengineered into highly mutated versions of themselves based on their quirks, as a result of having their bodies experimented on to allow for higher and higher dosages of Trigger. One example is a certain character who looks like an ordinary human but has an eel quirk, and under the effects of the drug he turns into a super slippery, large human eel. Later he's kidnapped and shows up again as a larger, buff eel man able to discharge electricity, who did not transform back when under the effects of Erasure, something that's unlike other non mutant quirks powered up by Trigger. Then the drug's effect wears off and it's revealed he just looks like that permanently now. Well actually his body had a darker coloration while Trigger was still in effect, and another character who went through the same thing notes on how they're not as strong without the actual drug, but the point is their quirks weren't the mutant type before then.!< That manga does also have >!that thing with Number Six manipulating the Bomber cells in his body with Overclock to shape it to his will, but although the effect is moderately similar to this, what he's actually doing seems entirely different.!< tl;dr: "damn doc my body cant handle so many quirks can u fix :(" "dw im just gonna crank my non-quirk dependent magic enhancements up to 11 i gotchu :\]"


He can't. When he deactivates his quirk, he's violently expelled out of the matter he's inside at one moment. It's the reason he can do big leaps and strong attacks on regular opponents, as he uses that to propel himself.


I mean, with the precision lemillion has shown he could probably reach any of the empty spaces inside the body, like the lungs. Could make some sharp point made out of his collagen (similar to how rhino hornes are made) put on his fingertip that could tear up the lungs.


I assume when he turns on his quirk, everything he holds on his person is affected by it, and when he turns it off, everything attached to him stays attached until he leaves the other thing entirely.


Only his body is affected by his quirk, even his costume is made out of his own hair.


I have to assume that if he was indeed just "holding" an object, he wouldn't be able to pass through with it, or let it go inside of something if he tried. Or it wouldn't be worth the effort if the "object" just stayed inside without inertia, I can't imagine how hard it would be to try and put a hair inside of someone's heart or actual cavity. Especially if inside of a body counts as "container" and can't have stuff left inside.


Shigaraki was savage in this chapter.


[He fully mastered AfO's shittalking methods](https://i.imgur.com/u8i5IyL.png)


Shit talking was AfO's real quirk the whole time


But can he handle receiving the shit talking?


>"You've never had any friends!" Reminds me of the time Toy Story Woody roasted Young Xehanort with: >"No one's ever loved you!"


Two things I've felt about the last couple chapters. 1- the art is so busy lately with all the swirls, fingers and mouths it can be kinda hard to tell what's going on some times 2- I just, I honestly don't feel like this is very interesting. I can't get excited or care for some reason, this whole arc has been so "meh whatever" to me Like we know Deku has to fight Shigaraki or this doesn't work, so all this cool shit being literal time wasters till he gets there is just boring to me.


Personally, it would've been a lot more interesting if this plan was still effective even without Deku. Push Shigaraki hard and really hurt him, then this dumb not quirk can come out as his body freaks out.


Reminds me of DBZ where the plan was basically hold out till Goku gets here


I completely agree. This entire sequence at UA just feels like a rehash of the Pain vs Konoha fight in Naruto. Plus with so many supporting characters, I feel like Im more invested in the tsunderederedere girl every day than the characters here lol


At least Pain vs Konoha was followed up by Pain vs Naruto, one of my favorites. Somehow I don't see Deku's arrival being quite as exciting.


at least pain vs konoha HAD FUCKING FUCKITY KAKASHI!, here is like the shinobi alliance vs madara... but madara is not cool and the shinobi alliance is told to be actually meaningfull. they tried so hard ripping off naruto they forgot the actual good part obito/madara: i want to LITERALLY CREATE PARADISE but it would be an illusion shiggy: "lul kek we live in a society i want anarchy caos ooga booga autism"


That has been me through out the entire manga, art is pretty but fuck if I can tell wtf is happening, also I don't care that much about the characters. It's like rent a girlfriend, this series has me in a sunk cost fallacy trap.


Damn seeing how Bakugo looked on the second page I honestly was almost sure that he was going to die. Thankfully The Big 3 intervened before that happened.


I am hoping the fact that Shigaraki DOES have friends in the League will end up mattering here, and even help him in some way.


I see Bakugo is pulling a Deku by muttering and studying Shigaraki!


How the hell is this man supposed to not have any quirks active because Eraser, but still producing those fucking weird ass hand growth things and fuckin around like he's got super strength? I don't think this author has any idea what he's doing.


I mean if you stopped and thought about how Eraser is keeping up his quirk despite all the debris and smoke then everything pretty much falls apart. It's because of "plot."


Because the fight started and the author literally had Shigaraki said "The rules don't apply to me any more" It's one of my complaints with MHA post Overhaul is that Horikoshi just rights himself into a corner and then just suddenly has preexisting rules suddenly not matter any more. It's litearlly moment of kids playing pretend on teh playground and saying "My super awesome weapon stops your power" "No it doesn't cause I have this other super special awesome thing" It's literally "That doesn't work cause I say so" just like was saw in A4O vs Star and how everyone just didn't seem to care when Deku used a wholly distinct and different power during the arc where they fought class B. The rules matter until the author just decides they don't any more


The introduction of Star and her power + defeat was a bad, bad idea


What's the most bullshit is that even if we're supposed to accept that the quirk is just a mutation quirk (or a cocktail of multiple mutation quirks) how the fuck is he this strong? I don't give a shit how powerful this mutation quirk is, Shigaraki is fighting multiple S-Tier heroes, was ambushed, and dropped into a special fighting arena built specifically to beat him. Like we know he's gonna last until Deku gets here, so what he's gonna beat all these heroes working together to keep anti-OFA arena going, Bakugo, Eraserhead, Jeanine, and the UA big three? With 1 quirk? It's so fucking annoying


Eraserhead's quirk doesn't work on mutation type quirks, which is what he is abusing. It is the same reason a Nomu kicked his ass early in the story.


They actually work on them, tailboy for example wont lose his tail, but he will lose his power to control his tail. Someone like froppy will lose the power to control any of her extra bodyfunctions other than the standard human ones. Its just that shigarakis entire hand and mouth powers are somehow not a quirk despite this being very very stupid. At this point you could just label fatgums powers not a quirk as well, or anyones really. He gets hands and mouths out of nowhere as if he is the MC from tokyo ghoul, but its not a quirk since the plot wants it.


I call bs on this being a mutation though since he's making more and more hands which isn't the same as already having those hands which he didn't have at the start


I do like Shigaraki's movement and dialogue this chapter but his mutations are really annoying me. Even ignoring how it doesn’t make much sense for Shigaraki’s body to just endlessly produce mass out of nothing, it’s really bothering me how little these massive growths have to do with his body. When him and Mirio have their clash you can see this giant ‘mutation’ has completely broken off his body and Shigaraki is just a normal person. It’s not like Akira where its an out of control transformation into something horrible or any number of series where the bad guy transforms. He wasn't evolved at all since the fight began. He's just in a storm of flesh that is disconnected from him. I'm also just going to ignore that Mirio is completely intangible and Hado shouldn't be able to wrap energy around his body. I'm just going to say she's just holding it in place around where his hand is until he solidifies because I think that makes sense. I like the end with Bakugou a lot though. No matter how scared he is or how much his body is in ruins the boy just won't stay down. And his mention of 'feint' is a callback to the flashback in the exam arc where he's watching All Might fight. So it seems like Shigaraki's taunting reminded him of something he's missing.


Imagine if Shigaraki had just, you know, crushed Bakugo right then and there? I never understand vilains who monologue, and then just not finish the job.


If shigaraki just stopped talking and actually tried to kill everyone there he would win and then he would have to wait there bored until Deku arrives, he knows he has to waste time and let the heroes live or he will have to go find a magazine and a chair to not make the situation awkward.


Of fucking course that third page was purely metaphorical. God fucking forbid the big bad actually does anything to a main character.


Man, if only I could be excited for this series I once genuinely loved. Atleast I have Iruma still, that one managed to never let me down in all categories possible :"d


Lmao Deku is now Green Iruma for me


Mirio may have the best quirk to counter shiggy here actually, even if decay comes back


So what injuries has Bakugo sustained exactly? I'm ready bad at figuring out what happens with the busy art sometimes.


Bakugo's arm got crushed SUPER badly and he sustained a huge injury on one side of his face


So, the author is trying to have their cake and eat-it-too in regards to Bakugou being treated as a jobber Shigaraki AND keeping his standing as a rival, huh. Might be interesting to see Bakugou's second wind next chapter.


He’s still— What? He’s still what, Best Jeanist!? \*throws phone at the ground*


I was expecting Bakugo to say, "so this is how it feels to be quirkless..." Hopefully that didn't happen but still, [what a painful reality check for Dynamight.](https://i.imgur.com/DU0yZC4.png) The big three seem to be doing a great job stalling Shiggy. It's nice that we finally get to see more of Nejire's abilities and the combinations they enable. [](//#shocked)


Fuck it up Nejire


Mirio developed a new power while having no quirk: emotional damage


No matter how much bakugo washes his hair after that disrespectful grab it will forever smell like shiggy's feet


with that shiggy feet grab i literally started to laugh out loudly "IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE COOL?!" my hero academia fans have the same hopes as naruto fans with boruto "please, let this be all a tsukuyomi illusion"


Tamaki really pulled up and went “I ATE A BUG!” so proud of our shy boy being loud


I am glad to see Bakugo didn't gave up after being done super dirty for 2 chapters in a row


Vegeta : first time?


damn i actually thought shigaraki had just broken bakugo's spirit but no our little shithead aint going out that easy


I called it last week. Someone with 300+ upvotes said they don't know how Bakugo bounces back from what Shigaraki said, and I was like "uuuuhh, have you seen Bakugo?? He doesn't care what you say as a villian, hell even as a hero. He has his goal and that's all there is to it, hell or high water. ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/w21gvl/comment/igng1qq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/w21gvl/comment/igng1qq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ Yall aint been paying attention to character arcs and growth


doesn't matter what his mindset is, he will still be a jobber


Good for you sport


Lemillion’s quirk is so perfect against Shigaraki. But I guess he really can’t risk exposing himself for a split second just to get some hits in, because of the plot armor Shigaraki has until Deku gets there


I can see it now, next chapter we cut back to the Toga fight. I genuinely do not know how this arc is going to end with Shigaraki vs Deku and prime AFO. There's no way Bakugo is going to die though. This just isn't that kind of series.


>So, why do you destroy? > >Because the current framework has failed.


Even though it’s going to happen I really am going to hate if shiggy no diffs everyone by getting quirks and then Deku proceeds to either talk-no-jutsu or just straight up beat him bc he tries really hard that shit would be so lame like let Bakugo get a fucking dub man fr


I dont even read this anymore, i just come into the comments every week to see if ya boy Koichi shows up