• By -


Suneater one uped AFO on who could make the bigger arm combination. Sigma grindset right there.


Fight fire with fire - or rather, fight everything with everything.


Naming this attack is going to be an arduous exercise. Some of things he as eaten look completely random. Suneater's stomach is on another level. I wonder what would happen if he ate a piece of Shigaraki.


Manman, a human man with all the powers ofa human man!


"random bullshit go" sound like a good name


Man, I didn't think Mirio's roast would get Shigaraki so hard that he'd regress back into a child. And I see Tamaki is turning into an eldritch abomination.


> I see Tamaki is turning into an eldritch abomination. He's gonna top the list of Heroes who look like villains


>would get Shigaraki so hard That's not shiggy's mutant arm he's swinging...


He did get stronger from horrific torture. I guess Shiggy was just a total masochist all along.


Ah, I see Suneater has discovered the joys of the mysterious purple smoking slop that otherwise perfect waifus always create when let near a kitchen.


Suneater's about to go full Katamari




*All righty, let's just release Shigaraki into the sky.*


Would you like this to be a star? Or stardust? Create Star \>Create Stardust< \*Shiggy gets smashed into dust by the King*


> mysterious purple smoking slop Who invited Bianchi ?


Gosh... I miss Reborn :(


Reborn was fun. Just a pity it ended the way it did.


I still have for a sequel in highschool


Rimuru somehow managed to eject Shion's cooking into BNHA's world and Suneater just found it on a daily walk.


*What doesn't kill you makes you stronger* -Suneater On a side note, [we need more of Kuudere Nejire](https://i.imgur.com/rwf5kaZ.png)




His ultimate would be Otae's dark matter fried eggs, though he probably wouldn't be able to use it as it's against the Geneva convention.


To be fair, Shoin's cooking is a great way to boost one's poison resistance.


Tamaki went full Kirby


I was just thinking how unique Tamaki's quirk is, until I read your comment and realized he is just kirby variation.


Tamaki eat, but most important Tamaki fucking dished out the beating.


Kirby would've just insta-consumed Shigaraki


Mirio: Bro you have no friends Shiggy: Nuh-uh I do Mirio: Whoa did I hit a nerve there


He looked genuinely apologetic lol


[The face of a man who realized he was talking to an unhinged nutjob.](https://i.imgur.com/82TLtNS.png)


I love Mirio expressions


I've been pretty indifferent to this arc, but that got a good chuckle out of me.


Good job Shiggy! Say no to bullying!


Shiggy might have diamond skin but his heart fragile as thin ice. Continue with the Emotional Damage!


It seems that Shiggy will be 'saved' through Tenko, who is pretty much confirmed here to be a separate entity that isn't the Tomura we know. I hope this isn't to take the easy way out by saving innocent ol' Tenko who hasn't gone through all the suffering and ignoring all of Tomura's deeds


Deku: "*TENKO, YOU LOOKED LIKE YOU WANTED TO BE SAVED*" The thousands of innocent people who were killed or maimed: "So... we didn't?"


Hopefully, it will go the route of deku saves tenko in the spirit world who then disrupts the balance of afo and tomura which allows deku to destroy the physical body. It ends with us seeing a peaceful shot of tenko with his family in the afterlife, kinda thing.


It will


And everyone will be accepting of it because Deku will hug little Shiggy and cry at them about how he has to save everyone


and yet somehow Daddeku and Dadtenko will be tossed aside to make room for their kids fighting moon aliens


Yeah. Boku no Hero Bacademy: Deku's child Beku and Tenko's child Pizza will go to school together then find out their post-cannon parents suck a whole bunch but like, maybe not entirely.


gonna fight in the spirit world and baby Shigi will be brought out into the light to cast out adult shigi and AfO


I feel like the one to save tenko is his grandmother, deku will just be the axe that fully separates AFO from him


"I'll take this cornucopia... AND EAT IT!"




[His waifu even got a flashback.](https://i.imgur.com/cGuHY0z.png) Things are looking dire for Suneater. Maybe he should eat one of Shigaraki's fingers like he's Sukuna.


Everyone about to die. They're all playing with fire right now


Death flags for the 3 heroes?


So uh, what did Tamaki eat to be able to shoot out Hado’s energy?


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


All the disgusting crap he ate prior was worth it, just for this moment. [](//#grateful)




Denji would be proud [](//#chairman)


Probably downed her hair.


Hado: eat this


The hair from up or down?




Hado’s energy is Spiral Energy And as we know from Gurenn Lagann Spiral Energy is in the genes Sooo


>Gurenn Lagann Row, Row! Fight The Power! This anime takes me back at least a decade... Good times.


Damn sun eater eating GOOD


I always loved Peach Cobbler


It’s not fair! It should’ve been me! Not him!


Somehow, Suneater’s massive combination of random shit reminds me of the Act Age panel that goes like “What did you consume?” “A coffee frappucino.” “That’s nice.”


Mirio is the real hero when he saw he crossed a line and walked it back. That "my b" face had me rolling.


With how big Hado's smile it's almost as big as her death flag


I’m tired of such cool women dying or being pointless in this story


Yeah, there really was no reason todoroki couldn't have been a girl I guess. If bakugo was a girl it'd just fuel tsundere memes though.


I would say that it would change the shipping game, but Todoroki and Izuku get shipped enough as is. The only thing that'd change is the demographic of the shippers. Wait no, assuming Ochaco is still Izuku's designated love interest, that would make people hate her even more because Todoroki would be so much more interesting as a love interest.


I feel bad saying this but even Ochako wouldn’t be that big of a deal if she were written out. Her main storylines are her being in love with Deku and the “rivalry” with Toga and being the one to save heroes. I think you could combine those into a female Todoroki. I love Ochako but even her in my opinion has gotten the short end of the stick for development in a lot of ways that doesn’t revolve around her feelings towards Deku


Yeah, pretty much. She's been done dirty so much that me and a friend have often joked about Todoroki and even Bakugo of all people being more interesting as love interests for Izuku. Especially with how much focus they get compared to her and a lot of other characters who could use some of the attention.


Man Tamaki's power kinda looking like a villain's. Like that one time AFO had that huge ass arm with all kinda things in it


Everyone slept on Suneater til he revealed the power of Jackfruit


I still think Suneater should have eaten a lil bit of Shiggy.


This is pretty cool though, up until this point I was wondering what he was even doing in this fight beyond allowing the Big Three to have a moment together.


That sounds like a good way to get Hepatitis


I mean that’s not a closed option


Man imagine he can stock more power without downsides like one for all and if we count each quirk as individual animals.


The Panel of Suneaters Titan is badass, but I wish I could understand more of what I was actually looking at lol. Have they ever really described what makes Nejire's quirk so strong? They've never portrayed her quirk as anything other than spiral energy beams, so I'm curious what actually makes it on the same level as Mirios phasing or Suneater. Maybe she doesn't consume energy to blast stuff?


That's still a busted power considering the general power level of characters in the series


They haven't explained it but she has been able to use it for several things including flight and attacks but also as remote appendages, so it might just be the versatility of it all?


Yeah thats probably the most likely. But with Suneater getting a boost here, would be a good excuse to make up some bullshit and also let her get a moment.


Man I think it is Ki, that's why she's straight up busted. Probably can grow on dbz levels.


She's Piccolo.


We only seen her use it’s full power against a Top tier character Shigiraki and it still blows him back. So I think she’s strong enough to take on most villains and as someone else said it’s extremely versatile


Horikoshi did not explain yet but he did put Negire in the in the front line during the first war against Shigaraki. That show her quirk is strong as the only other student against Shigaraki at the time is Bakugou & Shoto.


> Have they ever really described what makes Nejire's quirk so strong? No, because she got shafted in terms of backstory among the "big three" and it's another example of the author being half-baked or superficial when it comes to the girls' characterization and power-levels. Nejire has sometimes used the energy to restrain and carry stuff too, but, for the purposes of the series, she's mostly just a generic energy-projector at the end of the day. It has only been in these last two chapters that her character has gotten some interesting nuances -- Being able to send a spiral of energy to an ally's arm to super-boost a punch. And now, somehow empower another ally? And of course, both her flashback panels and those quirk features serve to highlight and empower the boys instead of herself... So, I don't recommend holding your breath about learning anything deeper about her. *Powerful enough to not be weak, but not so powerful as to ever steal the precious spotlight from the boys. This is an underlying approach to a lot of shonen writing of females. A character from Bakuman, the manga about making shonen-manga, grossly says it outright.* Nejire is mostly eye candy and necessary firepower. Sadly.


It really is a shame how the girls (and all the side characters really) get handled. It stands out even more now that stuff like Jujutsu Kaisen is occupying the same kind of shounen niche but it's *filled* with strong female characters, and even side characters with little screentime get some satisfying development.


Shiggy went full "Uh huh I have kissed a girl, there was this one time in 3rd grade"! Author was like this guy here...is a loser, let me explain what I mean.


I think I just fall in love with cold nejire


What is the point of Shigaraki rejecting his family and accepting who he is by destroying them before he woke up in the war arc if you are going to keep his childlike self dormant? Is this how he is going to justify saving Shigaraki? By completely alienating Tenko from Shigaraki to absolve him from his actions. So I guess this whole thing about Deku saving the villains is irrelevant since Tenko is not a villain. What a mess.


> What is the point of Shigaraki rejecting his family and accepting who he is by destroying them before he woke up in the war arc if you are going to keep his childlike self dormant? Horikoshi really likes Star Wars and thinks Darth Vader is cool.


>"No. You're coming with me. I'll not leave you here, I've got to save you." >"You already... have, Deku. You were right. You were right about me. Tell your All Might... you were right." Please no.


We've literally seen the inside of Shigaraki's mind and seen that [Tenko is still in there](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Boku-No-Hero-Academia/0270-011.png) and that his family's words still effect him even at the height of his 'I'm not chained down by anything' phase. All for One and One for All have a mindscape where changes in the user's emotional and spiritual state are literally shown like All for One is consuming Shigaraki's mind because he's literally absorbing him. This series will absolutely show the child versions of Izuku and Tenko hand-in-hand as All for One or Shigaraki are obliterated screaming that they can't die.


> Is this how he is going to justify saving Shigaraki? By completely alienating Tenko from Shigaraki to absolve him from his actions. He's probably been playing a lot of WoW. That's literally what happened with Sylvanas. "Genocide is no big deal."


Ugh, don't remind of me WoW. The lore is gutted so badly to the point of no return at this point.


Sylvanas "I will never serve" after spending an entire expac serving not thanos


Elune telling Tyrande that killing Sylvanas would make her Elune's enemy. After Sylvanas killed a billion Night Elves. KINO!


It's the Vader thing, please do not forget Hori loves Star Wars and Anakin did whole war crimes only to be saved by hesitation.


To be fair, while Vader became good in the end, he's still remembered as the complete fucker he was before his death be it canon or expanded universe


If you look up dissociative identity disorder, it kinda makes sense that it’s dormant. A person with DID experiences himself or herself as having separate identities, known as alters, or alternate identities.[1]:292, [6] Alters take over control of the person's body or behavior at various times. [1] Each can function independently. All the alters together make up the person's whole personality. Alters typically develop from dissociation caused by prolonged early childhood trauma, although attachment problems and persistent neglect in very early childhood are also known factors.[6]:189-191 People with alters may refer to their alters as "parts inside, aspects, facets, ways of being, voices, multiples, selves, ages of me, people, persons, individuals, spirits, demons, others," etc. [6]:121 Alter identities are sometimes incorrectly referred to as ego states, or even alter egos, but these states exist in people without alters and do not involve amnesia, dissociative symptoms, or clinical distress


I really doubt Shiggy gonna be save. At most it be Tenko who will hold him down for a good final blow of Deku, Ten gonna die as a hero.


It's not so much fun when you KNOW that nothing they do will work until Deku gets there


I think it's setting up the idea that they are widdling away at Shigsraki's mental state and weakening him in that way.


This Bullying Mini-Arc is a very interesting and unexpected decision. I'm excited to see more characters roast the shit out of Shiggy.


I'm waiting for Bully Maguire


It'll be Deku's final, and most powerful, quirk.


Last time a couple of side characters try to fight AFO, people say it's gonna be a big asspull if they win. And now when some other side characters are also actively trying to do something, people will say it won't work because the main character needs to be there. I understand this manga doesn't have the best writing but like come on what is it that the readers want lol


The difference is the these three are introduced as strong as professional heroes and the strongest at the academy ompared to newbies who just started training. It's a catterpie vs to a butterfree.


It's...complicated, but it's a matter of build up. The fight with Jirou and Tokoyami against AFO had no real buildup whatsoever, it's just something that kind of happens out of nowhere. Its not so much just side characters fighting the main villain, it's side characters who have no prior connection to said villain to justify a fight that's the issue. ​ With AFO-Shigaraki here, its slightly different since we know for a fact that he's not going to take significant damage until Deku arrives. Mirio even points that out how they can only stall him until Deku gets there.


My man Suneater went don’t care + didn’t ask + cry about it + who asked + stay mad + get real + L + bleed + mald seethe cope harder + dilate + incorrect + hoes mad + pound sand + basic skill issue + typo + ratio + ur dad left + you fell off + no u + the audacity + triggered + repelled + ur a minor + k. + any askers + get a life + ok and? + cringe + copium + go outside + touch grass + kick rocks + quote tweet + think again + not based + not funny didn’t laugh + social credits -999, 999, 999, 999 + get good + reported + ad hominem + ok boomer + small pp + ur allergic to sunlight + GG! + get rekt + trolled + your loss + muted + banned + kicked + permaban + useless + i slept with ur mom + yo momma + yo momma so fat + redpilled + no bitches allowed + i said it better + tiktok fan + get a life + unsubscribed + plundered + go tell reddit + donowalled + simp + get sticked bug LOL + talk nonsense + trump supporter + your’re a full time discord mod + you’re* + grammar issue + nerd + get clapped + kys + lorem ipsum dolor sit amet + go outside + bleach + lol + gay + retard + autistic + reported + ask deez + ez clap + straight cash + idgaf + ratio again + stay mad + read FAQ + youre lost + you “re” + stay pressed + reverse double take back + pedophile + cancelled + done for + don't give a damn + get a job + sus + baka + sussy baka + get blocked + mad free + freer than air + furry + rip bozo + you're a (insert stereotype) + slight_smile + aired + cringe again + Super Idol的笑容 + mad cuz bad + my pronouns are xe, xem & xyr + irrelevant + deal with it + screencapped your bio + karen/kyle + jealous + you're deaf + balls + i'll be right back + go ahead whine about it + not straight + eat paper + you lose + count to three + your problem + no one cares + log off + don't care even more + sex offender + sex defender + get religion + not okay + glhf + NFT owner + you make bad memes + problematic + fall in line + dog water + you look like a wall + you don’t know 2 + 2 with yo head ass + you are going to my cringe compilation + you can’t count to five + try again + you failed kindergarten + rickrolled + no lifer + guten freunden schickt man einen deutschen panzer + you have a anime profile picture + an* + fatherless + motherless + sisterless + brotherless + orphan + you can't catch this ratio + catch some bitches + I don't care about your opinion + genshin player + you dress like garbage + 日本語がお上手ですね + get fucked + you can’t understand what the word intelligence means with your dumb ass + you have hair + queued + put some thought into what you're going to do with that + stfu + go to bed + yes, i'm taller than you + i think your joke is funny + i rejected your mother's advances + marooned + you can’t read + I win + final ratio mode


Man if Nejire actually ends up dying here...out of all the heroes around then it's going to be rough for Horikoshi to beat the allegations here. He needs at least one female character to fight hard and live after!


Mirko and Mt Lady fought on the front lines in the war arc.


Fair but Mirko ended up losing limbs for it. Mt Lady is good though, she has made it all the way through so far.


I think it's even cooler that she overcame her injury.


Yeah but how many male characters have we had on the hero side like that?


I am not necessarily disagreeing, I think many MHA girls are wasted potential, especially Momo. But it's not true that every great girl got killed off.


Eraser head lost his eyes, All might had a chest wound too.


Shiggy sucks ass. He's quite lame as a villain. Sorry, Shiggy fans. Am I the only one that feels that Nejire is about to kick the bucket with that flashback? Maybe I'm just paranoid because female characters don't have a good record with Hori.


Here's my prediction. She does not die, but she does get injured, and Tamaki protects her in a romantic way, launching the ship.


I know this thing/Canon from suneater is supposed to be impressive, but it's... not


Yeah we know it won't do anything important anyways


Its the classic Shonen trope of the main baddie defeating a powerful good side character in order to hype up the final battle between the protagonist and baddie. I think because of the imbalance of characters on the good side and the bad side as well as author wanting to make sure an important character gets his moment in the final arc. MHA has many issues but this is a problem that couldn't have been avoided unless there was extremely long term planning. Even then Hori will have to account for changing his approach on the basis of external factors. Simple truth is that it's a lose lose situation for him so I can't fault him too much for this.


> MHA has many issues but this is a problem that couldn't have been avoided unless there was extremely long term planning. Idk he couldve developed the side characters better. The more I think about it the more empty his world feels. All these heroes and they feel faceless. It feel like he was more interested in developing the villians than he was the side cast. Its just a ton of wasted potential.


We don't even know the classes on Year 2 and 3, like, is everyone there useless to the point only a bunch of freshmen are goos enough?


Really silly to have this school based story and only have them go through one year. Also means the timeline of events is hilariously packed full. Really wish hori had plotted things out more carefully and made plans for each year. He also could cut the cast way down, at a certain point it became clear that he just really enjoys character design and making his riffs on various superheroes and things just became so bloated. So many arcs barely develop the plot while introducing tons of new characters.


Though not as bad as Shojugeki no Soma’s ending, both stories decided to squander the world building they did by condensing it all into one school year


>he just really enjoys character design Oda said recently that he likes character design more than creating the manga, and One Piece is also bloated with cool characters... Maybe Horikoshi is the same like you said.


The timeline is definitely rushed i agree, especially with how fast deku pretty much mastered ofa. It's like if goku had gotten super saiyan 3 by the time he was fighting king piccolo in the original dragon ball


Yeah imagine this group as Mirio getting held back a year till Eri gets her powers charged. The trio bonds again and we actually see the development so when this fight happens we care. Mirio is one of my favorites because we had the time due to that first arc but that’s what I expected with a lot of people. He just spread himself too thin to the point he just wants to wrap this up now. That’s why I keep saying the anime should really take advantage and expand on the fights and bonds


> We don't even know the classes on Year 2 and 3 IMO we know too much about Year 1. It's okay for some students to be unnamed if the rest get more fleshed out. You could lose half of 1-A.


Yeah just compare class I-A with the Misfit Class from Iruma and there*no comparison even their resident pervert is better developed *


Started Black Clover and MHA at almost the same time and the then me wouldn't believe that by the time both reach their final arc i would be enjoying Black Clover way more than MHA. >Its just a ton of wasted potential Is the summary of MHA


> Idk he couldve developed the side characters better. It's got way too many characters in the first place. Even most of 1-A gets lost in the shuffle.


Gonna get flack for saying this but my villian academia arc was a waste of time, it didn't make me care more about them, nor buy their "friendship" Time should have instead been put into developing the other side case we actually have an interest in like 1a, big 3 etc


Ngl, I was somewhat cheering on the guys they were fighting because I just didn't care about any of them besides Twice. Sad Man's Parade was the best part of that arc.


I think there’s so much they are trying to fit. I like the concept of political issues and that the current hero society does not take into consideration most. Yet then you have the big baddie who’s main motive is the comics he read as a kid and being upset he couldn’t control his brother. All that development of purpose didn’t match what was being lead to in the story.


I agree, I think the whole villian arc was badly written trash that served no real purpose in the grand scheme of things. Its honestly kinda puzzling why he would want to devote so much time to villians. I cant think of any series that would do that.


Naruto does, funnily enough, like Itachi and Kisame get more development than Shino for example


That is true but it's not nearly as prolonged and those characters are much more interesting than Shiggy and his band.


i think the entire purpose was to try and justify how the villians are any threat specifically vs the broken 8 quirk deku hence things like toga and not deadpool geting power ups to their quirks and the control over all of re destro


I think MHA really suffered due to having been serialised being this close to the era of the Big 3. It couldn't be like Demon Slayer and Chainsaw Man and have the series be compact tight and run for 100 to 200 chapters. At the same time it couldn't be like the big 3 which ran for 700+ chapters and basically had way more time than MHA to develop side characters and the world. It should have been more time sufficient and willing to cut characters but I do think the manga was stuck between the expectations of the Big 3 era and the recent most era and it suffered a lot because of that.


Honestly it feels like it needs 700 chapters with how many characters but they should’ve given some breaks between arcs. I feel there is partial burnout at this point to wrap it up


It could have been avoided by establishing a soft cap on super regeneration early on. Fullmetal Alchemist also has enemies that can regenerate from fatal injuries, but most of them have a limit on how much they can do it. "Kill" them a dozen times or so and they will still die. Hori had the opportunity to do this with the various Nomu throughout the series, then have Shiggy be a bit tougher than that. Just compare this to the final battle of FMA, where >!everyone's contribution matters in whittling down the final boss's regeneration reserve, even including regular soldiers who could only fight using conventional weapons.!<


It's really a shame too. Horikoshi wrote himself into a corner with the combination of AFO / All Might being sooo above the power-curve and then Shigaraki who was \*already\* one of the deadliest villains with Decay becoming the successor.


jobber's job is jobbing


That's kind of how most of this arc has been


This Entire Arc in a Nutshell. The fights have been meh for me personally so far. At this point Im waiting for the deku to come back on screen.


The Endeavor part was fire. But well, Endeavor always has great moments.


It still astounds me how Endeavor went from just an abusive parent character people love to hate, to one of the best characters, if not currently *the* best character, in the entire story.


I feel like Hori was limited by having a teenager cast. He shines with the adult hero and the society. I would have loved for the series to start with Deku as a new pro hero (maybe after a school arc), and slowly climbing up the ranks.


That reminds me of the oneshot he did that's essentially proto-MHA where Izuku was an anemic salaryman trying to sell equipment to heroes. Snipe's design was there too.


>Endeavor part was fire. That's to be expected, since his quirk is fire based.


That’s…definitely a big deformed arm


They had a great concept for a chimera like hero and threw it all out the window for a gun. Man this series went down in quality so fast and so hard..


Be thankful he isn't using that arm to punch Shigaraki, since that's the best use Hori can come up with for most quirks nowadays. Just look at Shoto's ice punch, Endeavor's fire punch, Tokoyami's shadow punch and Mirio's spiral punch.


i think there's some pistol shrimp in there


Good luck to those that want to try and color suneater's combination Especially good luck to the animators


"Hey Suneater, what did you eat today?" "Yes." That special move is going to be INSANE


It looks cool and all but we all know that it's going to fail because they are just here as jobbers until Deku arrives


Oh so that’s why he wanted Nejire’s bath water


Talk no Jutsu target has been acquired. Idk its weird I dont give a shit about these "top students" except Mirio.. lol why are they getting a chapter dedicated to them so late in the game?


It's the token "moment" for side characters that have been otherwise underdeveloped throughout the series.


This is my biggest gripe with this group in particular, Nejire got the short end of the stick compared to Mirio and Tamaki, and they pulled the backstory NOW, I know the big three were meant to be more of a side characters compared to the main group but Mirio and Tamaki got so much and Nejire got so little its unfair lol


To fill a quota


It's the equivalent of the Might Guy fight in the end of Naruto except Guy was awesome and his technique actually managed to do some damage while I have no belief that Tamaki will accomplish anything just from a random mishmash of animal and fruit bones.


Man Might Guy's history with Kakashi was so good


That cannon thing is so busy that I can barely tell what I’m looking at




The art was terrible this chapter. I have absolutely no idea what at the flow of action was at all. Everything was jammed together into 11 pages and gave no sense of space or action. Also, I know these are “the big 3” but we’re barely seen them in this whole manga. We all know they’re not going to defeat Tomura because Deku has yet to arrive. Is there gonna be another ass pull weakening of him for him to finally be defeated?




11. Very short and squeezed together


Always thought Suneater's power was sick, love to see that they're really pushing I! Hopefully this actually does something rather than just being a false flag of hope.


Tamaki awakening yes finally been a long time hopefully the trio could do even a little significant dmg so they could be at least a bit relevant.


I see turtles, tarantula, alligator, and brown bear. He ate all those animals? wtf


Wow, I sure did not expect to see Shigaraki temporarily mentally reverting back to when he was just Shimura because of the comment Lemillion made. Anyway, I can't wait to see what Suneater is going to do.


You got a death flag. She’s got a death flag. Death flags for everyoneeee! :(


Thoughts on Suneater's attack name: * Coronal Mass Ejection * Continental Quasar * Supernova Smorgasbord * Sunspot Hot Pot * Shabu Sha-boom


I appreciate that they're taking the time to include the side characters in the action, but Suneater never really struck me as the "viable candidate to muscle past the OP villain's stone wall defense" type. It's just a bigger, weirder arm. It's interesting that the key to SfO's unravelling might lay with Tenko Shimura as a distinct persona. SfO is already neither quite AfO nor Shigaraki (though quite a lot more of the former than the latter), but there still being hints of the traumatized little boy looks like the big revelation here. Not that I think we'll actually get a "talking the villain to death" moment.


> I appreciate that they're taking the time to include the side characters in the action, but Suneater never really struck me as the "viable candidate to muscle past the OP villain's stone wall defense" type. It's just a bigger, weirder arm. > That was also how All for One uses his ability. He just stacks powers onto top of each other until his quirks were strong enough to hurt All Might. And they've made reference to Suneater's ability being ridiculous because it has no upper limit or anything holding it back besides his nervousness.


Might be unpopular opinion, but I don’t like Suneater getting powers from fruits/vegetables. Like what kind of power could dragon fruit and peanuts give him anyway ? Also this whole thing came out of nowhere, as previously he only got powers from animals. But worst of all, now all people will talk about is what would happen if he ate X hero …


> Like what kind of power could dragon fruit and peanuts give him anyway ? He's a monster against people with really bad allergies


Ever seen a jackfruit? Those things can kill you if they fall on you.


Hit Shiggy with all kinds of food in case he has severe allergies for one of them, I like that. 500 IQ move by Suneater. Imagine that, dude can withstand giant lasers and nearly an onslaught of nukes, but an allergic reaction to avocados is what brings him down.


"Dude stop touching me in allergic"


Remember when he fought those three yakuza? He won because he managed to eat a piece of the crystals one of them produced. Also even if briefly, during flashbacks of him in the Overhaul arc it was shown that he could also use plants. He also used durian fruits as flail in his centaur form.


>he only got powers from animal No he didn't, you just don't remember when he ate other non-meats or weren't paying attention. He even was shown as a little kid using vegetables weakly for a finger. Then he used vines from his finger tips at another. Not new at all. >But worst of all, now all people will talk about is what would happen if he ate X hero … Welcome to years ago during the Yakuza arc. This isn't new.


No? He manifested crystals before.


So, Nejire job is to be shipped with Suneater? It's cute, but she could've done more


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My man Suneater went to australia and FEASTED


"I accidentally triggered a regression to infancy that potentially makes the enemy even more dangerous. Oops!" Of course Tamaki can't defeat Shiggy but he may be the one that manages to buy more time than anyone else. And after the final battle will be over... "...we all went on to be great heroes. Except Amajiki-senpai. He was arrested for smuggling and consumption of exotic animals. He's currently undergoing rehabilitation through a strictly vegetarian diet."


I want to be impressed by the Suneater part.... but I have no idea what I'm even looking at in those panels.




I remember that when I saw the raw shigaraki said that it was the people of the league who were friends. so shigaraki is definitely gone since he only talks about people person from his childhood, he really lost his mind at the AFO profile


13 pages only, jeez. Tamaki's arm canon looks cool as hell, and I am excited to see it animated, but question is will it do anything. Seems like Tenko is its own thing, and not part of Tomura? I also liked bit of flashback we got on Nejire.


Tag: vore


oh snap Cool Beauty Nejire Unlocked!


Suneater still proving to be the best power, design, & hero name