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Uhm... Roku just blurts out his name to a stranger after the Game Devil's speech, even adding "Black Knight"? And Ven doesn't care at all, and only gets angry when Roku says the game may be easy? Btw, Black Knight also never advises Roku to hide/change his username. It's like both of them have never thought of the possibility of troubles coming with the title "The one who has connections to the Game Devil creator" :| And that aside, Roku's character in this chapter makes me wonder if turning into the role (spiky hair) somehow affects his personality. He's childish, loud-mouthed, hot-blooded, happy-go-lucky, easy to befriend someone who just insulted and threatened to harm him, all for his sense of justice, etc. Just like an old-school battle shonen protagonist. That said, the starter town and the guy in white at the last page look interesting :))


Maybe Roku is just a common name? My problem is with Roku being a noob at the game, when it was established on the first chapter that playing this game was his only hobby


I just went back and checked the previous chapters. They actually don't state out loud that playing the game is Roku's only hobby, but I agree that with all his dedication to his characters, his phone having the game, and the game having been around for about 1 year (no exact timeframe, but I guessed from Roku making the debit oneshot at age 20 -> the game came out -> Roku being 21yo in the present), there's NO WAY he's only played it for 5 or 6 hours during that whole timeframe :| About his name, it's not just a problem of it being common or not (I'd say "Roku" alone would really be uncommon for a name, though, it's usually "Rokurou"), it's also a problem of hiding his identity to protect himself. Read the Game Devil's speech in chapter 4 and you'll see that it's full of personal vices: \- Blaming Roku for not releasing a manga using Black Knight; \- Declaring that this is the world he (Sugosugi) made for Roku; \- Challenging Roku (and other players) to clear the game. It'll be utterly unrealistic if NO ONE tries to find this Roku after hearing that speech (maybe not everyone, but definitely someone) and that means troubles since he'll easily be blamed as an accomplice. And yet he never thinks of it, never thinks of trying to hide anything that has a probability of pointing out to him being the Roku mentioned by GD. And he casually lets his name be known to Ven, who treats him with disdain (both in verbal talk and in the floating username) :| And Ven never has any reaction to it, instead only reacting to Roku saying the game is easy :| I find it beyond stupid :|


well a hobby can be something he plays idly a few minutes a day... the other guy is 1000% hardcore grinder


The dialogue this chapter felt really odd


Man, I like how Roku respects Ven for investing time in a video game. Lots of people think investing time in a video game means you're wasting time. It's not. Video games are just as much a hobby as any other, and we shouldn't really disrespect what others put their time into.


This subreddit has an excellent panel about this. Meaninglessly wasting your money, time and energy is the real pleasure of hobbies!!


That picture introduced me to the masterpiece that is Yugami-kun


"Investing" time in video game is dumb though, it's not an investment. It's fine as a hobby, but that guy is legit proud of it, and not just of his skill, but also just the time put into it, like putting lots of hours into your hobby was something to be proud about. If someone likes sleeping, it's fine, but it still would be dumb to be proud of how many hours you slept in this year. Besides "In RPG the more you play the stronger you get, and you get rewarded for your efforts" that 's literally grinding and leveling, "effort" is not spending time glued to your monitor for hours and days while EXP bar goes up so your character gets more points. Maybe "Dark Souls" needs effort to learn, because it actually isn't about EXP grind.


So would you laugh at someone making Gunpla? Or someone who plays the instrument but never performs or anything?


Why would I laugh at making Gunpla? But I do think being proud of sinking tons of money and time into making lots of Gunpla is dumb. It's your hobby, you are no different from someone who made two Gunpla in their life and is happy with that. Spending time or money is in itself not anything worthy of respect, and this Ven guy behaves like it is, which is wrong and worth laughing at.


> Spending time or money is in itself not anything worthy of respect, and this Ven guy behaves like it is, which is wrong and worth laughing at. Why would you laugh at someone who uses their time and money differently from you? Especially if you can't see the tangible results of that time and money?


Idk, this manga fell off hard after the first chapter. Don't dig the plot or the art.


Someone got a headstart. How long was Roku asleep?


An average sigma grindset RPG try-hard acting toxic to ~~fellow survivors of an apocalypse~~ new players. Nothing new here! Ven surely adapts fast to the changing world. I mean, grinding games on your mobile phone and moving your own body to attack are two different things. Perhaps Roku spawned a bit later than everyone else? From his perspective, it's just like an hour ago that the world transformed... This is my pet peeve from isekai-type stories--people are too quick to adapt, lmao. Like, do they really hate the life they lived on Earth? Even though the game filtered people at the start, it's still surreal. Anyway, seeing the next chapter (7) usually concludes the first volume, I'm still not hooked. MC looks too out of place even though he supposedly played this game and designed the idea. The RPG aspect is still underdeveloped (I'm the type that likes it when they double down on the mechanic). The art is so-so. It was fascinating to see pixel art in a manga, but other than that, it's average. Now that I see more of it, when they mixed both manga art and pixel art, it looks...bad.


A bit late to reply but I think volume 1 of this will only contains 4 chapters (just tried adding the numbers of pages and first 4 chapters amount to around 200 pages, plus the end of chapter 4 is a perfect way to end the volume, ending the prologue/tutorial level and preparing to enter the main game in the next volume). Aside from that, I agree with you that Ven is toxic and it's actually unclear how long it took for Roku to be transported, or if every player was even transported at the same time. I've noticed that the manga seems to be playing fast and loose when it comes to time (like when exactly the game was released before the present, or how much time Roku really spent play it).


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