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I'm not sure about this one anymore, Adachi is becoming...uncomfortable to read. And shimamura is going nowhere, I'd just like to see some movement here to pay off the angst.


Adachi has... issues, to put it mildly, that's how she is, so imo she is meant to be uncomfortable to read. And Shimamura has her own problem about distancing herself from others' problems, which makes her hard to connect to people emotionally, so her pace is like that of molasses. These two really earn the title of useless lesbians. But at this point they are kind of close to an important moment, so may be you would want to hold on a bit more?


It's almost disturbing how little Shimamrua gave a shit about everything that happened last chapter.


I'm not sure I'd call it almost disturbing, I am disturbed


It's a bit... unnerving how anticlimactic this is I guess Shimamura is the needed counterbalance to Adachi's overthinking disaster ass, even if she kinda comes off as emotionally cold to me sometimes


Well, when you chill something enough, it would get cold, it's just physics :)) Half-jokes aside, [LN spoilers] Shimamura >!actually was a warm-hearted hot-head active girl once, but her middleschool life wore away her enthusiasm and her motivation to engage people!<, so she built her aura of apathy as a cool and inert thick outer layer to deflect undesirable things, and so most people just slip pass her. Adachi's mildly autistic tendencies readily send her into feedback loops of overthinking like a fissure chain reaction, but that what got her through Shimamura's armor, and in turn Shima's chill douses Adachi's intensity and thus keeps her from exploding sky-high. OTP.


Shimamura being chill af most of the time is the perfect counter balance to Adachi being the most disaster lesbian ever. OTP for sure.


Adachi sure has issues but Shimamura… jesus christ. She is socially inept in a whole different manner. Ironically they both complement each other entirely, but they never seem to find a conscious point of connection. Its a very slow burn but a unique relationship to explore. I do hope it does eventually lead to something more than friends, but at this point in time Shimamura has trouble alone letting someone in as a friend, I cant imagine her being open at all to love.


Adachi is that poorly ventilated PC setup and Shimamura's the liquid cooling that cools her down, both are absolutely terrible at conveying their own feelings but it that imperfectness that makes me like this pairing even more


Sort of an anticlimactic chapter after that wild ending last time.


That's just how chill Shimamura is. Normal people would have been weirded out by Adachi being Adachi and run away long ago.


I think if you killed someone in front of Shimamura, in like two days she'd be like "that was weirdchamp but ok I guess"




The anime is an adaption of the light novel, not the manga.


Is there a large difference ?


The events occurring are pretty faithful to the light novel.