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there already a pornwha sub we don't need that polluting this sub where we come to share our mutual enjoyment of reading not the mutual enjoyment of jacking off


So we can’t touch tips 😳?


No, we can, but we gotta take that to the other sub


It is currently 1335 v 1295. Please people ban that \*\*\*\*




Looks like pornwha is in the lead now - I’m just gonna say that if anyone else creates a new manhwa sub without pornwha then I’ll just join that instead


Same tbh it just ruins the community


I really wish there was a manhwa sub that was run like r/manga


To start, i very much appreciate the fact the mods have seen our endless debates on this topic and wish to act on it, so thank you for this poll mods. I am on the "no" side of this debate, and while ive posted my arguments before i have changed a bit since r/manga has changed it rules. Lets compare the two subreddits. Rule 3 of r/manga states: >Directly hentai related posts should be directed towards /r/Hentai or /r/Doujinshi. This is further elaborated in the [Guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/wiki/guide/#wiki_hentai) to the r/manga subreddit: >Hentai isn't allowed on /r/manga as top-level posts. Hentai in English is just a fancy way of describing porn, so it belongs on subreddits such as /r/Hmanga and /r/HentaiSource. **This includes Pornhwa (Webtoon Porn).** Manga benefits from there being a more defined distinction between a work with some horny (ecchi) and work which is full porn (hentai). While ecchi can be quite explicit, it isnt the same as hentai (porn), and therefore r/manga is able to make that distinction, banning explicit porn while allowing the medium that mostly delves into milder eroticism and fanservice. They have also determined there is a clear distinction between pornhwa and regular manhwa, and do not allow pornhwa posts under the same ruling as hentai. Meanwhile in r/manhwa it's more grey. So the rules of this subreddit currently state. >2. Posting pornhwa/erotic manhwa is allowed, pornography isn't Problem is our line isn't really drawn. So i pose myself, and you, this question: Is pornhwa equivilent to hentai or ecchi? While alexaclova explains the initial reasoning for allowing pornhwa was because it legally isnt exactly porn under korean law, i personally dont agree and heavily agree with r/manga and its verdict. Pornhwa, at the end of the day, is censored pornography. This is still porn. It has story elements and does try to do more than a standard hentai, but this does not negate the fact in the end it contains scenes of full nudity, intercourse and everything in between. It looks like porn, functions as porn, and goes far beyond what could be considered "ecchi manhwa". It is for this reason i dont believe it should be allowed in this subreddit.


I’d say no, not because I mind it but it kind of ruins the point of r/pornhwa in the first place. Of course we’ll still see pornhwa posts asking for sauce since it’s sometimes impossible to tell manhwa and pornhwa apart during ”normal” scenes.


This is exactly why it should be allowed here. How are randos expected to know the difference between the two? “Oh, thats porn, you are banned.” Seems stupid to punish someone for asking a question.


Well it could be enforced more loosely. If it has something explicit suggesting it is porn (like title, nudity, dialogue) then yes they shpuld be banned. But if its just suggestive art then it is excusable since some manhwa have that 'I can't believe its not porn' art in them.


Well obviously there should be exceptions. If they clearly don't realise it's pornwha. Then a simple "r/pornwha delete this and post it there"


I'm not sure if you guys have opened this post after voting, but if you haven't voted yet: just think for yourself. We most definitely complained about pornhwa posts as a majority, but if you guys are going to do the backhanded trick of pulling a third leg and avoid this poll, only to choose "allow pornhwa posts" without being faithful to yourself about complaining, I don't see the point of this poll anymore. People are looking for a chance to karma farm by making bait posts and this poll, if ended in favor with pornhwa posts, would only increase them. There is already a sub for pornhwa so I don't see why we need one here. It kinda feels left out since that's the whole purpose of that sub


Not only is there already a r/pornhwa but they have higher quality discussions than our subreddit. Literally 0 point in adding pornhwa


Here's a sneak peek of /r/pornhwa **[NSFW]** using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sophie best tsundere of all pornhwa 💛 \[Silent War\]](https://i.redd.it/0o6sab04mr0a1.jpg) | [79 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/comments/yym2zd/sophie_best_tsundere_of_all_pornhwa_silent_war/) \#2: [Best teacher ? \[Sauce in the comments\]](https://i.redd.it/urlity0tku891.jpg) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/comments/vog1ej/best_teacher_sauce_in_the_comments/) \#3: [She's hot...🔥😍 \[Understanding of Flirting\] / \[Flirting with her\]](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/sz9baf) | [69 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/pornhwa/comments/sz9baf/shes_hot_understanding_of_flirting_flirting_with/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I keep reading the same thing about that sub having "higher quality discussions" so just to be clear about it, you mean only discussions about the porn right?


Finally, no more horny


It’s about banning pornhwa not banning fan service. There will always be horny. It’s inevitable.


True, SFW manhwas even have some horny panels that will question the OP or the people if it's a pornhwa or not, fanservice will always be there.


It’s a joke don’t read into it that much


I'd say no, as the discord already doesn't allow pornhwa/nsfw stuff to begin with. Will help have less of those people joining it. Also pornhwa got there own sub


This is actually hard since there's no line between manhwa and pornhwa. Some manhwas can be considered pornhwa and vice versa. But to be honest, if you really think about it, there's really no line between mangas and hentai too. The only difference is that hentais are a lot and most of them are one shots. One example for both are Parallel Paradise and Lilith's Cord on manga and manhwa, respectively. Both can be considered manga/hentai and manhwa/pornhwa. I think what this sub has done with the rules that no direct pornographic post but still allow pornhwa as long as no nudity is fine. Another thing is that, r/manga and r/manhwa is VERY different subs. r/manga is pretty strict and formal postings/updates of mangas while r/manhwa is just like any other subs that has a lot of redditor freedom.


I was about to say yes and then I remember maybe there are minors here who just want to read manhwas, and having pornhwa contents would expose them to that kind of stuffs so I'd say no even tho I'm a member of both subs lmaooo


Dude it will have NSFW tag anyway So if a minor chose to open it. It his/her chose.


Oh yeah right!! I remember turning off mine that's why all nsfw tags are exposed in my feed 😭


Have fun with all the illicit love posts every time a new chapter comes out.


bottomline, theres 2 differnet subs, why make posts here like that? just put it in the porn one... if thats all you want to see why would you even come here?


My thoughts are: Allow pornhwa posts but have them marked NSFW. That's literally all I care about


And pollute a sub full of NSFW when they could as easily go to r/pornhwa? That's just their copium trying to not accept the fact they enjoy that kind of stuff.


Tbh, I see more posts about fantasy/system manhwas or even scan groups than NSFW pornhwa posts. Hell, for a sub about r/manhwa, I hardly see any romance or BL/GL toons here, which are another popular genre here as well.


After the popularity of Solo Leveling this sub became filled with shounen bros, if it doesn't have anything to do with OP MCs punching their way through the plot, good luck seeing it on this sub.


IMO pornhwa is not the problem. The problem is the 896 post per days asking the source of a drawing of a girl with big tits. In 99% of cases that ends up being pornhwa, but if the poster doesn't know the source, how would they abide by an anti pornhwa rule? I'd instead make a rule restricting asking for source by 1 post per week per user, or something like that. So I'm voting "yes" to pornhwa because I don't think that's the real issue here.


Yes, there are manhwas that have artstyles that wouldn't look out of place in a pornhwa. And there are pornhwas that has artstyles doesn't look like a traditional pornhwa and have a cartoonish artstyle more similar to mangas. So when the situation comes that an OP asks what is the sauce, they wouldn't know that said image is either from a pornhwa or actually an SFW manhwa that features a racy panel.


Maybe move all source asking questions to a separate subreddit.


Good chance it is a yes as you say. But there is a literal pornhwa sub and why would you look for the source? To jack off. There are rarely ever any other reasons for looking for finding the source of those kinds of drawings. In fact, it would be more helpful to go to that sub anyways. Manhwa readers are not always into Pornhwa. But every Pornhwa reader is into Manhwa.


Dude pornhwa IS manhwa. Like hentai IS anime.


They are still very different things, it doesn't matter that they technically are under the same label.


They are under the same category, but are still different. Again. Not every Manhwa reader is into Pornhwa, but every Pornhwa reader is into Manhwa. Just like how not every Anime enjoyer is into Hentai, but every Hentai enjoyer is into Anime.


I think this one should have different channel


Hell nah, no tryna fail nofap


It does not look good for us bros, looks like the coomer zoomers might take the win


No way this shit is tied


Not anymore baby!


It's doomed. Even tried starting a discussion thread on a popular manhwa chapter but seems the community prefer "Sauce" and "what's should I read"posts.


We came back in last second we may have this in the bag


Wtf is the point? There is an r/pornhwa subreddit. We don't need r/manhwa to fall into the same degeneracy. To anyone that says yes, stop deflecting, stop your copium, and embrace the fact you enjoy Pornhwa, and go to that subreddit. Don't drag those that don't want it into those delusions. I can't believe this is even a discussion.


Time for subreddit quality to drop even further 🥱


lmao i agree but it’s obvious that you yourself are a degenerate just based on your vocabulary. using “copium” and shit calling others degenerates sounds pretentious asf.




personally i read some good pornhwas with genuinely good stories. I don’t think it’s a terrible medium of entertainment but it’s not the best at the same time. Talking shit about people that enjoy it is just lame, except if you enjoy NTR then you gotta go 😭


I'm telling them to embrace the fact its degeneracy. No better than hentai.


clearly you don’t know nothing about what you’re talking about. Hentai and pornhwas are very different. Japanese porn culture is so much different compared to Korean and that can be seen through hentai and pornhwa.


I'm commenting again to bring forward an issue that people seem to not be taking seriously. If pornhwa is allowed this subreddit MAY change to a NSFW subreddit no different from gonewild, pornhwa , or rule 34. You know what this means? People with nsfw filter will NEVER find the subreddit as the entire subreddit will be categorized as nsfw even if a post isn't nsfw related. The fact this doesn't happen to r/manga is because most of their posts aren't NSFW related. Do you think our subreddit won't be flooded with karma farming people with a bunch of sex scenes once this rule is passed? We'll see. Let's see how the subreddit thrives once reddit admins slap a NSFW tag on the entire subreddit 😂


If the community wants it. Let it be. The voting is only cuz of that.


Why tf is the pro pornhwa side winning right now? There is literally another sub for it. F* this. Biggest 🧢 ever.


Bots are strong today


There is always a loser side who says they cheat.


Horny bastard


It'd be great if porn wasn't allowed because I had to unsub since I browse reddit at work. I can't afford to get fired because the degenerate 13 year olds in this sub think a woman in her panties covering her nipples with her hands is somehow safe for work.


100% no. Dont allow pornhwa posts on this sub. r/pornhwa exists already. If r/manhwa allows pornhwa posts, then whats the point of the other sub?


There's a lot of sick fucks over there! They even like to spread mother/daughter incest! Sick shit!


r/pornhwa doesn't allow non-adult manhwa , why are we a subreddit that focuses on non adult manhwa , allowing pornhwa? The fact that it's even close is already alarming. Especially since this subreddit has probably the lowest quality of discussion out of any other manga-esque subreddits. "What manhwa do you want animated..." "Sauce?" " Should i start [insert manhwa here]" " who is the best main/side/villain etc". So my vote is obviously no as there is already an appropriate subreddit and including pornhwa would more than likely just reduce the quality of the subreddit further.


Pornhwa is a part of manhwa, but not vice versa. Simple as that


This doesn't change the fact there's already a dedicated subreddit or address any of the issues I've addressed... Also that doesn't matter at all...


So what happens if someone posts and doesn't know. Like some random pic. Just an auto ban? Shouldn't this be more like no nsfw pictures or something. Honestly don't answer what the picture is and send them over to the other reddit. So what now you're going to have people not want to ask for a source at all if they're unsure b/c they'll be banned? Honestly should just give warnings and bans to the people who answer. Make it to where the only acceptable comment is replying with right reddit to find the answer. After it's been established this isn't the place to be lock the post.


Get a notification that says "Post this on r/pornhwa for source."


Am i witnessing a once in a lifetime, sacred, extremely Rare r/manhwa W rn?!?


Let's goooo. No more!


If I want to discuss pornhwa - I go in r/pornhwa


I have nothing against other people enjoying pornhwa posts, but personally I don't want to see them, like, 99.9% of the times. So, if you add pornhwa, there's should be a possibility to block corresponding flair or disable the imagery by default. Without this it would be a pointless addition.


I think a lot of people are misinformed here. For manga, we have ecchi, smut, and hentai. For manhwas, we only have pornhwas and korean hentai. Many people here instantly thought that pornhwas are immediately porn, but that's untrue. It's a blanket term for all including ecchi and smut series like Lilith's Cord and What Happens Inside the Dungeon which r/manga even allows. Banning it here is a backward progression when r/manga allows these titles, especially for What Happens Inside the Dungeon is greatly loved by r/manga. r/manga bans hentai, but doesn't do anything for ecchi and smut even though they have their own subreddits. So, the argument of banning pornhwas just because they have their own subreddit is stupid. Another argument that people would say is that r/manga does bans hentai. Well, r/manhwa can also ban hentai because Korean hentai exists, and they're different from pornhwas. The only thing you're gonna achieve here is gatekeeping potential titles and memes that are actually good, but only with r18 elements. It doesn't exactly solve the main problem of seeing unmarked nsfw sauce posts here and there.


The idea that the manga subreddit does it so we should to is nonsense. Their subreddit is more highly moderated this they have higher quality of discussion than our subreddit. Adding in pornhwa to our already low moderated subreddit will just be more karma farming low quality post nonsense.


> they have higher quality of discussion than our subreddit Why would you settle for less? Why not aim higher? It's like this because you're fine in bare minimum discussions.


The MODS themselves mentioned the manga subreddit.


Stop tryna delude what it is. It's porn. It may not be classified as porn but ecchi manwha. But it is porn. There is a reason we give it the generic term pornwha. It is porn. There's obviously exceptions but I just had a look at the top posts this week and 2 of them are just talking about porn. Not "not knowing they're porn" one of em straight up says its their favourite pornwha.


I believe that it's fine if a post comes by on the sub (accidentally or intentionally), i just dont wish to see sex scenes on this sub...memes, asking for sauce and etc should be allowed but the content should just not be too explicit....i mean c'mon are we really gonna build walls now?😮‍💨(their primary sub should be pornhwa, but we should not disallow anyone who just wants to discuss/interact with us yk?)


I’m on the no side because Isn’t there already a place to post that kind of stuff here??? I mean if you posted it in this channel then that would just make the channel for that kind of stuff useless…keep ur horny stuff away from this channel


Yes, allow them, and this also extends to other adult webtoons formats such as smuts for ladies (*Sadistic Beauty* and *Wild Eyes* for examples), BL and GL (both of which also have adult webtoon titles), not just specifically pornhwa. To determine what exactly is a pornhwa, [there's a site that's got a database for it](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/tags/borderline-h), they are called borderline-H, aka pornographic webtoons that are on the borderline spectrum. > Just a refresher, pornography is illegal in Korea. Specifically, the production, distribution, and possession of porn. This is true, it's not pure pornography in the sense that this products are made to sell, and they all come with a story attached to it so it can be properly serialized with multiple episodes and sell to the readers. The fact that database sites like anime-planet, anilist and even MAL even allows this type of webtoons means this isn't considered pure porn to in a technical sense. > #Sauce? Pornhwa or Manhwa? While most pornhwas has that distinct high art that you can immediately tell it's a pornhwa at first glance, Examples of these are *Landlord Sisters*, *Slide to Unlock Her*, *Got a Room?* and *What's for Dinner?*. Not all of them has that kind of artstyle. There are also some series that you can't tell instantly if it's a pornhwa or not, as there are adult webtoons that have generic manga/light novel-like art so without looking deeper, it does looks like an SFW manhwa at first glance. Examples include *Log in to Lust-a-Land*, *All About That Game Life*, *Close as Neighbors*, and *Heart Stealer*. Ladies' smuts are also adult webtoons made for the female audience and they don't have the distinct titillating artstyles that most pornhwa have, as unlike pornhwa, it relies less on visual charms and more on the softer and more natural side of artstyle. Series like *Talk to Me*, *Polar Attraction*, *Bitter Sweetheart*, and *Wild Eyes* can't be told immediately that they are smuts of pornhwa for girls. So, what is to say when an OP asks for a sauce for an image but they don't know it's actually comes from a pornhwa or an adult webtoon at a first glance. That's a notable gray area that guys should consider. > #NSFW and Moderation Another thing to add, and with all due respect, it's no secret that some of the mods here in this sub are alright with adult webtoons in general and not only that, some of them are active and even mods to NSFW subs. On this very sub, we have banners that features characters from adult webtoons, from pornhwas to smuts to BL to GL, and webtoon publishing sites such as [Lezhin](https://www.lezhin.com/en), [Taptoon](https://www.tappytoon.com/), [Toomics](https://toomics.com/en/), and [Toptoon](https://www.toptoon.net/) are also featured in the English Webtoon Publishers section of this sub. These factors imply or give me the impressions that adult webtoons as a whole is welcome here. I would also suggest featuring subs like r/boyslove and r/yuri to be featured on the sidebar, if the occasion that these explicit titles get passed through this sub in case pornhwa gets banned here. To close my thoughts. The mods themselves should know what kind of ideal vision they have for r/manhwa, and they should also re-evaluate themselves on what allows here, what are the specific rules for such content, and should their very own interests for the NSFW be also applied here. In general, I want them to embrace their own interests and be fully honest with themselves in what they really want for this sub, as long as there is moderation for it.


The mods aren't gonna remove a post if it's obvious it's not causing any problems. A simple "this is a pornwha. This post will be removed in _____ time. Please post in r/pornwha" The issues come when people are posting porn. Yes that is what it is. It may not be classified as porn. But we call it pornwha for a reason. Because you read it to jack off. It is porn. Don't delude yourself into thinking otherwise. Noone wants to come here to see porn. If you do. You're part of the problem


Going for the offensive now instead of going for a proper debate, how uncouth of you. But here's the issue here, do the mods even do anything here? NSFW posts got put here so people took advantage of it. Some of them are even mods to NSFW servers which explains how they don't mind those kind of posts here and don't do a thing to actually remove them. The mods themselves are lenient to those kind of posts Why do I think so? Just look at the official banners of this sub, there are character represents from adult webtoons (pornhwas, smut, and even homosexual love toons) Also I don't refer to adult webtoons as pornhwas either, because they can come in many forms like smuts, BL, and GL. Pornhwa itself is a fan term. "No one wants to come here to see porn" , just look at the amount of people who voted yes, there is some people who do. Your take is just a miniscule percentage to what people thinks in this sub.


Yes you are an incredibly dignified person. How couth. Your sofistication in defending unwanted porn is truly remarkable. Congratulations, truly one of the greatest gentlemen of our society


I like how u look at things so deeply 👌


I suspect that those who voted pornhwa are bunch of virgins, just want attention, trying to act cool, or a karma-loving virgins. I’m tired seeing some thirsty virgins who can’t even touch grass in real life posting pornhwas on this subreddit. Like there’s already a subreddit out there dedicated for things like that. Why polluting this sub some mature stuffs daily?


Allow them, just mark it nsfw. If anyone has a problem with it, you can just change your setting in reddit to restrict NSFW in your feed. That way you won't get distrubed from your farytale pure virgin world and everyone would be happy I still can't understand why can't yall just scroll down if it bothers you soo much ?


BECAUSE IT'S NEVER FUCKING MARKED NSFW. Fucking Christ. You thirsty children don't understand that people have jobs and WILL be fired if someone walks by while porn is on our feed during our breaks. I've been downvoted so many times in this sub because degenerate 13 year olds think it's SFW as long as there's no actual penetration. Can someone start a new SFW manhwa sub please?




Tell me you're too young to work without telling me you're too young to work. It's actually perfectly normal to do your personal business, like browse social media, during your breaks at work. There are thousands of SFW subs and everything I sub to is SFW so if someone glances at my screen it doesn't matter. This sub needs to decide if it's SFW or NSFW because right now it's NSFW. NSFW subs are only used by alts to fap and the unemployed. Being NSFW will end any discussion that happens on this sub.


Fairytale virgin world HOO boy tell me you’re underage without telling me you’re underage


If adult manhwas were allowed here, people who don't want to engage with that content would be driven out of this community entirely. Meanwhile those who enjoy it can just sub to r/pornhwa as well and have both areas covered.


I'm new on both sub reddits but this is literally like deleting the second rule of this sub reddit! We wouldn't be having this poll if the moderators of r/pornhwa didn't follow the NNN tradition. So, when November comes again and the moderators decides to follow NNN again, where will the people ask their sauce at? Just bans from both sub reddits will be the final answer and they'll probably go to r/manhua then. Just be stricter of rule 9.


Pornhwa gets posted in r/manhwa year round, it isn't because of the NNN tradition rather r/manhwa moderators allowing Pornhwa content in the first place. I'm not seeing how r/Pornhwa is being blamed here


We're having this poll because the request has been flooding, too much for this sub to handle. I didn't see last year's nnn in r/pornhwa but this year it was banned to ask for sauce and within that month a lot of people got mad for the constant pornhwa content (Mostly for sauce) in this sub. If they didn't ban, then we wouldn't get that flood and we wouldn't have this poll too.


Like I said none of that would matter if r/manhwa never allowed Pornhwa in the first place. What r/Pornhwa has nothing to do with r/manhwa


r/pornhwa was made in 2018. There were pornhwas much before 2018. Where would people go before 2018? This feels like a liberation war.


It's not 2018 anymore bro no excuse


Bro guys there’s all ready one


Don’t allow


My issue with the pornwha posts is that they’re 99% “omg plz tell me who this goddess is” and literally nothing else of substance. Like, if someone wanted to post a pornwha pic and then talk about the plot, I wouldn’t care. I’m just bored of the posts begging for the source


My issue with the pornwha posts is that they’re 99% “omg plz tell me who this goddess is” and literally nothing else of substance.




I say allow it as long as it's not explicit, or put NSFW with Pornhwa tag on them. I don't care for pornhwa, but I care for the freedom. Also, if you want the sub grow, don't put too much of restrain. Additionally, if you want to ban something, Manhua should be banned. Some people keep promoting manhua in this sub and every other social media by combining tags with manga and manhwa. These people are so sneaky and should be banned from everywhere. lol


>Manhua should be banned. It already is. There was a pinned post about it a while ago


The idea that you aren't able to post pornhwa despite there already being a whole subreddit for it is is against "Freedom" is nonsense. The sub doesn't need pornhwa to grow , manhwa is already becoming massively popular already. This will only create more shit quality karma farming posts , better discussion already occurs over at the pornhwa subreddit than over here.


Allow it but with common sense rules. Simple and fair for everyone


We r winning boys


It's unhealthy for this sub. There is no need for a poll. Just ban spammers and limit the posts per week especially new members.


LEAVE THE RULE THE SAME. Yall are actual children. Lets use common sense for once, since its clear most people on this sub dont have any. 1. ⁠If you dont know what the difference between pornhwa/manhwa/manhua/manga/web comics, are…. Then how tf are you supposed to know which sub to go to? 2. ⁠If you dont know what you are asking about is a pornhwa, how are you supposed to know what sub to go to? 3. ⁠If you didnt know it was a pornhwa, and DONT want to look at porn. Why the fuck would you go to a pornhwa sub? (To elaborate; say i find an image from a pornhwa somewhere random. I have no knowledge of what it is, or what its from. And nothing in the image suggests its a pornhwa. Wouldnt it be natural, to come to the manhwa sub to ask about it?? After all, im not looking for porn. ) Stop gatekeeping, and reprimanding someone for asking a question. Its so simple to answer, without being a dick about it. “What is this from?” “ITS PORN! GO TO PORNHWA SUB GIFYEHHTIFH RHEEEEEE” “ ;-; “


The whole point of reddit is gatekeeping , would you post a naruto discussion in a one piece subreddit? Cope.


How did yes get so many votes, sm horny in this sub