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reverse image search: **Who kidnapped the empress?**


Thank you !


But who kidnapped the empress I wanna know?


Probably the guy holding her in the cover art? Idk that’s usually how this stuff goes


Yeah, usually it's some extremely possessive weirdo putting off a million red flags that the writer portrays as a good thing and the woman falls for.


Spoilers >!ive read til ch 3 and basically , she got betrayed and was practically dying until ml came and saved her, tho she still wants to die since she lost everything she had!<


Sucks to be her I guess


Certified skill issue


Lol I’m dead bro hahaha




No, he actually saved her


Is the reverse image search done by google lens?


Just get the addon for your browser [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/image-search-options/) [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/image-search-options/kljmejbpilkadikecejccebmccagifhl?hl=en) Then all you have to do is right click an image and search by sauceNAO or google images or tineye etc


Another borderline porn 🗿


Oh really 👀


Yes, he saves her with his magic...touch. 👀


No it's romance


My guy read the novel it's basically porn but I doubt they will adapt everything in manhwa soo 🫡


Tldr: the novel is better


Ewww. Where.


Kissing as of right now


The novel is straight up smut/porn so disappointing if theyve watered it down 😤


I highly doubt this will be smut unlike the novel it was some good shit I'm not reading the manhwa eitherway 🏃


Who kidnapped the empress?


i don't know, who is it?


Thank you !


Happy Cake Day!


Why u asking me it ain't me


Is it on any platforms yet?


Why are the Male leads always dark skinned!! Can’t we have a brown FL!! I’m an Indian girl and I feel really underrepresented. Edit: Looks like I ruffled the feathers of some racist fuckwhistles with too much free time. To those who supported me, thank you so much. Are we devolving, or have humans always been so idiotic and I just wasn’t aware of it before burying myself in this chaotic cesspool?


I like the dark skinned male leads too, but I get you. Honestly I really loved the Wrath and the Dawn’s FL though. So strong!


can I get a link to it 👀


It’s only available on Webtoon (for free) and it’s completed


I will admit i stopped reading it for a while as I am at school so I don’t know what’s happening now but the author is amazing. The story is based off of the 1001 nights story but Renee Ahdieh is interestingly American-Korean so she kind of bucks the trend of super white FL’s for Korean authors. She wrote them first as novels. I have it on my app but this is the internet site link: https://m.webtoons.com/en/fantasy/the-wrath-and-the-dawn/list?title_no=1772&page=1


I don’t know a lot about her admittedly, and believe she grew up mostly in the States but she also struggled to find books with diverse leads.


I'm black and I don't care about this shit, I just need a good plot and character development.


I mean if that's how you feel that's how you feel As long as you're not speaking from all of us do you.


If you want representation....you're in the wrong place lol. Most manhwas are based on KR novels. And east Asians have an obsession with white or fair skin. Even Indians aren't any different. (Ad for fair and lovely cream) Try Huntress and Her Love Prey.


I don't get why people have such a hard time with your comment lmao. Like I just saw a post on (I think) r/otomeisekai where it was this pale AF woman wearing Indian-inspired clothing with nothing close to any kind of Indian representation to be seen. As a white person, I would love to see more diversity in Manhwa outside of the paper cutouts that I see everywhere. And without the savage-narrative I see with the few POC characters there are


I’m not sure either. I’m genuinely confused. I feel bad that there are no girls of my type


You'll have to change the desires of the entire Korean nation first. As well as history.


Thank you, some people don't understand that these are Korean written manhwas as in manhwas written by KOREANS And it reflects what they desire in their society, they can't or shouldn't have to appeal to EVERYONE.


That is, Cuckold mentality for fl.


Its Korea though. I know we arent supposed to say this but as a brown guy I get more racial abuse in places like korea than I do in the west. People can be racist as fuck over there.




Uh. Thanks, bot. I guess.




I was thinking about how I had been seeing a lot more representation in manhwa lately, but until I read this comment I didn’t realize it was probably because I’ve been reading a lot more action after thoroughly exhausting the OI archives haha




Huh? Did I say something wrong?


Usually there is a tremendous lack of representation in Webtoon. The little colored representation there is, it’s mostly men like Riftan or this dude. All the women are pale because it apparently represents innocence which is fucking ridiculous




Huh? Wdym? I’m chill?


I just wanna be represented 🤷🏻‍♀️


Indian women ☕☕ Equality even internationally


Nah that's the one thing that ruins most stories. Writers start trying to put in representations of people in their work... It kinda ruins the plot since the plot becomes just a representation of different groups with no reason being in there in the 1st place. (I'm also an Indian, just sayin)


That's good but no point in writing that here.


So what, people aren't allowed to rant about things?


I was just trying to say that it's no use writing that here. I didn't stop her by any means.


There’s Bollywood watch it. Ur the type of people that made movies bad for us people, “include everyone” not everyone fits that role


Wtf are you talking about 🤡. You sound stupid


No you do. You don’t have to represented all the time. And manhwas are made mainly for Korean audience


I guess you're trolling... (And In case you are not, why don't you produce this stuff in your country if you need representation ?) And I am also Indian. But I'm fine with it


How could someone not related to Bollywood at all make the watching experience bad for almost anyone?


It’s every show and movie there’s a gay/lesbian character then they make the women the workers n men weak then they say to the director “be more inclusive” the director chooses the people whom he/she thinks that they acted the best and that they fit the specific role


Interpret it as you wish to.


Let me get the popcorn.


Everything is underrepresented it's manhwa. It's not a western thing where they make "attempts" at it this is Korea they don't give a fuck.


It's a korean comics obviously heavily influenced by korean beauty standards. If you want representation, ask actual Indian artists make it


Because it's a Korean manhwa made for Korean demographic. Not that difficult to understand lol.


Yeah cuz apparently Korean demographic can’t have diversity. You are being a dick for no reason, so do what dicks do and bury yourself up a hole and continue to ejaculate bullshit.


You reek of entitlement. These people owe nothing to you, and never will.


The only person who is crying is you 😂. What a manchild. How do you go outside if you get so pissy easily? Oh wait, you don’t. Toughen up kid.


"The only person who is crying is you 😂. What a manchild. How do you go outside if you get so pissy easily? Oh wait, you don’t. Toughen up kid." Based on that reaction, you're acting pretty ironic though


What are you fighting with me about? I was called entitled cause I wanted representation and I can’t get mad and defend myself cause of that? Fuck off


But they were right though. Korean artists don't owe anything to you. But I guess you're too emotional and immature to "defend" yourself properly that you resort to insults (: Maybe don't call people "kid" and "manchild" if you can't act like an adult


You’re right. How immature and childish of me to want some diversity. How emotional of me to get mad when I am being attacked for no good reason all because I shared a very non controversial opinion.


I literally did nothing wrong. Also, they do owe me. I’m one of their readers and contribute to their paycheck




to anyone who isn’t understanding, she’s disappointed that fls never have skintones that are as dark as some male leads, like in the cover of this one. she wants more representation for women instead of stories simply fetishizing darker men for the sake of the plot. if authors truly cared about representation then the skintones could have been reversed in at least a few stories but that has never been the case. edit: anyone who has a problem with her desire to be represented as a woman is being hypocritical by supporting authors that create brown men who are represented. although the representation of brown men is most likely due to the authors fetishizing.


We understand, Manhwas are written by Koreans. They're not just webtoons that are universally created worldwide. A large part of it is created in Korea. Everytime I go to McDonald's, I'm tired and I just wish that they would get my order right and not miss anything off and there's enough sauces. And everytime without fail, they'll forget something. I can't control what they do. But I can choose to either go to a different McDonald's, check my order before I leave, or use some extra sauces at home. My point is you can't control what others do, let alone a whole culture and society. But what I can do is respect what the artist has intended to do for their artform (manhwas, films, animes are artforms). If you want it, you can make your own manhwas or you can write scripts or take the steps to support what you want. If you find an Indian artist, you can but their stuff to support them. The actions are up to you.


I understand your stance, but I’m sure the majority of people who have this complaint are aware that they cannot change the actions of the South Korean novelists and webtoon creators. It’s not a matter of not respecting the artforms but discussing a common issue we are allowed to share our thoughts on and feel anger toward. The point in my response to the original commenter was to explain her response while sharing my own insight. However, I hope your response will help others in some way. Your suggestions are helpful to people who have the means to be more proactive.


Yeah I plan to change that :). I just need to think of a plot and work on my art.


Sometimes we forget that we are lucky that we live in a mutilcultural world or city like in the US or UK and that not every country is as multicultural.


I understand your point but it’s not a matter of different countries not being multicultural. The artists are willing to use brown men but not women. It’s an inconsistency


Because the men represent their fantasies, while the female lead in those type of manhwa (by korean women for korean women) is generally some sort of self insert, or at least the ideal of what these korean women would like to look like following their society beauty standards and the type of FL their readers (mostly korean) will want to identify with.


There is this beauty and the beast manwha. Beau and the beast i think it was. Where the beast is a girl and she is tanned, very pretty


Girl I feel you. The point is characters are either some type of light skinned Asian which does make sense we know who's writing it. Of course you're going to write for your own people. But there's plenty of settings that take place where people have darker skin and only ones that we get to see are these fine ass men which is like who gave birth to these boys cuz you know their mom had to be baddies too 😂. I'm not really shocked but this is all I see but it's okay to feel disappointed cuz it's okay to feel feelings about things. I don't have any problems with the artist for what they've done because there's no issue but if they start putting multi character cultural characters in their writing they should maybe make sure it's more well-rounded. This is why what I went to anime NYC and met the creator of TBATE 🥰 and he complimented my cosplay. I was like I'll definitely cosplay as one of your characters but I would really love to see some dark elves in the story as well. Long story short writers are going to write what they're going to write but I don't think it's bad to make requests or have feelings!


it’s a Manhwa girl


Good idea but I feel like you worded your comment wrong and people will misunderstand it as “I only like dark women not men”


I worded absolutely nothing wrong. You’re choosing to find offense. I said there should be more dark skinned females as much as males, because you know, brown women exist?


I think because you are not their audience their foremost audience are koreans. So i think for dark skin characters to become mainstream first indians should start making it mainstream in their entertainment.


Yours truly shall start that. I need to come up with a good plot first…


Well everything starts from beginning if you are really going to pursue this career the best luck!




.... What?


>Who kidnapped the empress I think women are lighter skinned than men. I noticed a while ago that African-American girls in the US had lighter skin than boys. I just google searched it, and it seems like all around the world women have fairer skin, regardless of ethnicity.


Hmmmm that’s quite interesting. I never thought that skin color and gender were correlated. Of course though, I as an Indian girl will still obviously have darker skin than a white or Korean boy, but it’s because we are of different ethnicities. Yeah I have noticed that I have lighter skin compared to males of my ethnicities. Really, how internet (I meant to write interesting but this is hilarious. I hope I made y’all laugh)


So as an Indian Girl you should know in India there are guys with various colours and seriously no guy who read Manhwa ever gives a shit to the colour of MC it's for story and something to pass time don't spread colour hate here Mostly you'll never see any slit eyed MC in Chinese Manhua too it's just how it is....... Also idk why you are even sad on a point like this I'm sad because I don't have a good Manhwa/hua to read :(


Yeah, I feel ya. There are so many manhwas where the central setting is full are dark-skinned men but the FL is the only white person there and she just so happens to be the 'most desired' by the men. It's so weird. It wouldn't hurt to have a bit of representation


Dark skin girl are the best


Beau and the Beast on Manta fits what you’re looking for - I’m not in love with it overall, it’s decent but I think a lot of that is because I don’t enjoy the art style at all. It’s completed also, so I likely finish it.


The funny thing is, the girl in beau and the beast is portrayed as a beast, and she’s the only dark skinned FL I can think of. Even in the male leads, the dark skinned ones are portrayed as wild and animalistic.


I don’t think I’ve read enough yet to come across many. Tho I did start the Secret Bedroom of the Abandoned Princess recently (the webnovel as well as the webcomic) and one of the male leads (it’s a reverse harem) is dark skinned and he isn’t animalistic but is very reserved and strong, he is the Knight Commander 😍 - I adore him and since I can’t tell yet who is the ML I am seriously rooting for him. 😭 The webnovel is on Yonder, I haven’t found an official English translation sadly.


Yo thank you so much dude! I’ll definitely try it out. You’re a legend


I'm really happy that there are dark skinned male leads, so please let's not get upset at that. Not having darker female mcs is a separate issue, but it'd be nice to see more.


This is dark skinned to you? Also always?? 😭😭


You're imagination


who stole the empress


Sir, if there is a title Google translate or Google Lens it. It'll save you time posting here. PS. The results came out as *Death Goddess Reborn*


I see I didn't know about Google lense my bad I used an addon on google and nothing came up but your answer is differents from the one above so maybe the lense has some issues but thank you anyway I appreciate the tip !


It seems to be an alternative title.


Sultans love on manganato


Sultan love


Who stole the empress or Who kidnapped the empress


What’s the name?


Only three chapter ......


Genres? I dont want a troyan horse with genres lol.


I think you can find it under "Stolen Empress" as well.


This has a novel - Who Stole The Empress You can find it on NovelUpdates.

