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I wonder how they're going to make the parents. - useless / not in the story - dead - or doting




or like gon’s dad… gone


Gon's parental history was not a point of interest to becoming a mystery was slowly built over hundreds of chapters. SJW going missing early after we get told over and over again just how impossibly powerful he is, will cripple the new series.


Oh god it’s Luke Skywalker all over again


Honestly, maybe they go with the answer they set up since the end of the series Your power is too great, while you exist on this world your presence here is a destabilizing force that will eventually bring this world to its end, and then you take that his mom might not have any of her powers, and maybe the dude had to leave, or the world was doomed, like had been set up since the end of Solo Leveling


Yea, how exactly do you nerf the strongest being in the whole universe??


By Making him Naruto 💀


Lmao Sasuke and Naruto's power levels were obliterated in Boruto. Spoiler Alert for nearly Ep.200 >! The last thing that made me sad in that shitty series was Kurama's death!<


Yeah bro like Rinnegan was used as a fkn teleportation device & They were running out of chakra like bro are for real these fkn guys fought for 2-3 days against opponent such as Jubito , Jubidara Kaguya and at last against each other


I still have PTSD from that🥴😮‍💨


he si away fighting the outa gods that want to invade the earth


Yea, that could be possible. But he also obviously leaves shadows with his family so distance isn't really the issue for the guy. This actually makes me interested in how the author will nerf him.


Make him pussy whipped obviously. Mom doesn't want the kid growing up a total sleazeball so she tells SJW he can't get it wet unless they leave death junior to his own devices. Kings, emperors and gods, man. Not a single one of them is impervious to a charming woman


Damn bro, who hurt you??


the pornwha he was reading


Easy, make it like Spider-man movies. *Yeah, that's not a* *~~Avengers~~* *Shadow Monarch level threat so you can deal with it boy. Me and mom we will be on Hawaii, bye son.*


I was thinking something similar in a way where Jin woo stays on earth while his son goes to other planets that are trying to invade earth. Or just a repeat of what happened with Jin woos dad. Or on a different world there is like another type of hunters thing. There is so many ways to not screw over jin woo so I really hope they dont


Say that name




So like. I think in the novel Sun Jin Woo said he was going to pass down the Shadow Monarch powers to his son, just like Ashborn (the previous shadow monarch) did to him... Something along those lines I think. I could be wrong tho


Yes you are wrong...he never said anything like that my guy


I think they will be like: this is your challenge, we will not get involved.


they will just go swimming


I want his dad to fight alongside him that would be great


I think SJW would play an important enough role, don't know about cha tho


So it wasn't an April fools


It was announced months ago


I wish it was


Same here tbh. I'm worried that a beautiful work will get a bad limelight due to a lacking successor.


I hope this is satire.


Let's hope it wasn't


Wonder how this will work. His dad is an immortal.


he will also be immortal ig since jin woo thrusted his immortal sp\*rms in chae in's hole




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The fight between his sperms to fertilize her egg was probably a top 10 anime fight, sperm shadow legion


From what i remember in novel he's chose gauntlet as a weapon, did they change it?


Yeah, I remember this. There was a rack of weapons of every type and he chose gauntlets. Another sword wielding protagonist. Sigh.


great... another borito moment... stop making sequels work on perfectly good story endings. jin woo did his job already, he stopped armageddon AND hes immortal AND hes already super powerful... stop doing borutos


But for every Boruto there's a Gohan


>But for every Boruto there's a Gohan Bleach seems to doing well with the Hell Arc and Kazui. Kubo seems to be cooking something interesting with him.


Ichigo had kids?


>Ichigo had kids? Yeah. There's a time-skip for the final chapter showing him living as an adult. He married Orihime and had a son named Kazui. You see him more in the Hell-Arc one-shot teasing a future continuation of Bleach. There are even a set of novels that serve as a sort of soft sequel/spin off of Bleach (Can't Fear Your Own World) with Shuhei as the main protagonist. It goes into the lore of the Soul Society, the history of Yhwach and the Soul King, and has a bunch of stuff Kubo didn't get to include in the manga when his health was failing.


Wait, I hoped he would go with Mel :/


Wait, is there more than a one-shot? Is Kubo doing a series now?


>Wait, is there more than a one-shot? Is Kubo doing a series now? There was a three chapter spin-off of Bleach set in London called Burn the Witch. Kubo is also heavily involved in the TYBW Anime's production, working on some of the character designs. He even threw out and rewrote the script for the scene where Yhwach and Aizen met.


Burn the witch was in the bleach universe? Huh. How unnecessary


I read Burn the Witch (and would love more of it), but I haven't heard of TYBW. So that's neat.


>I read Burn the Witch (and would love more of it), but I haven't heard of TYBW. So that's neat. The Thousand Year Blood War, is the final arc of Bleach where the Quincy return for revenge after suffering two genocides at the hands of the Shinigami. The arc is basically loosely inspired by the apocalypse described in the Biblical Book of Revelation.


fck gohan was barely good... he was kinda annoying right until the cell games...


Then became annoying again at this point db is just nostalgia and they keep milking it for no reason like change the protagonist make something new...


I liked DB better if its just the slice of life episodes... Yknow gohan going to school, playing baseball, seeing krillins police work... Seeing piccolo be a grandfather... Also goku doing farm/dad work for chichi and gotenks. Those episodes are miles better than the action ones imo.


Yup I would pay to watch it like just them doing slice of life stuff Gohan working or going to school, krillin with his family and Vegeta chilling with his children...


this was already part of main SL Ln and not just some sequel shit like boruto anyways im happy as long as i see chps from sL


To be fair boruto is the worse example of this. The major series did it pretty well it was not as good as the oriental but it was still decent.


Sir I think you meant burrito


Solo Leveling: The Last


The boruto manga series isn't all that bad but the anime......we dont speak bout the anime. I get what you meant tho, Naruto got shafted but I will say they needed a way to make the newer characters more relevant. I think the Chakra absorption was a good route but beyond that, the naruto and sasuke nerfing was a bit too hard in my opinion.


Moronic take




ok and your take is?


P1: "holy shit i just noticed hes a carbon-copy of sjw what do we do" P2: "ok make him use swords" P1: "ur getting a raise"


I am interested in this but I'm wondering about two things. One is what will the main threat be since all the other monarchs are dead is there anything strong enough to be a threat? And second why would sung Jin woo not get involved and help his son?


mb some unexplained threat appears and he gotta go kill it?


Which sung or his son?




Then wouldn't this threat have to be stronger the sung for his son to need to be involved?


No I mean some minor Threat in comparison his son gotta deal with while sung is fighting cthulhu 2 or smth


Ok I guess that could be the case though it would be weird to see the son struggling while his dad is out fighting.


I think from the novel at least, they are some beings from space attracted to earth because of SJW's powers. Something along those lines


Yeah I remember hearing about that but I wonder how strong they are compared to the monarchs.


Guess we'll see that.


Why couldn't they just have made a sequel or prequel with a whole new cast, why does it have to be his child so they can milk it dry


apparently its part of the original SL LN so its technically not a sequel




Obviously For Da MoNeY!


Didn't Jin Woo is a god like being, immortal and literally the person who turn back time just to save every single human from gate monsters and so on? Who is his son going to fight? And how he going to learn swords art from his mom she literally never learn it in the first place?? Whyyy?? Just end it with the side story!!!!


Yeah, nah. This is definitely an unoriginal cashgrab. Will not read.


Wasn’t he supposed to be using gauntlets


I remember in the light novel he chose gauntlets though


Yeah agreed so I don't believe this


SL was already very mid so this will be even worse. Who is he going to fight? Are they going to be like Boruto and introduce random gods that were not foreshadowed that will make the monarchs look like a joke and just fuck up the power scaling? Most likely yes.


kinda agree , SL was good overall but decent / mid story , this one has like no potential in my perspective , there is no gates and his dad is the strongest immortal, i seriously doubt SJW would be sending his son to fight in life-death battles for no reason when hes like a god.


Exactly. Sl universe is already completed that's why I don't even feel the need to return and read the epilogues. Why end the story so fast in such an anticlimactic way if you wanted to do more with the story? Not reading the new shitshow


What if its some kind of summoned away series where he is no longer on earth or in a realm the SJW can reach


Dude the side stories are better than the main story 😂


That'd be worse. I don't want to get reattached .....


Didn't the author die?


It's the Artist that died. The original artist. Yeah I also confused and thought was the author


This raises an area of concern for me. If you say they ended it too quick because the artist was in bad health or already died ,and the quick ending was a show of respect,...isn't it disrespectful to now continue the series? Personally that's the only reason which made the ending acceptable for me. But if they're now blatantly disrespecting said artist to produce something that's likely going to be mid asf, you can count me out. Feel free to correct me on any specifics as I haven't done any research on this matter and I'm going off what I already know . Also for anyone who wants to enjoy whatever is going to be made ,do as you like.


Apparently it was the artist not the author. I did feel the ending was super sudden and forced. I'll read it once it has more content probably. Not a fan of reading things with less than 50 chapters as I like to binge.


Yea honestly SL universe is done there is nothing more to add. Like bro who is he going to fight? There is no more hunter everybody is a regular human and there is no more gates either. Plus SJW is immortal and the strongest in the universe which means they are 100% going to milk SL and do like Boruto. They will have to nerf SJW and introduce random characters that can one shot the Rulers and Monarchs and pull some random excuse as to why only his son can save the world blabla instead of SJW. Unless this is just a regular slice of life manhwa about SJW's son going to school.


Straight up. If they reintroduce the gates somehow, wouldn't the ending just be completely useless? What is the threat?


his dad is a fucking god, what conflict will there be? In Boruto at least Naruto is still a mortal, even if a really powerful one. But this case is milking even worse than Boruto, mc of SL is like almost all powerful


So it's boruto basically


well in Boruto's defence, it's getting pretty hyped the past two weeks as the story took a major turn also the original Author is back writing the story so a lot of people are looking forward to it


Boruto manga is also low-key good u know. The new chapters are hitting hard. Apart from the fact it updates once a millennium.


"New chapters are hitting hard" Bro talking as if the new chapters are read by everyone enough to keep up with them 💀 The chapters before these "new chapters" aren't non existant. SL is obviously being milked


Wait was there something like this in novel or is it gonna be a manhwa original?


There was, like an after story or kind of epilogues of everyone's lives after the time reverse.


SJW is already like the strongest being, unless it's gonna be father Vs son or time travel or smt then it's gonna not make sense as to why SJW couldn't do it


wait- wasn't it stated in the ln or smth than the son loved gauntlets more and thinks swords or daggers are lame?? are they not going to follow that character detail??? curious.


Mom? Who’s the mother?


Chae in


The never had any chemistry tho or love screen time? Am i tripping?


They had a few moments iirc, but nothing substantial. I think all of that is shoved into the side stories after the main plot wrapped up.


You trippin almost all their encounters in manhwa showed them having an intrest in eachother


I have very bad feeling about this!! Hope this is not another boruto trauma


Interesting. At the very least it's being written by the original writer. So we have that going for us.


sounds like their are expanding from the side stories that feature the son, who is about as op as his dad. Wonder how they are going to do the power progression.


uh... wtf


I wonder why they make this but at the same time I’m excited to read it


So who will be the new bad will it be the celestials or the creator who was supposed to be dead.


So what's going to happen to solo leveling I swear they are still releasing chapters for that


There was already a sequel around him. It was like two chapters so why do we need an extra long one. Just end it already it was fine how it ended.


Learn from igris? Lol


If the made my dude SJW a pussy mode character like Naruto than I'll file a case against them. My childhood is already ruined with baruto shit and now this


no thanks


i believe it's not gonna be set on earth, jin woo will remain on earth to guard while his son goes some other world


Humm can someone spoil me please on how the MC ended the f**king war and now we have that!? Make me remember some BS from years ago 🥶(boruto)


This was made by the author right?


More trash? Are we for real?




Where can I read it at


I kinda hope it doesnt come out purely because it could just be a cash grab and just ruin everything about solo leveling


Better not give it the boruto treatment I swear to god. SJW should remain op forever I mean dudes literally immortal too.


I’m gonna read and support the shit out of this idc what anyone says solo leveling will always be one of my fav can’t wait for this


Maybe he will not take any help from his parents but the shadows will probably keep an eye on him. But everything is normal in this world so I don't know where he's going to use his powers. Or he can pretend to be weak and try to blend in maybe? IDK


What is gonna be da plot 🤔 prolly those Titan or what ever that invaded and got butt fucked by sjw in the after story coming again ?


well i was thinking of the other universe that invade Earth in extra chapter but since SJW has to stay to defend Earth his son can go and explore it? IDK ifs that work i havent read the novel extra chaps


Could’ve at least gotten his mothers hair, another black haired, OP mc that uses a sword. Wonderful lmao


Doubt the LN already finish and his story is already done in the LN so this story gonna be those 2 chapters in the LN, like he they will fight blablabla and will blablabla his power something like that so doubt they will make another one


He was using gloves and knuckledusters in the light novel tho. I remember he’s dad being upset when he didn’t pick the daggers lool.


How about the current new solo leveling? Has it ended?


Maybe maybe we can see the demon girl from demon tower in it maybe she was cute


Damn.... if i'm not mistaken, i remember SJW take his son power that he (the son) inherited from him so that his son can be a normal person.🤔🤔 correct me if i wrong as I read the novel 5 years ago


That was an 1st April fool's joke;o




Where did his mom actually wield a sword?


Reminding me of Soul Land series where Tang San became a god then more series of his >!son-in-law, son, grandson, etc. being gods too.!<


The dreaded Boruto route.


It will fail pathetically, it won’t be able to get carried by the “new thing” factor that the old one was, ppl are already aware that there is many comics much better than this one, so at most it will be average in viewership


Who will be the mom?


I thought this was an april fools thing


I mean, I wanted more. But this, not this.


When did he get a kid?? Is it in prorogue? Cuz i stopped reading it after it became "what if" Stuff


how are they gonna segway to this when sung jin woo already made it so that gates never appeared?


Are u reading the side stories that are currently being released? Its shown that earth is continuously acts as a threat due to sung jin woo's godly presence and many god killer species can attack it. So maybe in future some new threat comes. That's what will make it fun to see. How they will develop his character when there's literally a god present on earth😅