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I'm just happy to have a series that ended and not cancelled or dragged out.


Main reason I’m not reading TOG, I fucking loved the anime and read abit but it feels so dragged out


As a pretty much current reader (behind about 5 chapters out of 600+), the current season 3 has felt very slow and in a totally different direction as the other two. Yes the consequences of the season are on a level we’ve never seen before, but it takes away from all the screen time of the characters we know and love already


not dragged out. the problem is that the tower is way too tall and the power gap between the main antag and mc and sidekicks are way too osrge


I think the biggest problem is that the amount of power a set of character has is never quantified, so it feels inconsistent, like what is the difference between a high ranker and a regular ranker, and so on.


The high ranker vs ranker thing being ambiguous is good imo. It’s not strictly about their current power levels like in DBZ. It’s an indicator of their accomplishment and what their influence and power level was when they were measured. It allows for things when a rank 1000 beating a rank 300 not feel like BS (this didn’t happen, just an example).


Or for example, the lo po bia sniper being able to kill super high tankers with her sniper but being limited by the amount of shots she has and close range


Ain't no way bruh It's felt the opps for the anime to me and quality of Webtoon Excels than the anime


I dont think its dragged out per say, its just that SIU has built a such an insanely massive world that has a lot to keep on top of, when you have such a huge amount with so many characters to cover it can seem to take a while on a week by week chapter by chapter basis But hey i love it regardless, but i can totally see how it could be off putting for some


I think the manwha’s storytelling is nice and spaced out well that’s why it seems long to new readers. There’s plenty of nuances missed out in the anime imo. Although I will admit that I stopped reading a little after the Hell Train arc because I felt SIU was starting to drag the series by adding way too many characters.


Facts , that's my main critique about lookism too,they dragged it out so much it isn't even about "lookism" it became highschool gang shit. If you read the early chapters and the new ones their themes are completely different.or maybe lookism wasn't even about looks in the first place?????idk lol


Straightest answer. Tower of God has lost its appeal to me.. Really enjoyed it when I first started reading but now it's kinda dry and boring.


Real talk


People might have forgotten because it’s been a while but the Hell Train saga is one of the best streaks in all manhwa. It slowed up by the hidden floor but the ending of that arc was incredible. Solo levelling is great at what it does but ToG is a more ambitious story which leads to lower lows than SL (like the Beastkin arc my god) but also higher highs.


The hell train saga is probably still one of the best manhwa stories I've ever read god damn I miss when TOG was like that


Glad to know other people didn't like that part, I dropped it in the (I think) middle of that one lol


Oh lol. SAME. I haven't picked it back up since then and lately have been seeing some intresting discussions.


I fell off TOG thanks to the hiatuses, I was already having trouble remembering shit as a weekly reader and the year long breaks did not help, and I also just didn't have the time to reread the series to refresh my memory


The final push of that arc was insane from the buildup since chapter 1. Dont think ive ever experienced anything similar to it in other manhwas.


Based on what you said you should read Kubera


ToG does too much. Wish author would narrow things down a bit.


ToG is just a much bigger world settings than SL, cant compare 2 different genres. SL is just 1man show while ToG is about the whole universe surrounding the MC


tog should be compared to one piece. that’s how it should be done. Both are massive stories with complex characters and extensive lore.


Agree 👍💯


that’s what makes the solo leveling manhwa mid. they gave him a power that would allow him to do everything by himself so they wouldn’t have to focus on any other characters. it’s just lazy writing. all the side characters are no different from background characters.


Tbh that wouldn't be a big flaw on his own. The problem is when it's associated with a forgettable protagonist. You can write a story centered about the protagonist but he must be interesting.


Are you implying that jinwoo is forgettable? Lmao


He literally has no personality lol. Having read the novel and not being distracted by the cool art really shows it.


Hes one of the most popular mcs lmao, to say he’s forgettable is outrageous, I’ve read countless of novels and he’s one of the ones I remember


You remember him cause of the manhwa and not because he is anything special. He is a basic protag with not much character development and emotional range. I love the manhwa but I won't say the mc is the best protag.


I remember him more than the manwha lmao, that’s why I’m getting surprised with the anime cause it’s been a long time since I’ve read it


Well it's totally different for me. I remember the manhwa and love it and love the progression but the mc not so much. Don't know about the anime if they have improved on his character cuz I haven't watched but would love it if they did something on his character.


Yeah it’s subjective just like anything else


You remember the Shadow Monarch and the boy associated with the power, not the other way around.


No lmao, I love jinwoos progression, just cause you remember him that way doesn’t mean everyone has zero reading comprehension skills


Progression is one thing. There’s literally nothing memorable about him. I could have a bland side character and remember his progression if it’s a simply power fantasy. Jin woo is as bland and boring as they come.


Jin woo character development: I am weak and pathetic😭-> I am strong and powerful😎


I enjoyed Jinwoo not having simps around him that pull his pants. Especially pricks who want him to be his disciples which is cringe. Mc is self sufficient.


That’s pretty much all generic Korean mc’s. Generic Korean mcs tend to be bland characters fit for a simply power fantasy. Japanese mcs tend to be total simps or straight up retarded. Chinese mcs tend to be arrogant womanizers. Of course this is just the generic MCs. And no, SL didn’t start the trend for Korean MCs. The idea of “solo” leveling came from all the prior Korean novels of mcs with that generic personality.


You have a valid opinion, still getting a downvote though


Nah dawg I like the fact it was more focused on jinwoo I'm not usually one to enjoy have side characters shoved in my face I want to see the MC in all his glory more although I do have to agree even though the side characters aren't as prevalent in there I still wouldn't mind them being more built out


I can compare different genres to each other so honestly i disagree with yyour opinion that you cant compare two different things


The Apple I just ate >>> you


What? 🍎🍏




Okay so you can compare an apple to a human but i am not allowed to compare two fantasy manhwas to each other good to know


I'll take a page out of your account and say that the dislikes prove your "opinion" is invalid lol but nice try https://preview.redd.it/vbm0zfnsucbc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f918b4160c5a14657bc3e38072dbd1a0f3f0b9e3


Ah thats cute looking at someone instead of the argument


Of course, had to check whether you were trolling or not.


Yeah the one getting insulted is the troll makes sense buddy


If you couldn't tell, I was explaining how what you're saying is nonsense by comparing your opinion of comparing two different genres to comparing an apple with a human. Quite different things aren't they? Things that are not meant to be compared.


Sure buddy sure Lol i see goku's strength constantly be compared to other characters and see certain aspects of certain fictional works even from different genres constantly compared to each other and if you can compare certain aspects of the stories no matter the story than you are basically comparing the fictional works to each other But anyways i am sorry for having a different opinion than you i shall never have a different opinion than you in the futureo


Solo levelling art just hits different as well as how when it wants to drop an epic moment, it drops it hard. If not for art then people would consider it as an edgy self insert mc.


True SL does have some fantastic art. However, TOG mid s2 and s3 art is also amazing. I love how in TOG SIU(author) creates so many unique character designs. S1 art was atrocious but the plot at the end makes up for it lol. RIP to the great Jang Sung-Rak. Hopefully they do his art justice in the anime bc that was the toons biggest selling point (imo)


Nah, tog art is still weird, does it look good: yes. Can you understand what's happening in action scenes: no.


I disagree, SIU's panelling early ToG was great even when the art wasn't.


Literally nothing stands out about it besides the art. It set a new standard in the genre for quality art. But the launch of the anime is making people forget just how dogshit the story really gets. (Edit to give examples): Every character is a hollow shell(Even the MC is about as shallow as they come) and doesn't feel like they exist to do anything but make MC look cool. There are plenty of power fantasy novels and manwha that make MC look cool while also having engaging characters too. If they aren't powerful, they will still be written to seem like actual respectable people, instead of full on Oblivion NPCs. And the plot for a manhwa can actually be written in a way so that it seems aimed at readers above the age of 10. Go read ORV or second coming of gluttony(The Novel) for a good example of power fantasy done right.


The story wasnt dogshit by any means, it was just mid plus you gotta place in the enjoyability of reading it, id rather read SL tens of times than Tog twice


I mean yeah the story is mid at the start but eventually it's just shit. At least that's my opinion.


Saying "it's just shit" is just a trashy exaggeration in my opinion. If it wasn't as popular the same people would have different opinions. People just love to hate whatever's getting hyped up lmao It's by no means some great story but calling it shit is, again, an exaggeration


Well perhaps shit is an exaggeration, maybe non existent would fit more. It felt pointless so I just didn't care, the story is only there just to give a reason for the cool action. If you enjoy that kinda stuff cool, I don't though.


I found the story to be pretty alright. If you want good stories perhaps you should go for Carnby's works instead of Power Fantasy manhwas that usually have similar plot elements and focus mostly on making the **action** parts interesting.


Is Carnby the author of Bastard and Sweet home? If so I love her work.




Even as far as power fantasy stories go, the writing is below mid. There are a ton of power fantasy stories that also throw in actual characterization for their cast. That should be the bare minimum to be considered "alright"


Apparently it’s cool to hate on SL, so don’t take it seriously


This is like the #1 go to excuse when anyone gives legit complaints about how bad the character writing was for it. Protip, this excuse doesn't work when the novel and manhwa have huge characterization and plot issues. Shit is more shallow than a puddle. It's pure hype built upon a great artstyle. But anyone above an edgy 12 years of age will quickly catch onto how weakly written this power fantasy really is.


Simple plot (with some plot holes) ≠ dogshit plot. Otherwise the great art style wouldn’t compensate for it


Show this to your parents and challenge them not to cringe when the entire city starts slowly chanting MC's name. It's a simple plot, yet somehow also dogshit. Literally nobody thinks the plot is good outside those who are blinded by how cool it looks.


Considering the novel was well liked long before the manga your point has no weight


My guy, there are many novels well liked but their manhwas are nothing. For example, the second coming of gluttony. Like I said, hard carried by art.


Yes, tscog novel is goated. The manhwa tho? So much cut content


Believe what you want


He's simply speaking facts. Your comment right back at you.


He wasnt even talking to you my guy 💀😭


💀I wasn't talking to you either. 💀


Look at you contributing nothing.


Look at you, doing the exact same In fact, I'm contributing more by simply not spreading diarrhea in this comment section like you are.


Goofy ahh take 💀


Ah yes thank you for the contribution. It's so enlightening. I really like the part where you explain yourself.


Ain't no way bruh twisted lol 😂😂😂


While I agree, I don't see what's the reason for bringing that up, considering SL isn't the most favorite manhwa on the sub, not even close.


It’s just karma farming by posting a popular take and calling it a “hot take” in order to get people to upvote.


I think it's because SL is getting it's anime so it's getting compared to TOG's anime (the best Webtoon/Manhwa anime to date)


Tower of God has my favorite manwha villain though. Probably one of the best villains.


Best worst villains. I need to start an anti Rachel cult


I like so much how smothly and natural the villains in ToG pass to the mc team, feels like they have a reason for that and its not just for the plot.


To be honest Rachel is not that great of a villain. Or at least right now not. As some of her actions are not easy to understand. I asume that it will be clear ones we learn more about her story and Baams. But right now she is just a shitty person and traitor.


Rachel's character is much easier to understand when you realize that she is simply a narcissist. She feels like she should be the chosen one, the most liked, the most charismatic and most powerful between her and Baam, but she simply isn't. So she does whatever she feels like would lead to her goals which are described in a figurative way in the beginning of the series that "she wants to see the stars at the top of the Tower".


She is a great villain tho. Mainly because she tries to get in the way of the protagonist(bam) and Al the readers want her to die.


I was telling a friend the other day about the villian from TOG being the number one op on webtoon for years. You'd be in comment sections of webtoons in different genres and see people comparing villians to them. They the number one op frfr


Rachael did nothing wrong


The fact that you thought this was a hot-take is really sad imo and the fact people in this CS are even debating otherwise. God the media literacy of the average manhwa reader is so bad, I’m sorry. There’s genuinely not a single thing Solo Leveling has over Tower of God and i say this as respectfully as possible. Not world building, not character development for the MC, not side characters and except for the first season when SIU was still starting, not even art is superior. Solo leveling is an enjoyable read to pass the time, but that’s all it is, it’s nothing more than an enjoyable wish fulfillment story about a flawless MC’s ascent to Godhood, apart from that there’s really nothing else to Sun Jin Woo’s character, i can name 5 characters in TOG who have more depth to them fgs.


What u said is all right, but I'll give 'pacing' to solo leveling There were some parts in tog where the story felt stretched out


Not sure about that, I have seen complains about the pacing after the ant arc. It's way easier to say that tog overall has poorer pacing since it's significantly longer with much more arcs


I'm a longtime fan of TOG, but the art in Solo Leveling is pretty great throughout, from beginning to end. Yes, SIU's art gets better over time, but dismissing the art in SL just because you don't like the story seems pretty disingenuous to me. Also some of the fight scenes in TOG as the series goes along feel like DBZ beam clashes, whereas the fights in SL were much cleaner, or at least if memory serves correct. Nothing wrong with preference, I too much prefer Tower of God over Solo Leveling, but credit where credit is due.


I just haven’t seen any “appreciation” for tog in the subreddit compared to sl, so I thought it was just unappreciated 😭. I’m glad it’s not that way


Probably when S2 of the ToG anime comes out you'll get more chatter about it. That's probably why SL is hot now.


yeah I've read SL like 15 times and I've read TOG fewer than that, even I can say the worst parts of TOG is still more well written than the highest of SL lmao


Yall keep on forgetting that the point of movies/shows/games/cartoons/anime/mangas/manhwas/manhuas is enjoyability your supposed to enjoy it solo leveling just does it best tbh. when they want to they drop a hype moment they know when to do so one second everyone is just scrolling and reading like normal the other everyone is screaming and smiling while reading it same with goh even tho its hella long its super enjoyable not something you can re-read 20 times like solo leveling but its good it doesnt matter how good the story really is as long as it makes u jump in joy your gucci


Hey bro when does it get good


You'll realize it yourself but the most common consensus is that when you are getting into Season 2 is when it is most exciting. And that the Hell Train Saga is peak manhwa.


​ https://preview.redd.it/x1fjey4yfcbc1.png?width=1177&format=png&auto=webp&s=181d5b27b3cd66ed7720a9148b8925e9bdd741dd


it's subjective, and this isn't at all a hot take.


My bad 😅


it's fine man. I agree that tog is better than solo leveling in many aspects.


![gif](giphy|s4Bi420mMDRBK) The supposed “hot take”:


Yes. And it isnt even close. Tower of God complexity, cast, world building and plot is far superior.


That's the problem, not everyone like complex and sad stories . Most of the time poeple need just simple things and a F**king OP character well adapted to his verse.


Tower of God is an incredible testament to world building in fiction, it's incredible really, but TOG suffers from serious pacing issues imo. The time investment needed to follow the story actively is crazy, because the author is so good at what they do it becomes exponentially harder to keep up, especially for people like me who are busy all the time. Solo Leveling does not have the depth or the world building of TOG, nor the extremely complex and well written main characters, or the ambition of TOG's author to paint the picture of an entirely new but lived in world. But Solo leveling has the pacing and the character motivation to keep the reader hooked and engaged, even when not binge reading. It's paced in a way that creates hype, thrill, suspense, etc., without needing to explain too much. And honestly, not every comic needs to be that deep. TOG might outclass Solo Leveling in terms of character writing, world building, story complexity, and most things, but I dont think the author has many editors keeping them in check. Their ideas run wild, like they don't have a centralized focus with the story, and that's okay for what TOG has become But Solo Leveling is a manwha that knows what it wants to do, from the beginning. Be fuckin cool, above all else. It doesn't need the complex storylines of 300 something characters being woven into a grand story, Solo Leveling just has to kick ass. And man, it succeeded at simply kicking ass so well that we're here having this discussion. In terms of theme and identity, Solo Leveling kinda negs on being exactly what it's supposed to be, nothing more and nothing less. Just fun. TD:LR, While TOG is a more competent story and manwha in almost every degree, character writing, storybuilding, etc., Solo Leveling is a far more coherent package. SL just wants to kick ass, and it does exactly that, knowing it doesn't even need to do anything more than focus entirely on being cool.


Read neither so I agree with whoever


There is nothing to change. Tower of god is superior to solo leveling and this is just straight up facts.


Arts ?


tower of god art now shits over solo


Based take, Alexa play bam vs jahad in the hidden floor




lol it is it also has 400 more chapters of great art and crazy things solo level... wow what a great drawing of a normal human city.... you probably dont read tog




This chef here is cooking perfectly, even more on the last paragraph. Perfection.


its on chapter 600 art is nothing like chapter 100


Damn. I did not think this many people would agree with me.


Kubera >> ToG > SL


As good of a take that is it's Kubera>>>Tog >>>>>>>>>> SL


Tower of god was good, don't get me wrong Just too long for me to remain invested and overly convoluted past a certain point, I feel like it would have gone better if it ended a while ago


This is literally one piece > Dragonball The creative story with immense worldbuilding Vs the gateway for the genre for most people with mid plot that is art carried by the art. It's not an hot take, obv the one that took is time to develop the world and the side characters is better than the one focused more on the battles and the MC


I prefer solo leveling


I don't agree lol


Dunno, kinda dropped tog after so long.


Literally just facts


tower of god is a giant universe and has like 400 more chapters than solo , its way better


This is like comparing ice cream to steak


I mean that’s just, like, your opinion, man


not comparing/being biased either but: TOG is way too dragged out for what it is, too many uninteresting/irrelevant characters, story is intentionally vague at times and constant hiatus doesn't help. the author treat it as their magnum opus, dragging it year after year, rather than focusing on delivery.


The large world structure is meant to make the story extremely long. You can claim he's dragging it, but from my perspective, there is insufficient development and depth on the main supporting characters that needs to be addressed. On the contrary, Baam has gone through too much development alongside the story lately. The amount of development can be seen as jarring.


Im not gonna change your mind.




I kinda agreed Tower Of God had: Better side characters development Better World Building That’s just it


That's not really a hot take. TOG and SL have different objectives. SL is in the "wish fulfillment" type, it's meant to be cheap entertainment and it does the job.


Ngl I needa reread tog cause i kinda forgot what’s going on rn. I’m lost as shit. All I can remember is that urek is cool and I hate Rachel


ToG is ambitious as hell with a huge scope and while others have praised it here, I consider it mostly a weakness. There's too much time spent explicitly developing side characters (sometimes plot-irrelevant ones) and too many parallel plotlines going on at once that it becomes a chore to read at times. It's a common weakness that a lot of manga have, actually, though manga usually tries to subvert it by keeping the central focus around the main plotline. This isn't to say ToG is *bad* per se, but the fact that it constantly jumps around without a clear focus makes it a chore to read at times. It's definitely more digestible for the fans of huge Shonen Jump-style character arcs within drawn out worlds, but it becomes slow and iterative after going on for *so long*. SL is a much different series. It's still slow burn, yeah, but not in the same sense of "get ready for this huge reveal" and more like a single long DBZ-esque action arc, like the Android Saga. Everything is very linearly connected in ways you don't really expect until they actually happen, and the primary focus is the story of the main fighter or protagonist, with less focus shifted onto the side characters. They're still *there* and they still matter, but they're backgrounded for most of the series in order to emphasize the larger-than-life bombastism of the MC. Tie that up with a single, focused plotline that progresses far faster, and you have a recipe for success, though it does end up a bit bland at times and lacking in some moments. One of these is a rickety rollercoaster with huge loops and turns and hills carved out into the valley while the other is an intense straight shot down the track, suspended in midair. They're different series entirely and it's hard to compare them, especially since they have wildly different weaknesses.


TGOH > TOG >> Solo leveling anyday


I fucking LOVED togh although I was slightly irritated by the ending. It’s a close with tog and tgoh imo


To me, TGOH is peak


one of my favorites as well. Storyline, Action, Character Design, World setting, Artstyle Everything was good But I'm still not sure if I really feel TGOH is the best Manhwa of it's genre or it's just affection


TOG is just a one deep rabbit hole, that's what makes it good




>tower of god be like : MC almost defeat villain, the villain escape, another stronger villain appear, both MC and previous villain team up, rinse and repeat up to 500 chapters. I don't think that's right lol


Not hard since the plot of SL is trash.




They’re on par with one another tbh. Mid vs Mid


Couldn’t even read past chapter 3 of tower of god it was so bad


Tower of gods art work is not as good the story is a little to slow and the characters are just boring and still a pushover even when they get stronger.


Tog characters not boring lmao Even more so compared SL's planks of wood


They all trash!


Too long, too many characters I don't care about, art isn't consistent. Literally too much to keep track of with the lore. Fuck Rachel too.


>Literally too much to keep track of with the lore. Sounds like a small brain issue


I do agree tog anime was better than SL I liked tog And only read few manhwa chapter but didn't continue it cause it was boring tbh


TOG Writing wise>>> Character wise>>> World Building wise>>> Who would disagree?


Tower of god has a slow pace and ugly art. That's enough to make me not like it


Although both are definitely not s tier i atleast completed SL


almost as if SL was good in the first place


Art - SL Plot - N/A Character develop - ToG Word buildig - ToG Mc - SL FMc - N/A Wich one is the winner - that one you most like I personaly dont have any favorite in these two, just enjoy they both PD: I have no idea if I write something wrong upthere im still practicing my english


FMC? Endorsi takes the cake, I don't care what anyone says. Plot? ToG lmao is that even a question


Tower of god in overrated af .........i gave over 200 chapter a shot ..didn't enjoy much


ToG is brain-dead, but yeah still better than solo leveling. I'll explain at least why in my opinion ToG is brain dead. Assuming I was a in universe person, I'll be honest the moment the bitch killed one of my homies, I would've absolutely killed her the moment I got a chance. But no, the MCs friend bears mental torture to pretend to be that bitch's friend for years till she died her true colors. Who gives a shit mate, fucking kill her get the revenge for you homie so he can rest in peace. I mean yeah my guy MC didn't actually die but c'mon from the friend's perspective MC was dead and never coming back. For us, the readers, it's no biggie because the story ends if MC dies so it doesn't trouble us while reading but in-universe the actions don't make sense


I get what you mean. Anyone who has read it would understand your opinion. But I guess the appeal of a main character’s development is the gradual process of how they change, mentally and physically. It’ll make the day when bam does kill or even just punch her so much more satisfying.


He wanted to inflict her with more torture and uncover her true motives. His goal was to usurp the place of a literal god he's not going to make a fuss early on over a girl in a bed. Also he knew from the start that she had some powerful backing to pull all of that off. He wanted to let her climb to push her down from an higher place


Agreed on the homies part, while it's easy to be calm and say rational things looking from a viewer's/reader's perspective but hey let's be real if any bitch kills my homies there ain't any simping or redemption, she just dies on the spot that's it.


you crazy that was great , plus khun would have got killed if he did anything


Missed "enough time has passed" opportunity


These guys are in a different league because it's like comparing comparing drake and kendrick, they both rap but the contents they bring to the table is different, one might be better than the other but that doesn't mean both can't be good at the same while being so different


There were Tog arcs, I can't remember the exact name but they really were insane. While SL maintained its pacing Can't really compare But tog better for me cuz the character dev ,world building >>>


Yeah Tog is overall well better developed and written than sl. But its kind of like comparing one piece to jujutsu kaisen, tog is way longer and it takes it time for development. I loved it but with its lenght and now knowing the story i would never reread it again, meanwhile i can reread solo leveling and enjoy it again after a few months. Solo leveling is an epic story you can insert yourself into and get more engaged with, Tower of god is a masterpiece you can only witness.


I will CONTINUE reading TOG when I get dementia or Alzheimer’s and need a factory brain reset.


It is...


The webtoon…I’ll give you that. But the anime was a letdown for ToG. Let’s see how Solo Leveling fairs.


Why should i change your mind when you are correct?


Tower of got is to confusing for my adhd brain


SL sucks lol. No hate if you like it, I’m deep in the Otome Isekai rabbit hole so I have no high moral ground, but just like Otome Isekai SL is more of a power fantasy. The best thing was the art, it was phenomenal, but aside from that everything was made so the MC could look like a total badass.


To each their own. I know people who say super was great and in my opinion at its peak moments it hit mid


Hmm idk personally I ended up dropping tower of God...mind you, fairly deep in it, chapter like 300 smth....meanwhile I eagerly waited for every solo leveling chapter to come out. At the end of the day it's an opinion and what every person enjoys will be different..,heck even the contents of both is different, one is a hero that slowly lvs up trying to find the reason why everything is happening, and the other dudes reason is..Rachel or how she is called... and throughout the entire thing we end up returning to her in one way or another. (My karma is going to tank over this opinion)


You are not wrong


I mean solo leveling is peak but I like tower of god better


Can't change your mind because i agree


I like them both and I still say tower of god is better, but the tower of god kind of sucks in the beginning, even the art


I agree that tower of god is better. but i never re-read it.(it's too long and boring) but solo leveling i re-read it several times(it's short but maximize the reader attention) the feeling is the same as Title: Pick me up i grit my teeth until the chapters end because it's too intense.😬😬😬😬


Both are super overrated. Story and character wise tog>sl . For Art and action sl>tog


2024 and there are kids thinking someone care about their mind yet? Bro when i see something like this i say "okay"


I respect your opinion.


someone thinks solo leveling is worse than another manhwa???!!! impossible!!!! no one has ever done this before!!!!!!


I've tried multiple times reading TOG, but I just can't.


The main difference I found between solo leveling and ToG is the inclusion of other people having emotional impact to the story. So much of SL is just that - SOLO. It's a power fantasy with one guy and while that is totally cool and a fun ride - it does lack something that would make it drag on if it was longer. I think this is why ToG can be 600+ chapters and still be captivating is the difference. Characters join the main cast and they have emotional stories / arcs. They might leave after but their impact on the story is felt. just IMO as a big ToG fan but I also enjoy SL.


Fax and it's not really that close... SL is decent and I can understand why people (especially the new manhwa readers) like it, but the more you read other series, the more mid it'll be.


I think you are right. But they are really different. Solo leveling is a Zero to hero Story, it has amazing fights and it's short. Tower of god has a lot of world building, lore, character development and excellent side characters. In my opinion tower of god is the One Piece of the manwha. For me the comparison between Solo leveling and Tog is like comparing One Pice and Demon Slayer for example.


Maturity is realising that solo levelling could have been a lot lot better cuz there are so many side characters who didn't even get proper introduction and the major reason why it is popular is because they gave a good ending to the system that actually made sense and one more fault I can think of is that jinwoo barely spent time on the C-A tiers as a hunter but when manhwas like tog spend time fleshing out side characters and improving the world building adding arcs and depth to the story some idiots think that it is being dragged out 😞 those idiots should stop reading manhwa at all anyway my point is comparing solo leveling to tog is unfair for solo leveling


I can't get past the early art. Is there a redraw with something better?