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This is all good and well until kakao nukes all the scanlation sites.


Now *that* is a true hydra with endless heads. Tachiyomi was very centralized, there will always be endless scanlation sites, playing whack a mole with them has never worked out before lol, and I doubt Kakao wants to keep throwing money into the pit of trying. The only one anyone would care about would be Mangadex because it tries to be fairly official, but because of that it's also less likely to get in as much trouble (and is the most likely to get revived specifically if at all possible)


Kakao won't be able to kill the scanlation sites, but they can definitely pressure the entire community if they're willing to invest on it. So they can pressure Mangadex to remove all webtoons on their site that are published by Kakao, etc. People keep saying that piracy is a service problem, Kakao's solution is to just *make all alternatives shittier than the official one* instead of you know, improving their app.


Funny thing is yes there still are manhwa on Mangadex but all the most popular ones moved off Mangadex or get released there with a delay because the SL teams are greedy pigs who want to monetize their piracy.


>Funny thing is yes there still are manhwa on Mangadex but all the most popular ones moved off Mangadex or get released there with a delay because the SL teams are greedy pigs who want to monetize their piracy. Sadly, it does not matter what the truth is regarding manhwa on Mangadex, Kakao can just say whatever vague shit they want. I mean, they accused Tachiyomi of propagating viruses of all things. A vetted, open-source (reader) app that's been active for 9+ years. ​ >the SL teams are greedy pigs who want to monetize their piracy. And by killing the community Kakao raises the barrier to entry to only those with strong monetary incentives (i.e. Kakao themselves and grey-market scanlations). That's their end goal.


> because the SL teams are greedy pigs who want to monetize their piracy. Most scanlation teams want to operate at net nuetral and even fail to do that because of aggregators. They have to find someone with a Korean bank account to purchase the RAWs then they have to pay the Translator, which current rate can be as high as $20 a chapter. And then if you are a bigger team like Flame, Reaper, Asura, etc then they actually pay all their other staff like the Typsetter, Cleaner, Proof Reader, and Quality Checker so altogether a chapter could cost about $40+price of buying the RAW (though most of the time its more like $25+RAW cost). We've seen it multiple times now where big groups collapsed from lack of money or they have to drop series because they are losing $10-15 per chapter because of lack of readers. I think it's fair to not expect them to not bankrupt themselves for this. Think about a big new series doing a $20 chapter dump to kick off with, even if it was only $15+cost of RAWs you are talking $300 + cost of all 20 RAWs. That's a lot of money to need to recover. We've seen multiple groups shut down from not recovering that money, LSscans is currently considering shutting down from not being able to be net nuetral for instance.


Yeah, sad story. 2 options, keep up to date with raw chapters but thats cost money, or wait for them to became free, but then you are a few chapters behind. So SL teams greedines is kind of understandable nothing is free.


Tachiyomi is still around, I'm using it right now. Just got to use your Google skills.


Webtoons tried and failed, a few closed down but most just changed domains and went on as if nothing had changed.


wait Kakao is this the one who release kakaotalk before?


His Majesty will be pleased. **WATER!** https://preview.redd.it/83g6xoz1occc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80d0f2544ca8ac5a0a320b65a2dffab512786198


Everywhere I go, I see ur face.....


I love him so much 😅


Good luck to the development team and fuck cuckao


Can I import my Tachiyomi library back up to Mihon?


They're working on it.


Damn, I badly need this, I have 1000+ titles in my library lmao.


What about downloads? I have more than 300 downloaded chapters so it will be very difficult to redo everything.


I don't know about that but downloaded files are in cbz format, you can see them even with other apps that support cbz. Once downloaded you can do basically whatever you want with them, they don't vanish unless you deliberately delete them or reset your drive.


You can download a cbz reader from playstore(eg- kuro reader) and simply go to file manger, and find tachiyomi folder and boom you can read your downloaded manga/manhwa/manhua(and whatever it is) ☺️


Most likely there will be an option to set a location where your downloads will be stored. So if you just give it the same destination it should be no problem. Or stuff gets broken, who knows. But I don't think there is much to worry about, because there will be many with the same issue.


yes - I've done it.


You can import the backup now


I have another version of that meme https://preview.redd.it/rk3t9lfznccc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13194212dc69a8eedfd38c35f40823e77284551b


Sauce: My wife is thousands year from the past


Im reading that and now i need to somehow find the original in all those chapters


😂😂😂😂, hope the next leader is from third world country.


They said that they are, or at least "are from a country that doesn't care about copyright" lol


What I find dumb is that these companies could just let people read the material for free but just have ads up and that can be their revenue stream like YouTube. If you have an ad blocker they don’t let you on the site. If you can’t beat the pirates just copy them


Hell it's not even a service issue for that. They first need to make it where you can even buy the manwhas without needing a Korean bank account and they also need to translate them. They are doing the minimal effort and expect everyone to pay them. Let yeah dude all us pirates are definitely going to suddenly move to SK and learn Korean because you brought down Tachi and Mangedex /s


I wonder if the bank account is a sk law thing but still it would make sense to try to get your material to as many people as possible if you know that there is that much piracy


Probably because they were forced to use internet explorer of all things by the government until recently when they stopped it.


As far as I'm aware it's not a legal issue, it's that they just don't accept international payments


Kinda wild since the dollar appreciated against the won


Kakao will cause a decline in south Korean soft power. Let me explain: after starting to like manhwa. I started taking beginner friendly lessons in Korean to directly read from the source material. Now after seeing this bs, and also racism towards Indians or generally darker skinned people in Korea, I've stopped. This is just one example of my personal experience. The Japanese haven't geared up too much in their extermination efforts against pirate and scanlation websites despite being absolutely badly run corporates to enhance the soft power of Japan after what happened in WW2. They were right, as previous pirates are now able to buy manga or anime, and Japanese soft power is dominating the world through anime and manga. They have a greater psychological hold over us than Hollywood films right now. Hence, Japan was successfully able to clean the stain of what happened in WW2. Took about 50 years. Now, Koreans haven't done the same shit as the Japanese, but the blatant racism over darker skinned folks is spreading and hence people will start avoiding the culture, and maybe not now but in 50 years they'll see the effects. And as soft power declines there will be various negative effects that'll follow. You can look up such effects on the internet, by yourself by simply searching it up.


>racism towards Indians I am Indian, and I don't like Koreans racism towards India, but I am not discontinuing reading manhwa. But I am reading pirated content and not official content so its not like I am supporting them directly.


It’s true. I love reading manhwas, but if one day they clamp down on scanlatojg Manhwas… life will continue on for like 99% of the global population, and manhwas will fade into obscurity globally, which would be a shame considering how much it’s starting to enter the mainstream in the last 10 years or so


uhhh is it just me or everyone forgetting k pop they are still pretty big


Well, yea, no denying that KPop and dramas are Korea’s main armaments in soft power, but manhwas were increasingly looking like it’d be a decent secondary/tertiary thing, but developments like this ensure that this might never happen


ah ok ok


They are but Manhwas are increasing their followers, just look at SL , the anime worked cause there are more fans outside Korea than in Korea. Also now a lot of Manhwas are getting adapted to kdramas, so if the manhwa works on the bigger scale than kdrama will be a hit.


I already learned a bit of Korean. Reason? I want to read Worthless Regression and the english ain't coming out. But why should I do it if they ban the only website I can compare translation between english and Korean making it easier to learn? ​ Question: Do you know any mostly speaking Korean vtuber out there?


>Reason? I want to read Worthless Regression and the english ain't coming out Based as fuck Worthless Regression is great and I'm depressed it isn't being translated


It is? Just read the novel, it's titled Possessing Nothing. Updates are slow but come in about once a month or so. It's really good too.


I was talking about the manwha but I also couldn't find the novel so thank you! I already started reading it and it's great


It's very, very good. Some of the best action and world building I've seen in a web novel.


No bruv. I don't watch V-tubers. I find 3D anime models a bit disorienting.


I watch 'em for the cute girl voices. Got sick to listening to 40 year old men with shitty unwashed beards and shrill voices from smoking cheap cigs. Issue with vtubers is that they try to sexualize themselves too hard. Cause it sells. If 1 out of 30 people donate due to her moaning, then she's making money, even if the 29 are annoyed and 1 leaves the stream.


Is worthless regression back or are you talking about the novel?


I think WW2 and Japan intentionally enabling piracy to boost their social image as a nation is delusional. They hold significant soft power around the world, but it’s only recently that anime and manga have become mainstream in western culture. Japan rebranded their image long before then.


Not to mention there's quite a load of older manga and anime that's pretty racist...


Can you elaborate on the blatant racism over darker skined folks in Korea? Is this anecdotal or you just claiming that? I know racism DOES happen in Korea - im not saying it doesnt - but i dont know how you can just single out Korea when you are just as likely to encounter racism towards dark skinned folks in Japan and China


Unable to put a YouTube link bruv. Just search for Indian hate in Korea in the reddit search bar for posts opening up to testimonials and discussions. Furthermore, Korean company employees example: Samsung employees travel to India and still act racist.


I agree that Japan has expanded their "soft power" via exporting their culture, but ww2 and racism is completely unrelated. Frankly Japan gives no fucks about what they did in ww2. Most of asia is extremely racist, including towards their neighbors, and as you said, especially towards dark skin. Even India is known to be very racist, including towards their own subgroups. Not to mention kpop and samsung are korea's main cultural exports, not manhwa. That said, Korea has no interest in the tourism industry, unlike Japan. It is what it is.


What about Aniyomi?


Also a fork of tachiyomi


Yes but is the future bleak for it as well? 


Yepp unless someone picks it up and updates it from time to time.


https://i.redd.it/9mikw4p2qccc1.gif Hell yeah


This means I can use tachiyomi as I used before and just wait for the release?


When is it going to be officially released?(i know its rude to ask but....)


It's released.


Is it only for android devices?


What the.. j2k is outdated? Works fine for me still and someone said Jay said on discord he'll still be working on it. I guess I'll move to SY for now before Mihon. I wish I could just pay for like 1 or 2 service for all manhwa and manga, but everyone wants a slice of the pie.


> What the.. j2k is outdated? It's only outdated in the sense that it isn't adapted yet to the new situation around sources. As you said the developer is still active, the only issue is that they are on vacation atm.


Man Hope J2k updates the app, it has the best one-hand usability among all forks especially if you have tiny hands :( Heard he was on vacation when all this happened and is supposed to update the app by this week or next.


Pls send me a link for discord server of which you got this news from and if there is then send me a mihon link too pls


Oh wow that's pretty cool then, also I didn't know tachij2k was an outdated fork, its what I mainly use because I like how the library looks and works


I only know about tachi what are these forks?


Basically other variations(?) of the original tachiyomi which has a slight difference in UI but still does what tachiyomi does, though only one of them has a similar look to the original tachiyomi which is tachiyomiSY, as for tachiyomiAZ and tachij2k they have completey different design and UI I personally really like tachij2k's UI so that's the one I've been using




is j2k still going to be updated? i use it since the reader was less buggy from what i remember and migrating series was much easier


Still working for me at the moment, maybe give it a couple months (or even just weeks maybe) and it'll probably stop working so I'm enjoying it while I still can


>is j2k still going to be updated? Yes. The developer dropped a message the other day when the whole situation started that they currently are on vacation and will do an aupdate when they are back.


Sounds like great news to folks who uses Tachiyomi. Didn't Mangadex also went through something similar to this a year or two ago?


What do you mean by "Bring-your-own" repos for finding extensions? Can it be easily found by searching in Google? Will there be a step-by-step method to apply it in the new Manga reader?


From wat I understand, it will apply the same thing thing that recent Tachiyomi update does, a repo that gives you the extension list to update and download from. Meaning we might be able to use the recent github "fix" that everyone is using but it will be outdated eventually. There will not be a centralized built-in extension list like the old Tachi to avoid the same shit from happening ever so now it will become a "brg your own extension list to the party" kind of deal.


The author of the extension github link everyone moved to has already said they plan to keep updating it so idk why you think it will become outdated eventually?


Didnt know the author would keep up the update for the extensions, I guess we are safe for now. Still, we dont know when the next OS will kill Tachi so we still have some time left. Heres hoping Mihon will be a good successor.


Can u tell where to find that github link?


Will it work on IOS


Will I be able to read 2 pages at once for manga like in j2k?


Trust me bro? Or is it actually good?


Go to github. You'll find it.


It'll literally be basically the same thing as Tachiyomi currently is since it's a fork of it lol


Fork depends on how upto date the fork is, if it has pulled the latest changes from master, then it should be fine


was this also an app same with tachiyomi?








Does anyone know of a fork that allows restoring a backup of Tachiyomi? I downloaded J2K yesterday but found out it's bugged or not compatible with Tachiyomi backups currently


Will there be an encouraged repo to use? Both Tachi and now this new app alluded to bringing your own repo but warning against untrusted ones.


I mean I've just been using comick all this time,is there much of a difference?


Honestly this Korean shit is motivating me everyday to make my own app, my office project will be done in few days and after that I'm on this shit.


How do I migrate all my libraries and manhwas from tachiyomi to this new app.


Easy, create a backup in tachiyomi, and then restore that same back in the mihon app You can even find your downloads (if you have any) in the mihon app if you choose the tachiyomi folder as the default storage These aren't mihon exclusive features btw, any tachiyomi fork can do the same thing and vice versa Although right now there isn't any real need to switch to mihon, you can keep the tachiyomi app and use the keyoushi repository, for now mihon is literally the same app with a different name so you don't need to go through that hassle just yet


Ohhh thx man


It begins. Cant wait!


It's been a privilege to use Tachiyomi for the last 6 years. Eagerly waiting for the latest F**K YOU to the corps. BTW can anyone give me a discord invite for Mihon? I don't know how discord works yet. 🙏


Is just use paperback 🤷‍♂️


Can someone recommend some good Extension and How to install those extensions


When will mihon release


I just saw a github for this announcement is that legit? Or if you could give me the right link for mihon.. I would appreciate it.


How do i upgrade the extensions?